Version-7 (March-April 2017)
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Abstract: The elderly reaching retirement age enter a period of poverty and deprivation, poor access to health care and poor nutrition. These situations leave them with insufficient personal savings to meet their daily needs. This paper critically review literature on reports on how the aged are handled in the contemporary era of scarcity of resources in the face of growing population of the aged and some of the issues facing the aged in Ghana. Aged care is facing a lot of challenges for both the aged and caretakers............
Keywords: Aged, care, elderly, Ghana, older people, policy
[1]. Lloyd-Sherlock, P. (2000) Population Ageing in developed and developing regions: implications for health policy. Social science & medicine, 51: 887-895. [2]. Oeppen, J. and Vaupel, JW (2002) Broken limits to life expectancy, Science, 296: 1029 – 1031) doi:10.1126/science.1069675
[3]. Ghana Statistical Service (2013) 2010 Population & Housing Census Report: The Elderly in Ghana, Ghana Statistical Service, Accra, Ghana, 26-48. [4]. Manton KG and Gu X (2001) Changes in the prevalence of chronic disability in the United States black and nonblack population above age 65 from 1982 to 1999. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98(11):6354-6359.
[5]. Freedman VA, Martin LG and Schoeni RF (2002) Recent trends in disability and functioning among older adults in the United States: a systematic review. Jama, 288: 3137-3146.
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Abstract: Asthma is the most common among the chronic respiratory disorder that affect all age groups. Asthma management continues to be a public health challenge even today; hence it has been the focus of clinical and public health interventions. Lack of awareness about the condition, its predisposing factors, self care practices and the need for the adherence to therapeutic interventions are the most common barriers in the effective management of asthma in India and in most of the countries worldwide. Though the morbidity related to asthma is mostly preventable, its prevalence is on raise due to the neglected fact of patient education. High prevalence and poor control of asthma makes its management a major public health issue worldwide1. Uncontrolled asthma impairs individuals' quality of life and increases the frequency of asthma exacerbations2.............
Keywords: Bronchial asthma, Selected Nursing interventions, self-care Practices, Quality of Life
[1]. Guidelines for management of asthma at primary and secondary levels of healthcare in India (2004-2005): WHO-GOI collaborative programme.
[2]. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention, Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) 2009.
[3]. Juniper EF, Guyatt Gh , Ferrie PJ, Epstein RS. Evaluation of impairment of Health Related Quality of life in Asthma, development of a questionnaire for use in clinical trial. Thorax.1992; (47); 76- 83
[4]. Kotwani A, S.K.Chabra, Vandana Tayal, V.K.Vijayan,Quality of Asthma Management in an Urban Community in Delhi, India, Indian J Med Res,135(2);184–192.
[5]. Jindal SK Gupta D. Aggarwal AN. Aggarwal (World Health organization and government of India. Guidelines for management of asthma at primary and management of asthma at primary (2005) Indian Jchest Dis allied Sci 2005 47:309-43.
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Abstract: Background: Lactation amenorrhea provides natural protection against pregnancy for up to six months after birth, however, it should backed up by emergency contraceptive pills until the transition to other family planning methods during the postpartum period to prevent the adverse effect of unintended pregnancy. Aim: assess the factors influencing LAM and evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program on nurse's knowledge toward using ECPs as a backup for lactation amenorrhea . Subjects and methods: cross sectional descriptive survey for women and a quasi-experimental intervention study for nurses were used in this study. A random sample of 614 women was recruited from women attending pediatric clinics for immunization of their children at fourteen primary health care centers in Port-Said and 27 maternity nurses were selected purposively for the intervention part of this study.............
Keywords: Lactation amenorrhea method, Emergency contraception, unplanned pregnancy, Maternity Nurses .
[1]. Basavanthappa B.T. (2008): Community Health Nursing.2nd edition. Jaypee Publishers. NewDelhi: pp. 561- 562.
[2]. Afifi M.M. (2007): Lactational Amenorrhoea Method For Family Planning And Women Empowerment In Egypt, Singapore Med J, 48 (8): 758–762.
