Version-6 (March-April 2017)
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Abstract: An evaluative study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding post operative exercises for clients undergoing cardiac surgery among the 2nd year nursing students was conducted in selected Nursing Colleges, at Indore(M.P.) The sample consisting of 40 B.Sc. Nursing 2nd year students were selected by using non probability purposive sampling. The tool comprised of self structured questionnaire. The pretest knowledge scores showed that majority of B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Students had inadequate knowledge (25%) and (62.5%) had moderate knowledge and only (12.5%) had adequate knowledge regarding post operative exercises for client undergoing cardiac surgery............
Keywords: Knowledge, Nursing students, Postoperative exercises, cardiac surgery.
[1]. Jhala Shah 1999, "Patterns of Cardiac disorder and epidemiology of CAD in urban population in Ahmadabad" Journals of internal Medicine Vol 2(1) Page No: 230-232.
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Abstract: Background: Problem based learning (PBL) is an effective strategy of self- directed learning. It focuses on delivering instruction in which problems are used as the basis of learning. Teaching approaches of higher education is continuously upgrading in Egypt. Although some Egyptian universities have adopted PBL as a learning method for undergraduate students, they did not adopt it as a learning method for postgraduate students.
Objective: This study sought to describe the attainable skills of applying problem based learning strategy among postgraduate nursing student.............
Keywords: Problem-based learning – Community health nursing – Postgraduate students' experience
[1]. Barell, J. Problem-based learning: An inquiry approach. 2007; (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.
[2]. Oja, Kenneth, . Using problem-based learning in the clinical setting to improve nursing students' critical thinking: An evidence review. The Journal of Nursing Education.2011; 50(3): 145-151.
[3]. Yuan, H., Kunaviktikul, W., Klunklin, A. and Williams, B. A. Improvement of nursing students' critical thinking skills through problem-based learning in the People's Republic of China: A quasi-experimental study. Nursing and Health Sciences. 2008; 10 (1):70-76.
[4]. Smith-G, Jeffrey W., Using Problem-Based Learning to Link Classroom and Clinical Education. Human Kinetics –ATT 2010;15(1): 23-27
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Abstract: Realizing the importance of children's nutrition, the World Health Organization strive vast effort to ensure revitalize promotion and protection of infant and young child feeding. Despite its benefits, the breastfeeding rate was still low worldwide including Malaysia. Based upon the findings of the scientific research, it was expected to contribute significant effects on people's knowledge and perception towards breastfeeding practice. In Malaysia, breastfeeding was found to be dominantly practiced among Malay. The qualitative study design was used to explore Malay mother's knowledge on the benefits of breastfeeding towards maternal and infant's health.............
Keywords: Breast feeding practice, knowledge, mother, Malaysia
[1]. Al-Binali AM. Breastfeeding knowledge, attitude and practice among school teachers in Abha female educational district, Southwestern Saudi Arabia. International breastfeeding journal. 2012 , 15;7(1):10.
[2]. Andreas NJ, Kampmann B, Le-Doare KM. Human breast milk: A review on its composition and bioactivity. Early human development. 2015, 30;91(11):629-35.
[3]. Chang CT, Denney DF, Cheah WL. Perceptions of exclusive breastfeeding among Bidayuh mothers in Sarawak, Malaysia: a qualitative study. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition. 2015;21(2):263-8.
[4]. Fatimah S, Saadiah HN, Tahir A, Imam MI, Faudzi YA. Breastfeeding in Malaysia: Results of the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS III) 2006. Malaysian journal of nutrition. 2010 ,1;16(2).
[5]. Kirkegaard H, Stovring H, Rasmussen KM, Abrams B, Sørensen TI, Nohr EA. How do pregnancy-related weight changes and breastfeeding relate to maternal weight and BMI-adjusted waist circumference 7 years after delivery? Results from a path analysis.The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2014, 1;99(2):312-9.
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Abstract: A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out at the Kahawa West Public Health Centre , Nairobi, Kenya, among randomly sampled 286 mothers and their children aged 6-23 months. Data was entered and analyzed using (SPSS version 20). Anthropometric measurements were analyzed using ENA for SMART. Chi-square test (p< 0.05) was used to show the relationships. The respondents were mostly young (mean age 26.1±4.7 years), married (88.1%), housewives (66.4%) with mainly primary school level of education (47.2%). The main sources of income for most households were business (48.6%) and casual labour (31.8%). All (100%) the children aged 6-8 had been introduced.............
Keywords: Complementary feeding, minimum acceptable diet, minimum meal frequency, minimum dietary diversity.
