Series-6 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: The preoperative period is stressful for many children undergoing surgery. Play intervention can be used for preparation of child for surgery and it is considered pleasurable and enjoyable aspect of child's life. Aim: This study aimed to assess the effect of play intervention on anxiety and vital signs in children during preoperative period. Settings: This study was conducted at surgical units affiliated to Benha Specialized Pediatric Hospital and BenhaUnivesity Hospital atBenha city to collect the study data. Sample: A purposive random sample of (66) children during the preoperative period from the previously mentioned settings at Benha City. Tools of data collection: It was included an interviewing questionnaire sheet to collect data, it includedchildren characteristics at surgical units(tool 1), vital signs....
Keywords:Play intervention, anxiety, vital signs,children, preoperative period
[1]. Aytekin A., Doru O.&Kucukoglu, S.,(2016):The effects of distraction on preoperative anxiety level in children, Journal Of Pre-Anesthesia Nursing,February 2016, Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 56–62.
[2]. Aranha P.R.,Sams L.M.&SaldanhaP.,(2017):Impact of multimodal preoperative preparation program on children undergoing surgery,Archives of Medicine and Health SciencesAMHSJournal,volume : 5, Issue : 2, Page : 208-214
[3]. Beevi A., (2019):Concise Text Book for Pediatric Nursing - E-Book, 2nd ed., unit 7: Nursing management of children with common medical surgical conditions, India,Elsevier, p.333.
[4]. Chieng Y. J. S., Chan W.C. S., Klainin-Yobas P. & He H., (2014):Perioperative anxiety and postoperative pain in children andadolescents undergoing elective surgical procedures: a quantitative systematic review,Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(2):243-255, Available at:
[5]. Cote C.J., Lerman J.&Anderson B. J., (2018): A practice of anesthesia for infants and children, 6th ed., Section 1: Introduction, Chapter 3: Preoperative Behavioral Stress in Children, Philadelphia, Elsevier Publisher, pp:25-26..
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Abstract: Cervical cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women in the developing World and is responsible for the largest cause of mortality in women accounting for 88% of deaths especially in low resource settings.The objective of the study was to determine the knowledge, risk factors and perception regarding cervical cancer among female senior secondary school students in Minna municipality. A cross sectional descriptive study was used. A questionnaire titled "knowledge, Risk factors and perception Regarding Cervical Cancer among female Senior Secondary School Students was administered to 420 female senior secondary school students using multi stage sampling techniques. The outcome variables were knowledge, risk factors and perception regarding cervical cancer....
Keywords: Knowledge, risk factors, perception, cervical cancer
[1]. Abiodun,A.Olatunde, I. Saidu, R. & Olatunde, O., (2012). Situation analysis of cancer magnitude in a tertiary health institution in Nigeria. Journal of life Science and Pharma Research, 2 (2) 107 - 114.
[2]. Abiodun, O.A. Fatungase O.K. Olu-Abiodun O.O. Idowu-Ajiboye, B.A., & Awosile, J.O. (2013), An assessment of women's awareness and knowledge about cervical cancer and screening and the barriers to cervical screening in Ogun State, Nigeria, Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 10, 3 (Sep.- Oct. 2013), PP 52-58
[3]. Ahmad. A.S. Sabitu, K. Idris, H.S. Ahmed, R. (2013). Knowledge, attitude and practice of cervical cancer screening among market women in Zaria, Nigeria. Nigerian medical journal, 54 (5) 316 - 319.
[4]. Assoumou, Z. S, Mabika, B. Mbiguino, N.A. Mustapha, M. Khattabi, A. & Ennaji, M.M. (2015). Awareness and knowledge regarding cervical cancer, Pap smear screening and Human Papilloma Virus infection in Gabonese women. BMC Women's Health, (2015) 15:37 DOI 10.1186/s12905-015-0193
[5]. Center for Disease Control (2016). HPV Vaccine Information For Young Women. Centre for disease prevention and control.