[3]. Fathalla M.F., Abdel-Raheem M.S., Amin A. (2003): The prevalence, determinants and outcome of unintended pregnancy: a hospital-based study. Egypt Soc Obstet Gynecol; 29:945–54.
[4]. Trussell J., Wynn L.L. (2008): Reducing unintended pregnancy in the United States. Contraception; 77: pp.1–5.
[5]. Shah I., Ahman E. (2009): Unsafe abortion: global and regional incidence, trends, consequences, and challenges. J Obstet Gynaecol Can; 31: 1149–58.
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Abstract: Objectives: The purposes of this study were to describe the quality of life for patients with acute coronary syndrome in Jordan, identify the mostly affected quality of life domains and if there was an association between quality of life socio-demographic and clinical characteristics. Methods: A non-experimental descriptive cross-sectional correlational design was used with a convenience sample of 372 patients with acute coronary syndrome. Data were collected from six different hospitals in Amman city by a self-reported questionnaire. Results: Overall, the patients' quality of life mean score for all domains was low (4.06 ± 1.16). The physical domain was the most affected (3.87 ± 1.28), followed by the emotional.............
Keywords: Acute Coronary Syndrome, Jordan, Myocardial infarction, Unstable Angina, Quality of life.
[1]. Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey DE, Jr., Ganiats TG, Holmes DR, Jr., et al. 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the Management of Patients with Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2014;64(24):e139-228.
[2]. Smith JN, Negrelli JM, Manek MB, Hawes EM, Viera AJ. Diagnosis and management of acute coronary syndrome: an evidence-based update. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2015;28(2):283-93.
[3]. Kumar A, Cannon CP, editors. Acute coronary syndromes: diagnosis and management, part I. Mayo Clinic Proceedings; 2009: Elsevier.
[4]. Anderson JL, Adams CD, Antman EM, Bridges CR, Califf RM, Casey DE, et al. 2011 ACCF/AHA focused update incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines for the management of patients with unstable angina/non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction a report of the american college of cardiology foundation/american heart association task force on practice guidelines. Circulation. 2011;123(18):e426-e579.
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Abstract: AIM: To investicate the immediate effects of whole body exposure to 2.450GHZ Microwave (mw) exposure on the blood sugar metabolism. Materials And Methods: 120 adult wistar rats were used. The rats were grouped in fives. 6 groups of five served as control at various times. Another 6 groups of five were exposed to MW without administration of anti- oxidants. 6 groups were treated with vitamin C, 1mg kg-1 body weight, while another 6 groups were treated with vitamin E, also 1mg kg-1 body weight, and 4 days before exposure in both cases..............
Keywords: Microwave exposure, blood sugar, vitamins, male rats, female rats
[1]. Stuckly,M.A(1979) Interaction of Radiofrequency and MW Radiations with living Systems. A review of Mechanisms. Rad. Environ. Biophysics. 16: 1-14.
[2]. Adair, E.R. (2002) Biological Effects of Radio-Frequency/Microwave Radiation, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and techniques 50(1):953-958.
[3]. Bren. SP.A (1996) Historical Introduction to Electromagnetic Field Health effects IEEE. Engineering in Medicine and Biology
[4]. Novoselova E. G.Fenseko E. E, Maker V. P.,. and SaDovnikov V. B.(1999): Microwaves and cellular immunity I: Effects of Whole body Microwave Irradiation on Tumor Necrosis Factor Production in Mouse Cwells" Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, vol 49, pg 29 - 35.
[5]. Fenseko E. E., Maker V. P., Novoselova E. G. and SaDovnikov V. B.(2002): Microwaves from cellular phones affect the slow brain potentials Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, vol 52, pg 20 - 25.
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Abstract: Endotracheal suction is a corner procedure in the management of secretions in mechanically ventilated patients. Normal saline instillation is used by nurses during treatment of intubated patients within the intensive care unit, usually to enhance sputum yield. Its use is controversial; detrimental effects have been documented and evidence of any benefit is limited. Some studies have suggested routine use be discontinued.The aim ofThis study was to investigate the effect of endotracheal suction with and without instillation of normal saline on oxygen saturation, heart rate, blood pressure..............
