Version-6 (April-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Woman-Centric Study Of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's 'Arranged Marriage' |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. B. Sushma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2304060103 ![]() |
Abstract: "Arranged Marriage‟ is a short story collection by Indian Diasporic Writer, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. The stories come out with varied themes and issues concerning India and America. Indian Culture, traditions, belief systems, values juxtapose the American way of living; Racial discrimination, Assimilation and Acculturation form part of the stories, the women of India and diasporic space encounter various issues surrounding their lives. All the stories are compact and content in themselves probing the readers to think and empathize with the characters and situations. This paper tries to analyze the women in the short stories and how they lead their lives whether happy or sad, satisfied or dejected.
[1] Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. Arranged Marriage. New York: Anchor Books, June 1996
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Abstract: The objective of the study was to analyze and explain the effectiveness of law enforcement on the violation of foreign work permit in the Prov. South Sulawesi and to analyze and explain the factors that affect the effectiveness of law enforcement against breaches of employment by foreign workers. The research method used is normative legal research.
Key Words: Effectiveness, Law Enforcement.
[1] Abdul Khakim, 2014, Dasar-dasar Hukum KetenagakerjaanIndonesia, Citra AdityaBakti : Bandung
[2] Achmad Ali, 2015, Menguak Tabir Hukum, Kencana : Jakarta
[3] Ade Maman Suherman, 2004, Pengantar Perbandingan Sistem Hukum, PT. Raja Grafindo Persada : Jakarta
[4] Adrian Sutedi, 2015, Hukum Perizinan Dalam Sektor Pelayanan Publik, SinarGrafika : Jakarta
[5] Aminuddin Ilmar, 2014, Hukum Tata Pemerintahan, PrenadamediaGroup : Jakarta
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sport Participation Rate And Labor Market Outcomes |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Gülçin Tapşın || Baris Erkan Yazici |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2304061623 ![]() |
Abstract: Sportive activity contributes to the development of human capital and forms the infrastructure of a qualified labor by enabling the training of physically and mentally healthy generations. The recent studies have shown that there exists a correlation between sport participation rate and labor market outcomes. This article examines the relationshipbetween sport participation rateof high school teenagers, employment rate and wage level in the USA for the period of 1971-2016. In this study, the correlation between the variables was surveyed by means of Johansen cointegration test and error correction model, and the positive correlation was identified between wage level variable and sport participation rate in the long run.
Keywords: Sport Participation Rate, Labor Markets, Employment, Wage Level.
[1] Aspen Institute Project Play Working Group Youth Report (2015),
[2] Averett Susan, Korenman Sanders (1996), The Economic Reality of the Beauty Myth, The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Spring, 1996), pp. 304-330.
[3] Barron M. J., Ewing T. B., Waddell G. R. (2000), The Effects of High School Athletic Participation on Education and Labor Market Outcomes, Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume 82, Issue 3, p.409-421.
[4] Cabane C. (2014), Unemployment Duration and Sport Participation, International Journal of Sport Finance, 9:3, pp. 261–280.
[5] Cabane Charlotte, Lechner Michealle (2014), Physical Activity of Adults: A Survey ofCorrelates, Determinants, and Effects, University of St.Gallen, Discussion Paper no. 2014-28.
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Abstract: Gender parity in primary and especially in secondary schools is something that Kenya has been facing for some years now. Many sub-Saharan countries inclusive of Kenya have miles to go before they achieve gender parity and equity in education. This is due to a number of challenges which include; high level of poverty, teacher supply and quality, HIV/AIDS pandemic and inadequate financial resource. This being a major challenge in Kenya, there are a variety of girl education challenge projects trying to counter the gender parity in secondary education which have made a lot of difference and progress in the Kenyan education system. In light of above, the study will look at the practice of project management with a close regard to the phase of project implementation being the phase that carries most of the project effort.............
Keywords – Provision of Social Support, Resource Availability, Stakeholder Involvement, Management Training and Project Implementation.
[1]. Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2015). Business Research Methods. London: Oxford University Press. program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (adult treatment panel III) finalreport. Circulation. 2002;106(25, article 3143).
[2]. Carden, L .L. & Egan, T. M. (2008). Human Resource Development and Project Management: Human Resource Development Review, 7 (3) 309–338.
[3]. Chandra P. (2008). Projects: Planning. Analysis, Selection, Financing, Implementation, and Review. Delhi, India.
[4]. Clements & Gido. (2007). Effective Project Management. India. Krishna Offset Publishers.