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Abstract: A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of music therapy in reducing stress among family members of schizophrenia patient in selected hospitals at Jaipur city, Rajasthan. The sample consisting of 50 family members was selected by using non-probability convenience sampling technique. The tool comprised of structured stress questionnaire. The pre-test was conducted and the music therapy was administered. The post-test was conducted after one week. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean score of post-test knowledge 15.16 (25.26 %) was apparently higher than the mean score of pre-test knowledge 27.16 (45.26%), suggesting that the music therapy was effective in reducing stress among family members of schizophrenia patient. The mean difference 12.00 between pre-test and post-test knowledge score of the family members was found to be significant
Keywords: effectiveness, music therapy, family members, stress, one group pre – test post – test, pre-experimental study.
[1]. Bruke MM, Walsh Bm. Gerentological Nursing, Holistic Care of the Older Adults. 2nd edition. St. Lewis: Mosby: 1997.
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[4]. Felvet MD. Bjorvatin B. Sleep Disturbances among nursing home residents. International journal of geriatric Psychiatry.2002;17(7) 604-609
[5]. Monane M. Insomnia in the elderly. J Clin Psychiatry 1992; 53(6 suppl):23-8..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Level of Stress among B Sc. Nursing 1st Year Students and Gnm 1st Year Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | MR. Prem chander |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0803062329 ![]() |
Abstract: It has been estimated that most of all student experience academic related stress that affect their academic performance information load ,high expectation , academic burden or pressure, unrealistic ambitions limited opportunity ,high competitiveness are some of the source of the stress which create the tension ,fear and anxiety. The objectives of the study were to assess the level of stress among B Sc. Nursing 1st year student and GNM 1st year students studying in RMCH Bareilly . Materials and Methods: Descriptive design was used. The sample for the study was n=50. B Sc. Nursing 1st year student and GNM 1st year students studying in RMCH Bareilly were selected by using Non probability convenient sampling technique. A structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the level.......
Keywords: stress, B.Sc.Nursing1st year and GNM 1st year students, Health education pamphlets
[1]. A guide to Mental Health & Psychiatric Nursing, 3rd edition, R. Sreevani, Published by J P Brothers, Page No.- 259
[2]. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 3rd edition, Noreen Caran Frisch Lowrence, E. Frisch, Page No.-166
[3]. David Satcher, M.D. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. February 2010 Vol. 31, No. 1, 5-13
[4]. Dr John Guthman, 118th annual convention of the American Psychological Association. August 12-15, 2010, in San Diego, California
[5]. The guardian magazine, Thursday 16 October 2003education/2003/oct/16/studenthealth.students.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Immune System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Satya Deepthi Pidakala |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0803063034 ![]() |
Abstract: Immunology is a broad field encompassing both basic and clinical applications and deals with antigens antibodies and cell mediated host defenses especially as they relate to immunity to disease, hypersensitivity, allergies and rejection of foreign tissue.
[1]. Medical physiology by G.K.Pal.
[2]. Text book of microbiology and immunology by C.P.Baveja.
[3]. Text book of microbiology by R.Ananthanarayan.
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Abstract: Background: once renal dialysis is started, changes in everyday life are predictable, and patients can suffer from both psychological and physical symptoms. Therefore, to obtain the best results from renal dialysis active self –management is required .Aims: This study attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of nursing intervention regarding newly placed arteriovenous fistula self- care on the level of knowledge, practice, and attitude among hemodialysis patients. Design: Quasi-experimental design. Setting This study was conducted in the hemodialysis unit at Teaching.......
Keywords: knowledge, practice, attitude, Self - care, fistula
[1]. Rahimi F, Gharib A, Beyramijam M, and Naseri O. Effect of self-care education on self-efficacy in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Life Science Journal 2014;11(1s):136-40
[2]. Kim, E. S. (2018). Development and effect of a rational-emotive-behavior-therapy-based self-management programme for early renal dialysis patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(21–22), 4179–4191.