[1]. WHO, (2006a). Infant and Young Child feeding counseling: An Integrated Course Geneva.
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[5]. WHO, (2003). Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. Geneva, Switzerland.
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Abstract: Assessment of clinical competence is an important issue in nursing education and the utilization of objective structured clinical evaluation for that purpose was considered to be very important so perception of nursing teaching staff is important for developing the in exam methodology and organization. The aim of the study: to describe the perceptions of nursing teaching staff regarding Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE ) Design: A descriptive cross - sectional study was used in this study. Setting: study was conducted in Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University..............
Keywords: Objective structured clinical examinations, nursing teaching staff, perception, nursing education
[1]. Abraham R, Raghavendra R, Surekha K, and Asha K. A trial of the objective structured practical examination in physiology at Melaka Manipal Medical College, India. Adv Physiol Educ, 33(1), 2009, 21-23.
[2]. Ahmed, C, Ahmed, N & Abu Baker , R , (2009) . Assessing nursing clincal skills performance using objective structured clincal examination (OSCE) for open distance learning students in open university Malaysia international conference on information ' Kuala Lumpur , 12 – 13 August
[3]. Baid, H., 2011. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination within intensive care nursing education. Nursing in critical care, British Association of critical care nurses, 16: 99-105. [4]. Bartfay, W. J., Rombough, R., Howse, E., & LeBlanc, R. 2004. The OSCE approach in nursing education: Objective structured clinical examinations can be effective vehicles for nursing education and practice by promoting the mastery of clinical skills and decision-making in controlled and safe learning environments. The Canadian Nurse 100(3), 18-25.
[5]. Casey,P.M., AR. Goepfert and Espey, 2009. The Objective Structured Clinical Exami nation. Obstetric Gynecol, 200: 25-34.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perceived Psychiatric Nurses Job Stress: A cross sectional study |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Eman Dawood || Rufa Mitsu || Agnes Monica |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0602063747 ![]() |
Abstract: The dispute of job stress among nurses is one of the core concerns in the field of psychiatric nursing, it was found that stress brought harmful impacts on both nurses' health and their ability to cope with job demands. The aim of this study was to examine the level of job stress among registered psychiatric nurses working in different psychiatric units of a major governmental psychiatric hospital located at the central region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A descriptive correlation cross section research design was utilized on a convenience sample of 137 psychiatric nurses. The data collection instruments used were a demographic data sheet and Psychiatric Nurse Job Stress Scale by Yada.............
Keywords: Job stress, psychiatric nursing, work place, psychological stress, burnout
[1]. Abdulla M., Abbas, I. (2014). Assessment of job stress for nurses in psychiatric hospitals at Baghdad city, Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences. 5 (1), Pp. 1-6.
[2]. Abushaikha,L.(2009 ). Job satisfaction and burnout among Palestinian nurses. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 15 (1), Pp. 190-196.
[3]. Adriaenssens, J., De Gucht, Maes, S. (2013). Causes and consequences of occupational stress in emergency nurses, a longitudinal study. Journal of Nursing Management. 12 (3), Pp.222–240
[4]. Al-Ahmadi, H. (2009). Factors affecting performance of hospital nurses in Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Health Care. 22 (1), Pp. 40-54.
[5]. Al-Turki1, H., Al-Turki, R., Al-Dardas, H., Al-Gazal, M., Al-Maghrabi, G., Al-Enizi, N., Ghareeb, B. (2010). Burnout syndrome among multinational nurses working in Saudi Arabia. Ann Afr Med. 9, Pp. 226-9.
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to provide information on the progress of surgery through SMS to the family members of orthopedic surgery patients and to confirm the effect of state anxiety and nursing needs and satisfaction on the patient.
Methods: The study focused non-equivalent control group non-synchronized research design. Data were collected from April 1st to June 30th on 2016 at D hospital in B City. The study includes 48 family members as control group (24 subjects) and experimental group (24 subjects). Satisfaction of nursing needs was measured with the questionnaire on the needs of operation patients 'families............
Keywords: SMS, Anxiety of patient's family, surgical patient, nursing needs and satisfaction
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[4] Carmody, S., Hickey, P., & Bookbinder, M.(1991). Perioperative Needs of Families. Journal of AORN, 54(3), 561-567.
[5] Choi, J. H., Kim, J. A., Hong, N, S., Lee, B, H., Lee E. H.(2013). The effect of preparatory nursing information and information offered by short message service on anxiety and nursing satisfaction among family members of the intensive care unit in-patients. Journal of Korean clinical nursing research, 19(3), 383-394.