[5]. Cooper, R., & Schinder, S. (2013). Business Research Methods. New York: McGraw Hill.
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Abstract: Today, financial resources financing is among the most important economic concerns and responsibilities. Companies can use different methods to finance. Currently, financing methods are effective on continuance of operations and implementation of profitable projects, in the companies' growth process, and lead to the survival of companies in today's competitive world. The current study aimed at investigation of the relationship between outsourcefinancing methods and companies' performance. In this regard, the two variables namely the bank loans and capital increase were considered. The statistical population of the study included the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange, in a 5-year period from 2012 to 2017. The results of the study showed that there is a significant relationship between the company's performance and financing through the capital increase. Also, about the financing through bank loan, it was revealed that there is no significant relationships between the company's performance and this method of financing..
Keywords: Financing, Capital, Bank Loan.
[1]. Ebadi Dolatabadi, M., (2003), "Investigating the Effect of Financing Methods on Stock Returns and Price of Shares in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange", Master thesis, Faculty of Management, Mazandaran University, (in Persian).
[2]. Van auken, H., (2005), "A model of small firm capital acquisition decisions", International entrepreneurship and management journal, vol. 1, pp. 335-352.
[3]. Azizi, M.A., & Allameh Haeri, F., (2013), "Theoretical Foundations of Financing Methods, Capital Cost and Capital Structure", Journal of Accounting and Financial Management, No. 9, (in Persian).
[4]. Paramasivan, C., and Subramanian T., (2012),"Financial Management", 5th Edition, New Age International (P) Limited, Dehli.
[5]. Richardson, A., and Richard. S., (2003), "External financing, capital investment and future stock returns", Working Paper, University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan Business School.
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Abstract: World Bank (2010) asserts that women empowerment is one of the key elements for poverty reduction and achieving primary development goals among developing economies. In India where the focus is increasingly shifting towards "inclusive growth‟, empowering women through improved education has become a key central policy across the nation. UN Women Report, 2005 establishes that educating the girl child is extremely important not only to ensure gender equality but in enabling them to be part of the countries labor force thereby aiding economic growth. This study therefore dwells deeper into the state of adult education of women in India and finds that even though the enrolment rates of women has been increasing, but the employment of women continues to be extremely low. This study further outlines the various reasons and barriers that affect women employability and subsequently put forward various policy measures to be taken up by the government to tackle this problem of women education as a limiting factor to their labor force participation.
Key Words: Education, Enrolment, Labour Force Participation , Women Empowerment.
[1]. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, "Teaching and learning: Achieving quality for all," EFA Global Monitoring Report, Paris: UNESCO, 2014.
[2]. Ernest & Young, "Higher education in India: Twelfth five year plan (2012–2017) and beyond," presented at FICCI Higher EducationSummit 2012, Planning Commission Government of India, New Delhi,2012.
[3]. Government of India, "National policy on information and communication technology (ICT) in school education," New Delhi: Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, 2012.
[4]. World Bank, Information and Communication Technology for Education in India and South Asia (Volume 1) Extend Summary, Washington. D.C.: InfoDev/Price Water House Coopers, 2010.
[5]. Department for Education and Employment, A Fresh Start: Improving Literacy and Numeracy, London: DfEE, 1999.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is as follows to study and analyze how the implementation of debt settlement debt law to creditors in commercial court of Makassar, and to know the factors that slow the process of debt settlement of debtors to creditors in commercial court of Makassar. This study uses a normative approach, namely research on legal principles and legal synchronization both vertical and horizontal.
Keywords: Legal Analysis, Debtor Debt, Bankruptcy
[1]. Alijoyo, Antonius, dan Subarto Zaini, 2004, Komisaris Independen: Penggerak Praktik GCG di Perusahaan, Indeks Kelompok Gramedia, Jakarta.
[2]. Asser`s, C. 1991, Pengkajian Hukum Perdata Belanda, Jilid III- Hukum Perikatan, Dian Rakyat Jakarta.
[3]. Bastian, Rahmat, 2005, Perinsip Hukum Kepalitan Lintas Yuridiksi, Pusat Pengkajian Hukum, Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Legal Aspects of Land Appraisal by a Team of Assessors in the Procurement of Land in Maros |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Rizma Amalia |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2304066977 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the implementation of land assessment by the land assessment team, and to identify and analyze the factors that influence the implementation of land assessment by the land assessment team. Research method in this research is research of empirical law that is research to execution of rule of law pertaining to appraisal to land in execution of land registration.
