Series-7 (Jan. – Feb. 2021)Jan. – Feb. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: Background: The problem in this study is the low skills of writing negotiation text of class X IPS Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung High School in the 2019/2020 academic year. This study aims to describe (1) the learning plan, (2) implementation with a Project Based Learning model. The benefits of this research are to foster student learning activity and motivation, broaden insight and knowledge for educators/researchers, contribute to school principals to determine school policies to improve the quality of learning, especially writing lessons. This study used a Classroom Action Research design, the process consisted of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. This action research was conducted in three cycles, and each cycle consisted of two meetings......
Keywords: Project based learning model, negotiation text, classroom action research
[1] Abidin, Yunus. 2014. Desain Pembelajaran dalam Konteks Kurikulum 2013. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama.
[2] Arikunto, Suhasimi. 1999. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktis.Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
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[4] Arsyad, Azhar. 2009. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
[5] Arsyad, Azhar. 2009. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rajawal Press..
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Abstract: Background: The idea that gifted and talented children require certain attention during classroom instruction has been recognized many years ago. Essentially the learning needs of all children at an early school age, regardless of their abilities, are one of the greatest challenges for teachers. According to the theory of multiple intelligences, people cannot be gifted in one field, rather they must have predispositions for multiple fields at the same time. Materials and Methods: Gardner shifts the focus of identifying giftedness, from one aspect to a contextual approach that encompasses multiple categories. According to him, every child possesses all eight types of intelligence and after starting school.....
Key Word: verbal-linguistic intelligence, curricula
[1]. Armstrong, Т. (1993). 7 Kinds of Smart, New York, A Plume Book
[2]. Armstrong, T, (1994). Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, Alexandria, ASCD
[3]. Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, New York, Basic Books
[4]. Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice, New York, Basic Books
[5]. Миладиновиќ, А., (2017). Теорије о даровитима, Годишњак педагошког факултета у Врању, Универзитет у Нишу.
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Abstract: This paper examines the level of students' learning achievements in private secondary schools involved in the implementation of Universal Secondary Education (USE) in Central Uganda. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design, using both quantitative and qualitative data using probability and non-probability samples in Mpigi, Wakiso and Mukono Districts. Twenty-one private USE schools and 448 respondents participated in the study. The study established that the schools experience severe financial, manpower and infrastructural challenges, which disrupt the teaching-learning process, leading to low students' learning achievements. The variation in students' academic performance is explained by presence or absence of key infrastructure at the time of joining the partnership. These findings are contrary to the neo-liberalism logic of private sector competitiveness, innovation and efficiency. The study thus, recommends the need for government to enforce quality standards and target funding to improving learning achievements in private USE schools.
[1]. Angrist, J., E. Bettinger, and M. Kremer (2006). Long-Term Educational Consequences of Secondary School Vouchers: Evidence from Administrative Records in Colombia." American Economic Review 96(3): 847-862.
[2]. Barrera-Osorio,F, Pierre de Galbert, Habyarimana, J and Sabarwal, S. (2015). The Impact of Public-Private Partnerships on Private School Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Uganda.
[3]. Barungi, M, Wokadala, J & Kasirye, I. (2014). Implementing Universal Secondary Education Policy in Uganda: How Has the Public-Private Partnership Performed? EPRC. Research Series No.115
[4]. Baum, R. (2012). Education service contracting in the Philippines: human rights as trumps, goals, or policy talk? Educational Research for Policy and Practice. Volume 11, Issue 3, pp 189–206
[5]. Becker, G. (1964). Human Capital. Columbia University Press. New York
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Lived Experiences of Pioneering Graduates of the K To 12 Program |
Country | : | Philippines |
Authors | : | Chrisafe Cyril N. Daga |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1101072327 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The K-12 Program has been present in the educational system of most countries in the world for quite some time but it is just recently that the Department of education in the Philippines implemented this program. This year, the pioneers of the said program were able to complete the curriculum. It was the aim of this phenomenological study to explore the lived experiences of the pioneering graduates of the K-12 Program of the country.
