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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of PLC Based Automatic Flat Bottle Label Adjuster |
Country | : | Ghana |
Authors | : | Olorunda, P. A. || Adetunde, I. A. |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0804010105 ![]() |
Abstract: Great intellectual designs of Labelling machines are widely in use for packaging product in manufacturing industries. Hands-on experience on varieties of these designs had spun the idea on which the improvement discussed in this article is designed. For every labelling machine, we have the labelling head and a Gap sensor, these two components are universal and common to all labelling machines. The vertical movement (aided by a hand wheel) of the labelling head is often used in adjusting the upward-downward position of labels on bottles while horizontal movement of the Gap sensor adjusts the right-left movement of labels on bottles. In this article, electronic means is designed to automatically do label adjustment on bottles, eliminating the crude mechanical hand wheel and hand adjusting been employed by most labelling machines available industries today. This article aims..............
Keywords: Siemens PLC (CPU 313, Digital Module SM 323), Servo Drive (LM23DU07M3X), Label Head, Gap Sensor, Photo sensor
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Abstract: Compliance Education (CE) is one of the critical performance functions of the Corporate L&D (CLD) department of all organizations where compliance matters. The price of non-conformance as well as price of conformance, is high stakes too. One of the key factors of compliance measurements is conformance to norms, and the norms include compliance towards the subject of CE itself from a knowledge management perspective. The compliance to CE acts as one of the prime performance criteria of CLD, with high stakes for business continuity, as well as Business Process Excellence (BPE); many functions at an organization level are dependent on a reliable CE for their process integrity. Further, CE itself, is closely linked to continuing education, and in many cases the learners are participating in the CE Learning Intervention (LI) not for the first time. Therefore, there is a high degree of repetition of Terminal Objectives (TO), and therefore enabling Objectives..............
Keywords: False Beginner, Teaching Learning Environment, Corporate L&D, Corporate University, Compliance Education, Continuing Education, flipped curricula, 70/20/10 learning model, compliance non-adherence risk, differentiated integrity, Learning Environment.
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[5]. S. B. Merriam and P. M. Cunningham, Handbook of adult and continuing education. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1989.
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Abstract: Based on the results of field observations at SMAN 1 Lingsar that students are still less active and teachers more active role in the learning process (teacher centered). With regard to the reality, the researcher conducts experimental research by applying Inquiry Learning model to encourage student activeness (student-centered) in order to improve students' critical thinking ability. The formulation of this research problem; Is there any influence of guided inquiry learning model to the critical thinking ability of SMAN 1 Lingsar Student in Lesson Year 2017 ?. Testing hypothesis with covariance analysis using SPSS version 24 for windows. The results showed; There is no difference in the ability of ultimate critical thinking for students who follow the guided inquiry learning model with students following the conventional learning model. Upon hypothesis test, the significance of learning model is 0.411..............
Keywords: inkuiry, critial thinking.
[1]. Khaeruman, Siti, N, Sari, R. 2015. Efektivitas Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving Dengan Context-Rich Problems Pada Materi Pokok Termokimia Dalam meningkatkan Hasil belajar Siswa Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis. Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA: 191-199 Vol II.
[2]. Yanto, R, Eny, E, Erlina. 2014. Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Dengan Pendekatan Makroskopis-Mikroskopis-Simbolik Pada Materi Ikatan Kimia. Jurnal Pendidikan: 1-9.
[3]. Azizah, Hani N, Asep, Kurnia J, Diah, G. 2016. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa pada Materi Energi Bunyi. Jurnal Pena Ilmiah: 51-60 Vol I.
[4]. Hapsari, Dwi P, Suciati, S, Marjono. 2012. Pengaruh Model Inkuiri Terbimbing Dengan Diagram V (Vee) Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar Siswa. Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi: 16-28 Vol IV.
[5]. Khumairah, F, Tatang, S, Hadeli. 2014. Pengembangan Modul Kimia Dasar Materi Termokimia Berbasis Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Untuk Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia. Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia: 115-125.
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Abstract: The ability to build a concept or thought in natural science learning context can be conducted by applying science processing skill-based learning at class. The content of observing and experimenting skill appears more in laboratory that it does at class. This research describes the process of exercising observing and experimenting skill. This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive method. The subject of the research is students of VIII A grade of SMPN 1 Martapura and also involves one science teacher teaching at that class. The data is collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis uses interactive model stated by Miles & Huberman. The result of the research shows that to train or exercise the observing and expeimenting skill on students, the teacher should design every lesson at class emphasizing on practicing and scientific work..............