Keywords: Endotracheal suctioning, Normal saline instillation, Oxygenation.
[1]. Reeve JC, Davies N, Freeman J, O'Donovan B: The use of normal saline instillation in the intensive care unit by physiotherapists. A survey of practice in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 2007; 35(3): 119-125
[2]. Kuriakose A. using the synergy model as best practice in endotracheal tube suctioning of critically ill patients. DCCN 2008;27(1):10-5
[3]. Mary Lou Sole, Jacqueline F. Byers, Jeffery E. Ludy, and C. Lynne Ostrow Suctioning Techniques and Airway Management Practices: Pilot Study and Instrument Evaluation Am J Crit Care 2002;11(4): 363-8.
[4]. Thompson, L. Suctioning Adults with an Artificial Airway. The Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery;2000. Systematic Review No. 9
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Abstract: Leg cramps are common problems in patients undergoing hemodialysis. It often results in the early termination of a hemodialysis session. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of reflexology foot massage on leg cramps for patients on hemodialysis. It was conducted at the hemodialysis units of Al - Moassat Alexandria University Hospital and Dr. Montasser Zeid Nephrology Center, from August 2014 to November 2015. The sample included 66 adult patients undergoing hemodialysis, divided equally into study and control groups, 33 patients each. Three tools were used to collect necessary data, hemodialysis patient's assessment, leg cramps intensity scale and leg cramps assessment...............
Keywords: Hemodialysis, leg cramp, Reflexology foot massage
[1]. Oguma S., Ando L., Tostune K., Sekino H., sato H. and Fujiwara M. Biotion ameliorates muscle cramps of hemodialysis patients: a prospective trial. Tohoku Journal of Experiment Medicine 2012; 227(3):217-23.
[2]. El-tawil S., Al muse T., valli and Lunn M. Quinine for muscle cramps in dialysis patients. Available at: http // www. Up to date. Com / contents / muscle – cramps – in – dialysis – patients. Retrieved in October 2013.
[3]. Timothy M. and Robert B. Muscle cramps. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2005; 32: 43-42.
[4]. Butler J. and Mulkerrin E. Nocturnal leg cramps in older people. Post graduate Medical Journal 2002;78(924):596-8.
[5]. WeisbordS., FriedL.,ArnoldR.etal.; Prevalence, severity, and importance of physical and emotional symptoms in chronic hemodialysis patients. American Society of Nephrology Journal 2005; 1 6: 2487-94.
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Abstract: Critical care unit is a place where clinical alarms occur frequently, of which many are false alarms, which leads to what is called 'alarm fatigue'. Alarm Fatigue occurs when nursing staff are exposed to a large number of false alarms which can cause alarm desensitization. Alarm fatigue in ICU was found to be an international problem and the number one medical technology related hazard. therefore the purpose of this review was to examine the attitudes of critical care nurses related to alarm fatigue .
Keywords: Alarm fatigue, clinical alarm, false alarms, noise alarms, patient safety.
[1]. Authority, P. P. S. (2008). "Alarm interventions during medical telemetry monitoring: a failure mode and effects analysis." Pennsylvania, PA: Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory.
[2]. Bliss, J. P., et al. (1995). "Human probability matching behaviour in response to alarms of varying reliability." Ergonomics38(11): 2300-2312.
[3]. Bonafide, C. P., et al. (2015). "Association between exposure to nonactionable physiologic monitor alarms and response time in a children's hospital." Journal of hospital medicine.
[4]. Baird, Kevin Michael (2015). " Examining the Problem of Alarm Fatigue: An Analysis of Intensive Care Nurse's Attitudes Related to Clinical Alarm Management"
[5]. Bridi, A. C., et al. (2014). "Reaction time of a health care team to monitoring alarms in the intensive care unit: implications for the safety of seriously ill patients." Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva26(1): 28-35.
