Series-1 (Jul. – Aug. 2021)Jul. – Aug. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Background: One of the effective didactic strategy of teaching scientific concept is considering students' misconceptions in view of developing appropriate objective-obstacle to overcome the identified epistemological or didactic obstacles. This gives a positive status to error in a constructivist approach where learning is brought about by conceptual change. The new paradigm education shift in Cameroon to Competency Based Approach with entry through real life problem situation require teachers to construct problem situation. However, most teachers and authors of official textbooks are unable to build real problem situations to overcome obstacles. More so no research work has been done to identify and overcome the obstacles linked to the teaching and learning of fertilisation concept, and little or no quasi experiment has been carried out to measure the extend of conceptual change. Our......
Key words: Fertilisation, Conception, epistemological obstacle, didactic obstacle, Problem situation
[1]. Bury, J. (2001). Education pour la santé: concepts, enjeux, planifications. Bruxelles: De BoeckWesmael
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[4]. Clément, P. (2006). Didactic Transposition and KVP Model: Conceptions as Interactions between Scientific knowledge, Values and Social Practices, ESERA Summer School, 9-18. IEC, Univ Minho, Braga (Portugal).
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Abstract: Background: Social deviance currently occurs a lot among teenagers, especially at the level of education at the high school level (SMA). It is important to for every personand nation to know the moral value because if the moral value of a nation is destroyed it will also destroy a country. The development of moral values can be influenced by several factors, one of them is school as educational institutions contribute to the moral formation of students. One of which is through literary learning. Literary works have many values contained in them, such as moral values, religious values and educational values. In a literary work there are several values that can be taken or applied directly by the reader, for example moral values.
One form of literary work that is impressed.....
Keyword: Based on the data analysis of the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded several things that moral values in the novel Pulang by Leila S Chudori are manifested in three forms, namely
[1]. Asmaran, As. 1994. Introduction to Moral Studies. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
[2]. Fathurrohman, M. 2015. Innovative Learning Models. Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
[3]. Gunawan, Heri. 2012. Character Education: Concept and Implementation. Bandung: Alphabeta.
[4]. Jabrohim. 2003. Literary Research Methodology. Yogyakarta: Hanindita.
[5]. Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2005. Theory of Fiction Studies. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
[6]. Prodopo, Rachmat Djoko. 2003. Several Literary Theories, Criticism Methods, and Their Applications. Yogyakarta: Student Library
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improving Students Reading Skills through Peer-Scaffolding to The Tenth Grade of Senior High School |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Suli Nurfaiqoh |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1104011925 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this research is to improve the students' reading comprehension skills by using Peer-Scaffolding strategy. This research was conducted at the tenth grade of SMK Persada Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2020/2021. The subjects of this research were thirty five students. The problem of this research was students reading comprehension skills need to be improved. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of three meetings. In getting the data, the researcher used formative test and documentation. The research findings indicate that there is a significant improvement from cycle I to cycle.....
Keyword: Reading, Teaching, Peer Scaffolding, Strategy
[1]. Anthony, B. A. (2007). Making Students' Writing Bloom: The Effect of Scaffolding Oral Inquiry Using Bloom's Taxonomy on Writing in Response to Reading and Reading Comprehension of Fifth Graders. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Auburn University, Alabama.
[2]. Belland, B. R. (2017). Instructional Scaffolding in STEM education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International.
[3]. Bradley, K.S., & Bradley, J. A. (2004). Scaffolding Academic Learning for Second Language Learners. The Internet TESL Journal, X (5). Retrieved 12 May, 2012 from
[4]. Brown, H.D. (2004). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language , Second Edition. NY: Longman
[5]. Daniels, H. (2001). Vygotsky and Pedagogy. NY: Routledge Falmer.
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Abstract: COVID-19 outbreak has affected every facet of life including teaching and learning. Following the national lockdowns and closure of learning institution to curb its spread, learning institutions have had to adopt alternative learning and teaching strategies. However, the shift to remote learning was sudden and most students and lecturers were not prepared from the sudden shift to remote teaching. Therefore, this study aimed to assess remote teaching during covid-19 lockdowns and its implication on quality of instruction of undergraduates in Kenya. The study was qualitative and purposive sampling was used to target twelve lecturers and eight students from two public and two private universities. Thematic analysis was used and the findings revealed that remote learning has been widely adopted in Kenya universities with lecturers teaching classes of up to 100-150 students averagely....
[1]. Alqurshi, A. (2020). Investigating the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on pharmaceutical education in Saudi Arabia – A call for a remote teaching contingency strategy. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 28(9);1075-1083.
[2]. Elfirdoussi, S., Lachgar, M., Kabaili, H., Rochdi, A., Goujdami, A., & El Firdoussi, A. (2020). Assessing Distance Learning in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Education Research International,
[3]. Gautam, D.K. & Gautam, P.K. (2021), "Transition to online higher education during COVID-19 pandemic: turmoil and way forward to developing country of South Asia-Nepal", Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 93-111.