Keywords: science processing skill, qualitative approach, interactive model.
[1]. Beatty, I. D., Gerace, W. J., Leonard, W. J., & Dufresne, R. J. (2008). Designing Effective Questions For Classroom Response System Teaching. American Journal of Physics Vol. 74 No. 1.
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[5]. Trianto. 2008. MendesainPembelajaranKontekstual (CTL). Jakarta. CerdasPustaka Publisher..
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Abstract: Teacher career development (TCD) was an effort that must be done by teachers in improving their position through career path that has been established educational institution individually and organizational. The aim of this study was to find empirical evidence of the correlation between work climate, commitment, and job accountability with TCD. To measure TCD, researchers used a questionnaire that has been developed and validated by expert teams. This study uses the total sampling method of civil servant teachers in Jambi. Data analysis was done by using Product Moment Karl Pearson and multiple regression. The results showed that work climate, commitment, and job accountability correlated significantly with TCD. Therefore, by improving work climate, commitment, and job accountability then TCD will improve for the better..
Keywords: Teacher Career Development, Work Climate, Commitment, Job Accountability
[1]. Dessler, Gary, Human Resource Management, 13th ed (USA: Pearson, 2013).
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[3]. Law the Republic of Indonesia, Number 14, 2005, on Teachers and Lecturers.
[4]. Robina J. Sutrisno, Relationship between Knowledge of Shipping Safety, Perception of Education and Training, and Career Development with Syahbandar Performance in Indonesia", Dissertation submitted to State University of Jakarta, 2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Adjustment And School Integration Of Remigrant Students-A Study For Romania |
Country | : | Romania |
Authors | : | Horatiu Catalano |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0804013238 ![]() |
Abstract: The issue of remigration is a relatively new and dynamic phenomenon. If migration was considered to be a major problem in Romania, especially after the 1990s, the return to the native country led to the emergence of a new challenge, the reintegration into society of the returned families . One of the most important aspects, with serious consequences in some situations, is the adaptation of the re-migrant children to the requirements of the Romanian society and school. In order to identify the problems of integrating the re-migrant children, we initiated a quantitative study on a sample of 90 pupils, their parents and the teachers of the class they are in. The main............
Keywords: primary school students, readaptation issues, remigration; socio-educational program; well-being..
[1]. Catalano, H., Readjustment and Learning Difficulties Specific to the Remigrant Child, Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty, 2014,
[2]. Cerase, F.P., Migration and social change: expectations and reality. A study of return migration of the Unitated States to Italy. International Migration Review,1974, 8(2), 245-262.
[3]. Redfield, R., Linton, M. & Herskovits, R., Memorandum for the Study of Acculturation, American Antropologist, 1936, 149-152.
[4]. Rutter, M., Psychosocial Resilience and Protective Mechanisms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 57, 1987, 316-331.
[5]. Luca, C., Foca, L., Gulei, A. S., Brebuleţ, Silviu D., Romanian Children'sRemigration, 2012,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teaching Problem Solving Skills For Making Teenagers Thinking Visible |
Country | : | Romania |
Authors | : | Tripon Cristina |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0804013945 ![]() |
Abstract: The skills that pupils need for their career and the growing discrepancy between them and what is being taught/tested in schools is a pressing issue of education in the world, especially the one in the Romanian system of education. A good question is how can these teachers develop these skills to teenagers who matter most to the unlikely future of human development? Often, educators are not aware of the type of education needed to promote teenagers who think critically, communicate effectively, collaborate to achieve learning goals, solve problems other than traditional-disciplinary ones that are in contradiction with the achievement of some high scores on tests, which, in most cases, did not incorporate rigorous performance criteria. This article focuses on the results obtained in a 12-month research on.............
Keywords: problem solving, visible thinking; experimental module; teenagers needs; active citizen.
[1]. Azzam, A. M. (2009). Why creativity now? A conversation with Sir Ken Robinson. Teaching for the 21st Century, 67, 22-26.
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[3]. Dyer, J.H., Gregersen,H.B.,Christensen, C.M, The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators ( Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, 2011).
[4]. OECDC, 2012 apud Mayer R. E., Thinking, Problem solving, Cognition ( New York, NY: Freeman, 1992).
