Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Around the world, cervical cancer cases have been experienced by 1.4 million women. Data obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO) is known to have 493,243 people per year with new cervical cancer patients with a mortality rate of 273,505 people per year (Emilia, 2010). In Indonesia there are five types of cancer that many people suffer from. One of them is cervical cancer which was ranked first of all cervical cancer cases which was ranked first of all cancer cases recorded 3,686 cases (17.85%). This proves that cervical cancer is still a health problem for women in Indonesia. Success rate of IVA method in detecting early cervical cancer is 60-92%. IVA sensitivity is even higher than Pap Smear. Within 60 seconds if there is an abnormality in the cervix white plaque will appear which can be suspected as a cancerous lesion...........
Key words:Factors That Influence Mothers to Perform IVA Examination (Visual Acetate Acid Inspection).
[1]. Depkes RS. 2005. Deteksi dini kanker leher rahim dengan IVA, Jakarta: Depkes RI.
[2]. Arikunto, S. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian dan Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[3]. Notoatmodjo, 2010. Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan,. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
[4]. Marianti, 2009. Kesehatan Masyarakat Ilmu dan Seni. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
[5]. Fitramaya, Wijayanti, D. 2009. Reproduksi Wanita. Jogjakarta: Diglossia Printika..
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Abstract: Background: Sewage treatment plants are associated with various health hazards. Aim: Assess the occupational health hazards among workers in sewage treatment plants in Beni-Suef governorate. Design: A descriptive research design. Setting: This study was conducted at15 sewage treatment plants in Beni-Suef Governorate. Tools: Two tools were used for data collection; Tool I: Structural interview questionnaire Tool II: Observational checklist of personal protective equipment, environmental safety and its hazards. Results: The present study revealed that more than half of workers have poor level of knowledge regarding occupational hazards in the work place, related to practice more than three fifth of workers used safety boots as personal protective equipment. Also there were.......
Keywords: sewage treatment plants, workers, occupational hazards
[1]. Anand, T., Chauhan, A ., Kushora ,J,. Danielsen ,T ,.And Asante B,(2016): low back disorder among waste collection workers, prevalence and risk factors, master thesis of science in the department of community health and epidemiology in college of medicine ,university of Saskatchewan.
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[3]. Nellie J and Brown M.S., C.I.H (2014) : Cornell University Chemical Hazard Information Program Dr. James Platner, Toxicologist Director Health Hazard Manual Waste water treatment plant and Sewer workers (exposure to chemical hazards and biohazards). [4]. Tiwari,A., Nagar,O., and Abad, M.(2014):Occupational medicine division, National institute of occupational health, India, Occupational Medicine Division. Article in IJOEM(Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine). 5- Thorn J, Beijer L and Rylander R.(2016): Work related symptoms among sewage workers: A nationwide survey in Sweden. Occup Environ Med. 2012;59:562–6. [PMC free article] .
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Abstract: Cervical cancer is a major global health problem, with nearly 500,000 new cases occurring each year worldwide. The study aim to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching program on knowledge and barriers towards cervical cancer screening among women of reproductive age .Research design: A quasi- experimental design was used. Settings: The study was conducted at outpatient clinic for gynecological problems at the cancer center in Tanta University Hospital, affiliated to General Secretariat of Specialized Centers. Subjects: A purposive sample of 92 married women, from the previous setting during the period of three months. Tools, two tools were used to collect data.1)A structure........
Keywords:Teaching program, Barriers toward cervical cancer screening, Reproductive age
[1]. Ibrahim, A. (2013): Cervical Cancer, Risk Factors and Feasibility of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid Screening Method in Khartoum State, Sudan: Unit for Health Promotion Research, Series A; No 6, 978-87-91245-14-5., Pp1-2, 7.
[2]. Bansal, A.B., Pakhare, A.P., Kapoor, N, Mehrotra, R. and Kokane, A.M.(2017): Knowledge, attitude, and practices related to cervical cancer among adult women: A hospital-based cross-sectional study, JNat Sci. Biol. Med, Vol. 6(2), Pp. 324-8. Available at doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.159993.
