Version-2 (April-2018)
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Abstract: The design of the study is ex post facto design. The objectives of the study are to: 1) investigate the difference of the influence of self-efficacy to learning strategy in reading to male and female students; 2) find out whether there is any correlation among self-efficacy, language learning strategy and achievement in reading; and 3) know the difference between male and female respondent related to their self-efficacy, language learning strategy and achievement in reading. The samples were 46 students (22 males and 24 females) in Darul Amal Vocational High School in Metro. Data were collected by giving 25 items questionnaire, in which 5 items were about self-efficacy (QESE) and 20 items were about language learning strategy in reading (LLSQ), and 20 items of test from National examination focused on functional text. Linear regression, Pearson correlation and independent group t-test were used for analyzing the data. The result shows that self-efficacy gives no influence to learning strategy in reading...........
Key Words: Achievement, gender, language learning strategies, reading, self-efficacy
[1] F. T. Tilfarlioğlu & E. Cǐnkara, Self-Efficacy in EFL: Differences among Proficiency Groups and Relationship with Success, Novitas Royal, 3(2), 2009, 129-142
[2] A. Rahimi & A. Abedini, The Interface between EFL Learners' Self-Efficacy Concerning Listening Comprehension and Listening Proficiency, Novitas Royal, 3(1), 2009, 14-28
[3] G. İnceçay & E. Genç, University level EFL students' self-blogging to enhance writing efficacy, ELSEVIER, 116, 2013, 2640-2644
[4] R. Hetthong & A. Teo, Does Writing Self-efficacy Correlate with and Predict Writing Performance?, IJALEL, 2(1), 2013, 157-167
[5] C. Wang, Examining measurement properties of an English Self-Efficacy scale for English language learners in Korea, ELSEVIER, 59, 2013, 24-34
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Abstract: This study aimed to observe interactions between fathers and their disabled children during playing situations, based on the Theory of Innate Intersubjectivity. Two disabled children, aged 1 and 1-and-a-half-year-old and their fathers were selected and filmed in their homes, during playtime, for a 30-minute period. Based in the assertion that the child has the ability to affective and adequately respond to, and synchronically interact with others, observed behaviors were divided into two main categories: negotiatory and emotional. Playing was analyzed according to the child‟s ability to maintain them. Results showed that interactions between father and child occurred, although they were frequently broken in synchrony (even with the presence of irritation in one of the children), showing their ability of creating and sustaining a game, despite their limitations, with their fathers‟ help.
Key Words: Father-Child Relations, Disability, Intersubjectivity, Play.
[1]. Fiamenghi-Jr GA. Emotional expression in infants' interactions with their mirror images: an exploratory study. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 2007;25(2):152-160.
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[4]. Trevarthen C. The concept and foundations of infant intersubjectivity. In S Bråten (Ed), Intersubjective communication and emotion in early ontogeny, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998; 15-46.
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Abstract: The library continues to be the hub of academic activities in all institutions despite the increase in information and communication technology and advances in the acquisition and dissemination of information and the fear of the library going extinct. The use of creative learning spaces helps to improve the look and feel of libraries which leads to more patronage and also helps to improve academic performance.
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[3] Society of College, National and University Libraries (2017).The value of academic libraries. Retrieved from
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Abstract: Folk Theatre is a form of communication, which does not use technology as the primary channel. The primary role of such a medium is to inform, entertain, persuade, and provide a means for connecting people. Theatre in Odisha, as we see it, has a rich history, heritage and culture. Many people in Odisha folk theatre is very much alive. As time passed, the form of communication turned to a mediated communication which means the communication interaction using technology as the primary channel, around the world for which Odisha is not an exception. However, the theatre form of communication has been a key medium in addressing sociological issues. The objective of this paper is to examine the ace role played by the theatre in addressing the social problems in contemporary Odisha..
Keywords – mediated communication, Odisha's traditional media, drama, communication, cinema, rural, middle class, Sanskrit.,
[1] Dhawadker, Aparna Bhargava (2005). Theatres of Independence: Drama, Theory, and Urban performance in India since 1947, Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
[2] Jackson, Tony (1980). Essays and case books on theatre in education, Manchester: Manchester University Press
[3] Kane, P.V. (1994) History of Sanskrit Poetics, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd
[4] Kasturi, Suman K (2013). Satellite Television and the Internet: History, Development and Impact, New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers
[5] Kurtz, Paul (1988). The Making of Theatre History, New Jersey: Prentice Hall College Div
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Abstract: This paper attempts to incite the issues of identity, representation and double colonization in the short stories of Niaz Zaman, an anasporic woman fiction writer in English of Bangladesh, where the focus will also be on the perspective of a woman writer whose characters are also women and on how a woman is looking and presenting other women since that shows and also goes to the very core of the crisis women face in this post colonial era. Bela‟s dance and sexual intercourse with the mysterious "Suraj‟ in "The Dance" unwraps the possibility of a girl‟s freedom of choice over getting and accepting pleasure of both mind and body; Nargis‟s escape from the ties of love and patriarchy only.........
