Version-3 (May-June 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Version 6 Version 7
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Abstract: The aim of the present study was to develop Controlled release formulation of Zileuton to maintain constant therapeutic levels of the drug for over 12 hrs. Sodium alginate, Guar gum and HPMC K15M were employed as polymers. Zileuton dose was fixed as 300 mg. Polymers were used in the concentration of 100, 200 and 300 mg concentration. All the formulations were passed various physicochemical evaluation parameters and they were found to be within limits. Whereas from the dissolution studies it was evident that the formulation (F6) showed better and desired drug release pattern i.e., 98.86 % in 12 hours. It contains the natural polymer Zileuton as controlled release material. It followed zero order release kinetics mechanism.
Keywords: Zileuton, Guar gum , HPMC K15 M, Sodium alginate and controlled release tablets.
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Abstract: This study aims to describe the problem solving ability of students in the subjects of General Biology. Learning model used culture-based prawn shrimp. Subjects in this study are students semester 1 majoring in biology education academic year 2014-2015 Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and the object of research is the ability problem-solving and student responses with a culture-based model of shrimp ponds. Data analysis techniques used are average, percentage and likert scale. The results of this study indicate that based on the average student problem solving ability after using the BTS model is 84.4 with excellent qualification..............
Keywords: Problem Solving, Culture-Based Learning Model of Tudang Sipulung.
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Abstract: Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a rare syndrome which is characterized by low back pain, unilateral or bilateral sciatica, motor weakness of lower extremities, saddle anesthesia, bowel and bladder dysfunction and occasionally paraplegia—resulting from compression of the cauda equina. It can be caused by herniated disc, tumor, infection, fracture, or narrowing of spinal cord. It can be described in two forms based on the onset of signs and symptoms. if symptoms appear within 24hours then it is acute in onset and if patient develop symptoms after several weeks or months then it is gradual in onset.............
Keywords: CES, bladder dysfunction, nerve damage, MRI, surgical decompression
[1]. Alex Gitelman, MD, Shuriz Hishmeh, MD, Brian N. Morelli, MD, Samuel A. Joseph, Jr., MD,Andrew Casden, MD, Paul Kuflik, MD, Michael Neuwirth, MD, and Mark Stephen, MD; Cauda Equina Syndrome: A Comprehensive Review; The American Journal of Orthopedics.
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Abstract: Variations in plant or animal species, climatic conditions as well as processing methods affects the reproducibility, quality and quantity of natural or industrial raw materials. In the present study, Prosopis africana seed was hydrolysed using two distinct methods. In a separate study, the hydrolysates were found to be good sources of peptone for microbial cultures. The proximate analyses of contents of hydrolysates obtained from enzyme-hydrolysed or acid-hydrolysed seeds were determined. The seeds obtained from a local market were thoroughly cleaned and boiled until the seed coats were softened............
Keywords: Prosopis africana seed hydrolysates, papain, Hydrochloric acid
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to preoperatively predict the conversion of Laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy by using ultrasound scoring the following factors: GB Status, GB Wall thickness, No of stones, Pericholecystic collection , Stone size............
Keywords: .....
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Abstract: Due to the growing demand to improve an environmentally friendly, nonhazardous and cost-effective technology as a biocide to control the drug-resistant microorganism, thus in the present study; food-origin Escherichia coli, Candida zeylanoides and C. krusei were used for the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles. The biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles was monitored upon the colour change of the reaction mixture by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. Furthermore, the product was explored by Atomic Force Microscopy..........
Keywords: Biosynthesis, Silver nanoparticles, C. zeylanoides, C. krusei, E. coli, Atomic Force Microscopy
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Abstract: This paper reports the occurrence of nematodes and trematode cercariae in Lymnea species of one part of Danmadahun in Jakara dam, Kano state, Nigeria. This study was initially carried out between October to January 2017 to determine the types of trematode cercariae in freshwater snails in the water body. Freshwater snails were collected from the accessible sites on Danmadahun part of Jakara dam and placed individually in compartmented petridishes for cercarial shedding.............
Keywords: Cercariae, Danmadahun, Jakara dam, Lymnea species, Nematodes
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Abstract: An ethnobotanical study was conducted from October 2015 to April 2016 to investigate the uses of medicinal plants by the Tigrigna people of 15 villages and towns of Central region of Eritrea such as Asmara, Serejaka, Himbirti, Ebardea, Kitmowlie, Tseada-krstian, Nefasit, Embaderho,Embeyto, Adi-Hawesha, Tsazega,AdiTeclay, Adi-guadad, Selae-daero andAdemneger.Information was gathered from 50 people: 19 female and 31 males, using semi-structured questionnaire of which 22 are local healers. The informants, except the healers, were selected randomly and no appointment was made prior to the visits............
Keywords: Conservation, Ethnobotany, Tigrigna, Healthcare, IK, Medicinal plant
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of functional nourishing cream using fulvic acid |
Country | : | Korea. |
Authors | : | ByungWan Jo || JunHo Jo || Yunsung Lee1 |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/3008-1203034758 ![]() |
Abstract: Fulvic acid is a natural material contained within soil that contains an ample amount of minerals and various functionalities such as antioxidation, currently making it a popular choice as a raw material for food, medicine and cosmetic products. Therefore, the research is to develop functional cosmetics for the prevention of skin aging by using fulvic acid, a natural humic substance that is effective in improving whitening and wrinkle. However, adenosine, edelweiss-cultured natural extracts, Niacinamide, Bio-AHP 500H, etc. are mixed in the cream to minimize the effective chelate reaction............
Keywords: Fulvic Acid, Functional Nourishing Cream, Cosmetic.
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Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Content of mango and tomato fruit Consumed in Mettu Town of Ethiopia. Representative commercial fruits of mango and tomato were purchased randomly from local market found in Mettu Town which is found in Oromia regional state of Ethiopia and brought to Chemistry Department in Mettu University and preserved in Refrigerator. The fruit samples were first washed with water; thejuice from each fruit was squeezed out, and filtered. Then, the obtained juice was centrifuged until a clear sample was obtained, which was subsequently analyzed for Ascorbic acid content of fresh fruit juices by volumetric method...........
Keywords: Ascorbic acid, friuts, Iodometric determination
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Abstract: Severe acute liver failure (ALF) manifests itself as a rare syndrome, with multiple etiologies for similar clinical conditions. Melatonin (MLT) is a lipophilic indolamine that is synthesized in the pineal gland from serotonin. This study was designed to evaluate hepatic changes resulting from the thioacetamide-induced ALF model, as well as the effects of MLT treatment in male Wistar rats (n = 56) in 24- and 48-h experiments. The results indicate a hepatoprotective effect of MLT, with no difference between the studied times, and increased animal survival.
Keywords: N-acetyl-5- methoxytryptamine, antioxidant, oxidative stress, liver failure
[1] Panackel C, Thomas R, Sebastian B, Mathai SK. Recent advances in management of acute liver failure. Indian J Critic Care. 2015;19(1): 27-33.
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