Series-6 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: Sexual problems or disorders are a sensitive subject that appears during any part of the sexual response cycle. Female sexual disorders when occur in early ages can spell trouble for their husband's life and create many psychological problems or relationship conflicts which may end with divorce. Therefore, this topic is important to be studied from both clinicians and nurses. The purpose of the study was to identify the different types of female sexual disorders, Study the effect of female sexual disorders on their husbands' psychological health, and study the impact of nursing intervention on managing physical and psychological problems of wives which..........
Key words: Nursing intervention, female sexual problems, husband satisfaction
[1]. Navneet M., Manica c., and Bharti K., (2013): Female sexual dysfunction: Indian scenario available at http://www.apiindia. Org/medicine update 2013 chap70.pdf
[2]. American Association for marriage and family therapy, (2006): available at www.hajr-
[3]. American Psychiatric Association (2013): Sexual dysfunctions. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed, American Psychiatric Association, Arlington
[4]. Nivin M., (2018): Vaginismus, WebMD Medical Reference, available at
[5]. Erin Z. Latif, M.D.Michael P. Diamond,(2013): Arriving at the diagnosis of female sexual dysfunction. Fertility and Sterility, October 2013Volume 100, Issue 4, Pages 898–904..
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Abstract: Hypertension (HTN) is the leading and most important modifiable risk factor for heart diseases, stroke, renal diseases,and retinopathy. It is a common health problem in Egypt, its rates of awareness, treatment,and control are low. Efforts to control HTN have included increasing patients' knowledge and awareness, especially about the risks associated with uncontrolled blood pressure. Themain objectiveof this study was to evaluate effectiveness of self-awareness of hypertension as a tool for reduction of blood pressure.The research hypothesis; self-awareness of hypertension has a positive effect on the reduction of blood pressure. The study subjects consisted...........
Keywords: Hypertension, Self-awareness, Blood pressure.
[1]. Agho, K. E., Osuagwu, U. L., Ezeh, O. K., Ghimire, P. R., Chitekwe, S., &Ogbo, F. A. (2018). Gender differences in factors associated with prehypertension and hypertension in Nepal: A nationwide survey. PloS one, 13(9), e0203278.
[2]. Alhalaiqa, F., Deane, K. H. O., Nawafleh, A. H., Clark, A., & Gray, R. (2012). Adherence therapy for medication non-compliant patients with hypertension: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of human hypertension, 26(2), 117.
[3]. Alzaid A. (1997). Time of declares wan on hypertension. Annuals of Egypt: medicine WEB J; 17, 2-4. (1997). Available at:http://www.medicine / 112680332 / abstract.
[4]. Ambaw, A.D., Alemie, G.A., Yohannes,S.M., Mengesha, Z.B. (2012).Adherence to antihypertensivetreatment and associated factorsamong patients on follow up atUniversity of Gondar Hospital,Northwest Ethiopia. BMC PublicHealth, 12: 282. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-282.
[5]. American Heart Association. Why High Blood Pressure is a "Silent Killer". 2018. Available at:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Inborn Errors of Metabolism |
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Authors | : | Satya Deepthi Pidakala |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0801062327 ![]() |
Abstract: Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMS) are due to congenital metabolic disorders. They are caused by defects related to synthesis, metabolism and storage of biochemical compounds. Sudden illness, nonspecific features like poor feeding leathery, vomiting, failure to thrive, apnea, organomegaly are the features. In acute presentation the disorder appear normal at birth but in chronic presentation the disorder appear from birth to adult hood. Based on the pathophysiology IEMS are classified into intoxication group which include phenylketonuria, alkaptonuria, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and thalassemia. Energy metabolism group which include mitochondrial disorders and complex molelcule group which includes Gauchers disease, Tay sachs disease, Niemann pick disease, their clinical features, diagnosis and treatment.
[1]. Brton BK. Inborn errors of metabolism is infancy: A guide to diagnosis. Pediatrics 1998:102:E69.
[2]. Clarke JTR. General principles In: A clinical guide to inherited metabolic disease, 3rd edn New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
[3]. Lyon G, Kolodny EH, Pastores GM. Neurology of Hereditary Metabolic Diseases of Children, 3rd edn New York. McGraw Hill, 2006.