Keywords: Double Colonization, Identity, Representation, Anasporic English Writer
[1] Zaman, Niaz. "A Study in Black and White." The Dance and Other Stories. Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 1996. 15-24. Print.
[2] Zaman, Niaz. "The Dance." The Dance and Other Stories. Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 1996. 01-08. Print.
[3] Zaman, Niaz. "Ali‟s Bride." The Dance and Other Stories. Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 1996. 29-33. Print.
[4] Sardar, Ziauddin, and Borin V. Loon. Introducing Cultural Studies. Ed. Richard Appignanesi. UK: Icons Books Ltd., 1999. Print
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Abstract: How much basic infrastructure investment Physical, water and sanitation systems, new electricity lines, roads, storm water drainage, and other services provided at districts level society affords? What levels and types of subsidies for recurrent operating and maintenance costs assure that low-income people can meet their basic infrastructural service needs? These questions continue to bedevil policy makers. One reason is their failure to integrate into investment decision-making some basic aspects of socio-economic cost benefit analysis, covering a variety of direct, indirect, developmental, ecological and geographical factors. The direct economic benefits of infrastructure for low income people have long been recognized. Indirect benefits include more time and resources for women, dramatic environmental.........
Keywords: Infrastructure, Development, Financing and Policy
[1] Chaudhuri, Mr. (1971) : The Industrial Landscape of West Bengal - an economic and geographic appraisal, oxford 8& IBH Publishing Co. Calcutta, P.P. (183-189).
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[4] Chaudhuri, M.R.(1965) : Indian Industries - Development & location, oxford 8s IBH Publishing Co, Calcutta, P.P. - 7-18.
[5] Raja, M.Aggarwal, Y. (1986), Transport Geography of India, Commodity flows and the Regional Structure of the Indian Economy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender Interpretive Socio-Cultural Review: Women's Position in Indonesian Society |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Benny Ferdy Malonda |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2304022933 ![]() |
Abstract: Since 1998 women in Indonesia, within the context of their socio-cultural status, have believed that they are not politically empowered, they earn less income, they are victimized in domestic violence cases, and as far as they are concerned, they are less fortunate and not as lucky as the men are. The theoretical interpretive view of this paper proposes that the dissimilarities in conditions between men and women, from the perspective of gender, are shaped within the biological, cultural, and historical contexts, in which gender related attribute occurred on its own, whereas status is something that must be achieved. This paper shows that women in Indonesia have been for quite..........
Keywords: status, socio-cultural, gender
[1] Malonda, Benny Ferdy. 2006. The Struggle of Women, And Some Views of The Theory of Gender: Its Relation With Development Direction to Promote Women In Indonesia. Paper disampaikan pada seminar internasional legal pluralism, Universitas Indonesia
[2] Malonda, Benny Ferdy. 2017. Buku Penuntun Metode Riset Kualitatif Dalam Antropologi. Unsrat Press
[3] Malonda, Benny Ferdy. 2008. Peranan Perempuan, Sosialisasi Anak, dan Perilaku Murid Sekolah Lanjutan Dalam Sub-Budaya. Media Perempuan. Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan RI. Edisi I Tahun 2008. Hal. 15-23
[4] Ortner & Whitehead (eds). 1981. Sexual Meaning: The Cultural Construction of Gender and Sexuality. Cambridge: University Press
[5] Puspitawati, Herien. 2013. Gender dan Keluarga: Konsep dan Realita di Indonesia. PT IPB Press
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perceived Parenting Style In Relation To Behaviour Problems among Learning Disabled Children |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nessy Mol. S. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2304023437 ![]() |
Abstract: Parenting Style in relation to Educative process is nothing but directing the children to have worthy interests in the various phases of life. It is the prime concern of education to direct the undeveloped capacities, attitudes, interests, urges, and the needs of the young people into the most desirable channels. Apart from the genetic endowment, children are influenced by the home environment throughout his life. Unhealthy parent child relationship and social characteristics of family have been found to contribute to disturbed behaviorin children. Present study entitled as'PARENTING STYLE IN RELATION TO BEHAVIOUR PROBLEM AMONG LEARNING DISABLED CHILDREN'. Data Collected from 200 Learning Disabled children of malappuram, kerala, India.The study intended to find out the relation between perceived parenting style and specific behavioral problems of child among...........
