Version-4 (May-June 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5 Version 6 Version 7
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Abstract: A cross sectional study was conducted in Out Patient Department of Primary Care Hospital in Warangal. 502 prescriptions were randomly collected over a period of one month and recorded over a 'prescribing indicator form'. The data was analyzed using WHO indicators. Average number of drugs per encounter was 3.45. Encounter with an antibiotic prescribed was 46.21%, with a FDC was 84.66%, with an injection prescribed was 7.76%. The most common group of drug prescribed was vitamins (19.1%) followed by Antiulcer (12.34%) Antimicrobials (11.78%), Analgesics (10.22%).The findings of this study revealed that drug utilization pattern was not optimal in accordance with the standard values of WHO prescribing patterns.
Keywords: Prescription pattern, Out patients, WHO indicators, Rational use of drugs, Essential Drug List
[1]. Bhavesh k. Lalan, r. S. Hiray, b. B. Ghongane: Drug prescribing pattern of out patient department ina tertiary care hospital in maharastra. International journal of Pharma and Bio sciences,3(3), 2012,225-229.
[2]. Tamesgen Sidamoro,Kassa Daka Gidebo,Zewde Zemma kanche ,Eskinder Wolka Woticha: Evaluation trends of drug prescribing patterns based on WHO prescribing indicators at outpatient departments of four gospitals in south Ethiopia , Drug Design ,Development and Therapy ,9 ,2015,4551-4557
[3]. Ashley G.Saures , Mahikumar P.Board.,Sheena Thomas : Analysis of Out Patient Prescription Pattern by MBBS and MD Doctors in Ahmedabad City,World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences,5(1),2015,1246-1255.
[4]. WHO,Promoting rational use of medicine: core components,WHO policy perspectives on Medicines,Geneva September 2002,accessed 28 June 2012 <>
[5]. World Health Organisation.How to investigate Drug use in Health Facilities.Selected Drug use Indicators.WHO/DAP/93.1 Geneva: World Health Organisation:1993a.Available at Accessed on26 May 2015.
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Abstract: This study investigated and compared the phytochemical constituents and antioxidant property of Phyllanthus amarus, Vernonia amygdalina, Carica papaya and Jatropha curcus which are commonly used in traditional medicine. This was achieved by evaluating the quantitative and qualitative presence of the phytochemicals and also determining the free radical scavenging potentials of the plant leaf extracts. The results of this study revealed that the leaf extracts of the test plants contain some proportions of important phytochemicals which includes alkaloids, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, phenols, steroids, glycosides, cardiac glycoside. In furtherance, it showed that the selected plants vary significantly in their percentage ferric reducing antioxidant potentials (FRAP) expressed in gallic acid..............
Keywords: Phytochemicals, Antioxidant, Assessment, Phyllanthus amarus, Vernonia amygdalina, Carica papaya Jatropha curcus, Medicinal plants.
[1] Adeyemi, O.O., Okpo, S.O. and Ogunti, O.O. (2002). Analgesic and anti-inflamatory effects of the aqueous extract of leaves of Pesrsea Americana Mill (Lauracea). Fitoterapia, 2(73) 375-380.
[2] Akpanabiatu, M.I., Umoh, I.B., Udosen, E.O., Udoh, A.E. and Edet, E.E. (2005). Rat serum electrolytes, lipid profile and cardiovascular activity on Nauclea latifolia leaf extract administration. Indian J. Cli. Biochem. 20 (2) 29-34.
[3] Anderson, K. J., Teuber, S. S., Gobeille, A., Cremin, P., Waterhouse, A. L., & Steinberg, F. M. (2001). Walnut polyphenol ics inhibit in vitro human plasma and LDL oxidation. Biochemical and molecular action of nutrients. J. Nutri., 131, 2837–2842.
