Series-5 (September-2019)September-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: John Maxwell Coetzee is a novelist, essayist, linguist, translator and receipt of the 2003 Nobel prize In literature for Disgrace (1999). Of South Africa origin, he is now an Australion citizen and lives in Adelade. South Australia. Prior to receiving to 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature, Coetzee earned the Booker Prize twice- first for life and Times of Michael in 1983 again for Disgrace in 1999. Now – a - clays, in the age of globalization, the countries like South Africa, Peru, Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan and Uganda etc, are all treated as the third world. Their culture may be still a mystery For the other parts of the worlds, but the problems of colonization, could racism and comestic.........
Keywords: Colonialism, Racialism, Identity Gender Discrimination, Sexuality
[1]. Attridge, Derek " J.M Coetzee‟s Disgrace ; Introduction." International Journal of postcolonial studies. (2011) : 315 – 317, web 5 Dce 2013.
[2]. Graham Lucy Valerie " Reding the unspeakable ; rape in Coetzee‟s Disgrace" Journal of South African Studies 29.2 (2012) : 439 published by: web 11 Nov 2013.
[3]. Stepien, Miloslawa." Truth and Reconcialation in English Language novels of south African writers. " (2012): 203-219. Web. 13 Nov. 2013 Citzen, Julian 1993." The voice of History in the novels of J.M. Coetzee, Critique 35. 1 1993:3.
[4]. Michele Laura, 1996 " Identity and Alterity in Coetzee‟s Fore," The Postcolonial Question, ed Iain Chambers and Lidia Curtis. London Routledge.
[5]. Wright Derck. 1997. New Direction in African Fiction. New York: Twayne publishers..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | African Women and Leadership Role |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Isola, Abidemi Abiola || Alao,Bukola A |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2409050508 ![]() |
Abstract: Historically, African women have been outstanding in roles played in the social, political, economic, or educational aspect of the society. Women leadership roles in Africa were portrayed by many prominent women who were pathfinders like Queens of Ethopia , Funmilayo Ransome Kuti, Yaa Asantewa, Mame Mardior Boye, Winnie Mandela, Margaret Ekpo, Mariam Makeba, Queen Nzinga ,Ruth Williams, Ellen Sir leaf Johnson in their chosen field. These had few or no role model yet were an agent of change. They played important roles in the society among many others. The qualities of nurturing and cooperating which is attributed to feminine nature, made them loyal citizens of their various communities. Consequent on this, women in leadership position in different sphere went extra mile to contribute towards the holistic development of their community. They did not only contribute.......
Key Words: Africa, African Women, Leadership, Governance.
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[3]. African Eye (2007). The Effect of Colonialism on African Women. . Retrieved Feb, 02/14, 9:17pm
[4]. Ajayi, K. (2007). Gender Self- Endangering: The sexist Issue in Nigerian Politics. Journal of Social Science, Vol 14 No 2, 137 -1147
[5]. Akinboboye, S. (2004). Challenges and prognosis of gender equality in Nigeria Politics in Akinboboye (ed) paradox of gender equality in Nigeria politics Lagos: concept Publication.
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Abstract: Language is the ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so, and a language is any specific example of such a system. The scientific study of language is called linguistics. Error analysts distinguish between errors, which are systematic, and mistakes, which are not. They often seek to develop a typology of errors. Error can be classified according to basic type: omissive, additive, substitutive or related to word order. They can be classified by how apparent they are: overt errors such as "I angry" are obvious even out of context, whereas covert errors are evident only in context. Closely related to this................
Key words – Error analysis; phonology; segmental; language; intralingual; interlingual
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Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the performance of physical fitness on the strength, aerobic endurance, flexibility, agility and dynamic balance with the practice of hydrogymnastics and associate it to the variables gender, age and health self reported condition. The tests used in this study were described by Rikli and Jones with pre-test / post-test design in a group composed of 20 elderly, featuring a pre-experimental study. The assessment instruments were applied before and after 18 sessions of a hydrogymnastics program. The age of the participants ranged from 61 to 80 years, mean 70,9 years, most of them were women. The results relating to health self reported condition and performance of physical fitness were higher for all variables in the post-test when compared with the result of the pre-test. When comparing the changes "before-after" in scores of health and physical fitness among age groups, it was obtained significant results in the Upper Limbs Strength and Inferior limbs force and resistance. Thus, we can say that the practice of hydrogymnastics for elderly helps to improve the performance of all the variables of physical fitness.
