Series-2 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Road traffic signs and road markings are silent speakers to the road users. This study was designed to find out the awareness and implications of road traffic signs among pedestrians in Warri metropolis of Delta State. The study employed the descriptive survey research design method. A sample size of 300 pedestrians randomly selected from five areas in Warri metropolis were employed to participate in the study. Simple random sampling technique was used. Structured questionnaire which included the different road traffic signs was used to collect data. Data.........
Key Words: Road traffic signs; awareness; pedestrians; implications; gender.
[1]. Colin, B. and Partners (2009): Economic impact of traffic signals. London: GLA.
[2]. Delta State Ministry of Transport, Warri South, 2018. Warri South Local Government Office.
[3]. Department for Transport (2008). Local Transport Note 1/08: Traffic Management and Streetscape. TSO, Norwich.
[4]. Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) (2008): Highway Code. Abuja: Government Press
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Abstract: This research aims to analyze the impact of implementation of educational concept attainment using picture as media toward student result learning with compared with conventional learning.The experiment research designs are pretest, posttest and control group design. The technique of collecting data used observations, documentations, and tests. The data analysis technique is to determine the impacts of the model concept attainment using picture media with t-test assisted bysoftware SPSS 21.00 for windows.The analysis data result showed the experiment class which applied the model of concept attainment using picture media achieves higher percentage of......
Keywords: concept attainment, student result study, picture media, Pancasila and civic education (PPKn).
[1]. Ainurrahman. (2009). Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Bandung: Alfabeta
[2]. Ambarita. (2014). Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Model Pencapaian Konsep Pada Sub Pokok Bahasan Pangkat Rasional dan Bentuk Akar di Kelas 1 SMU. Jurnal Penelitian Bidang Pendidikan Unimed Volume 1 No. 1.
[3]. Amri, Sofan. (2013). Pengembangan & Model Pembelajaran dalam Kurikulum 2013. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka Publisher.
[4]. Anderson, Lorin W. Dan Krathwohl, David R. (2017). Kerangka Landasan Untuk Pembelajaran, Pengajaran, dan Asesmen. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
[5]. Aqib, Zainal. (2013). Model-model, Media, dan Strategi Pembelajaran Kontekstual. Bandung: Yrama Widya.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effects of Vocabulary Notebooks on Vocabulary Learning |
Country | : | Viet Nam |
Authors | : | Nguyen Hong Hanh || Tran Thi Bich Hanh |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0903021624 ![]() |
Abstract: This thesis reported the effects of and students' attitudes towards the use of the vocabulary notebooks method in relation to vocabulary learning. The specific problems pursued were as follows: What are the learners' attitudes towards vocabulary learning including keeping vocabularynotebooks? 2. To what extent does the use of vocabulary notebooks affect students' vocabulary learning at SonlaCollege? The study was conducted at SonlaCollege. The data were collected through tests (pretest, posttest and delayed posttest) and a questionnaire with 30 first-year non-English major students at Sonla College. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted with a smaller group of students. The findings are as follows: the mean score of the posttest (7.34) was higher than that of the delayed posttest (7.00) and of the pretest (5.44), the effects of the vocabulary notebooks on the students' vocabulary......
Keywords:attitudes, vocabulary notebooks, vocabulary learning
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[4]. Elgort, I., & Nation, P. (2010). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Familiar answers to new questions. In P. Seedhouse, S. Walsh, & C. Jenks (Eds.) Conceptualizing Learning in Applied Linguistics (pp. 89-104). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Abstract: The provision of quality education to all citizens of a country is the foundation for social equality, the path to economic and political stability of a nation. The nature and quality of leadership and management provided by school administrators play a vital role in the provision of quality education. Kenya has developed in-service training modules to assist practicing and newly appointed school administrators carry out their duties with ease. Over the years Kenya has relied on KEMI in-service training to equip school administrators with knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently manage public schools. Despite the continued compulsory provision of in-service training for school administrators, majority of public secondary schools have continued experiencing challenges in financial......
Keywords: in-service, financial management, public secondary schools, administration
[1]. Bouchamma,Y., Basgue &Marcotte, C. (2014). School management competencies: Perception and self-efficiency beliefs of school principals. Journal of creative education, 5, 580-586.Retrived from http//
[2]. Chetambe, H. N. & Sakwa, M. (2013). Effects of financial training on financial performance of schools in Kenya: A survey of performance of schools in Kenya: A case of trans-nzoia County. International Journal of academic research in Business and social science. , 3(10).
[3]. Hao, T. A (2013). Recruitment of school principals in Vietnams.Using evidence for changing appointment policies.Asian Journal of Humanities and social sciences, 3.-160
[4]. Inganga, J. A. (2014). Evaluation of effectiveness of principals' in financial management of public secondary schools in Butere Sub-County, Kenya.(Unpublished masters' thesis). Mount Kenya University, Nairobi.
[5]. Kotele, A. (2001). A study of what can be done to assist principals in Lesotho Secondary and high schools to carry out their jobs effectively(unpublished masters' dissertation) University of Bath..
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Abstract: Technological sophistication is a significant and promising force for increasing efficiency in education more so in English language teaching and learning. In the past, most teaching was either verbal communication between teacher and students or written communication from printed materials. These communication channels continue to play important roles in the teaching-learning process even today, albeit students are learning from pictures, television, recorded lessons and other media. Today almost all educational institutions around the world use some form or the other technological media in education. Most technological devices and programmes are prepared to suit the needs of the teacher, students and their learning conditions. ICT can provide more flexible and......
