Abstract: Background: Milk is a highly perishable product that is rich in nutrients, but deficient in vitamin C. In order to maintain itsnutrientsand physicochemical properties, it can be processed into products like cheese..Apart from the fact that vitamin C is not largely produced in milk it has been found that vitamin C content in milk is also reduced during heating process. Therefore, there is need to improve the vitamin C content in dairy products such as the soft cheese by its fortification with vitamin C. Materials and Methods:Twentylitres of milk was obtained from lactating Bunaji cows and clarified and then divided into fifteen (15) parts of one litre. Each part (1L) was heated to a temperature of 50˚C with intermittent stirring. Thereafter, 20 g of coagulant.....
Keywords: Ascorbic acid, cheese yield, chemical, warakanshi, organoleptic, storage
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