[1] Bandura,A.(1962).Social learning through imitation. In Jones, M R. (Ed.). Nebraska symposium on motivation. London: University of Nebraska press.
[2] Best, J. W and Khan, J.V(2006). Research in Education (10thed.). New Delhi; Prentice-Hall of India.
[3] Baumarind, D. 1980, New Directions in socialization research. American Psychologist 35, 639652.
[4] Bandura, A 1962, Social Learning through imitation. In johns, MR (Ed). Nebraska symposium on motivation. London: University of Nebraska press.
[5] Fonte, B.A (2009). Relationship between parenting style, emotional intelligence and self esteem/
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rohingya Crisis a Big Controversial Issue in Myanmar: An Overview |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | SaheliNaik |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2304023843 ![]() |
Abstract: India and Myanmar had a long historical relationship in antiquity,cultural exchanges and religion.Myanmar was a part of British India, it was separated in 1937.India built its diplomatic relationship with the nation in 1948.The relationship was good at that time.When the Junta government came into its power the relationship was worsed.But NarshimaRao‟sLook East policy change the whole circumstance,India starts economic relationship with Myanmar from that period. Thinkers says that now Myanmar is the 4th largest partner of trade of our country.India built up highways, set up SEZ in this country.So India is least concern about Myanmar‟s internal problems. Myanmar government started "Ethnic cleansingprogramed‟ from 2012.In 2014 census report Myanmar government announced that Bhudhasistsare.........
[1] Department of population ministry of Labour , immigration and population Myanmar (july 2016).The 2014 Myanmar population and housing census .Census report vol2c .Department of population ministry of Labour, immigration and population Myanmar .pp12-15.
[2] Colin Clarke ;Ceri Peach ; Steven Vertovec (26th October 1990) .South Asians overseas :migration and ethnicity. Cambridge University press. P-46 Isbn 978-0-521-37543-6 British foreign office (December 1952). "On the Mujahids revolt in Arakan" National archives(pdf) accessed on 25thdecember ,2017.
[3] .Leider, Jacques P.(26th august 2012)ROHINGYA "A Historical and linguistic note" (pdf) accessed on 25th December 2017Leider , Jacques p.(18th 2012) "The muslims in rakhine and the political project of the Rohingyas"(pdf) presentation on 15th October 2012Yangon slide 23, original copy accessed on 26th December 2017
[4] Weekly ISCG situation update (pdf),22nd ocotober2017accessed on 26th December 2017Press tv-over 6000000rohingya havefledMyanmar :UN" 22nd December 2017.accessed on 26th
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Abstract: Purpose: Work Life Conflict (WLC) is considered to be an important issue in today‟s business worldas it is directly linked to Job satisfaction. However, there is a need to explore the subject vis-à-vis teachers and Doctors .Taking in consideration the increasing cases of work life problems among teachers and Doctors. Thus, the purpose of this study is to map the phenomenon of WLB among teachers and Doctors. Design/methodology/approach: The present study tries to examine the work life conflict and job satisfaction among doctors and university teachers in the cultural context of India. The study is conclusive, descriptive and based on single cross sectional design. Quantitative data was generated to test the research hypotheses. Medical college doctors and teachers of a Central University in India were personally contacted and 100 filled questionnaires were received. Reliability...........