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Abstract: Leptin (LEP), a peptide hormone secreted by adipose tissue cells, has been implicated in regulation of feed intake, energy balance, fertility, immune functions, and the neuroendocrine axis in rodents, humans and large domestic animals. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic polymorphism within LEP using PCR-RFLP technique as well as the association of these genotypes with body weight within local, cross, Holstein Frisian bovine as a comparison study. Genomic DNA extracted from 115 healthy bovine (60 local, 35 cross, 20 Holstein Frisian) and amplified using primers that were designed from the cattle LEP, and the structural gene polymorphism was applied using certain restriction enzyme (SAU3AI)............
Keywords: Bovine, B.W, LEP, PCR-RFLP, SAU3AI.
[1] Friedman, J. (2014). Leptin at 20. J. Endocrinol., 223: T1–T8.
[2] Liefers, S.C.; Veerkamp , R.F.; Chilliard, Y. and Van . Der. Lende , T. (2005). Genetics and physiology of leptin in periparturient dairy cows. Domes. Anim. Endocrinol., (29) :227–238.
[3] Moravcikova, N.; Trakovicka , A .; Hazuchova , E.; Bujko, J . and Kasarad , R .(2013). Associations between polymorphisms in the leptin gene and milk production traits in Pinzgau and Slovak Spotted cattle. Agris. category., 3( 259): 263.
[4] Liefers, S.C. and Tepas , M. F.W. (2002). Association between Leptin gene polymorphisms and production, live weight, energy balance, feed intake and fertility in Holstien heifers .J. Dairy. Sci., (85): 1633–1638.
[5] 5. Madeja, Z.; Adamowicz, T.; Chmurzynska, A.; Jankowski,T.; Melonek J. and Switonski , M . (2004). Short communication: effect of leptin gene polymorphisms on breeding value for milk production traits. J. Dairy. Sci., (87):3925-7.
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Abstract: Rheum ribs reported to have used in traditional medicine system, and also used as antimicrobial agent against different species of bacteria. Tio2 NPs one of the most widely material that investigated for killing or inhibition of bacteria. In order that, this research was came to study the effects of antibiofilm R. ribs extract and Tio2 on uropathogenic E. coli. Furthermore, study the effect of R. ribs and Tio2 combination by using tissue culture plate method. The results showed that R. ribs extract and Tio2 gave inhibition effect against bacterial biofilm in high percentage (60-80%) and (65-76%) respectively, the first effect on (E7-E16) and the second (E9-E16), but the highly effect observed when mix each one of them with others one in percentage (60-78%) against 11 bacterial isolates from (E6-E16). From these results we can concluded that the R. ribs extract and Tio2 may act as an antibacterial agents in thefuture.
Keywords: Rheum ribs, TiO2 NPs, Biofilm, E.coli.
[1] A. Frederick.Escherichia coli, It's Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistant in Malaysia:A Mini Review. Microbiol. J.,1, 2011,47-53.
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[4] 4.J.A. Karlowsky, D.J. Hoban, M.R. Decorby,andG.G. Zhanel. Fluoroquinolone-resistant urinary isolates of Escherichia coli from outpatients are frequently multidrug resistant: results from the North American Urinary Tract Infection Collaborative Alliance-quinolone Resistance study. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother,50,2006, 2251-2254.
[5] A. Pallettand K. Hand. Complicated urinary tract infections: practical solutions for the treatment of multiresistantGram-negative bacteria. Antimicrob. Chemother, 2010,65.
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Abstract: RNA interference is a sequence specific post transcriptional gene silencing mechanism which works through cleaving of nucleic acids by small RNA molecules of 19-21 mers. RNA interference tool found very effective to destroy the pathogenicity of several viruses. The molecular scissor activity of small interfering RNA (siRNA) was applied for inhibition of CoxsackievirusA24 (CA24), an Enterovirus of family Picornaviridae responsible for acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in humans. Four different siRNA molecules were used to target 5' untranslated region (si5U), cis acting replication element of 2C (siCre), RNA dependent RNA polymerase enzyme coding region (si3Dpol) and 3' untranslated region.......