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Abstract: Computers and internet play a major role in our daily lives; this has brought about both the positive and the negative effect upon people, particularly upon youth and university students. Internet uses can pose a negative effect on academic achievement as well as body weight Aim: to assess the effect of internet uses on academic achievement and obesity among nursing students at Minia University. Design: A Descriptive cross-sectional research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: This study was conducted at Secondary school of nursing, Technical institute of nursing, 1st and 4th year of Faculty of nursing, nursing students who registered for Master and Doctorate degree at Minia University...........
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Internet uses, Nursing Students, Obesity
[1] Abdel Kader AM1. Mohamed EA. and Abood SA. (2012). Perception of Nurse Interns about Clinical Assignment Preparation Requirements Journal of American Science. 8(12): PP: 676.
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Abstract: Background and aims: This study aims to investigate the effects of muscle relaxation exercise and music therapy applied before the drain removal operation on pain, vital signs, and psychometric variables. Methods: This study was carried out with 90 volunteer patients (45 experiment, 45 control group) between May 2014 and November 2014. Data were collected using the Patient Identification Forms, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Vital Signs forms with the face-to-face interviews. For the control group, the VAS scores and vital signs were noted and evaluated 15 minutes before the drain removal, immediately after the drain removal and at 15 min. The Music (Rast Mode), which was selected 15 minutes before the operation was listened by the experiment group patients, while muscle relaxation exercise was instructed and performed...........
Keywords: pain, muscle relaxation exercise, music therapy, psychometric variables
[1]. Ajorpaz NM, Mohammadi A, Najaran H, Khazaei S (2014). Effect of Music on Postoperative Pain in Patients Under Open Heart Surgery, Nurs Midwifery Stud. September; 3(3): e20213.
[2]. Akdovan T (1999). Assessment of Pain in Healthy Newborns, Examination of the Effect of Teeth and Teeth, Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences Child Health and Diseases Nursing with an MA, MS Thesis, İstanbul.
[3]. Aktan Ö (2004). Postoperative Care. Sayek I (Eds), Basic Surgery. 3. Print.Ankara: Güneş bookstore. P.121.
[4]. Apfelbaum JL, Chen C, Mehta SS, Gan TJ (2003). Postoperative pain experience: results from a national survey suggest postoperative pain continues to be undermanaged. Anesth Analg; 97: 534- 40.
[5]. Araç B (2012). The Effect Of On Vıtal Sıgns Of Patients In Surgıcal Intensıve Care Unıt. İnönü University Health Sciences Institute Surgical Nursing Master Thesis, Malatya.
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Abstract: The study was conducted with an aim to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding teenage pregnancy among early adolescent girls in selected school, Bangalore, with the objectives, to assess the pretest knowledge and attitude, evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on the knowledge and attitude and to determine the association between pretest level of knowledge and attitude regarding teenage pregnancy with their selected socio-demographic variables. Evaluative approach with quasi-experimental design was used; the structured knowledge questionnaire and five point attitude scale was administered to randomly selected samples of 60 early adolescent girls at selected school Bangalore...........
Keywords: Knowledge, attitude, STP, teenage pregnancy, early adolescent girl
[1]. A full definition of a teenager [Online]. 2007. Available from: URL:
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[4]. Hechtman L. Teenage mothers and their children: risks and problems: a review. Can J Psychiatry. 1989 Aug;34(6):569-75.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Breathing Exercise on Afterpains among Postpartum Women |
Country | : | Egypt. |
Authors | : | Dr/ Niven R. Basyouni || Dr/ Isis E. Gohar |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0602068896 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Puerperium extends between end of placenta delivery and proceeding approximately six weeks. During this period the woman returns back to her pre-pregnant state, preceding many physiological symptoms, most common afterpains. Objective: This study aims to identify the effect of breathing exercise on afterpains among postpartum women Material and Methods: This quasi-experimental research was conducted in the postpartum ward of the Main Maternity University Hospital, Alexandria-Egypt. A convenient sample of 80 postpartum women meeting the specified inclusion criteria were joined up to the study...........
Keywords: breathing exercise, afterpains, postpartum.
[1]. Kathleen M. Pape. Mothering and the functional self: A Hermeneutic explanation of texts on perinatal mode and anxiety disorders. A dissertation for doctoral degree. Antioch University Seattle, Seattle, WA. November 2014.
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[4]. Murray, S., & McKinney, E. Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing. Postpartum Physiologic Adaptations CHAPTER 17. 6th ed.Maryland Heights: Saunders Elsevier. USA. 2014
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