Keywords: Physical Fitness. Water Aerobics. Aging.
[1]. Wieczorek AS. Equilíbrio em adultos e idosos: relação entre tempo de movimento e acurácia durante movimentos voluntários na postura em pé. Master Thesis (Master) – Escola de educação física e esporte USP, São Paulo, 2003.
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[4]. Carvalho J, Oliveira J, Magalhaes J, Ascensão A, Mota J, Soares JMC. Força muscular em idosos - Será o treino generalizado suficientemente intenso para promover o aumento da força muscular em idosos de ambos os sexos? Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto 2004;4: 51-57.
[5]. Rikli RE, Jones CJ. Teste de aptidão física para idosos. (1a. ed.). Barueri: Manole, 2008.
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Abstract: This research entitled "The Analysis Of Hand Motion Angle And Distance Of 200 Meters Rowing Athletes Administrators The Province Of Aceh" Kayakis one of the branches of water sports that use human power takes place on water. One of the factors that can affect the speed of rowing is the angle of movement and speed when rowing. The purpose of this study was to determine the angle of hand movements consisting of three phases, namely the position of the paddle into the water, the position of the oar pulling from the water, the position of the oar out of the water, and the speed of rowing a boat like a distance of 200 meters. This research is a type of evaluation research using descriptive methods through a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all of..........
Key words: Analysis; Angular hand movements; Speed; Oar Athletes Administrators of Aceh province.
[1]. Adisasmito, W. (2007).Health system. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
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Abstract: This paper described a potential of industrial halal products for business development of the halal industry in Indonesia, this is considering to halal products experience rapid development in the midst of increasing religious tendency of Indonesian society and on the other side of the Muslim population in the middle class have increased revenue according to the Global Islamic Economy Report 2017/2018 with the largest Muslim population in the world. Indonesia is still inferior to neighboring countries such as Malaysia who have started to develop the halal fashion industry first., resulting in demand for products halal is also increasing. The data used in this study is secondary data sourced..........
Key words: Halal products, halal fashion, halal fashion industry models
[1]. Ahmad, Mustaq. Etika Bisnis Dalam Islam. Jakarta: Pustaka al-Kautsar, 2001.
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Abstract: "Education does not mean teaching people what they do not know", Abraham Lincoln. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave. Advancement and powerful of any nation is due to the quality of abundance of human resources. Having good quality of education is certainly depends on good human resources. Education is the main sources that could only provide people with an opportunity to reflect on the cultural economic, social, moral, and spiritual issues and contributes towards the development through propagation of specialized knowledge and skills. In the past, education was given priority only to the Brahmin society in India. As religious books mentioned in.........
[1]. KZ Kengoo, Higher Education in North East Region, posted on March 5, 2012,>bitstream, retrieved on April 9, 2019.
[2]. Pallab Jyoti Boruah, Problems and Future Prospect of Higher Education in North East India, (International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Invention, Volume 7 Issue 2 February , 2018), pp.9-10.
[3]. Vanlalchhawna, Higher Education in North East India, (New Delhi: Mittal Publications, 2019), pp. 7-8.
[4]. Nitu Kowar, Chakraboty, Subhadeep, Higher Education Scenario of the North Eastern India, posted on March 29, 2013> publication, retrieved on April 9, 2019.
[5]. Surendra Singh, Taorem, Problems and Prospect of Higher Education in Manipur, Vol 2, Voice of Research Publications, September 2, 2013..
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Abstract: Zimbabwe is a multicultural society based on various factors such as gender, ethnicity, age to mention just but a few. Educational institutions have a mandate to cater for the cultures and interests of various sub-cultural groups in society hence the nexus between multiculturalism and education warrants interrogation. The aim of this study is to explore challenges faced by Zimbabwean primary schools in implementing multicultural education with a view to recommending strategies to deal with existential challenges. A qualitative approach was adopted in which a case study research design was used. A sample of twenty (20) participants was conveniently drawn comprising 16.........
