Series-10 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: Environmental health and safety (EHS or HSE) is the department in a hospital or any health organization tasked with ensuring that the work undertaken by the hospital does not cause undue environmental damage, put the workers' health and safety at high risk, complies with applicable legislation, and follows best practices.EHS aims to prevent and reduce accidents, emergencies, and health issues at work, along with any environmental damage that could result from work practices. The aim of the study: was to evaluate effect of environmental health and safety measures guidelines on nurses' knowledge and practice. Design: One........
Keywords: Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines - Nurses' Knowledge and Practice
[1]. Amadhila's, J. (2017).Knowledge and practices among registered nurses on occupationalhazards in Onandjokwe Health District: Oshikoto region, Namibia
[2]. Asadollahi, M. Bostanabad, M. Jebraili, M. Mahallei, M. Rasooli,(2015). Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Hand Hygiene and Its Individual and Organizational Predictors. J Caring Sci. 2015 Mar; 4(1): 45–53.
[3]. Azadeh A, Nouri J, Mohammad . he Impacts of Macroergonomics on Environmental Protection and Human Performance in Power Plants. Iran J Environ Health Sc. Eng. 2017;2:60–66.
[4]. Alavi, A. Bahrami, M. Boroujeni, A and Yousefy. A. (2015) Pediatric nurses' perception of factors associated with caring self-efficacy: A qualitative content analysis Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res 20(2): 232–238 https://www. ncbi.nlm. PMC/
[5]. Ali, M.A. (2018). Quality of life for nurse's .thesis. Faculty of nursing Alexandria University. Medical surgical department
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Abstract: Background: Under normal circumstances, intrathoracic pressure is below atmospheric pressure. When this pressure changes because of excess air and/or fluid, the lungs may collapse. If this occurs, a chest tube is inserted into the intrapleural space. Aim of the Study: This study was carried out to assess the efficacy of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on the knowledge regarding nursing management of patients with Chest drainage among Staff nurses of selected hospitals of Malwa region of Punjab. Material and Methods: Pre-experimental single group pretest posttest design was used to assess the knowledge of 30 Staff nurses with non.......
Keywords: Self Instructional Module, Staff Nurse, Chest drainage
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Abstract: We reported a 16-year old male student with a history of neurological disorders (Seizures) and a significant reduction in the frequency of recurrence of seizures through a practice of Acupressure 14 points exercise. Administration of anticonvulsant drugs combined with Acupressure 14 points exercise therapy designed by SWAMIJI Vethathiri Maharishi, South Indian Born Saint and Savant (1911--2006) was followed. Acupressure 14 points exercise therapy was practiced by the patient for one year unintermittently and that too one minute at each point and four times a day. This resulted in a remarkable recovery from the frequency of occurrence of seizures to lead a normal lifestyle and tapering of anticonvulsant drugs. Acupressure 14 points exercise therapy designed by Swamiji Vethathiri..........
Keywords: Seizures, Vethathiri Maharishi, Acupressure14 points, CAM, Anti convulsant drugs
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Knowledge Regarding Triage System among Nursing Staff Working In Selected Hospital Of Sikkim |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Thoibi Devi Moirangthem |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0802102732 ![]() |
Abstract: The triage system is a simple yet carefully structured process in which patients are categorized according to the severity of their presenting condition. This system aims to maximize benefits by prioritizing patients with urgent cases from non-urgent cases. In the current emergency care and environment, with increasing patient volume and acuity, it is more important than ever to ensure that nurses performing the vital triage function have the appropriate competencies. Nursing competence refers to a demonstrated ability to integrate knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment based on scientific knowledge and expectations for nursing practice. Hence the investigators conducted the study to find out knowledge regarding triage system among nursing staff working in selected hospital of Sikkim. The primary purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge regarding triage system among.......
Keywords: Triage system, knowledge, nursing staff
[1]. Robertson-Steel I. Evolution of triage systems. Emergency Medicine Journal 2006; 23: 154-5.
[2]. Gilboy N, Tanabe T, Travers D, Rosenau A.M. Emergency Severity Index (ESI): A Triage tool for emergency department Care, Version 4. Implementation Handbook 2012 Edition. AHRQ Publication No. 12-0014. Rockville, MD. Agency for healthcare Research and Quality, 2011.
