Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: The studies developed at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - FAU/UFRJ, using the project aid tool, wind tunnel (WT), deal with simulation of scenarios, real or hypothetical, to produce comparative diagnosis and analysis of the effects of the wind relative to the built volumes and empty spaces. From the diagnostics, wind effects can be positive or negative in relation to the tropical climate, for the various proposals and existing urban provisions. This research is directly related to the visualization of experiments. The aim is to develop didactic materials and experiments to facilitate the visualization of the wind trajectories in urban and architectural models. The tests allow designers to recognize their ability to interfere with the dynamics of wind, often through simple changes, which may result in substantial gains in environmental comfort. Architectural and urban have been developed for use in the experiments.
Keywords: experimental simulation, habitation module, urban module, ventilation, wind tunnel
[1]. M.A.B. Romero, Princípios Bioclimáticos para o Desenho Urbano (São Paulo: Pro Editores, 2000).
[2]. P.P.R. Drach and O.D. Corbella, Desenvolvimento de experimentos didáticos para visualização em túnel de vento, Proc. 3º Simpósio Brasileiro de Construção Sustentável - SB2010, São Paulo, SP, 2010.
[3]. A.M. Loredo-Souza, M.J. Paluch, Projeto do Túnel de Vento FAU – UFRJ. Laboratório de Aerodinâmica das Construções – LAC - DECIV/PPGEC – UFRGS (Porto Alegre, RS, 2005).
[4]. O.D. Corbella, A.M. Loredo-Souza. Apresentação do Túnel de Vento da FAU/UFRJ, Proc. IX Encontro Nacional de Conforto no Ambiente Construído and V Encontro Latino-americano de Conforto no Ambiente Construído – ANTAC, Ouro Preto, MG, 2007.
[5]. P.P.R. Drach and Oscar D. Corbella, Estudos de Visualização em Túnel de Vento (Rio de Janeiro: Urbania, 2013).
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of student perceptions about the world of work, family, and self-regulation of interest in continuing education. The research method uses ex-post facto with a quantitative approach. The population of this study is that all students with the status of Trade education are as many as 244 people, while the withdrawal of the study sample using proportional random sampling as many as 150 respondents. Data collection techniques used are in the form of questions. Whereas, data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression analysis...........
Key Words: Perception, family, self regulation, interest
[1]. Baumeister, Roy F., Gailliot, Matthew and Oaten Megan. Self-regulation and personality: how interventions increase regulatory success, and how depletion moderates the effects of traits on behavior. Journal of Personality 74:6, December 2006. Blackwell Publishing, Inc. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.2006.00428.x.
[2]. Chiappe, Van H. Tran, Rick MacLaren. Effects of motivation orientation on schoolwork enjoyment and achievement and study habits.12-3-2017.DOI:
[3]. Bodrova, E., Germeroth, C., & Leong, D., J. (2013). Play and self-regulation.American Journal of Play, (6) 111-123.
[4]. Roebers, M. C. (2017). Executive function and metacognition: Towards a unifying framework of cognitive self-regulation. University of Bern, Department of Psychology, Hochschulzentrum vonRoll, Fabrikstrasse 8, CH – 3012 Bern, Switzerland. 26 April 2017.
[5]. Fabea, & Bossman, I. Educational factors that influence the career choices of university of cape coast students. International Journal of Research In Social Sciences. Vol. 4, No.2, 40-49.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the significant differences in student learning outcomes between students who are learned through the model of Problem Based Learning Assisted Audio Visual Media with students who learned through Conventional Learning in Class XI SMA Negeri 10 Surabaya Lesson Year 2017/2018. This type of research is classified as quasi-experimental research with the design of Nonequivalent control group design. By using experimental class (application of learning model of Problem Based Learning Assisted Audio Visual Media) and control class (conventional learning). The subjects were XI MIA 1 students as an experimental class and XI MIA 2 as control class in SMA Negeri 10 Surabaya. Methods of data collection are tests, observation sheets,..........