Keywords: Acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis, cytopathic effect, Immunofluorescence, RNA interference
[1] Chang CH, Lin KH, Sheu MM. The change of etiological agents and clinical signs of epidemic viral conjunctivitis over an 18-year period in southern Taiwan. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol; 2003:241:554-60.
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[3] Shukla D, Kumar A, Srivastava S, Dhole TN. Molecular identification and phylogenetic study of Coxsackievirus A24 variant isolated from an outbreak of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in India in 2010. Arch Virol. 2013; 158(3):679-84.
[4] Tavares FN, Campos Rde M, Burlandy FM, Fontella R. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic study of Coxsackievirus A24v causing outbreaks of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis (AHC) in Brazil. PLoS One. 2011; 6(8):e23206.
[5] De W, Huanying Z, Hui L, Corina M. Phylogenetic and molecular characterization of coxsackievirusA24 variant isolates from a 2010 acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis outbreak in Guangdong, China. Virol J. 2012; 9:41.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ibopamine Eye Drops In Ophthalmology |
Country | : | Italy |
Authors | : | Italo Giuffre |
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: | 10.9790/3008-1203042731 ![]() |
Abstract: Ibopamine eyedrops are used in ophthalmology. This molecule is characterized by a dual mechanism of action, since it acts on both adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors. The adrenergic action is responsible for a marked mydriasis without accommodative paralysis, while the dopaminergic action promotes the production of aqueous humor. Given this dual action, ibopamine may be useful for diagnostic purposes in ophthalmology. This review article aims at presenting the most intriguing evidence on ibopamine and discusses the profile of patients who may be best suitable to this molecule.
Keywords: Glaucoma, ibopamine, provocative test, safety mydriasis.
[1] Virno M, Taverniti L, Motolese E et al. : Ibopamina: nuovo midriatico non cicloplegico (nota preliminare). Boll Ocul 1986;65: 11.
[2] McLaren JW, Herman DC, Brubaker RF, Nau CB, Wayman LL, Ciarniello MG, Rosignoli MT, Dionisio P: Effect of ibopamine on aqueous humor production in normotensive humans. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003;44: 4853-4858.
[3] Marchini G, Babighian S, Tosi R, Perfetti S & Bonomi L : Effects of 2% ibopamine on pupil, refraction, anterior segment anatomy and intraocular pressure. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 2001;17: 215-223.
[4] Virno M, Pecori Giraldi J, Taverniti L. et al: Ibopamine. D-1 dopaminergic agonist in the physiopathology of intraocular pressure. I.N.C.Editor, 2003, Rome (Italy).
[5] Soldati L, Gianesello V, Galbiati I, Gazzaniga A & Virno M: Ocular pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in rabbits of ibopamine, a new mydriatic agent. Exp Eye Res 1993; 56: 247-254.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review on Online Pharmacy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.Prashanti || S.Sravani || Saleha Noorie |
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: | 10.9790/3008-1203043234 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent years there is a tremendous increase in online shopping for different commodities like cloth, jewellery and the sale of medicines have been increased via online/ internet. Online pharmacy is one of the technology advancements that is about to create a huge demand in the upcoming days. Though it is convenient to get them, there is high risk of self medication and misuse of drugs especially that come under schedule H and X. In this article we have discussed in detail about online pharmacy, its advantages and disadvantages, differences between online and local pharmacy, and certain measures to avoid misuse of e-pharmacy.
Keywords: Self medication, online pharmacies, laws of pharmacy, prescription
[1] A Comparative Review of Electronic Prescription Systems: Lessons Learned from Developed Countries Mahnaz Samadbeik, Maryam Ahmadi, Farahnaz Sadoughi, Ali Garavand, Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice ¦ Volume 6 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2017.
[2] Quality of Online Pharmacies and Websites Selling Prescription Drugs: A Systematic Review Grazia Orizio, MD, PhD, Anna Merla, MD, Peter J Schulz, PhD, and Umberto Gelatti, MD . Journal of Medical Internet Research
[3] National institute of Drug Abuse, Misuse of Prescription Drugs.