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[4]. Minami H. Young-Soo S (2009). ICN Framework of disaster Nursing Competencies. World Health Organization and International Council of Nurses. ISBN 978-92-95065-79-6
[5]. Open Government Data. National Informatics Centre [2015]. Government of India.
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Abstract: Each year worldwide, about 76,000 pregnant women die from preeclampsia and related hypertensive disorders. Maternal death could be prevented if women are equipped with knowledge and following preventive health practices. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of an educational module on women's knowledge and self-care practice about pre-eclmpsia among antenatal women attending antenatal clinics at Cairo university hospitals, Egypt. Design: quasi- experimental design one group (Pre-test -Post-test) was used on selected 100 antenatal women diagnosed with preeclampsia. Tool: The tool included socio-demographic data, preeclampsia knowledge and self-care practices questionnaire (pre-post test). Results: Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) indicated that, there were statistically significant difference in mean knowledge score before and after.......
Keywords: Educational Module, Pre-eclampsia, Knowledge, Self-Care Practice, Pregnant Women.
[1]. Murray, S., McKinney, E. (2014). Foundation of Maternal- Newborn Nursing. (5th Ed). Saunders. [2]. Palacios C & Pena-Rosas JP (2014). Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for preventing hypertensive disorders and related problems. WHO RHL Commmentary. penasrosasjp_com/en/.Accessed 19/11. [3]. Amin, T.T., (2014). Maternal and Perinatal Mortality: A snapshot on the Egyptian situation.. International Public Health Forum. Vol (1). Available from: A_snapshot_on_the_Egyptian_situation [accessed Feb 23 2019].
[4]. Zahran. K.M, Fadel,K.A Ahmed S.A. & EL-Gazzar A. F (2017). Maternal mortality in an academic institution in Upper Egypt. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology_ Vol 37, No 3.
[5]. James OE, Mgbekem MA,Edem OA (2009). Knowledge, attitude and preventive practices towards pregnancy induced hypertension among pregnant women in general hospital Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 6: 1-5..
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Abstract: Music therapy can provide health benefits to its users. The benefits of music therapy can help lower blood pressure, help improve the analysis process, enhance body immunity, provide balance in heart rate and pulse and prevent sleep disorders. Various nursing interventions can be done by combining it with music to get more optimal results. The purpose of this study was to determine the interest of the elderly towards music in the elderly who were being given nursing intervention. This type of research is quantitative research. The number of samples in this study were 56 people with the sampling method that is Probability sampling using simple random sampling. Chi square statistical test results.......
Keywords: Nursing Interventions, Elderly, Music Therapy
[1]. American Music Therapy Association (AMTA). (2018). What is music therapy? Diambil dari
[2]. Cigerci, Y. (2019). Nursing music intervention: A systematic mapping study. Turkey.
[3]. Ghezeljeh, T. N., & Ardebili, F. M. (2018). Hospital and School of Nursing and Midwifery of Iran University of Medical Sciences . This study was registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials ( IRCT201202269143N1 ). The. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.
[4]. Istvandity, L. (2017). Combining music and reminiscence therapy interventions for wellbeing in elderly populations: A systematic review. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.
[5]. Korhan, E. A., Uyar, M., Eyigör, C., Hakverdioǧlu Yönt, G., Çelik, S., & Khorshid, L. (2014). The effects of music therapy on pain in patients with neuropathic pain. Pain Management Nursing, 15(1), 306–314.
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Abstract: Background. Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) is a widespread medical problem commonly accompanied by hypo-proliferative anemia (renal anemia) due to erythropoietin deficiency. Anemia greatly contributes to the reduced Health-related Quality of Life (Hr-QoL). This study aims to evaluate the patients with hemodialysis-induced anemia and the impact of a nurse-led intervention on health-related quality of life. Materials & Methods. Quasi-experiment design was used in carrying out this study. Setting: The study was conducted at the renal dialysis unit at Ain Shams University Hospitals (El Demerdash Hospital), Cairo, Egypt. Subjects.......
Keywords: Hr-QoL, Nurse-Led Intervention, Hemodialysis, Anemia.
[1]. Ahmad, S., Manual of Clinical Dialysis. Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2009.
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Abstract: Background: The nursing staff plays an important role for organizational achievement. Therefore, it is very important for the nurse managers to recognize nurses' work and provide them with opportunities to grow and to look after their comfort by motivated and empowered them. Aim: to assess the relationship between empowerment and motivation among staff nurses in Minia university hospital. Setting: The study was conducted at Minia university hospital .All the hospital units were included in the study. Subject: A convenience sample of all.......