Materials and Methods: Individual interviews and a focus group discussion were employed in gathering the data. The Colaizzi method was used in interpreting the data that were collected.
Results: It was found out that there were varied meaningful experiences gained by the participants of the study while and upon finishing the program......
Key Word: Colaizzi Method; K-12 Program; Phenomenological Study; Philippine Education
[1]. Abueva, A. (2015). Why Does the Philippines Need the K-12 Education System? Philippines: Soapboxie.
[2]. Aldea, A. J. (2018). A Phenomenological Study on the Lived Experiences of College Faculty Transitioned to Senior High School in the Philippines (Vol. 24). American Scientific Publishers. doi:
[3]. Burgonio, T. (2013). "K-to-12" education now law. Manila: Philippine Daily Inquirer.
[4]. Finlay, L. (2009). Debating Phenomenological Research Methods. Phenomenology & Practice, 3(1), 10. [5]. Ganeson, K. (2006). Students' lived experience of transition into high school : a phenomenological study.
[5]. Musa, S. (2012). Features and Historical Aspects of the Philippines Educational system. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2(2), 155..
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Abstract: This study examined the state of school plant provision and utilisation in Government Technical Colleges in South West, Nigeria. It further investigated the effect of school plant provision and utilization on students' academic performance in the colleges. Two research questions were raised, while one hypothesis guided the study. Descriptive, correlational, and ex-post facto research designs were adopted by the study.Two research instruments comprising test item and checklist were used to gather data through both primary and secondary sources. The test item comprised of a Records Observation Format (ROF) which was used to collect data on students' academic performances.....
Keywords: School Plant, School Plant Provision, School Plant Utilisation, General School Plant, Academic Performance, Government Technical Colleges.
[1]. Agbonghale, G.O. & Adavbiele, J.A. Relationship between resource availability and academic performance of students in wood work in technical colleges in Delta state, Nigeria. European Centre for Research Training and Development UK. 2018, 6(2): 14-25
[2]. Alemma-Ozioruva, A. & Egbejule, M. NABTEB releases 2015 exam results. 2016. Retrieved 24/12/2018 from
[3]. Ali, H., Aliyu, O. & Sunday, O.L. Provision and management of school plant as correlate of science students' academic performance. Journal of Education and Practice. 2013, 4(14)
[4]. Anaele E., Amadi, S.W., & Obed, O.O. Assessment of the adequacy of material resources for effective teaching of building technology: A panacea for promoting entrepreneurial skills in Rivers state technical colleges. British Journal of Education. 2016, 4(4):29-37
[5]. Asukwo, A.E. Utilisation of instructional facilities in electronics workshop practice and maintenance for students' acquisition of trade skills in technical colleges in Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. Equitorial Journal of Education and Curriculum Studies. 2018, 3(1): 1-14.
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Abstract: The present study aims to investigate whether google classroom application improves the students' reading comprehension better than conventional class, and to find out the aspect of reading comprehension improve the most after being taught by google classroom application. The samples of this research were 50 students at the eighth grade of SMPN 37 Bandar Lampung which were divided into two classes namely 25 students of VIIIE as experimental class and 25 students of VIIIB as the control. The data were obtained from the reading comprehension test. Independent sample t-test and Paired sample t-test in SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) 17.0 was used to analyze the data.....
Keywords: Google Classroom Application, Conventional Class, Reading Comprehension.
[1]. Alyousef, H.S. 2005. Teaching reading comprehension to esl/efl learners. The Reading Matrix Vol.5, No.2, September 2005. Updated on 5 January 2007.
[2]. Ary, D. (2010). Introduction to Research in Education. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning. USA.
[3]. Depdiknas. 2013. Kurikulum 13. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
[4]. Mir, Md.F.R. 2018. Teaching listening skill through google classroom application: a study at tertiary level. Bangladesh
[5]. Murcia, C. 2001. Comprehensive High School Reading Methods. New York: Bell
[6]. Pulliam, D. 2017. "Effect of Student Classroom Cell Phone Usage on Teachers" (2017). Masters Theses & Specialist Projects. Paper 1915.