Keywords: Work life conflict, Job Satisfaction, Teachers and Doctor
[1] Adams, G.A, King, L.A, & King, D.W(1996). Study on Relationship of job and family involvement, family social support, and work –family conflict with job and life satisfaction, Journal of Applied Psychology, 411-420
[2] Aiswarya, B. & Ramasundaram, G. (2012) ,Study on Interference of Work- Life Conflict between Organisational Climate and Job Satisfaction of Women Employees in the Information Technology Sector, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 8: 351
[3] Akram, A. & Hassaan, M. (2013), Study on Impact of Work Life Conflict on Job Satisfaction, Journal of Resources Development and ManagementVol.2
[4] Aswathappa, K. (2003). Human Resource &Management, New Delhi: Pearson
[5] Baba, I. (2012).Study on workplace stress among doctors in government hospitals: an empirical study,International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ,2 (5).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Urban Crime: A Sociological Study of Johat Town |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Minu Kumar || Jayanta Borbor |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2304025359 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper an attempt has been made to depict the crime scenario of urban areas. Crime is increasing rapidly in today`s society. Now there is hardly any society, which is not beset with the problem of crime. It is a serious social problem faced by the every society. Crime is largely an urban phenomenon but the specifically urban areal dimensions of the social process (John Balduin,A,Ebottoms 1976).Crime is the relative concept. It varies from society to society and in different period of time. Crime is an inevitable part of human society, crime exists and increasing in every society. In this present study it has been focused that in Assam the crime rate was increased due to different factors. But the causes are different according to the area of study such as Jorhat town; were crime rate has increased rapidly in last few year.
Keywords: Crime, Criminals, Crime reported, Urbanization
[1] Ahuja Ram (2000): "Criminology" Rawat publication, Jaipur, New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai Hyderabad, Guwahati.
[2] Ahuja Ram, 2000 "criminology" Rawat publication, Jaipur, New Delhi.
[3] Becaria, CF. "Essay on Crime and Punishment", Steprem Gould, New York.
[4] Borbora J; 2007: "The Thieves a sociological understanding in north east India" publisher by DVS Publishers, H.B.Road, Panbazar Guwahati.
[5] Gosh B.N, 2006: "scientific method and social research", Sterling publishers private limited, New Delhi
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Christianity and Socio-Cultural Change among the Ago Nags |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aten Jamir |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2304026064 ![]() |
Abstract: Change is an ubiquitous and continuous phenomenon and the tribes in Nagaland has also been affected by it. Change is brought about by many factors which can be both intrinsic and extrinsic to the society. In this regard Christianity has been the single most important catalyst in the lives of millions belonging to different tribes living in Nagaland today. Since their first contact with foreign missionaries the tribes have witnessed and experienced many changes in its material culture as well as traditional cultural beliefs and practices. This paper will try to look at the socio-cultural changes brought about by adopting Christianity by the Ao Naga tribe of Nagaland.
Key words: Change, Christianity, Naga, Socio-cultural, Tribal
[1] Ghosh, B.B. 1979. Nagaland District Gazetteers Mokokchung District, Dimapur. Sethi Printers.
[2] Horam, M. 1988. Nagas Old Ways and New Trends, New Delhi. Cosmo Publications.
[3] Imchen, P. 1993. Ancient Ao Naga Religion and Culture, New Delhi. Har-Anand Publications.
[4] Kikhi, K. 2009. Changes and Continuity in Naga Marriage: Case Study of Zuonuo-Keyhonuo Group of Angami-Naga, In Subba,T.B. Puthenpurakal, J. Puykunnel, S.J (eds), Christianity and Change in Northeast India, New Delhi. Concept Publishing Company.
[5] Lohe, K. 2011. Naga Village A Sociological Study, Guwahati. EBH Publishers
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Abstract: Labor is an important and crucial phase of pregnancy and hence, needs to be addressed scientifically. Basic neurological principles can be applied to the childbirth. The present study has used the principle of positive visualization along with the physical activity in the form of yoga to see the labor outcome. Ninety prim parous were selected with the method of randomization. They were matched of socio-economic status and health. The high-risk pregnancies were not included in the study. Ninety subjects were divided into three groups of thirty each. The three groups were Yoga Group, Yoga &Anupreksha Group, and Control Group.
Yoga & Anupreksha Group was given contemplation for a normal delivery with short and easy labor. Yoga Group practiced only yoga and the Control Group was assigned thirty to forty-five minutes' walk. The results were very encouraging. The labor duration range dropped from 24 – 8 hours to 6 – 0.5 hours. The ratio of normal delivery went up drastically from 11 to 28.
Key Words – Anupreksha, Pregnancy, Labor, Positive Visualization, Yoga
[1] Shukla, B. (2016). Yoga Is an Essential Tool for Life.
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[3] Jain, A. R. (2015). 12 Jain modern Yoga. Yoga in Jainism, 229.
[4] Jain, V., Jain, K., Sharma, S., & Prajna, S. C. Yoga-Preksha-Dhyan Practice As A Cost-Effective Preventive Strategy Against Aggressiveness In Primary School Children.
[5] Byrne, R. (2008). The secret. Simon and Schuster.