Key words: learning Problem Based Learning. AudioVisual. Learning Outcomes
[1]. Daryanto, 2011. Learning media. Bandung: PT. Nurani Sejahtera Tutorial Facility.
[2]. Rusman. 2014. Learning Models Developing Teacher Professionalism. Jakarta: Rajawali
[3]. Soyomukti, Nurani. 2008. Socialist Marxist Education Methods. Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media
[4]. Purwanto. 2014. Evaluation of Learning Outcomes. Yogyakarta: Learning Library.
[5]. Irfan, Ahmad, et al. 2016. "Differences in Audio Visual and Not Audio Visual Media Against.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dyslexia in Morocco: An overview of recent research |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | S. Ihbour || R. Hnini || M. El Habi || F. Chigr || M. Najimi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0901012426 ![]() |
Abstract: The disorders of learning taken at whole in general and that related to reading capacity in particular handicap numerous learners and affect by consequence their success in school curricula, their social and professional relations. Many factors can led to these disorders like environmental factors related mainly to socio-cultural precariousness. Other investigations find their origin in neurobiological causes characterizing a private individual brain. A part of this second category is recognized under the prefix "Dys". Dys being the word used nowadays to describe the family of developmental specific disabilities including dyslexia, dysphasia, dyscalculia... This prefix poisons the lives of many children's and particularly their families and at second level their teachers. Learning difficulties have............
[1]. Expertise Collective de l'INSERM . Dyslexie, dysorthographie, dyscalculie : bilan des données scientifiques (Les éditions de l'INSERM, 2007. Paris)
[2]. S. Valdois, ML. Bosse and M.Tainturier , The cognitive deficits responsible for developmental dyslexia: Review of evidence for a selective visual attentional disorder, Dyslexia, 10, 2004, 1-25.
[3]. F. Ramus, Dyslexie développementale : déficit phonologique spécifique ou trouble sensorimoteur global ? Médecine & Enfance, 2003, 6-9.
[4]. R. Nicolson, A. Fawcett and P. Dean, Time estimation deficits in developmental dyslexia :evidence of cerebellar involvement. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 259, 1995, 43-47.
[5]. JF. Stein, The magnocellular theory of developmental dyslexia. Dyslexia, 7(1), 2001, 12-36..
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Abstract: Problem solving ability is considered as one of the major skills associated with effective learning. Present educational system is giving due considerations for developing problem solving ability among children to cope with the need of the society. Though this ability can be acquired through various steps designed by cognitive scientists, we cannot assure that each one has acquired the ability. Many studies have proven the fact that problem solving ability is different among different persons. So, this paper is an attempt to study the differences in problem solving abilities among the higher secondary students with respect to three variables VIZ, gender, locale and type of management of the schooland to find out the interaction effects of the three variables. In the case of gender and locale.........
Key terms: Problem, Problem Solving Ability, Interaction Effect, Higher Secondary Students
[1]. Ayodhya, p., (2017). Problem solving skills: effectiveness of conventional & poly's heuristic approach. Edutracks, vol.7 no.3, pg no.34,nov 2017, issn :0972-9844 Neel Kamal publication
[2]. Baron, Robert. A et al., (1981) Understanding behavior. Tokyo: Dallas Montreal Tarento Holt – Saunders Japan, Ltd
[3]. Bransford, J.D. & Stein, B.S., (1984) The IDEAL Problem Solver. NewYork: Freeman In
[4]. Bruner, J. S. (1961). The act of discovery. Harvard Educational Review,31, pp.21–32.
[5]. Cohen, Louis, Lawrence Manion. And Keith Morrison. (2013). Research Method in Education. Routledge, Abingdon, USA..
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Abstract: One way individuals relate to others is to follow the community. A community is usually formed because in some individuals have the same hobby, the same place to live and have the same relationship in several ways. Community is a form of individual interaction with other individuals and their environment. This is a form of lifestyle. Where lifestyle can be identified by how a person spends his time as a form of activity, doing things that are considered important as a form of interest and things they think about the surrounding environment. Lifestyle can be identified...........
