Series-9 (September-2019)September-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Traditional Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (TDRMs)have been used to resolve disputes from time immemorial. These mechanisms are still vibrant to date despite the advent of the formal justice system through the courts of law. TDRMs are preferred on the premise that they are cost-effective, easily accessible, flexible and offer expeditious resolution of cases. This is contrasted to the formal justice system which is deemed as rigid, expensive, has procedural technicalities and backlog of cases. However, despite the merits of TDRMs, there are weaknesses characterizing the use of these mechanisms. The purpose of this study therefore was to demonstrate the strengths of........
Key words: access to justice, customary law, formal justice system, natural justice, procedural fairness, repugnancy clause, TDRMs
[1]. Dial Dayana Ndima, Reimagining and Reintegrating African Jurisprudence under the South African Constitution, Doctor of Laws Thesis, University of South Africa 2013.
[2]. J OsogoAmbani and OchiengAhaya, The Wretched African Traditionalists in Kenya: The Challenges and Prospects of Customary Law in the New Constitutional Era, Strathmore Law Journal, 1 (1),2015, 41- 43.
[3]. Ali A Mazrui, The Africans: A Triple Heritage (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Co. 1986) 69 (Cited in; J OsogoAmbani and OchiengAhaya, The Wretched African Traditionalists in Kenya: The Challenges and Prospects of Customary Law in the New Constitutional Era, Strathmore Law Journal1 (1), (2015) 41-43.
[4]. Linda James Myers and David H Shinn, Appreciating Traditional Forms of Healing Conflict in Africa and the World (2010) <> accessed 30 November 2016.
[5]. Jacob K Gakeri, Placing Kenya on the Global Platform: An Evaluation of the Legal Framework on Arbitration and ADR, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1 (6), 2006 219-222..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Political Dynamic Inyogyakarta Duringthe Liberal Democracy Period |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Suwarno |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2409090813 ![]() |
Abstract: The political dynamic in Yogyakarta during the Liberal Democracy period was marked by the occurance of three general elections, that was in 1951, 1955, and 1957. The 1951 General Election which led Masyumi as the triumph of the local election, became the successful experiment of democracy among people in Yogyakarta. The 1955 General Election was a national-scale election which was placed PKI in the first position. The position went on to that of 1957 local election. Fascinatingly, in the middle of the 1951 democratic festivity Yogyakarta was recognized as city of education and city of bike, which was triggered by the presence of Gadjah Mada University which attracted students from different regions of Indonesia to continue their study.
Key Words: Yogyakarta, political dynamic, general election, liberal democracy
[1]. Anonim. 1950. Beberapa Tjatatan: Detik dan Peristiwa 17 Agustus 1945 – 23 Djanuari 1950. Jogjakarta: Kementerian Penerangan Rep. Indonesia.
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[3]. Anonim. 1953. Triwarsa Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Kotapradja Jogjakarta. Jogjakarta: Panitia Penerbitan Buku Triwarsa Dewan Perwakilan Rakjat Daerah Kotapradja Jogjakarta.
[4]. Anonim. 1956. Kota Jogjakarta 200 Tahun 7 Oktober 1756 – 7 Oktober 1956. Jogjakarta: Panitya Peringatan Kota Jogjakarta 200 Tahun.
[5]. Baskoro, Haryadi, dan Sudomo Sunaryo. 2011. Wasiat HB IX Yogyakarta Kota Republik. Yogyakarta: Galangpress..
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Abstract: The study was undertaken to examine the problems and prospects of adopting e-governance in an emerging state with Nigeria as a point of reference. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher adopted content analytical technique as there was heavy reliance on secondary data obtained from articles published in reputable journals, official publications, relevant books, etc. After critical analysis of the available literature on the subject matter, the study revealed among others – that poor knowledge of ICT, Inadequate Legal framework, inadequate infrastructure, etc are among.....
Keywords: E-governance, Emerging States, Challenges, Prospects, Transparency
[1]. Ayo, C. K. (2014). Information and Communication Technology as a Lever for Innovation in Leadership. In: T. Abioye, C. Awonuga and A. Amuwo (eds), Leadership and Innovation in Africa's Development s Paradigm. Otta: Covenant University Press.