[3]. Vale, E., Lopez-Vargas, P.A., & Polkinghorne, K.R. (2013). Nursing care of arteriovenous fistula / arteriovenous graft.
[4]. Nagarathnam M, Padma Reddy K et al. assessment of the level of burden among caregivers of hemodialysis patients in SVIMS, Tirupathi, Indian Journal of Nephrology. 2016; 2(26):152-153.
[5]. Latha A, Padma K, D. I. S. (2016). A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding A.V. fistula care & exercises among patients with hemodialysis in Narayana medical college hospital, Nellore. International Journal of Advanced Educational Research, 1(3), 45–47. Retrieved from
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Abstract: Several concepts have been developed over the years in an attempt to improve nursing practice; efforts are being made daily to base nursing care on evidences that have proven to withstand test of time and not mere traditions passed from generation to generation which is not helping the profession in achieving the desired global image. Amongst efforts put in place is evidences from Nursing Research and application of Nursing Theories. The study aimed at exploring into the level of knowledge of nurses about nursing theories, exploring into the extent to which nurses are willing to adopt theory-based nursing practice, ascertaining the influence of level of education on knowledge of theory based nursing care and influence of work experience on adoption of theory based nursing care......
Keywords: evidence-based practices, theory-based practice, adoption, willingness, quality of care, practice
[1]. Colley, S. (2003). Nursing Theory: its importance to practice. Journal of Nursing Standard's Art & Science, 17(46), 33 - 37.
[2]. D.Elakkuvana, B. (2011). Nursing Theories; a practical view. India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers.
[3]. DeCapua, M. (2018). NursePractitionerSchools. Retrieved December 11, 2018, from
[4]. Famutimi E. O, Eke J. H and Fowomola B. (2015). Knowledge and Utilization of Evidence-Based Nursing Practice among Nurses of Offa Specialist hospital, Kwara State. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 4(4), 51 - 62.
[5]. Raudonis M. B and Acton G. J. (1997). Theory-Based Nursing Practice. journal of Advanced nursing, 26(1), 138 - 145.
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Abstract: This study examines the effect of attending 10 parenting sessions by slum-dwelling teenage mothers on developmental outcomes of their children in Nairobi, Kenya. Slum-dwelling teenage mothers of 547 children responded to Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQs) bi-monthly, while attending parenting skills sessions in this longitudinal study. Mothers of 502 of the children completed 10 sessions. A comparison group of 131 teenage mothers living in similar settings responded to ASQs at end-line and the results obtained compared among the three groups using binary logistics regression models. The intervention end-line group had the highest average score in each of the five ECD domains, and.....
[1]. African Population and Health Research Centre. Population and health dynamics in Nairobi'sinformal settlements: Report of the Nairobi cross-sectional slums survey (NCSS) 2012. 2014; African Population and Health Research Centre.
[2]. Berkowitz, R., Young, A., Manthi, L. K., Musyoka, P. M., Mutiso, V. M., Mwanga, M. S., ... &Mkutu, A. Mukuru on the Move: Mapping and Mobilizing Community Health Assets for an HIV Free Generation. 2012; Rollins School of Public Health
[3]. Bradley, R. H., &Corwyn, R. F. Socioeconomic status and child development. Annual Review of Psychology. 2002; (53): 371-399.
[4]. Bricker, D., Squires, J. Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) – Second Edition. Baltimore, MD: 1999; Paul H. Brookes.
