Abstract: This paper explored to the correlation between the vibrio density and sea-water quality over the oyster farming on Ang-Sila coastal in East of Thailand. The methodology used the combination of field data, Geographic Information System (GIS) and Modelling. Thai Pollution Control Department (PCD) database was used to predict the vibrio occurrence in sea-water using the binary logistic regression model. The study found: (1) The vibrio occurred in the oyster are correlated to the single parameter of pH while the vibrio occurred in the sea-water are correlated to the temperature and salinity. (2) Salinity and temperature are implicated to use in the binary logistic regression model with confidential pseudo R2 (Nagelkerke) of 0.84 for prediction of the vibrio occurrence in the sea-water. (3) According to the model predicted, the vibrio occurrences on the high-potential are shown in dry season while the low-potential are shown in rainy season. These results demonstrated by the GIS and the binary logistic regression are appropriated to use in the spatial-vibrio analysis and food-health safety management.
Keywords: Coastal water/Eastern Thailand, GIS, Oyster, Spatial, Vibrio
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