Abstract: Despite several measures put in place at controlling and eliminating malaria and its vectors, malaria still remains a public health problem that has continued to ravage humanity culminating into loss of man hours, hospital outpatients, school dropouts, loss of resources and several deaths.The aim of the study was todetermine the malaria transmission indices in Mazahfor effective control measures of the disease in the study area.The study was structured in aprospective cohort pattern to determine the possible outcome of interest and the exposure variables that necessitates the continuous stability of malaria in Mazah.Malaria vectors were sampled for a period of 5 months (from September 2014 to January 2015)using a Pyrethrum Spray Collection (PSC) from indoor houses of inhabitants.......
Keywords: Anopheles; Malariavectors; Transmission indices; Sporozoite; Parity; Nulliparity.
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