Key words: Multiculturalism, Education, Culture, ethnicity, gender, infrastructure, language
[1]. Abdullah, A.C. 2009. Multicultural in Early Childhood: Issues and Challenges. Journal of International Cooperation in Education 12(1):159-175
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Abstract: The paper explored the professional self-efficacy levels on the part of rural secondary school classroom practitioners with regard to undertaking learner counselling in Masvingo province in Zimbabwe. Theoretically the study was grounded in the domain of Psychology of Education focusing on Bandura's social learning theory, Rogers' person-centred theory and Freud's classical psychoanalysis together with Maslow's need theory. The study adopted a mixed method approach in which the descriptive survey research design was paired with a chi-square test as a means of methodological triangulation. Open-ended questionnaires and telephone interviews were used as data gathering instruments during the empirical investigation. A gender balanced sample of 80 secondary school teachers based in rural areas took part in the study. The stratified random sampling method,in which........
Key words: Adolescence, social challenges, child-headed families, self-efficacy, poverty, emotional unfinished business
[1]. Austad, C.S. 2009.Counselling and Psychotherapy Today: Theory, Practice and Research. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
[2]. Black, R.W. 2009. English-Language Learners, Fan Communities, and 21st-Century Skills.Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy,52(8) (May 2009),688–697.
[3]. Bandura, A. 1990.Some reflections on reflections.Psychological inquiry, (1):101-105.
[4]. Barker, S.B. 2000.School Counselling for the Twenty-first century (3rd edition). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
[5]. Chinyoka, K. and Kufakunesu, M. 2017. Poverty and School Readiness: Implications to Early Childhood Development in Zimbabwe. Case Studies Journal, 6(8): 10-19..
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Abstract: The study explored the attitudes of undergraduate secondary school student teachers towards Psychology of Education modules against the backdrop that the students once studied Psychology of Education at length during their initial teacher-training. A whole array of psychological theories from the psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive, trait and humanistic paradigms was used to anchor the study. The mixed method approach involving the descriptive survey research design and the chi square test was employed. Questionnaires, interviews and observations were used to gather data during the empirical investigation. The stratified random sampling method was.........
Key words: Psychology of Education, Developmental Psychology,role model, adolescence, study habits, memory enhancing techniques, individual differences.
[1]. Austad, C.S. (2009). Counselling and Psychotherapy Today: Theory, Practice and Research. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
[2]. Ayob, A. and Yasin, R. M. 2017.Factors Affecting Attitudes towards Mathematics.International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2017, 7(11):1100-1109.
[3]. Bajwa, N., Gujjar, A. A., Shaheen, G. and Ramzan, M. 2011.A Comparative Study of Study Habits of the Students from Formal and Non-Formal Systems of Education in Pakistan.International Journal of Business and Social Science,2(4):175- 186.
[4]. Bandura, A. 1990.Some reflections on reflections.Psychological inquiry, (1):101-105.
[5]. Blake, B., & Pope, T. (2008). Developmental Psychology: Incorporating Piaget's and Vygotsky's Theories in Classrooms. Journal of Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives in Education, 1(1):59-67..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research was to assess the estimated total daily energy expenditure and related physiological variables of Wolaita Sodo University 2nd year sport science students. To achieve this purpose a total of 40 students (20 male and 20 female) were selected as sample size by using stratified sampling technique. The stratification is based on gender. Even though 40 participant students were selected as study subjects, full data was only obtained from 30 (15 male and 15 female) students. Descriptive research design is used to achieve the purpose of the study. The variables which were part of this study were anthropometric measurements, exercise heart rate, contact hour per week, average time spent harder than normal breathing and certain selected physiological variables........
Key words: Total daily energy expenditure and Physiological variables
[1]. J. Ellis, R. Costa and F. Amirabdollahian, 2012. An investigation into energy balance and macronutrient intakes of university students.Department of Health Sciences, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, L16 9JD and Department of Health Professions, Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5FB, UK
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[3]. Westerterp, K R., 2016.Control of energy expenditure in humans.European Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 71: 340–344.
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Abstract: This aim of this study was to figure and elucidate the correlation of principles contained in notarize statute of office pertaining to the notarize service competition in providing the public service; the method used in this study was the empirical and normative law. The data collection was conducted through the library research and field observation. The data was analyzed by qualitative approach. The result showed that notarize has the right for emoluments based on the provided service they gave and the notary has the authority in providing the certificate for limited liability company establishment. Based on the regulationof ministry of justice and human rights number 3 of 2017 concerning........
Key words: notary minimum service costs, private company, business competition
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