Keywords : Lifestyle, AIO, Community
[1]. J. Scott, G. Marshall, " Community" (in A Dictionary of Sociology, : Oxford University Press, 2009)
[2]. D.P. Aldrich, M.A. Meyer,: Social capital and community resilience, ( Am. Behav. Sci. 59 (2) 2015, 254–269.
[3]. S.T. Pickett, B. McGrath, M.L. Cadenasso, A.J. Felson,: Ecological resilience and resilient cities, Build. Res. Inf. 42 (2). 2014, 143–157, 09613218.2014.850600
[4]. E. Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of ReligiousLife. (J. Swain, Trans.), he Free Press, New York, 1912/1954
[5]. Michelle Duffya,, Michael Gallagher, (2018). : Emotional And Affective Geographies Of Sustainable Community Leadership: A Visceral Approach. Journal Of Elsevier,
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Abstract: The study aimed at identifying the role of the teacher in promoting the Palestinian identity in the light of the new Palestinian curricula, and detecting the statistically significant differences in the averages of the sample opinions on the role of the Palestinian teacher in promoting the national identity in the light of the new Palestinian curricula attributed to the variables of the study (gender, the grade, the school district, the school location, the school authority). The researchers used the analytical descriptive method. The study's tool was a questionnaire. The main results of the study were the following: The role of the teacher in promoting the national identity had a large degree with a relative weight (81%), and the fields of the role were ranked in descending order (historical-political- environmental - social).There were no statistically significant differences at ( 0.05( between the averages of the sample.........
Keywords : the Palestinian teacher, the national identity, curricula
[1]. Abbas, Insaf (2011). Palestinian and Global Cultural Dimensions in English for Palestine Textbooks for Grades 11 and 12. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Research and Studies - No. 24 (1) - July 2011. Pp69-91.
[2]. Abdel Rahman, Burhan Hafez (2010). The role of the higher education in promoting the Palestinian identity, and its impact on the political development in the point of view of students and employees. Master Thesis, Al-Najah University, Palestine.
[3]. Abu Hatab, Fouad, and Amal, Sadiq. (2005). Methodology and Statistical Analysis in Psychological, Educational and Social Sciences. The Anglo Library. Cairo.
[4]. Abu Rahma, ImadEddin (2011). The impact of the process of political settlement on the Palestinian identity. "A Study of the Trends of Palestinian University Students in the Gaza Strip, Master Thesis, Al-Azhar University, Palestine.
[5]. Asraf, Mahasin (2016): The Palestinian educational curricula in the face of the occupation,
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Abstract: This development research was aimed to (1) know the advisability of module by the means of expert validation result, (2) to know student self-learning that use module based on outdoor learning in learning pocess, and (3) to know students achievement using module in learning process. Design of this research was (1) Four-D (4D) development model consisting 4 steps, those were define, design, develop and dissaminate, (2) design of experimental posttest only control. The result were (1) module advisability from expert that stated as very appropriate to be used as teaching materials, (2) outdoor learning based module could increase students self-learning, and (3) students achievement can be raised using outdoor learning based module..
Keywords :module,outdoor learning, self-learning and achievement
[1]. Trilling, B & Fade, C.(2009). 21st Century Skill: Learning For livein Our Time San Franscisco : Jossey-Bass: A Willey Imprint
[2]. Bernhardt, P. (2015). 21st Century Learning: Professional Development In Practice. The Qualitative Report 201520(1)1-9.
[3]. Permendikbud RI No 22 Tahun 2016. Tentang Standart Proses. Permendikbud_Tahun2016_Nomor022_Lampiran.pdf .