Keywoed: Land Aspect, Land Appraisal
[1] Abdulkadir Muhammad, 2004. Hukum dan Penelitian Hukum. Bandung: PT. Citra Aditya Bakti.
[2] Abdurrahman, 1994. Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Bandung: Citra Aitya Bakti.
[3] Achmad Rubaie, 2007. Hukum Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Malang: Bayu Media Publishing.
[4] Acmad Sidukin, 2013. Politik Hukum Agraria. Jakarta:Konstitusi Press.
[5] Adrian Sutedi, 2006. Implementasi Prinsip Kepentingan Umum dalam Pengadaan Tanah untuk Pembangunan. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.
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Abstract: This study aims to identify and analyze the role of the National Land Agency as the implementer of land acquisition for the public interest and to know and analyze the obstacles of the implementation of the National Land Agency as the executor of land acquisition for the public interest. This research methode is normative, as research on legal principles and legal synchronization with the role of national land agency in land procurement for public interest.
Keywords: Yuridical Analysis, The Role Of The National Land Agency.
[1]. Akhmad Safik, 2006, Tanah Untuk Kepentingan Umum, Jakarta: Lembaga Study Hukum dan Ekonomi.
[2]. Ali Ahmad Chomzah, 2002. Hukum Pertanahan, Pemberian Hak Atas Tanah Negara, Seri Hukum Pertanahan I, Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka
[3]. Gautama, Sidargo, 1991. Tafsiran Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria. Bandung: Alumni.
[4]. Ibrahim, Johny, 2006. Teori dan Metodologi Penelitian Hukum Normatif Cet-II. Malang: Bayumedia Publishing.
[5]. Iskandar Syah, Mudakir, 2007. Dasar-Dasar Pembebasan Tanah Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Jakarta: Jala Permata.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know how Judge Judge Consideration in Decision Number 19 / PDT.G / 1994 / PN.MAROS concerning Revocation of Land Ownership, and to know What Factors Affect the Abolition of Land Ownership. This research method is empirical law research. namely research on the implementation of legal rules regarding the pembataoah rights on land. the case approach is used in this study by analyzing court decisions.
Keywords: The Legal Analysis, The Property Rights.
[1] Adiwinata, Saleh, 1980, Pengertian Hukum Adat Menurut Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria, Alumni, Bandung.
[2] Adrian Sutedi, 2008,Peralihan Hak Atas Tanah dan Peralihannya, Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.
[3] Ahmad Chomzah, 2003, Hukum Pertanahan, Prestasi Pustaka Publisher, Jakarta.
[4] Amirudin dan Zainal Asikin, 2004, Metode Penelitian Hukum, Grafindo, Jakarta.
[5] A.P. Parlindungan, 1996, Pendaftaran Tanah di Indonesia, CV. Mandar Maju, Bandung.
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Abstract: A political party is an organized group of individuals seeking to attain power to government in order to enjoy the benefits being derived from such control primarily for its members and supposedly for the masses. Political parties perform tasks both during election campaigns and between elections. Much of the work- candidate selection, ideological changes and policy making- take place within the parties rather than in the public domain. This paper therefore examines political parties as an important element in decision making in democratic societies. It argues that decisions/public policy which are to serve the interest of the populace do otherwise serve the interests of the political elites since the parties are formed by them and they dictate..............
Keywords: Political parties, politics, party politics, decision making, elite.
[1]. Adebayo, P.F. (2008): "Political Parties: Formation, Development, Performanceand Propects" in Emmanuel, O. Ojo (ed).Challenges of Sustainable Democracy in Nigeria. Ibadan, JOHN ARCHERS (Publishers) Ltd.
[2]. Adejumobi, S. (2007):"Political Parties in West Africa: The Challenge of Democratization in Fragile States".Report prepared for theInternational Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance(International IDEA)/Global Programme on Researchand Dialoguewith Political Parties.
[3]. Adigwe, Francis (1979): Essentials of Government for West Africa. Oxford UniversityPress Ltd.
[4]. Agagu, A. A. & Omotoso, F. (eds) (2005): Citizenship Education & Governmental Process. Ibadan, Johnmof Printers Ltd.
[5]. Agarah, B.A. (2004): "Political Parties and Pressure Groups in Nigeria", inAyam, J. (ed.) Introduction to Politics, Ota, Covenant University Press,Agbaje, A. (2005): "Political Parties and Pressure Groups" in Anifowose, Remi &Enemuo, F. (eds) Elements of Politics, Sam Iroanusi Publishers, Lagos.