Series-4 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive loss in kidney function over a period of months or years. CKD cause 2.4 million deaths per year and that affects 1 in 10 people worldwide. Aim of the study was to identify the retrospective correlation with risk factors and etiological factors of CKD among Hemodialysis(HD)Patients. Quantitative research approach with retrospectivecorrelational research design was the methodology used in this study. This study was done at Artificial Kidney Unit (AKU) of Arar Central Hospital, Arar,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Simple Random Sampling Technique was used to collect the data from 100 HD patients. Results of the study shows that, 31 percentage of the subjects were between the age group of 61-70 years and more than half (61 %) of the samples were females. Regarding risk factors, about 17 percentage of the subjects were.......
Keywords: Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD); Hemodialysis Patients; Retrospective Correlational study
[1]. International Society of Nephrology , Advancing Kidney Health Worldwide Report of World Kidney Day, 2019,
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Abstract: Religious feastsare heldin many cultures throughout the world in honor of a deceased person of a family or community. Among the Hindus, such a religious feast is offered, generally, during the 15 days falling towards the end of September which coincides with the LangbanTha (September) till the new moon of the same month. This provides venue for social cohesion and obligation. It is also performed in connection with a diseased person to mark the last ritual observance (pharoi) at the completion of one year. In a feast, food takes important role in the observance of various religions such asChristinity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Budhismetc. Moreover, it serves as vehicles for supplying nutrients into the body and also for fulfilling human hunger and pleasure. Foods offered to the......
Keywords: Religious feast. Cookingstyle.Nutrients.Meitei Hindus.
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Abstract: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most prevalent infections and of a great health burden both in Nigeria and in the world at large. This study was carried out to determine the common uropathogens, establishing antibiotics susceptibility profile of the urinary pathogensand identify the hospital department with highest UTIs in tertiary hospital in Ile-Ife, Osun State. Urine samples were collected from all the participants who had urinary problems from ranging from ages 1-120years. Mid Stream Urine samples were collected for urinalysis and later cultured. Disc diffusion method of sensitivity testing was used and the susceptibility pattern was interpreted. Three hundred urine samples were tested which were collected from different departments. One hundred and sixty (160) 53.3% were......
Keywords: Urinary pathogens, antibiotics, urine samples, hospital departments
[1]. Akoachere Kihla, Tatah Jane-Francis ,Yvonne Suylika, Njom Henry Akum and Esemu Nkie Seraphine (2012). Etiologic profile and antimicrobial susceptibility of community-acquired urinary tract infection in two Cameroonian towns.BMC Research Notes 5:219
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Abstract: Background: Hyperphosphatemia is common among hemodialysis patients, and independently associated with high mortality risk in those patients. Aim: To examine the effect of sugar free chewing gum as a supplemental approach to control serum phosphorus level among hemodialysis patients. Research design: A quasi-experimental research design. Setting: Kidney Dialysis Unit at Assiut University Hospital......
Keywords: Hyperphosphatemia; Hemodialysis ; Supplemental approach; and Sugar free chewing gum.
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[5]. Cupisti A., &Kalantar-Zadeh K.(2013): Management of natural and added dietary phosphorus Burden in kidney disease. Semin Nephrol. 33(2): Pp 180e190.
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Abstract: Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disability in childhood. Respiratory muscle weakness and a low upper to lower chest diameter ratio are common respiratory dysfunction manifestations in those children which negatively affect their quality of life.. Purpose: The study was designed to investigate the effect of underwater exercise on pulmonary function test (PFT) as forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced expiratory volume at one second divided forced vital capacity.......
Keywords: Cerebral palsy, pulmonary function test, underwater exercise program
[1]. Thabet N S, Zaky N A and Banoub M B: Underwater Exercises Versus Treadmill training on Gait in Children With Spastic Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy Int J Physiother Res 2017;5(5):2385-91.
[2]. Wang HY, Chen CC and Hsiao SF: Relationships between respiratory muscle strength and daily living function in children with cerebral palsy. Res DevDisabil 2012;33:1176-1182.
[3]. Kwon YH and Lee HY: Differences of respiratory function according to level of the gross motor function classification system in children with cerebral palsy. J PhysTherSci 2014;26:389-391.