[4] Online pharmacy, Wikipedia, free encyclopaedia.
[5] Regulating Online Pharmacies: The Challenges Ahead.
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Abstract: Crinum species known today are generally used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of diseases such as tumors, fever, malaria, febrile convulsions. The present study was aimed to evaluate the anticonvulsant properties of the aqueous extract of Crinum scillifolium bulbs in mice. The anticonvulsant activity of the aqueous extract of Crinum scillifolium bulbs (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg) was investigated isoniazid-induced seizures in mice. The convulsions produced by isoniazid are due to inhibition of GABA mediated pathway. The aqueous extract of Crinum scillifolium bulbs strongly protected mice against seizures induced by isoniazid (100 % of protection) at dose of 200 mg/kg.............
Keywords: Epilepsy, Anticonvulsant, Crinum scillifolium; isoniazid; mice, Côte d'Ivoire
[1] Doumbia-Ouattara M., Kouame-Assouan A. E., Aka-Diarra E., Kouame L. K., Diakite I., & Sonan-Douayoua T., 2014 - Epilepsie en milieu scolaire en Côte d'Ivoire données d'une enquête réalisée dans la commune de Yopougon à Abidjan. African Journal of Neurological Sciences, 32(2): 30-35.
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[5] Herrera-Ruiz, M., Jiménez-Ferrer, J.E., De Lima, T.C.M., Avilés-Montes, D., Pérez-García, D., González-Cortazar, M., Tortoriello, J., 2006.Anxiolytic and antidepressant-like activity of a standardized extract from Galphimiaglauca. Phytomedicine 13, 23–28.
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Abstract: Introduction: Erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ESA) enables the correction of anemia in patients on maintenance hemodialysis (HD) but ESA resistance remains incompletely understood among HD patients. Objectives: to examine variations in the response to erythropoietin (Epo) and identify factors which influence it. Patients and Methods: Prospective observational study conducted over 12 months on Egyptian patients on maintenance HD. The response to Epo was estimated by erythropoietin resistance index (ERI), defined as Epo dosage over a week divided by the post-HD weight and Hgb value. Results: The study included 89 patients (40.45% males) of avarage age 54.16 years, who had been on maintenance HD for average 94.47 months.............
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Renal anemia, Erythropoietin resistance, Erythropoietin stimulating agents
[1]. Eschbach JW. The anemia of chronic renal failure: Pathophysiology and the effects of recombinant erythropoietin. Kidney Int, 1989; 35(1): 134–48.
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Abstract: Lipid metabolism and proliferative activity of rat hepatocytes after induction of hepatitis by local hyperthermia and the effect of heteroside-321 on collagen contents and the rate of DNA synthesis in liver and spleen cells in animals with induced hepatitis were studied. The proliferation rate was determined using radioactive precursors of 3H-thymidine, and the rate of lipid synthesis was assessed by incorporation of the radioactive 14C sodium acetate. Separation of lipids into fractions was carried out by the thin-layer chromatography. The collagen content was determined by the concentration of hydroxyproline, and the functional activity (and restoration of the functional activity of liver?).............
Keywords: Heterozide-321, hepatocytes, proliferation activity.
[1] Manns, M.P; Wedemeyer, H.and Cornberg, M.(2006): Treating viral hepatitis C: efficacy, side effects, and complications. Gut. 55:1350-9.
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[3] Datta, N.R; Ordóñez, S.G; Gaipl, U.S; Paulides, M.M; Crezee, H, Gellermann J, Marder D, Puric E, Bodis S. 2015. Local hyperthermia combined with radiotherapy and-/or chemotherapy: recent advances and promises for the future. Cancer Treat Rev. 41742-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2015.05.009. Epub 2015 May 27.