[4]. Saudubray JM, van den Berghe G, Walter JH. Inborn metabolic diseases: Diagnosis and treatment, 5th edn. Springer Medizin; 2011
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Chemotherapy Drugs: Safe Handling Prevents Medication Errors |
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Authors | : | Rufa Mitsu RN || Santhi Appavu RN |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0801062830 ![]() |
Abstract: Chemotherapy is now a mainstay of cancer therapy used in the treatment of most of solid tumors and hematologic malignancies. One of the primary responsibilities of the nurse in the delivery of chemotherapy is to ensure that the accurate dose of the appropriate drug is given to the appropriate individual. Despite the fact that safeguards are in place, serious medication errors do occur. Such tragic events are regrettable but not so remarkable when one considers the number of chemotherapy doses given and the number of patients treated. The complex high-risk process of administering chemotherapeutic agents creates a challenge for stakeholders to develop a framework of best practices to reduce errors and increase knowledge for individuals involved in both direct and indirect care. [1]This article outlines the comprehensive review ofmedication error, factors and contributing factors of medication error, strategies to prevent medication error and the ways you can increase both staff and patient safety..
Keywords: chemotherapy, medication error, prevention, safety strategies
[1]. Schrijvers DL. Extravasation a dreaded complication of chemotherapy. Annals of Oncology.2003; 14(3): 26-30.
[2]. Opfler KB,Wirtz DM, Farley K. A chemotherapy standard order form: preventing errors. Oncol Nurs Forum; 26(1):123-8
[3]. Ranchon F, Salles G, Spath HM et al. Chemotherapeutic errors in hospitalized cancer patients attributable damage and extra cost. BMC Cancer. 2011;11:478
[4]. Tavakoli-Ardakania M, Omidic S, Eshraghid A, Salamzadeh J.Medication Errors in Administration of Chemotherapeutic Agents: an Observational Study. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013; 9 (2): 1-11.
[5]. Vioral AN. Examining Oncology Nurses' Knowledge of Chemotherapy Errors Using Two Self-Directed Learning Strategies. Indiana University of Pennsylvania. 2014; 39-46.
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Abstract: A single group pre-test and post-test design was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of Planned Health Education on Weaning among mothers in the selected urban slums, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. The study was conducted by Ms. K. Tasrufoon, at Apollo College of Nursing, Hyderabad in partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain degree of M.Sc.(N), Dr.N.T.R.University of Health Sciences, Gunadala, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
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[5]. Molly Sam. Geetha N. A text book of nutrition for nurses. 1st ed. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Pvt Ltd; 2000. p. 102- 4..
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Abstract: Equipping adolescent females with required information on genital tract infections and their preventive measures will help empower them with the knowledge to augment both their wellbeing and academic performance. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a training program toward external genital organs' infections (vulvitis) and it's reported preventive measures among female students. Methods: A quasi-experimental one group pre- post-test design was applied on 100 students at Port-Said University, Egypt. A training program was developed and implemented on female students in the first years from four faculties; the recruitment of.......
Keywords: Adolescent; genital tract infection; female; Quasi-experimental study.
[1]. National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, 2014.
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[6]. Cemek. North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Turkey: Elsevier Inc 2015.
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Abstract: Nursing professional values face some changes due to obvious dynamic changes in social attitudes, advanced science, technology and universal diversity. There are many factors that can affect nurses' professional values including culture, professional experience, education, professional training and effect of nursing expertise on values. Caring, activism, trust,human dignity, professionalism and justices are considered the core of nursing professional values. Aim of the Study: The present study aims to evaluate the impact of an educational program on nurses' knowledge about nursing professional values through implementing one day workshop. Research Design: A quasi experimental research design was used. Pretest was done. Immediately after implementation of the educational.......
Keywords: Nursing Professional Values, educational program, activism, professionalism, justice, trust, caring.
[1]. Bang KS, Kang JH, Jun MH, Kim HS, Son HM, Yu SJ, Kwon MK, Kim JS. Professional values in Korean undergraduate nursing students. Nurse education today. 2011 Jan 1;31(1):72-5.
[2]. Alidina k. Professionalism in post-licensure nurses in developed countries. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 2013, 3 (5); 128- 37.
[3]. Moore R. Professionalism in nursing, midwifery and the allied health professions in Scotland: a report to the Coordinating Council for the NMAHP Contribution to the Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHSScotland. 2012. The Scottish Government. Available in, retrieved on 18/8/2018.
[4]. Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador. (2013b). Standards for Nurse Practitioner Practice in Newfoundland and Labrador. Available in, retrieved on 18/8/2018.
[5]. Park MR, Kim NC. Development of a nursing competence measurement scale according to nurse's clinical ladder in general wards. J Korean Acad Nurs Admin. 2014; 20: 257-721...
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Abstract: Sociodemographic factors are well known risk factors for depression among healthcare personnel. In this study, sociodemographic factors are tested as risk factors of depression by HAD scale. This study aims to test sociodemographic factors as risk factors of depression in the healthcare providers. Risk factors of depression assessed by using HAD scale among 208 healthcare personnel in Governmental Health Facilities in Alhasaheesa locality in Al Gezira State, Sudan. According to HAD scale, 51.0% of the participants were normal while the remaining (49%) had variable levels of depression ranging from mild to severe depression The sociodemographic risk factors associated depression, found to be the academic levels, years of employment, job satisfaction and duration of employment in years. However, age, gender, work environment, daily working hours and work relations had statistically insignificant association with depression.