[5]. OECD, 2012 apud. Mayer, R. E. & Wittrock, M. C. (2006) Problem Solving. In P. A. Alexander and P. .Winne (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Psychology (2nd ed.) ( Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006).
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Abstract: Instructional supervision is key to effective teaching. Whereas emphasis has been put on external instructional supervision, less attention has been given to Internal Instructional Supervision (IIS), probably because its influence on teaching effectiveness is yet to be established. Kakamega County is the second largest County in terms of population yet achievement in English is low at a mean score of 5.28 in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (2007-2012). The County's Panel of Standards Assessment report, 2010 and 2011 pegged this to weak IIS structures. The purpose of this study was to establish influence of teachers of English's attitude towards IIS on their teaching effectiveness. A conceptual framework constituting of attitude of teachers of English towards internal instructional supervision as the independent variables and teaching effectiveness as the dependent variable was used. The study..............
Keywords: Internal instructional supervision, influence, teaching effectiveness and attitude.
[1]. Alimi, P., Olatunji, S &Akinfolarin, C. A. (2012).Impacts of selected modes of Instructional supervision activities on student academic performance in senior Secondary schools in Orido state, Nigeria.
[2]. Department of Education Management AdekuleAJasin University, kungbaAkokoBeach, M., &Reinhartz, J. (2000).Supervisory Leadership: Focus on Instruction.
Boston: Alyn& Bacon Bolton, C.S., &Houlihan, M. (2008).Searching for the human in Human Resource Management: Theory Practice and Work Place Contexts. New York: Macmillan.
[3]. Ekundayo, H.T., Oyerinde, D.O., and Kolawole, A. O. (2013).Effective Supervision of Instruction in Nigerian Secondary Schools: Issues,
[4]. Challenges and the Way Forward. Retrieved June 12, 2015 at 2.00 pm; from Journal Of Education and Practice ISSN 2222.1735(paper) ISSN 222-288X (on line).
[5]. Eneastor, G.O. (2001). Towards goals oriented management of secondary schools in Nigeria: the place of supervision instruction. Journal of Educational Studies and Research. 2(1). Pp. 50-58..
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Abstract: This study was set out to identify alcohol expectancies held about alcohol consumption by male and female adolescents inGokanalocal government area of Rivers State. The population for the study comprised of 10,750 public secondary school students while the sample of the study was 300 adolescents students that were selected through simple random sampling technique. A researchers made instrument tagged Adolescents Alcohol Expectancies Inventory (AAEI) was used. Data were collated and computed with simple percentage to find out the alcohol expectancies of male and female adolescents. The findings revealed that adolescents have a very high percentage of alcohol expectancy.Furthermore, there is higher percentage of male adolescent alcohol expectancy than female adolescent in Gokana local government area of Rivers State. Implications for intervention were presented, conclusion and recommendations were also made.
[1]. Bada, A D.R., (2014). Alcohol Consumption Behaviour among Secondary School Students in Nigeria. Journal of Educational and Social Research, Vol. 4(3), 501- 507.
[2]. Goldman and Dunn (1998), Concurrent multiple health risk behaviours among adolescents In Luangnamtha province, Lao PDR. BMC Public Health; 11:36
[3]. Goldman, M. S & Dunn, M. E (1998), Age and Drinking-Related Differencies in the memory organization of Alcohol Expectanceis in 3rd, 6th and 12th grade children. J Consult ClinPsychol 66 (3):79-85
[4]. Iruloh, B.N. and Amadi, G.N., (2008).Psychosocial perspective of drug abuse: prevention and treatment. Port Harcourt: Uniport Press.
[5]. Johnston L.D, O‟Malley P.M, Bachman J.G, Schulenberg J.E. (2004). Overall teen drug use continues gradual decline: but use of inhalants rises.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to Enhance the student's learning result by applying for simulation methods doer role in the economic matter. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, the which each cycle includes preparation, action, observation, and reflection. The result of this research is by applying simulation methods the students successfully enhanced learning Reviews their role DOER result in the economic matter.
Keywords: Application, Economic doer role matter, Learning result, Simulation
[1]. Arikunto, Suharsimi, et al. (2006). Classroom action research. Earth Literacy. Jakarta. 151 p.
[2]. Hamalik, Oemar. (2001). Teaching and learning process. Bandung: Graphic Rays.
[3]. Hamalik, Oemar. (2008). Curriculum and Learning. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika
[4]. Hosnan, M. (2014). Scientific approach and Contextual Learning 21st century Ghalia Indonesia. Bogor. 456 p.