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[5] Schildkopf, P; Ott, O.J; Frey, B; Wadepohl, M; Sauer, R; Fietkau, R; and Gaipl, U.S.(2010):Biological rationales and clinical applications of temperature controlled hyperthermia--implications for multimodal cancer treatments. Curr Med Chem. 17: 3045-57. Review.
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Abstract: In the current study the long-term effect of omeprazole was determined by measuring some hematological parameters .Three groups of laboratory rats were taken each group (6) individual, the first groups was the control, second and third were given the drug with a dose of 20 and 40 respectively for three consecutive months. There are significant effects at (p˃0.05) in all parameters which include white and red blood cells counts(WBC and RBC), Hemoglobin concentration(Hb) and the ratio of neutrophils and lymphocytes in both treated groups(the effect is significant for both doses) compared with control, That is, there was a clear effect of omeprazole on the blood picture.
Keywords: Drugs, Omeprazole, Toxicology, Hematological parameters Anemia, Albino rats
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Abstract: Scope of our study is to treat Lichen simplex chronicus that is very evident in white people so that all Researchers of the Occidental World focus their attention to this concern, forgetting to observe that the same Lichen simplex in dark skinned people is less evident, but more fastidious and is a real disease that must be treated using different remedies than those employed for Caucasians. We have alternated two natural cosmetics produced in Italy, the former acting as mild keratolytic and antibacterial, the latter as alleviative and demulcent, so that at the end of the experimentations all black spots disappear and no pinkish blur remains onto dark skin..
Keywords: LSC, black skinned people, menthyl lactate, capsicum annuum fruit extract.
[1] Lotti T; Buggiani G, Prignano F; Prurigo nodularis and lichen simplex chronicus.2008; Dermatologic Therapy. 21 (1): 42–46.
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the accessionresponse of local rice, the influence of the ameliorant palm ash and the significant or not significant interaction of two factors at planting on peat soil. This study is arranged in Split Plot Plan with 2 treatments and 9 groups which consistof nine accessions of local paddy that is: Sanbei, Bo Santeut, Pineunglango, Ramos mirah, Pandrah, Cut Krusek, BohSireutoh, Inpago 5, IR-36. The ameliorantfactors of palm oil ash consist of:0 ton ha-1and 15 ton ha-1 (3, 38 kg plot-1). The study results show that the accession highly affects significantly on plant height, number of young plant age of 45, 60, 75 and 90 HST, flower age, number of productive young plants, panicle length, panicle weight, percentage of filled grain, the percentage of empty grains, 1000 grain weight, per plot grain weight...........
Keywords: rice accessions; amelioranof palmrungsash ; agriculture.
[1] Bakhtiar, E., Kesumawati. T. Hidayat dan M. Rahmawati. 2011. Karakteristik Plasmanutfah Padi Lokal Aceh untuk Perakitan Varietas Adaptif pada Tanah Masam. Jurnal Agrista. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Banda Aceh
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Abstract: The synthesis of nanoparticles by green approach has been of great interest because of its eco-friendly and non-toxic potential in biomedical applications. The present study was aimed to synthesize Convolvulus pluricaulis iron oxide nanoparticles (CPIO) using its aqueous extract. The phytochemicals available in the aqueous extract acted as effective reducing agent and capping agent. The CPIO nanoparticles synthesized were characterized by PSA, XRD, FTIR, SEM and TEM. FTIR measurements showed the CPIO nanoparticles having a coating of phytochemical compounds indicating a possible role of biomolecules from Convolvulus pluricaulis for capping and efficient stabilization of the CPIO nanoparticles...........
Keywords: Green synthesis, Convolvulus pluricaulis, Characterization techniques, Acute oral toxicity studies, Biomedical applications.
[1] MA. Albrecht,CW.Evans, CL. Raston, Green chemistry and the health implications of nanoparticles, Green Chem, 8, 2006, 417–432.
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Abstract: Infections with Leishmania spp. have been placed very high amidstthe commonest travel-related dermatoses. The research was carried out with the aim to determine the effectiveness of rifampicin and topical clotrimazole in the treatment of patients who havediffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis with uncommon demonstration.