[1]. World Health Organization. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2010:240–261.
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Abstract: Nurses in different agencies and clinical settings have diverse roles in ensuring safe and competent cancer chemotherapy, such as Adapting and interpreting standards for the practice environment and care providers. Aim of the study: to develop and validating nursing care standards for patient receiving chemotherapy at the clinical Oncology department. Setting: Kasr El-Einy Center for Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine (NEMROCK) at Cairo University Hospitals. The sample composed of two groups, the first group 80 experts while the second group consists of 40 staff nurses. Data collection tools were an opinionnaire developed by the researchers based on the relevant literatures and observation checklist........
Keywords: Validity, applicability, standards, nursing care, chemotherapy administration
[1]. Vancouver:Equicare Health introduces Equicare CS (ECS) 4.9 at the ASTRO 2018 Annual Meeting.
[2]. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology/Association Canadienne des Infirmieres en Oncologie (CANO/ACIO), 2010.
[3]. Langhorne M, Fulton J, Otto S.: Oncology Nursing. Mosby Elsevier. St Louis, MI.2007;4th Ed.
[4]. Charalambous A, Papadopoulos IR, Beadsmoore A.: Towards a theory of quality nursing care for patients with cancer through hermeneutic phenomenology. Eur J OncolNurs. 2009;13:350–360. doi: 1016/j.ejon.2009.04.011. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
[5]. Charalambous,Athanasios Pallis,Baktiar Hasan and Mary O'Brien: Attitudes and referral patterns of lung cancer specialists in Europe to Specialized Palliative Care (SPC) and the practice of Early Palliative Care (EPC). BMC Palliative Care.2014;13:59
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Abstract: The study of changes in haematologic parameters and possible adverse reactions following the administration of aqueous leaf extract of Terminalia catappa was carried out on male albino Wistar rats The experimental animals were randomly distributed into three (3) groups of five (n=5) rats per group. Group 1 served as control and was administered normal deionized water orally at a dose of 5ml/kg body weight. Group 2 and 3 animals were administered with aqueous extract of Terminalia catappa at a dose of 40mg/kg body weight as low dose and 120mg/kg body weight as high dose by oral gavaging. The body weight of the animals were taken daily and the study lasted for 17 days.......
Keywords: Red Blood Cell count, White Blood Cell count, Platelets count, haematological indices, Terminalia catappa, adverse drug reaction.
[1]. Ahmed, S., Swamy, V., Dhanapal, G. and Chandrashekara, V. (2005) Anti-diabetic Activity of Terminalia catappa Linn. Leaf Extracts in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and therapeutics,4:36-39.
[2]. Aimola, I., Inuwa, H., Mamman, A., Habila, N., Agbaji, A. and Omoniwa, D. (2011) Terminalia catappa Extract Enhances Erythropoiesis in Adult Balb C Mice. Journal of Molecular Biology Research, 1 (1) 40-46
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Coping Strategies among first Infertile Couples undergoing In-vitro Fertilization |
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Authors | : | Rasha Mohamed Hassan Eltelt |
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: | 10.9790/1959-08010687100 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Infertility problems have become a public health concern throughout the world. In recent years, there has been an increase in publicity about infertility and reproductive medicine technologies especially In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Aim of the study is to assess different coping strategies among first infertile couples undergoing in-vitro fertilization. Design A descriptive research design. Setting: the study was conducted at Center of the eye offertility and microscopic injection in Mahalla Al - Kubra center as private sectors. Subjects: A convenience sample composed of 100 couples, from the previous setting. Tools: of data collection: Tool I:-Interviewing questionnaire sheet, It was composed of two parts, part one: socio-demographic data for couples.......
Keywords: Coping Strategies, Infertile Couples, In-vitro Fertilization.
[1]. BBC News, (2017): More IVF on the NHS, Online. Available:
[2]. Petersen T, Ingerslev HJ. (2014); Stressful life events are associated with a poor in-vitro fer-tilization (IVF) outcome: a prospective study. Hum Reprod (2014); 24 (9): 2173–82. doi: 10.1093/humrep /dep185.
[3]. Moher D, Hopewell S, Schulz KF, Montori V, Gøtzsche PC, Devereaux PJ, Elbourne D, Egger M & Altman DG. Consort (2015): Explanation and Elaboration: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. BMJ 2015; 340:c869. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c869.