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Abstract: Purpose: To determine the serum lipid levels in RVO patients &correlate it with the individual fundoscopic findings. Setting: Assam Medical College & Hospital, Dibrugarh. Study design:1-year hospital based observational study Patients and Methods: We determined the serum lipid levels of 47 cases of RVO (15 CRVO, 32 BRVO) in Autoanalyzer in advanced clinical biochemistry laboratory. The fundoscopic findings were documented by fundus photography and FFA. There were no controls in our study...........
[1]. Kirwan JF, Tsaloumas MD, Vinall H, Prior P, Kritzinger EE, Dodson PM. Sex hormone preparations and retinal vein occlusion. Eye (Lond) 1997; 11: 53-6.
[2]. Hayreh SS, The ophthalmic a, 3 Branches Br. J Ophthalmology, Vol. 1, page no. 56-59.
[3]. Myron Yanoff, Jay S Duker (2009); Ophthalmology (4th edition) Elsevier, page 526-531. Oh DE, Park SE, Lee JH., J Korean Ohthalmol Soc.2003 Aug 44 (8): 1806-1812.
[4]. Rymarz E, Matysik-Woźniak A, Baltaziak L, Prystupa A, Sak J, Grzybowski A. Lipaemiaretinalis an unusual cause of visual acuity deterioration. MedSciMonit. 2012 Aug; 18 (8): CS72-75.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Knowledge and Attitude of Student Nurses and Hospital Nurses regarding AIDS |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Sanaa Mahmoud Ahmed Hassane |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0602077178 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Amongst the health care professionals nurses and nursing student are an important component of the health care delivery system. Since they are the one who are responsible for the constant care of in-patient and thus, they come in close contact with blood and other body fluids of patients. Due to frequent and prolonged contact they are being identified as a potential risk group for the HIV/ AIDS spread. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess knowledge andattitudes of student nurses andhospital nursesand to identify willingness to provide care for patients with AIDS. Adescriptive studydesign was used. The study was conducted at faculty of nursing, Minia University and in Minia University hospitals.A convenience sample of 84 student nurse and 46 working nurse were enrolled in this study............
Keywords: Student Nurse, Hospital Nurse, Knowledge, Attitude, AIDS
[1]. Al-Rabeei N.A, Dallak A.M, and Al-Awadi F.G (2012): Knowledge, attitude and beliefs towards HIV/AIDS among students of health institutes in Sana'a city EMHJ • Vol. 18 No. 3
[2]. Bekta≤ HA1, Kulakaç O. (2007): Knowledge and attitudes of nursing students toward patients living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV): a Turkish perspective. AIDS Care.Aug; 19(7):888-94.
[3]. Delobelle P, Rawlinson J L, Ntuli S, Malatsi I, Decock R, and Depoorter A M. (2009): Knowledge, attitudes, practice and perceptions of rural nurses in south rural nurses in South Africa J Adv Nurs;
[4]. Ding L, Landon B E, Wilson I B, Wong M D, Shapiro M F, Cleary P D, (2005):Predictors and consequences of negative physician attitudes toward HIV- infected injections drug users. Arch Intern Med 2005; 165:618-23.
[5]. Goel N K, Bansal R, Pathak R, Sharma H K, Aggrarwal M and Luthra S C ( 2010):Knowledge and awareness of nursing students about HIV/ AIDS. Health and population perspectives and issues Vol. 33(1), 55-60.
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Abstract: Objective: In the present study we investigated the HBV infection among different types of patients by analyzing the seroprevalence of specific viral serological markers for detecting antigens and antibodies and follow up the biochemical parameters as well as determined the risk factors of infection. Method: A total of 165 patients (70 with CHB, 35 with AHB and 60 with AHC) from both genders. The patient's blood specimens were tested for the ALT, TSB levels and HBV serological markers then underwent for screening for coinfection with HCV or HDV using ELISA technique.............
Keywords: HBV, serological Markers, AHB patient, CHB patient.
[1]. Al-Anbari K, (2008). Super infection and co-infection in HDV in patients with HBV infection. A thesis of High Diploma. College of Health and Medical technology. Foundation of Technical Education. Baghdad.