Keywords: diffuse cutaneous Leishmaniasis, oral rifampicin, topical clotrimazole
[1]. Roberts T, Barratt J, Sandaradura I, Lee R, Harkness J, Marriott D, Ellis J, Stark D Molecular epidemiology of imported cases of leishmaniasis in Australia from 2008 to 2014 PLoS One. 2015 Mar 3;10 .
[2]. MZ Handler, PA Patel, RKY Al-Qubati, RA Schwartz, Cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. JAAD, 2015;73(6), 897-908.
[3]. Sahar H. Al-Natour,Update In The Treatment Of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. J Family Community Med 2009 May-Aug; 16(2): 41–47.
[4]. Ehab Kotb Elmahallawy, Antonio Sampedro Martínez, Javier Rodriguez-Granger, Yannick HoyosMallecot, Ahmad Agil, José Marí Navarro Mari, José Gutierrez Fernández. Diagnosis Of Leishmaniasis..
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Abstract: Date fruits are one of the very common fruits known to man having a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the wellbeing of an individual. In this study, the aqueous, ethanolic, n-hexane and diethylether extracts of date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.) obtained from a local market were analyzed for their phytochemical and proximate composition as well as antifungal properties on two different fungi species (Loramyces macrosporus and Aphanomyces laevis). Phytochemical screening showed that there was the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannin, saponin, teterpenoid, steroids and phenols while the proximate analysis showed the abundance of carbohydrate as well as low concentrations of protein, crude fat and moisture. The aqueous extract of the fruit had a higher phytochemical profile than the other extracts hence was used in the antimicrobial studies. Antifungal studies..........
Keywords: Date fruit, Fungistatic, Medicinal plant, Phytochemistry
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Abstract: In the present investigation, a new series of imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazines were designed and synthesized and screened for their anti-proliferative activity. An efficient method is described for the synthesis of N-(substituted imidazo [1, 2-b] pyridazine) acetamides that consists of nucleophilic addition of 3-amino pyridazine which raises the electrophilicity of 4-Arylidine-2-methyl-oxazole- 5-ones followed by ring opening and cyclization steps. The synthesized compounds were evaluated for their possible anti-proliferative activity in A375 and colo-205 human cancer cell lines by employing MTT assay and most of the compounds were found to be highly active. The most active compounds of the series on both the cell lines were 5m, 5n with IC50 values of 21 nM, 20 nM on A375 cell lines and 38 nM, 31 nM on colo-205 cell lines respectively. The title compounds were employed to molecular docking studies to position.........
Keywords: BRaf kinase, imadazo[1,2-b]pyridazines, anticancer, A375, Colo-205, OSIRIS
[1] Miguel Garzón and Paul W. Davies, A Direct Route into Fused Imidazo-diazines and Imidazo-pyridines Using Nucleophilic Nitrenoids in a Gold-Catalyzed Formal [3 + 2]-Dipolar Cycloaddition, Org. Lett, (2014), 16, 4850−4853.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Accounting and Finance Educationin Nigeria: Challengesand Changesfor Efficiency |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Mansur Muhammad Bashar |
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: | 10.9790/3008-1203049295 ![]() |
Abstract: In this study, an attempt was made to reflect into the historical development of Accounting and Finance education in Nigeria. It examined the various challenges bedeviling the system and the need to refocus because it provides an opportunity to appraise existing conditions with a view to correcting the ills and improving the current situation. The study revealed that development of accounting education in Nigeria has been affected by lack of teachers and research facilities and funding among others. The study recommended among others that government should stop paying lip service to education and the system should be redesigned to make it more responsive to the needs of the Nigerian society.
Keywords: Accounting and Finance Education, Challenges, Curriculum, Teaching and Research facilities
[1] American Accounting Association (AAA). (1986). Committee on the Future Structure, Content, and Scope of Accounting Education, (the Bedford Report), "Future Accounting Education: Preparing for the Expanding Profession", Issues in Accounting Education, spring, pp. 168-195.