[3]. Human Papillomavirus Information Center (2017): Human Papillomavirus and Related Diseases Report., Pp. 8,22 . Available at http://www.cancer.Gov./cancer topics/fact sheet/Risk/HPV.
[4]. Chitashi, N.S. (2013): Quality of life in Zambian cervical cancer women post chemo-radiotherapy: masters technology degree radiography.,Pp.2-11
[5]. Julia, M., Annette, L., Galassi, A., Al-Ruzzieh, Bigirimana, J.A., Lori Buswell, L., Winnie K.W, Steinberg, A.B. and Williams, M. (2016):The Relationship Between Knowledge and Beliefs About Human Papillomavirus, Acceptance of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine, Doctor thesis, College of Public Health, University of South Florida, pp1-5.
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Abstract: Background: Having high risk newborn in the NNU, is disempowering for mothers as they lost autonomy over their own behavior and lost autonomy over beginning to establish a close relationship with their newborn. Breastfeeding/breast milk feeding is highly valued by mothers as it is the 'one thing that only the mother can do' to contribute to protect and improve their neonates' health. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of nursing intervention about early maternal practices for maintenance of breast milk flow during hospitalization of their high risk neonates on knowledge and practices of the mothers. This aim can be achieved through assessing the knowledge and practices.........
Keywords:Breast milk expression, Breast feeding, Milk production, Nursing intervention, High risk neonates.
[1]. Jihye, L. & Kyung, B. (2012): The Effects of Kangaroo Care on Maternal Self-esteem and Premature Infants' Physiological Stability, College of Nursing, Seoul National University. The Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University.
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[3]. Kunswa, M. (2010): Effect of Nursing Intervention on Stressors and Coping Patterns of Mothers having Preterm Infants, Pediatric Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, P 99.
[4]. Turan, T., Basbakkal, Z., and Ozbek, S. (2008): Effect of Nursing Intervention on Stressors of Parents of Premature Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Department of Child Health Nursing, Pamukkale University, pp.1- 8.
[5]. Centers for Disease Control. Breastfeeding Report Care 2014.
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Abstract: Background: Pregnant women need more essential nutrient than other women. Pregnant woman needs 300 calories per day to support the growth of the baby .The aim of this study was evaluate the effect of nutrition education package on pregnant women knowledge and healthy dietary practice. Design: A quasi- experimental study. Sample: A purposive sample. Setting: Women were recruited from maternity &childhood hospital, Zagazig university hospitals.Tools of data collection: Self-administered and food frequency questionnaire were used for data collection measuring height and weight together to calculate body mass index. Results: The majority of participants (51.7 %).........
Keywords: Dietary Practice, Education package , Nutrition
[1]. Beaver, A., Al, Madrid, M, G., A, Baste, Da. 2006. Maternal knowledge, attitude and practice on folic acid intake among Arabian Qatari women. Repro'd toxically. Jan; 21 : - 5.
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Abstract: Use of a multidisciplinary clinical pathway during care of patients undergoing fracture neck femur surgery tends to be more effective during patients' management than routine hospital care because it was found to be significantly improve quality of care. Aim: This study was conducted to determine the effect of implementing the clinical pathway management program of patients undergoing fracture neck of femur surgery on nurses' knowledge, practice and its' designing. Design : A quasi experimental design was utilized. Setting: The study was carried out at Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Tanta Main University Hospital. Sample: All nurses (43) from above mentioned settings who are providing direct care for patients with fracture neck of femur surgery. Tools: three tools..........
Keywords: Fracture neck of the femur surgery, Clinical pathway, Nurses ' Practice.
[1]. Zhang X. Wang X. Ren X. and Zhi Liu A. Incidence of and Factors Influencing Femoral Neck Shortening in Elderly Patients After Fracture Fixation with Multiple Cancellous Screws, Med. Sci. Monit. 2017; 23: 1456–1463.