Keywords: Empowerment, motivation, Staff Nurses.
[1]. Fernandez, S., &Moldogaziev, T. Empowering public sector employees to improve performance: Does it work? The American Review of Public Administration, 2011: 41(1): 23–47.
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[5]. FinkelmanA& Kenner C. Professional nursing concepts: competencies for quality leadership. Jones and Bartlett Publisher, Boston co., 2010: 108.
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Abstract: La maladie coeliaque est une entéropathie inflammatoire chronique, auto-immune, caractérisée par une réaction immunitaire anormale qui entraine une atrophie villositaire(AV)[1]. Il s'agit de la cause la plus fréquente d'AV, sa prévalence est élevée en europe, USA et en Afrique du nord [2]. Au Maroc, la prévalence exacte de la MC est non connue faute d'étude épidémiologiques nationales. La prévalence serait de 5,6% si on extrapole les résultats d'une étude réalisé à Casablanca. Dans le service de Gastroentérologie du CHU HASSAN II 144 cas de maladie coeliaque sont suivis. La malabsorption du lactose (LM) est une hydrolyse incomplète du lactose par la lactase qui est exprimée sur la bordure en.............
[1]. Vahedi K, Bouhnik Y, Matuchansky C. Maladie coeliaque de l'adulte. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2001; 25 : 485–94.
[2]. Natacha Patey-Mariaud de Serre (1), Virginie Verkarre (2), Christophe Cellier (3), Nadine Cerf-Bensussan (4), Jacques Schmitz (5), Nicole Brousse (2) Diagnostic étiologique d'une atrophie villositaire ; Gastroentérologie clinique & biologique2000; 24: 436-446 © Masson, Paris, 2000
[3]. M.Roxas, The role of enzyme supplementation in digestive disorders. Altern Med Rev, 2008. 13(4): 307-14
[4]. M.Montalto et al. Management and treatment of lactose malabsorption. World J Gastroenterol, 2006. 12(2): 187-91.
[5]. I. Nion-Larmurier, J. Cosnes. Maladie coeliaque. Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique (2009) 33, 508—517
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Abstract: La maladie coeliaque est une entéropathie inflammatoire chronique, auto-immune, caractérisée par une réaction immunitaire anormale qui entraine une atrophie villositaire(AV) et une infiltration du duodénum et jéjunum [1] [2]. La malabsorption du lactose (LM) est une hydrolyse incomplète du lactose par la lactase qui est exprimée sur la bordure en brosse des villosités intestinales. Il faut distinguer deux entités différentes : Le déficit primaire en lactase qui s'acquiert au fil de la vie du à l'absence d'allèle de persistance de lactase et l'hypolactasie secondaire ou passagère.........
[1]. Vahedi K, Bouhnik Y, Matuchansky C. Maladie coeliaque de l'adulte. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2001; 25 : 485–94.
[2]. Natacha Patey-Mariaud de Serre (1), Virginie Verkarre (2), Christophe Cellier (3), Nadine Cerf-Bensussan (4), Jacques Schmitz (5), Nicole Brousse (2) Diagnostic étiologique d'une atrophie villositaire ; Gastroentérologie clinique & biologique2000; 24: 436-446 © Masson, Paris, 2000
[3]. M.Roxas, The role of enzyme supplementation in digestive disorders. Altern Med Rev, 2008. 13(4): 307-14
[4]. M.Montalto et al. Management and treatment of lactose malabsorption. World J Gastroenterol, 2006. 12(2): 187-91.
[5]. Roujon, P., G, G., J-F, ..&Taupin, J-L., (2013). Immunogénétique de la maladie coeliaque Pathologie Biologie, Volume 61, PP. 1016-1022.
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Abstract: Adolescent's population continuously rises every year. The success of adolescent's life is affected by emotional intelligence that can be developed by giving training. The goal of this study is to identify the influence of adolescent therapeutic group therapy to the adolescent's emotional intelligence in Depok city. Quasy experiment pre-post test with control group was used. The subjects of the research were the middle adolescents aged 15-18 years consisted of 85 respondents (mean of age = 15.75 year, SD = 0.72, 51,58% female) by consecutive sampling. They were divided.......
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