[2]. Backus, M. (2001). E-governance and Developing Countries: Introduction and Examples. Research Report, No. 3, April 2001.
[3]. Backus, M. (2003). E-governance and Developing Countries; Introductions and Examples. Research Report No. 3 April. www.ftpiiid/org/reserach/reports/pdf.
[4]. Coleman, S. (2005). African E-governance – Opportunities and Challenges. Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
[5]. Estevez, E. and Janowski, T. (2013). Electronic Governance for Sustainable Development – Conceptual Framework and State of Research. Government Information Quarterly 30(1), 94-109.
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Abstract: Translation involves a decision-making or problem-solving process. The decisions are taken to be translation strategies.The problems are caused by a number of constraints that the translator goes through and the constraints affect the quality of translation. A translation problem is whatever presents obstacles in transferring the content of the source text into the target text. Translation problems encountered by translators are also referred to as transfer problems of non-equivalence and different translation strategies are explored to solve them. Non-equivalence occurs when a lexical item or an expression in the source language lacks an equivalent item to translate it in the target text. Translation strategies are the conscious plans or procedures which the translator employs in order.....
Key Words: translation, translation strategies, translation problems, non-equivalence,Kĩkamba Bible, successful and unsuccessful transfer.
[1]. Aissi, L. (1987). An Analytical Study of the Process of Translation.University of Salford:Unpublished Ph D Thesis.
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[4]. Bastin, G. (2000). 'Evaluating Beginers' Re-expression and Creativity: a Positive Approaches,' The Translator; Vol. 6. Number 2, pp. 231-245. Manchester: St. Jerome.
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Abstract: This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing and discovering concepts or theories in the punishment of state administrators who committed criminal acts of corruption, to analyze and find sanctions for criminal acts of corruption against state administrators and to analyze and find criminal sanctions for state administrators who commit criminal acts corruption. This type of research is normative juridical, the approach used is the statutory approach, conceptual approach and comparative approach............
Key Words: Criminal sanctions, Corruption, State Administrators
[1]. Adji, Indriyanto Seno. (2009). Humanisme dan Pembaruan Penegakan Hukum. Jakarta: Kompas.
[2]. Ahmad, Kamri. (2016). Pengaruh Sistem Politik Terhadap Praktek Korupsi. Jurisprudentie, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, 3(2), 123 – 130.
[3]. Ancel, Marc. (1965). Social Defence: A Modern Approach to Criminal Problems. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
[4]. Anwar, Yesmil, & Adang. (2009). Sistem Peradilan Pidana: Konsep Komponen dan Pelaksanaannya dalam Penegakan Hukum di Indonesia. Bandung: Widya Padjadjaran.
[5]. Arief, Barda Nawawi. (1996). Kebijakan Legislatif dalam Penanggulangan Kejahatan dengan Pidana Penjara. (Doctor Disertasi), Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang.
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Abstract: Education is one of the fundamental factors for effective national development. Higher Education is generally considered as an important contributor to the socio-economic development of any country. Quality in education implies that the educational standard can be measured and compared with the established standards by authorized regulators. The European Commission, UNESCO and the African Union are desirous of developing practices and principles in common Quality Assurance standards in Higher Education to ease cross-border education, mobility of students, academic staff and programmes. Regulation of Higher Educational Institutions in Nigeria is virile, effective and efficient. However............
Key Words: Academic Standard, Accreditation, Education Across Borders, Higher Education, Quality Assurance
[1]. Adamu Y. Abebaw and Addamu, M. Aster (2012), Quality Assurance in Ethiopia Higher Education. Procedures and Practices. International Conference on Educational Psycholology (ICEEPSY 2012). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 69 (2012) 838 – 846. Sciverse ScienceDirect. Assessed 3rdJuly 2018.
[2]. Bloom, David E., David Canning, Kevin Chan (2006), Higher education and economic development in Africa. Africa Region Human Development Working Paper Series, No. 102. International government publication. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 2006
[3]. Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, (COREN, 1992), Decree 55 of 1970 and amended by Decree 27 of 1992, now the "Engineers (Registration, etc) Act, CAP E11 of 2004" Law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Act establishes COREN