[2]. Al-Jaaf MA, (2006). A study of hepatitis B virus pre-core mutation among Iraqi chronic hepatitis B patients treated with interferon Alfa. M. Sc. thesis. Council of genetic engineering and Biotechnology. University of Baghdad. [3]. Al-Mashhadani I, (1998). Sero-epidemiological study on HBV and HCV infections [4]. among health care workers. Ph. D. thesis. College of Medicine. Baghdad University.
[5]. Al-Salmani AM, (1986). Clinical and laboratory assessment of hepatitis B surface antigen healthy carriers. M. Sc. thesis. College of Medicine, University of Baghdad.
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Abstract: Objectives: To determine the quality of abdominal radiographs, and common factors that affect them. Method: A retrospective non experimental study was conducted on abdominal radiographs produced at UMTH between 2010 and 2015, assessing its quality using European commission guidelines and radiographic technical parameters as criteria. Data Analysis: Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages were generated from the result and the data was analyzed using a trial version of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS Version 16.0). Results: A total of 260 adult abdominal radiographs were evaluated of which 79.2% (n=206) were supine and 20.8% (n=54) were erect abdominal radiographs. Out of the radiographs studied, 21.2% (n=55) were............
Keywords: Image quality, Abdomen, Radiographs.
[1]. International Commission on Radiological Protection, Radiological and Safety in Medicine, Publication 73, Annals of the ICRP, 26/2: Oxford, UK; Pergamon press. (1996)
[2]. Sprawls P., Physical Principles of Medical Imaging 2nd ed.[online]. Available at: http// (2014).
[3]. Martin, CJ. Optimization In General Radiography: Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 3(2),1-14. (2006).
[4]. International Atomic Energy Agency, Optimization of the Radiological Production of Patients, final report of a coordinated research project in Africa, Asia and Estern Europe;IAEA-TECDOC-1423. (2004).
[5]. Peter, H. and Luis, L., Radiation Dose and Image Quality Optimization in Medical Imaging. Lisbon, Portugal. (2014).
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Abstract: Background:Since modern disasters, natural or human-made occur more frequently, causing more deaths, affecting more people and increasing economic loss. This becomes making difficult on healthcare system and personnel while assisting and ensuring the lives of the disaster population because of lack of medical resources in conjunction with a mass casualty situation,that can present specific ethical challenges in disaster management. Understanding the nature of the ethical challenges specific to disaster settings is becoming more important to prevent ethical conflicts are to be helpful to all parties to find the least negative option for action under severe conditions............
Keywords: Ethical issue, disaster management, disaster, authority, ethical decision
[1]. Geale, S. K. The ethics of disaster management, disaster prevention and management. 2012, 21 (4). pp. 445 - 462
[2]. Halpern P, Larkin GL. Ethical Issues in the Provision of Emergency Medical Care in Multiple Casualty Incidents and Disasters.
2006. In: Ciottone GR, editor. Disaster Medicine. 3rd ed. Philedelphia: Elsevier Mosby.
[3]. Jenson. E,Disaster Management Ethics, Disaster Management Training Programme, 1st ed,Department of Humanitarian Affairs of
the General Secretariat of the United Nations for the Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP)1997, retrieved from
[4]. Karadag, C.O and Hakan, A.K. Ethical Dilemmas in Disaster Medicine, Iran Red Crescent Med J; 2012, 14(10): 602–
612.PMCID: PMC3518976
[5]. Last JM. Public Health Ethics; IX. National Public Health Congress; 2004 Nov 3-6; Ankara. Turkey. Ankara: Palme
Publications; pp. 8–15.
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Abstract: Stigma towards patients with mental disease is a worldwide and multifaceted phenomenon and there is support that stigma and discrimination are also prevalent among health care team and health care students. Aim: to assess stigma toward patients with mental illness among undergraduate nursing students. Methods: Descriptive research design was used in this study. The sample consists of 309 nursing students in the academic year 2015- 2016 they were chosen by systematic random sampling using official students' listing. Tools: the data collected by the following tools, 1) socio- demographic characteristics of the students 2) Devaluation- Discrimination Scale, 3)............