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Abstract: Background:Critical thinking skills were one of the things that must be developed in students learning. The instrument for assessing this skill should be good and feasible. The purposes of this study are: (1) determine the test quality of critical thinking skills based on content validity, (2) determine the test quality based on empirical testing. Materials and Methods: The research method used was the combination of R & D and 4D model. In this research, there are 12 items were designed to measure critical thinking skills. The validity of instruments had been validated by experts, practitioners, and peers. 6....
Keywords: Critical thinking skills, assessment, validity, reliability
[1]. Sanders, M., & Moulenbelt, J. Defining critical thinking. Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines. 2011; 26(1), 38–46.
[2]. Toy, B. Y., & Ok, A. Incorporating critical thinking in the pedagogical content of a teacher education programme: does it make a difference? European Journal of Teacher Education. 2012; 35(1), 39–56.
[3]. Larsson, K. Understanding and teaching critical thinking—A new approach. International Journal of Educational Research. 2017; 84, 32-42.
[4]. Paul, R., & Elder, L. & F. for C. T. The miniature guide to critical thinking: Concepts and tools. 27th International Conference on Critical Thinking. 2012.
[5]. Mulnix, J. W. Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 2012; 44(5), 464–479.
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Abstract: English is the language of the world. It is widely used as an official, library language, 'lingua franca', medium of instruction etc. The most of the sectors such as media, information technology, research and development, education, public administration, banking and others prefer to use English for their business purpose. Hence, it becomes the business language. One side, there is huge demand for English speaking professionals for multinational companies (Cook, 1991). The English communication skills are badly required at any level. They are paid well. On the other hand, the students face a number of challenges while learning English language. The proposed study aims to identify the key factors that influence the English language learning process and analyzes them to improve the overall success ratio of English communication skills. The study deals with the school education system in India. The study is significant as it will be beneficial to the various stakeholders such as students, teachers, parents and educational institutions to the great extent.
Keywords: Indian English, English Communication, School Education, English in India
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Comparative Study of Government and Private Schools in Uttar Pradesh |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ekta Agrawal || Prof. R. S. Pathani |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1005015558 ![]() |
Abstract: This research paper aims to conduct a comprehensive comparative study of government and private schools in Uttar Pradesh, India. The education sector in Uttar Pradesh has undergone significant transformations over the years, and understanding the differences between government and private schools can shed light on the strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement in both sectors. The study will examine factors such as infrastructure, teaching quality, student performance, teacher-student ratios, and overall learning outcomes to provide insights into the current state of education in the region.
Keywords: comparative study, government schools, learning outcome, private schools.
[1]. Brown, L. M., & Patel, R. K. (2017). Teacher Quality and Teaching Practices: A Comparative Study of Government and Private Schools in Rural Uttar Pradesh. Comparative Education Review, 32(1), 65-80.
[2]. Chopra, A., & Sharma, N. (2018). Challenges and Opportunities in Government and Private Schools: Perspectives from Teachers and Administrators in Uttar Pradesh. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 42(4), 480-495.
[3]. Gupta, R., & Sharma, S. (2019). Socio-economic Factors Influencing School Choice: A Comparative Analysis of Parents' Perspectives on Government and Private Schools in Uttar Pradesh. Educational Policy Analysis Review, 38(4), 450-468.
[4]. Johnson, C. D., & Williams, E. F. (2018). Infrastructure Disparities and Learning Environments in Government and Private Schools: A Comparative Study in Uttar Pradesh. International Journal of Educational Development, 25(3), 310-325.
[5]. Kumar, V., & Singh, P. (2016). A Longitudinal Analysis of Learning Outcomes in Government and Private Schools: A Case Study of Uttar Pradesh. Educational Studies, 52(6), 720-735.