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[5] Ravenscroft, S. & P.F. Williams. (2003). Considering Accounting Education Post Enron. Working paper, Iowa State University...
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Abstract: Background: Prelabour rupture of membranes is reported to occur in 2-25% of all pregnancies. The condition is associated with fetal and maternal infections, cord complications and might be marker of imminent delivery. It is therefore of great importance to accurately confirm the diagnosis and determine the latency period between rupture of membranes and delivery for referral of patients to higher institutions with NICU facilities and thus improve the perinatal outcome. The lactate concentration in amniotic fluid is 4-6 times higher as compared with maternal and foetal blood and hence its level in vaginal fluid can be used to establish prelabour rupture of membranes and time of spontaneous onset of labour in these patients. ............
Keywords: Lactate, Prelabour rupture of membranes, labour, NICU (neonatal intensive c
[1] Fernando Arias, Shiresh N Daftary, Amarnath G Bhinde. Practical guide to high risk pregnancy and delivery.
[2] JaswarShyamPyari, Natu SM Gupta Amit, ChaurassiaShewta. Association between lactate levels in vaginal fluid and time of spontaneous onset of labour in suspected cases of prelabour rupture of membranes. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India 2013; 63(3):182-185.
[3] NasrinNazari, MahbobehAhmadi, Mohammed Mazani, Hamid AlaviMajd, MansourehRefaei. The diagnostic value of lactate level in the vaginal fluid for determining the premature rupture of membranes. Journal of Society for Development in New Net Environment in B and H 2012; Vol. 6, No. 12.
[4] Eva Wiberg –Itzel, S. Cnattingius,L. Nordstrom. Lactate determination in vaginal fluid; a new method in the diagnosis of prelabour rupture of membranes. International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2005 volume 112; 754-758.
[5] Wiberg – Itzel E, H. Petterson, S. Cnattingius, L. Nordstrom. Association between lactate in vaginal fluid and time of spontaneous onset of labour for women with suspected prelabour rupture of the membranes. BJOG2006;113:1426-30..
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Abstract: Prostacyclin is a strong cardioprotective hormone released by the endothelium of the blood vessels. Prostacyclin is present in equilibrium with several vasoactive agents in cardiovascular system. In recent years, prostacyclin (PGI2) has also been shown to enhance differentiation and inhibit proliferation in vascular smooth muscle cells. In addition to these well-described homeostatic roles within the cardiovascular system, prostacyclin (PGI2) also plays an important role as an inflammatory mediator. In this review, the focus on the contribution of prostacyclin (PGI2) as both a patho-physiological mediator in three major inflammatory-mediated disease processes, namely rheumatoid arthritis, where it promotes disease progression , along with pulmonary vascular disease and atherosclerosis, where it inhibits disease progression. On the other hand, CDP-DAG synthases (CDS) are enzymes that catalyze.
Keywords: Prostacyclin, diacylglycerol, enzyme, phosphatidic acid, vascular, inflammation
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Abstract: Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is one of the most widely grown mushrooms worldwide. This type of fungus have been grown for centuries in green houses to produce mycelium and fruiting bodies and marketed as highly nutritious food. Like many other mushrooms, oyster mushroom characterized by lower growth rate which consume long time on agar medium for inoculum preparation for spawn preparation. Therefore, design of new cultivation medium to shorten the cultivation time on solid medium is necessary to reduce time and produce inoculum with less cost. This work was focused on optimization of agar medium (using the conventional potato dextrose agar medium PDA as base medium for growth and supplemented with other components such as malt extract, yeast extract, and sodium nitrates)...............
Keywords: Pleurotus ostreatus, Agar medium, Growth rate, medium composition, Mushroom growth
[1] M Ozturk, G Tel-Cayan, A Muhammad, P Terzioglu, M Emin Duru, Mushrooms: A source of exciting bioactive. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, 45(1), 2015, 363-456.
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