[2]. Dan-Feng X. Fang-Gang B. Chi-Yuan M. Zheng-Fa W. and Xun-Zi C. A systematic review of undisplaced femoral neck fracture treatments for patients over 65 years of age, with a focus on union rates and avascular necrosis, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2017; 12:28.
[3]. Ali S. Prabhu J. Elsaid Gomaa H. Al-Khalifa F. and Lynch A. Challenges and Mortality after Neck of Femur Fractures in Elderly Patients; Experience of a Small District Hospital, Ortho & Rheum Open Access J, 2018; 11(3):812.
[4]. Rotter T. Kugler J. Koch R. A systematic review and metaanalysis of the effects of clinical pathways on length of stay, hospital costs and patient outcomes. BMC Health Serv Res, 2008;8:265.
[5]. Zhu Q. Xu B. Jinzhu L. and Maohua Yan M. Introduction of a guide based on a femoral neck section for fixation with multiple screws: a cadaveric study, BMC Musculoskeletal DisordersBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted, 2018; 19: 104..
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Abstract: Cervical cancer is a disease that is peculiar to women, and has adverse effect on their sexual and reproductive health as well as their general condition and family life.Family type may be monogamy,polygamy or polyandry. Cervical cancer mortality rates have fallen in much of the developed world during the past 30 years, largely due to screening and treatment programmes. During the same time, however, rates in most developing countries have risen or remain unchanged, often due to limited access to health services, lack of awareness and absence of screening and treatment programmes. A descriptive cross sectional study design was used involving both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. A total number of 117 MCH mothers were interviewed onan exit.....
Keywords:Community, knowledge, awareness, cancer, Screening, Mwala
[1]. Pinn, V.W. (2008). Women's Health. The News.AMSA Focus Newsletter
[2]. Baileff, A. (2000). Cervical Screening: Patients' Negative Attitudes and Experiences. Nursing Standard 14 (44) 15 -20
[3]. Knowledge on cervical cancer screening pdf-Google Search (internet) (cited 2018
[4]. Mar 23) Available from:
[5]. WHO/Screening as wll as vacination is essential in the fight against cervical cancer (internet)WHO (CITED 2018 Mar23) Available from:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect of Blended Vegetables on Fasting Blood Glucose Level |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Jerlyn Apatan Enrera |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0801017377 ![]() |
Abstract: The research study focused to determine the effect of blended vegetables on the fasting blood glucose level. It sought to answer the following questions: (1) What is the fasting blood sugar level of the participants before the intake of the blended vegetables. (2) What is the fasting blood sugar level of the participants after the intake of the blended vegetables. The blood glucose levels were measured by the use of a glucometer. The results were statistically treated by using mean. The findings revealed that the blended vegetables was able to reduce the fasting blood glucose levels of the participants. Therefore, daily consumption of vegetables such as ampalaya and malunggay is beneficial to patients who are suffering from high blood glucose level.
Keywords:Ampalaya, Blood Glucose, Glucometer, Malunggay
[1]. C. Nishida, R. Uauy, S. Kumanyika and P.Shetty, The Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: process, product and policy implications.............
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Abstract: The use of Game- Based Learning (GBL) has been recognized as an active learning strategy that can help students achieve their goals. Engagement in GBL has assisted students in the retention of knowledge, promotion of problem-based learning, andcritical thinking skills. Aim of the study: to investigatenursing students' and educators' perception on the use of GBL as an active learning strategy.An explanatorydescriptive mixed-methodstudy design was adopted. The study was conducted at faculty of nursing Damnhour &Alexandria University Egypt.Using the equal allocation method, a convenient sample of 100 undergraduate nursing students registered at pediatric nursing course from Damnhour and100 from the same department from........
Keywords: Active learning, critical thinking, experiential learning,Game- Based Learning, andinnovative teaching strategies.
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