[5]. Nazir, M. (1998). Methods, Ghalia Indonesia: Jakarta.
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Abstract: The article is the report of research results that aimed to: (1) analyze students 'mathematical problem solving abilities that learned through Geogebra-assisted cooperative learning model and contextual learning model; (2) analyze joint influence of learning approach and gender to students' mathematical problem solving ability; (3) classifying students' mathematical problem solving. The instrument used is mathematical problem solving aability (MPSA) test. Data analysis was done through ANOVA. Results of research: (1) MPSA of the students in Geogebra assisted cooperative learning classroom is better than their counterpart in Geogebra assisted contextual learning classroom, (2) there is joint influence of learning approach and gender to student's MPSA, (3) MPSA of the students at the classroom belong to good category..........
Keywords: Learning approach, Mathematical problem solving ability.
[1]. Agyei, D. & Voogt, J. (2010). ICT use in the teaching of mathematics: Implications professional development of pre-service teachers in Ghana.
[2]. Arbain, N. & Shukor, N. A. 2015. The effects of Geogebra on Students Achievement. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science. No. 172 Pp: 208-214.
[3]. Arends, R.I. (2004). Learning to Teach, 6th Edition. Boston: McGraw Hill.
[4]. Assmann, Jan (2002). The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the
[5]. Pharaohs. p. 127...
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Abstract: Assessment of professionalism is a global issue in undergraduate medical training. The issues is about addresing its practice and valid assessment and not merely doctor-patient relationship. An attempt translate general professional behaviours as competencies to specific observable behaviours in clinical practice is the new concepts to develope the new scoring tools in this proposal for a comprehensive research framework. The aim is to measure professional behaviour from widely practiced, qualitative to a quantitative assessment of undergratuate medical student. As an outcome, the framework will explore the the current practice of observable professionalism and behaviour highlighting its strenghts,weakness and gaps in understanding the comprehensive approach of professionalism assessment.
Keywords: – professionalism, medical undergraduates, work-based assessment and scoring tools.
[1] Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter. Annals of internal medicine. 2002; 136(3):243-6.
[2] Arnold L. Assessing professional behavior: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2002; 77(6):502-15.
[3] Wilkinson TJ, Wade WB, Knock LD. A blueprint to assess professionalism: results of a systematic review. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2009;84(5):551-8.
[4] Cohen JJ. Foreword. In: Stern DT, ed. Measuring Medical Professionalism. V–viii; New York: Oxford University Press 2006.
[5] MQF eight domains of learning outcome as point of reference and joint understanding of higher education qualification in Malaysia. Malaysian Qualification Framework documented by Malaysian Qualification Agency. 2008..
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Abstract: Song conveys messages and words that are loaded with meanings, also it can be used for obtaining knowledge. However, songs in the classroom have been related to recreation and entertainment environment. Many learners do not know the meaning of "the lyrics". In this study, the research aimed to examine if the application of cover Thai songs as a pedagogical tool would help learners improve their Chinese listening skills. This experimental research involved two classes of students, one performed as an experimental group and the other one as a control group at private primary schools in Thailand. The instruments used were pretest and posttest, and a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. Furthermore, the data taken from questionnaires were investigated to find out the students' learning satisfaction through cover Thai songs. The study found that using cover Thai songs in Chinese listening skills was more effectively improved than the Chinese songs. In addition, the findings also showed that the cover Thai songs increased students' learning satisfaction in a very positive level..
Keywords: Chinese listening skills, Cover Thai songs, A pedagogical tool
[1]. Kanoksilpatham, B. (2013). National Survey of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Thailand. Journal of English Study, 8.
[2]. Deng, J. T. (2012). Hanban's Survey of Chinese Volunteers. Shandong Normal University.
[3]. Mireille, B., Julie, C, & Céline, M. (2011). Transfer of Training Between Music and Speech: Common Processing, Attention, and Memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 May.
[4]. Sunmonu, H. O., Oladeji, & Olayiwola, N. (2016). Assessment of Song as a Veritable Pedagogical Tool in French Language Classroom. International Journal for Social Studies, ISSN: 2455-3220 Volume 02 Issue 11 November 2016.
[5]. Shi, D. (2003). Topic and Topic-Comment Constructions in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistic Society of America: Language, DOI: 10.2307/417661..