Series-1 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: A study to determine "The effectiveness of the Informational booklet on Menopausal Problems and coping strategies among Menopausal women in selected areas in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh was conducted by Smt. N. Manjula Rani, in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a degree of Master of science in Nursing at "Apollo college of Nursing, Hyderabad under Dr. N.T.R University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada during the year 2008-2010. Each woman is unique and must make her own informed decision about her health. Life expectancy is rising. Women can expect to live greater portions of their lives postmenopausal. The Objectives of the study were:........
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Abstract: Transport of intensive care unit (ICU) patients within the hospital has been associated with a high rate of potentially detrimental complications. The events of adverse incidents remain high and constitute a significant risk for the transport of critically ill ICU patients20. Intrahospital transport of critically ill patients is often necessary for optimal patient care and it is a challenging task21. Protecting critically ill patients from harm by constant monitoring and prompt intervention is a primary responsibility of nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU) 12. Our study aims to design an intrahospital appurtenance using Delphi technique to prevent and manage such potential problems occurring during.......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effectiveness of Acupressure (Sp6) On Dysmennorrhoea among Adolescent Girls (13-15 yrs) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs. R. Bagavathi |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0802013133 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Dysmennorrhoea is painful cramps originating in the uterus just prior to or during menstruation. Various studies show that the prevalence of dysmennorrhoea in adolescent females has been reported to be 67.2%. Objectives: Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of acupressure (sp6) on dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls (13-15 yrs) Methodology: Quantitative approach with quasi experimental design with non randomized control group design was for this study. Structured administer Dysmennorrhoea assessment scale and demographic variables and clinical data were used as a tool for data collection. 30 samples for experimental group and 30 samples for control group were selected by convenience sampling. Data was collected from Higher Secondary Schools at Madurai in Tamil Nadu.........
Keywords: Dysmennorrhoea , Acupressure sp6 , Adolescent girls.
[1]. Alkassi. A, Kalman (2002). Effect and placebo effect of acupuncture (p6) on nausea and vomiting after outpatient gynecologic surgery, 43 (3), 270-271.
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[4]. Lee. T (2002), Chinese way of easing pain, acupressure, internal journal of alternative medicine, 24(3), 1-12.
[5]. Michael Reed Gach , (2003), acupressure for emotional healing. (5th ed). Amezon, (213-246).
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Abstract: Background: Children are our Nation's most precious resource, but as children, they often lack the skills to protect themselves. It is our responsibility, as parents and teachers, to safeguard children and to teach them the skills to be safe from all types of physical and sexual abuse. Aim: Investigating the effectiveness of an abuse prevention program in protecting physically disabled children against sexual abuse and promoting their safety. Methods and participant: A Quasi-experimental design (one group pre/posttest) was used with a purposeful sample of 30 physically and intellectually handicapped children from Al Basma Association for Disabled Children., located at Shebin al-Kom, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Three tools were used including, Children's Knowledge of Abuse Questionnaire (CKAQ-RII)........
Keywords: handicapped children, safety, prevention program, sexual abuse, physically
[1]. Aboul-Hagag. K, Hamed, A. (2012) Prevalence and pattern of child sexual abuse reported by a cross-sectional study among the University children, Sohag University, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences (2012) 2, 89–96
[2]. Alriksson .A, Armour.B, Thibadeau.J, (2010) Are adolescent girls with a physical disability at increased risk for sexual violence? School Health. Vol. 80, No. (7).
[3]. Annerback.M,Sahlqvist.L,Svedin.C,Wingren.G,Gustafsson,P.(2012).Child physical abuse and concurrence of other types of child abuse in Sweden-Associations with health and risk behaviors.Elsevier.585-595.
[4]. Barth. J, Bermetz, L. Heim. E, Trelle. S, Tonia, T. (2013). The current prevalence of child sexual abuse worldwide: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Public Health (2013) 58:469–483 DOI 10.1007/s00038-012-0426-1
[5]. Elizabeth J. Letourneau, Paul J. Nietert, and Alyssa A. Rheingold. (2015) Brief report: Initial assessment of stewards of children program effects on child sexual abuse reporting rates in selected South Carolina counties. Permissions .nav. DOI: 10.1177/1077559515615232
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Abstract: Dental instrumental reprocessing is too important to control many seriously pathogens potentially transmitted through dental procedures, the dental care providers at the privet dental clinic play essential role to apply dental instrumental reprocessing by true way to avoid cross infection. Aim: Applying instrumental reprocessingprocedure for dental care providersin private dental clinic at Helwan district. Design: quasi experimental design was used. Setting: The study was conducted alldental care providers working inprivate dental clinics atHelwan district, they are 57clinics. Sampling: convenient sample was used........
Keywords: Private Dental Clinic, Instrumental Reprocessing, Dental care providers.