[4]. Ghada, R.S. (2021). How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Higher Education Learning Experience? An Empirical Investigation of Learners' Academic Performance at a University in a Developing Country", Advances in Human-Computer Interaction,
[5]. Jiang, H., Islam, A., Gu, X., & Spector, J.M. (2021). Online learning satisfaction in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A regional comparison between Eastern and Western Chinese universities. Education and Information Technologies
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Abstract: Background: At Thai Nguyen University, students have to study English as a compulsory subject right from the first semester and they are evaluated with both communication skill and grammar knowledge. High school graduates come into university with fairly high levels of grammatical competence, but often with correspondingly low levels of sociociolinguistisc competence. Improving sociolinguistic competence needs to be a part of the language learning process from the beginning. Many language schools and language learning programs focus almost exclusively on language components such grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, and very little attention is paid to helping students understand how to be appropriate in a new cultural context. An assumption is often made that language learners will pick up sociolinguistic competence simply by being exposed to the culture. This study was conducted to assess the students' sociolinguistics competencies proposed creativity enhancement activities......
Keyword: sociolinguistic competencies, first-year student, Thai Nguyen University system , creativity, enhancement activities.
[1]. Hymes, D. H. (1971). On communicative competence. In C. J. Brumfit & K. Johnson (Ed.), The communicative approach to language teaching. (pp. 5-26). London: Oxford University
[2]. Canale, M. & Swain. (1990). Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied linguistics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[3]. Broersma, D. (2001). "'You're So White, So Fat, and So Hairy!": Developing Sociolinguistic Competence in a Second Language." In Helping Learners Develop Second Language Proficiency, L. J. Dickerson (Ed.), pp. 200-205. Colorado Springs: Mission Training International.
[4]. Brown, D. H. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. (4th ed). New York: Longman.
[5]. Olomouc, (2014). Teaching Sociolinguistic Competence in Lower Secondary Schools
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Abstract: Background: The telecommunication industry in Nigeria is currently characterized by fast-paced competition as a result of rapid technological changes, high product/services innovation, fast customer-switching due to taste among others. Consequently, change management experts now place emphasize the need for future-driven organizations to be always ready for the inevitable change by crafting various strategies for creating it because successful change management is no more an option for organizations to survive the almost saturated marketplace governed by dynamic business environment. Based on the foregoing, this study therefore empirically examines how change management affects organizational performance using the MTN Nigeria Plc. Research Methodology/Approach.....
[1]. Abdullahi, M. S., Shehu, U. R., Usman, B. M., & Gumawa, A. M. (2020). Relationship between total quality management and organizational performance: Empirical evidence from selected airlines in Nigeria aviation industry. Asian People Journal, 3(1), 30-44.
[2]. Akhtar, I. (2016). In book: Research in social science. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 4(2), 68-84.
[3]. Aninkan, D. O. (2018). Organizational Change, Change Management, and Resistance to Change–An Exploratory Study. European Journal of Business and Management, 10(26), 109-117.
[4]. Atmowardoyo, H. (2018). Research method in TEFL studies: descriptive research, case study, error analysis, and R & D. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(1), 197-208.
[5]. Awiti, L., Imbambi, R. M., Mande, W., & Machuki, V. N. (2020). Moderating effect of technology on the relationship between change management and performance of companies listed in nairobi securities exchange in Kenya. International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review, 2(04), 1-22.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Correlation between Portfolio Assessment and Students' Motivation in Learning English |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Ani Widya Pitri |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1104015659 ![]() |
Abstract: This study was quantitative and qualitative research. The aim of this study was to find out whether or not there was correlation between portfolio as assessment and students' motivation. The subjects of this research were 20 fifth students of elementary school. The score and questionnaire tests were administered as instrument of this research and also the interview. The result showed that there was a significant correlation between portfolio as assessment and students motivation.
Keyword: portfolio, portfolio assessment, motivation
[1]. Adams, T. L. (1998). Alternative Assessment in Elementary School Mathematics. Childhood Education, 74(4), 220-224.
[2]. Afrianto (2017). Challenges of Using Portfolio Assessment as an Alternative Assessment Method for Teaching English in Indonesian Schools. IJEBP Vol.1 p. 106
[3]. Arshad Abdul Shamad at al. (2015). Developing a Portfolio Assessment Model for the Teaching and Learning of English in Malaysian L2 Classroom. English language teaching; Vol. 8, p.1
[4]. Charanjit Kaur (2013). The Use of Portfolio as an Assessment Tool in Malaysia L2 Classroom. Macro Think Institute vol. 1(1)
[5]. Coombe, C. (2004). The reflective portfolio: Two case studies from the United Arab Emirates English Language Forum.