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[5]. Lee HY, Cha YJ and Kim K. The effect of feedback respiratory training on pulmonary function of children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled preliminary report. ClinRehabil 2014; 28:965–971.
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Abstract: Background: Chronic illness like cancer can have radical repercussions in body image and can affect sexual relationship. It is widely recognized that women with cancers have body image dissatisfaction and sexual distress which impacts their life for many years after successful treatment, and can be associated with serious physical and emotional side effects. Aim: A descriptive study to assess the perception of body image and sexual distress among women with selected cancers in a tertiary care hospital, South India. Methodology:......
Keywords: Perception of body image and sexual distress, Women with selected cancer
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Abstract: Cancer is a serious threat to Indonesian society because the incidence and mortality rate continues to increase, Treatment for mucositis as side effects of chemotherapy was oral care intervention by using a variety of agents, including honey. This study used quasyexperimenteal design, pre test and post test design with consecutive samplingtehnicque. The treatment group was given of honey used in oral care intervention and the control group was givedplasebo (chlorhexidine 0,2 %). Patients who had inclusion and exclusion criteria were given of honey used in oral care intervention previously then they measured for mucositis score and after 1 week of administration. The independent t-test results.......
Keywords: Mucositis, Oral Care, Honey, Chemotherapy
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[5]. Jayalekshmi, J.L., Lakshmi, L., Mukerji, A., &Nisha, S. A. (2015). Effect of application of honey on oral mucositis : randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Advanced Research, 3 (3), 498-505.
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Abstract: Chemotherapy is one of the breast cancer treatment modalities. But it hasvarious side effects which affect quality of life and patients' compliance as nausea, vomiting, fatigue and anxiety.There are many studieswhich indicated that the massage therapy help in reducing these effects. Aim of the study: toevaluate effect of back massage on nausea, vomiting, anxiety and fatigue among breast cancer women receiving chemotherapy. Subjects and Method: Design; A quasi-experimental research design was used in the current study. Setting: the study was conducted in chemotherapy unit, Oncology Institute, Menoufia University Hospitals, Egypt.......
Keywords: Chemotherapy - Breast Cancer – Nausea – Vomiting – Anxiety – Fatigue
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Abstract: Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among preterm neonates. It is one of the most common types of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage which may happen during first few days after birth. The study aimed to; implement intervention guidelines for prevention and management of neonates' intraventricular hemorrhage and assess its effects on nurses' knowledge and performance. A Quasi experimental research design was used for conducting the study. Convenience sample of available nurses working at Tanta university neonatal intensive care unit during the period of the study whom willing to participate in the study.......
Keywords: Intervention guidelines, Nurses' performance, preterm neonate and intraventricular hemorrhage
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Abstract: Nursing staff face a broad range of workplace hazards exposure than other health care workers because of the nature of nursing responsibilities concerning twenty-four hours interactions care with the patients. Aims of the studywere 1)Evaluate the potential occupational health hazards and its contributing factors among nurses working at Obstetrics-gynecologyand Medical-Surgical wards. 2)Develop & validate the required preventive strategies to overcome occupational health hazards. Method: A descriptive methodological design was utilized in this study. Setting; the study was conducted at the Obstetrics-gynecologyandmedical-surgical wards at Shaqra General Hospital, Shaqra governorate in Saudi Arabia......
Keywords: Occupational Health Hazards, Obstetrics-gynecology, Medical-Surgical, Nurses, Preventive strategies.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Empowering Education: As a New Vision of Nursing Education |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. SoheirTawfeek Ahamed || Dr. SohaKamel Mesbah |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0803048892 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays, the world is changing so fast that obtaining education certification is only the stepping stone of life-long learning. Today, the field of nursing is a professional profession that based on knowledge and practice that is not fixed and constantly changing. Moreover, Nurses play an important role in improving health standards. Hence, they need to be updated about theoretical and practical knowledge in this field[1], [2]. Thus, the issue has become a hot issue as nursing education should lead to the growth of nurses as lifelong learners and are willing to learn in all situations the learning skills required according to their professional needs. It means..........
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