[5]. Brooks-Gunn, J., Klebanov, P., Liaw, F. r., & Duncan, G. J. Toward an understanding of the effects of poverty upon children. In H. E. Fitzgerald & B. M. Lester (Eds.), Children of poverty: Research, health and policy issues. 1995; (pp. 3-41). New York, NY, USA: Garland Publishing, Inc.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Job Burnout and Coping Strategies Regarding Nursing Personnel |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Nagwa Gouda Ahmed Abd-Elmoghith |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0803066673 ![]() |
Abstract: Professionals of health according to their different specialty like as nurses, technical, and laboratories, they are subject to stimuli, considered nerve-damage. They have to daily cope with mortality, overloud of working, and patients with severe pain, while this factors help to increase job exhaustion, so,liable to job burnout. Aim of study: Identify burnout and coping strategies among nursing personnel at the Oncology Center Mansoura University. Research Design: A descriptive design was used to carry out this study. Study sample: All available nursing personnelworking during data collection (n=212) at the Oncology Center of Mansoura University were recruited for the study sample. Tools: Two tools 1) Maslach Burnout Inventory, and 2) questionnaire of coping strategies were used. Results: there is statistically indirect significant relation between job burnout domains and.....
Keywords: Burnout, Coping, Stress and Nursing personnel
[1]. Erickson, K. (2018).Nursing burnout: Why it happens and how to avoid it?Available at: https:// on 22/11/2018.
[2]. Schaufeli, W., Leiter, M., & Maslach, C. (2009): Burnout: 35 years of research and practice. Career Development International, 14(3) 204-220 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1362-0436
[3]. Moustaka E., Constantinidis, T. C., (2010): Sources and effects of work-related stress in nursing. Health Science Journal; 4(4):210–216. Retrieved from:
[4]. Mayo Clinic (2018): Job burnout: How to spot it and take action.Retrieved on 9/ 3/ 2019. Available at:
[5]. Malagris, L.E.N., & Fiorito, A.C.C. (2015): Stress level evaluation of technicians from the health area. Studies Psych, 23: 391-398.
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Abstract: Self-esteem is an important component of psychological health, schizophrenicpatient have low self-esteem and deficit in assertive behavior, sothis study aimed atdetermine the level of self-esteem and assertive behavior among schizophrenic patients. Research question: Is there relationship between self-esteem and schizophrenia, is there relationship between self-esteem and assertiveness behavior among schizophrenic patients. Descriptive research design was utilized to conduct the aim of the study. Study subjects: A convenience sample of 100 patients was included in the study. Three tools were used Interview questionnaire to assess sociodemographic and clinical......
Keywords: Self-esteem, assertiveness, schizophrenia
[1]. Health, N.I.o.M., Schizophrenia. 2011.
[2]. Kernis, M.H., Substitute needs and the distinction between fragile and secure high self-esteem. Psychological Inquiry, 2000. 11(4): p. 298-300.
[3]. Ho, R., Wan,A.,et al., he psychophysiological effects of Tai-chi and exercise in residential schizophrenic patients :a3- arm randomized controlled trial .BMC,complementary and alternative Medicine,. 2014. 14:364.
[4]. E, M.P., The People Skills Revolution: A Step-by-Step Approach to Developing Sophisticated People Skills. Global Professional Publishing 2011.
[5]. Bellack, A.S., et al., Social skills training for schizophrenia: A step-by-step guide. 2013: Guilford Publications
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Abstract: A quantitative study to evaluate the effectiveness of Information booklet on knowledge regarding scleroderma and its prevention among marble factory worker in selected marble factories at Udaipur District, Rajasthan. The sample consisting of 60 marble factory workers of selected marble factories by using non probability convenient sampling method. The tool comprised of structured knowledge questionnaire. The pre test was conducted and the information booklet was administered. The post test was conducted after one week. The data obtained were analyzed......
[1]. Park .K preventive and social medicine 19th addition feb, 2007 m/s banarsidasbhanot publishers 1167, perm nagar, Jabalpur,
[2]. Mayes Maureen D Understanding and managing scleroderma.1st edition, 2016,New Zealand
[3]. John Varga, Christopher P . "Systemic sclerosis: Scleroderma" 2016 Mar; Available from: http s://www.Ncbi.Nlm .gov/ pmc/articles/PMC 3539168/nihms- 428295.
[4]. Assokan GS, Anuradha G,Jeelani, et. al. "Systemic sclerosis: A case report on scleroderma 2002, Journal of occupational disorder and its prevention, Vol -2 p.p35-86