Keywords: Technological sophistication, ICT, technological tools
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Abstract: In Kenya, there have been many cases of unrest and indiscipline in secondary schools across the country in the last 3 years, a fact that creates doubts as to whether or not disciplinary proceduresadopted are effective.Indiscipline has been reportedly high in most schools in Nakuru County precipitated by the high level of deteriorated values among students. It appears the values yielded by these procedures are contrary to expectation. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of disciplinary procedures in the development of values among learners in public secondary schools in Nakuru County. The target population comprised 285 principals,2458teachers......
Keywords: Development of values, Effectiveness, disciplinary procedures,learners, public secondary schools, Nakuru County, Kenya, school Management, School Discipline
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Abstract: The effectiveness of human resources management practicesplays a vital role in private secondary schools in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.It helps to promote safe, harmonious, equitable and flexible workplaces for all our employees in running smoothly and effectively school operations. Thesepractices can create workforces whose contributions are valuable, unique, and difficult for competitors to imitate. The human resource management practicesreflect the employee beliefs and principles as well as maintaining acceptable relationships between management and employees......
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Academic Achievement,Private Secondary Schools
[1]. Agabi, C. O. (2003). Resources for effective classroom instruction. In N. Nwideeduh (Ed.), Focus on effective teaching in schools. Port Harcourt: Paragraphics.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of the use of the surrounding environment by using mind mapping techniques for elementary school students. This research was conducted in the District Islamic Elementary SchoolHasanah Fiddaroin Waru Sidoarjo Regency in the school year 2018/2019. This study uses a quantitative approach. This type of research is experimental research with non equivalent (pretest and posttest) control group design. This study uses two classes namely the experimental class (IV C) and the control class (IV A). The research instrument used was a sheet of student learning outcomes test instruments. Data analysis techniques......
Keywords: environment, mindmapping, learning outcome
[1]. Amri, Sofan. (2013). Pengembangan dan Model Pembelajaran Dalam Kurikulum 2013. Jakarta: PT. Prestasi Pustaka.
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[3]. Buzan, Tony. (2008). Mind Map Untuk Anak. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Technology Integrated Teaching for Students' Writing skill in English |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sr. Philomina M.J |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0903025053 ![]() |
Abstract: Writing is a fundamental component of language. In order to improve writing skills of English language learners, educators must consider new and innovative methods for their instruction. The present study aims to find out the Writing skill in English Language using technology as a tool. The study adopted experimental method. The investigators prepared a multimedia package, with 10 components of writing skill like phonemes, segmenting, substituting, blending, vowels &consonants, prefixes & suffixes, nouns, prepositions, verbs, articles SVO pattern and degrees of comparison for measuring the writing skill. The multimedia package has been experimented with 30 students of 5th grade from Wayanad District of Kerala state. Out of 30 students 15 were control group and 15 were experimental group. The control group has been given treatment with traditional chalk and talk method......
Keywords: Writing skills, components, Multimedia package, Control group and Experimental group
[1]. Bromely, K. (2005). Technology and Writing. The International Handbook of Literacy and Technology: Volume II. Routledge: New York.
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Abstract: This study investigated to identify the causes affecting school dropout and assess the consequences of dropouts applying descriptive statistical method. Two-stage cluster sampling technique was used for the collection of data. The sample was constituted of 60 dropout students (4th to 5th grade) obtained from 60 different categories of primary schools (government, private and ebtedayee madrasha) that were randomly selected from each of the 10 Upazilas under Rangpur Division, the northern part of Bangladesh with probability proportional to size (PPS). Data were obtained from one respective teacher involving in teaching at 5th-grade of each selected......
Keywords: Academic performance, academically at-risk, dropout, education and socio-economic status
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Abstract: Aim of this research is to measure kindergarten teachers' ability in designing daily lesson plan for early childhood education program that latter it will be used by the teacher to be reference for learning activities in one day. Teachers of early childhood education program in sub district Dampit are less capable to appropriately design daily lesson plan in accordance with the 2013 curriculum as stated in the regulation of the minister of education and culture number 137 year 2014 with the result that the learning objectives can't be achieved. Aim of this research........
Keywords: linearity of education, working time, daily lesson plan
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Abstract: This study examined the impact of inadequate funding on discipline and security in the administration of Enugu State secondary schools. Inadequate funding of the schools stems from national economic crisis. And knowledge of this study will add value to the genuine effort by the State Government in improving the funding of the schools. The study adopted survey research design. Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Instrument of self-structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The instrument was validated......
Keywords: Administration, Discipline, Funding, Security, Secondary Schools
[1]. O. Nwite, Financial Allocation to Secondary Education in Nigeria: Implication for Students Performance. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR- JRME), 6, (3), 2016, 42-47.
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[4]. M. A. Eneji, M. Dimis & R. I. Umejiaku, Impact of Economic RecessiononMacroeconomic Stability and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Science Journal of Economics, 17, 2017, 1-12.
[5]. A. Ekwueme, Newspaper Coverage of the Economic Recession under the Buhari Administion: A Study of Guardian and Vanguard. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 17 (3), 2017, 1-12..