[1]. Rutala, W.A., and Weber, D.J. (2017): Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities. Secondary Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities. Available at: [2]. O'Hara, N.N., Patel, K.R., Caldwell, A.N. (2015):Sterile reprocessing of surgical instruments in low- and middle-income countries: a multicenter pilot study. Am J Infect Control;43:1197–200. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2015.06.025[PubMed]
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Abstract: Background: Episiotomy remains a common or even routine surgical procedure at childbirth. Episiotomy care is very essential, if neglected it can lead to severe complications like infection, wound gapping etc. Infrared radiation is effective for episiotomy wound healing. Objectives: To assess the condition of episiotomy wound among postnatal mothers in experimental and control group by conducting pre-test. To evaluate the effectiveness of infrared lamp therapy on healing of episiotomy wound among postnatal mothers in experimental group. To compare pre-test and post-test scores of both the experimental and control groups.........
Keywords: Episiotomy, infrared lamp, postnatal mothers
[1]. Pore Y. Effectiveness of moist heat and dry heat application on healing of episiotomy wound. AJMS. 2014; 2: 2348-7186.
[2]. Shikalgar N, Mrinal G, Anwar S. Effect of Therapeutic Ultrasound on Episiotomy: a Clinical Trial: Pilot Study. IOSR JNHS. 2016; 5: 37-41.
[3]. Kaur S, Sheoran P, Chand S. Comparison of Infra Red Light Therapy vsSitz Bath on Episiotomy in Terms of Wound Healing and Intensity of Pain among Postnatal Mothers. IJONC. 2014; 2: 37-41.
[4]. [5]. Mohamed H A, Saied N. Effect of Self Perineal Care Instructions on Episiotomy Pain and Wound Healing of Postpartum Women. J Am Sci. 2012; 8(6): 640- 650.
[6]. Nethravathi V, Kshirsagar NS, Satish VK. Effectiveness of Infrared Lamp Therapy on Healing of Episiotomy Wound among Postnatal Mothers. Health Sci J.2015; 9:1-3.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nursing students Preparedness and Barriers towards E-learning at king Abdulziz University |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Elham al Nagshabandi ,DSN |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0802017078 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: E-learning exploits interactive technologies and communication systems to improve the learning experience. It has the potential to transform the way we teach and learn across the board. It can raise standards, and widen participation in lifelong learning. Aim of the study: was to assess nursing students' preparedness and barriers towards E-learning as an educational strategy. Subjects and Methods: Research design: mixed methods cross sectional design) was adopted to carry out this study.........
Keywords: E-Learning, Technology barriers of E-learning.
[1]. AlgahtaniL A. Evaluating the effectiveness of the E-learning Experience in Some Universities in Saudi Arabia from Male Students' Perceptions. Available at Durham E-Thesis Online: from 20-8-2016
[2]. Alajmi M. Faculty members' readiness for E-learning in the college of basic education in Kuwait. Doctor thesis University of North Texas 2010. Available at :
[3]. Khan, B. H. Managing E-learning: Design, Delivery, Implementation and Evaluation, Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing (2005). retrived from 2/9/2016 Available at:
[4]. Almosa, A. and Almubarak, A. E-learning Foundations and Applications, Saudi Arabia: Riyadh. : King Saud University. (2005). Available at :[retrieved from 22/6/2016].
[5]. MunganiaV.Employees' perception of barriers in E.learning : The relationship among barriers ,demographics, and E.learning self-efficacy. Doctora thesis University of Louisville 2004. retrived from 2/9/2016 .Availbe at:
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Abstract: Background: Obese children are more likely to become overweight or obese adults than children of normal weight, and therefore they are at risk for associated adult health problems, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Aim: To compare the reported prevalence of obesity and overweight among primary school children in Al-Fayoum Governorate to that in a similar study conducted in Port Said City. Also to study the relative effects of factors contributing to childhood obesity. Subjects and Methods: Data for children aged 6-12 years from two studies conducted in Egypt; one in Al-Fayoum Governorate (2018-2019) and the other in Port Said City (2010-2011). Data were collected in the form of anthropometric measurements (weight, height, and body mass index).........
Keywords: Obesity, Overweight, Al-Fayoum, Port Said.
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[4]. Ogden, C. L., Carroll, M. D., &Flegal, K. M. (2008).High body mass index for age among US children and adolescents, 2003-2006. Jama, 299(20), 2401-2405.
[5]. Samy, M.A., Khairy, S.A., Ibrahim, S.A., Matter, M.K. and Hassan, H.K. (2012). Management of Overweight and Obesity in Egyptian School Children—An Intervention Study. The Journal of American Science, 8.
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Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that the same of human intelligent behaviors can have respond such as understanding complex situations, simulating thinking processes and human reasoning methods and responding to them, also, learning and the ability to acquire knowledge and reason for solving problems.The concept and development of AI, defined as computer systems able to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence can enhance and expedite a critical component of nursing care delivery, namely decision making. The aim of this study was to evaluating the attitude of nursing managers in using artificial intelligence systems in nursing decision making in hospitals affiliated to Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS).........
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Attitude; Decision Making; Nursing
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