[4]. Widiasworo, E. Strategi & Metode Mengajar Siswa Di Luar Kelas (Outdoor Learning) Secara Aktif, Kreatif, Inspiratif Dan Komunikatif. (Yogyakarta.Ar-Ruzz Media,2017)
[5]. Prastowo, A.Panduan Kreatif Membuat Bahan Ajar Inovatif. (Yogyakarta.Diva Press,2012)
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Abstract: The research aims at recognizing the institutional capacity of kindergartens inthe governorates of Gaza and presents a perception to develop it in the according toquality and accreditation standards. The researcher used a descriptive analytical and constructive methods. The study population consists of (900) kindergarten teachers in Gaza city in the school year (2018). A random sample was used in this study. (120) questionnaires were distributed to the study sample and (110)were collected as valid questionnaires for analysis by (91.7%). The study most important results were: The arithmetic meanof all questionnaire statements "fields" was (68.44%) which means that there was satisfactory on the questionnaire statements generally. The "kindergartens systems" field got the...........
[1]. Abu jazar, Fedaa, (2018) , the degree of practicing human relations by the kindergartens principals in the governorates of Gaza and its relationship with the morale level of the teachers , Master Thesis, Islamic University of Gaza .
[2]. Abu Hatab, Fouad, and Sadik, Amal, (1991), Research Methods and Methods of Statistical Analysis in Psychological and Social Sciences, The Anglo Egyptian Library, Cairo.
[3]. The Islamic Relief (2015). The reality of kindergartens' needs in the Gaza strip, survey study.
[4]. Awad, emtinan (2015) , the estimated degrees of the kindergartens reality in the Gaza Strip in light of the era requirements. Master Thesis, Alazhar University of Gaza
[5]. Agha, Ehsan, and Professor, Mahmoud (1999), Design of Educational Research (theory and practice), Rantisi Press, Gaza.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Progress and Problems in Colleges of Higher Education in Manipur |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Tomba Chingtham |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0901016973 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study attempts to explore the progress and problems in colleges of Higher Education in Manipur in relation to planning/administration, infrastructural facilities, courses of study, students' issues, examinations and co-curricular activities. The findings of research shows that the administration of higher education in the state lacks direction and vision. Colleges were severely lacking in most of the infrastructural facilities, relating to building, equipment, library services, hostels and sanitary services. All the colleges in Manipur offer same courses of studies and specialization. Quite a few students were involved in anti-social activities and political activities. The reliability of examination system in colleges was found quite doubtful. Organization of co-curricular activities was also considered inadequate and not properly planned and executed..
Keywords : Education, higher education, higher education in Manipur.
[1]. Annual Report, Directorate of University & Higher Education, Government of Manipur, 2016.
[2]. Annual Report, Manipur University, Imphal 1998, 1999, 2004.
[3]. Best, J.W. and Kahn J.V., Research in Education. Prentice Hall of India, Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1999.
[4]. Garrett, H.E., Statistics in Psychology and Education. Vikils, Feffer and Simons, Pvt. Ltd. Bombay 1973.
[5]. Devi, J., Education in Manipur. Rai Pravina Brothers, Imphal, 2006.
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Abstract: Modernity is linked to art through innovation and creativity .It reflects the transformation that has permeated the field of thought, technology, knowledge and the arts generally. Regarding to the concepts of the modernity, the artist must always seek the meaning of the idea birth of artistic work. The present research is an attempt to take advantage of the technical artworks in the form of embroidery pieces to support the field of design and printing for thestudents of the college who studying the course of art and life of Department of Art Education, Howeverthe technical artworks aestheticallywill be extendedby combining a unique artistic experience with the technique of stitchingyarns..........
Keywords :Modernity,canvas fabric printing,technical artworks, contemporary canvas fabric works
[1]. Brey, Ph. (2003).Theorizing Modernity and Technology.MIT Press.OAI identifier:
[2]. Auji.H (2016).Printing Arab Modernity. Book Culture and the American Press in Nineteenth-Century Beirut. Koninklijke Brill , Leiden, The Netherlands.isbn 978-90-04- 31435-1 (e-book).
[3]. Fouad, H. (2017) Modern Hand woven Fabric. Cairo, Modern Book Hous.
[4]. Frankel, V. (1982) the Man Looking For Concerned. Kuwait, translation.Talaat Mansour, Dar Al-Salam.
[5]. Rabee, M. (2005) meditation on the Philosophy of Life: Man in Time target. Egypt, Droub Publishing and Distribution