Keywords: Stigma, Discrimination, Nursing Students, Mental Illnesses
[1]. Ahmedani, B. K. (2011). Mental Health Stigma: Society, Individuals, and the Profession. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics,
8(2), 41–416. Retrieved from
[2]. Ghai, S., Sharma, N., Sharma, S., & Kaur, H. (2013). Shame and stigma of mental illness. Delhi Psychiatric Journal.
[3]. Angermeyer, M. C., & Matschinger, H. (2004). The stereotype of schizophrenia and its impact on discrimination against people
with schizophrenia: results from a representative survey in Germany. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 30(4), 1049–1061.
[4]. McDaid, D. (2008). Countering the stigmatisation and discrimination of people with mental health problems in Europe. European
Commission, 1–20. Retrieved from
[5]. Svensson, B., Brunt, D., Bejerholm, U., Eklund, M., Gyllensten, A. L., Leufstadius, C., … Hansson, L. (2014). Health Care
Students ' Attitudes towards People with Schizophrenia — A Survey of Eight University Training Programs, (October), 309–316.
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Abstract: Incident reports refer to any unplanned events resulting in or with potential for injury, damage or other loss. Many countries have experienced incidents and adverse events that have highlighted failures in their health care systems and various international studies have highlighted the burden of accidents caused by adverse events within the health and social care settings which significantly impacted patients, families and health care system. This review will focus on clarifying the perception of nurses to incidents as a member of the health care workers and their documentation of those incidents by types and causes at Jordanian accredited private hospitals.
Keywords: Incident reports , incident documentation, incident types and causes.
[1]. Arabi, Y., Alamry, A., Al Owais, S.M., Al-Dorzi, H., Noushad, S., Taher, S.(2012). Incident Reporting at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Patient Safety. 8 (2), 81-7.
[2]. Aiken, C., Kanoya, Y., & Sato, C. (2007). Factors contributing to medical errors and incidents among hospital nurses: nurses' health, quality of life, and workplace predict medical errors and incidents. Industrial Health, 49, 381-388.
[3]. Bae, G.R., Norton, P.G., Flintoft, V., Blais, R., Brown, A., Cox, J.,... Tamblyn, R.(2010).
[4]. The Canadian Adverse Events Study: The incidence of adverse events among hospital 5.patients in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 170 (11), 1678-1686.
[5]. Barach, P. and Small, S. (2000) "Reporting and preventing medical mishaps: lessons from non-medical near miss reporting", British Medical Journal, vol.320, pp.579-63.
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Abstract: Background: Maternal perception of fetal movements is a universally implemented self – screening tool, administered and interpreted individually by all pregnant women, with or without guidance from health care professionals. Aim: This study aimed to determine the maternal perception and antenatal advice regarding fetal movements. Material and Methods: This study followed a descriptive design. The study was carried out at three Maternal and Child Health Centers affiliated to the different available geographical health zones at Tanta City. The subjects of the study............
Keywords: Maternal perception, Fetal movement, Knowledge, Antenatal Advice.
[1]. Olesen AG. & Svare JA. Decreased fetal movements: background, assessment, and clinical management. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004; 83(9):818-26.
[2]. Singh LT, Col G. & Sidhu MK. Daily fetal movement count chart: reducing perinatal mortality in low-risk pregnancy. Medical Journal Armed Forces India (MJAFI) 2008; 64: 212-213.
[3]. Mangesi L, Hofmeyr GJ. & Smith V. Fetal movement counting for assessment of fetal wellbeing. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015; 15 (10):CD004909. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004909.pub3.
[4]. Haezell AE, Sumathi GM. & Bhatti NR. What investigation is appropriate following maternal perception of reduced fetal movements? J Obstet Gynaecol 2005; 25:648-650.
[5]. Editorial. Reduced Fetal Movements: Interpretation and Action. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India 2011;2:141-143.