Version-3 (May-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5
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Abstract: Phenomena that occur on land acquisition, in general often lead to conflict between landowners and the government, so the implementation of road construction in the public interest does not run on time. The purpose of this research is to understand the process of land acquisition and pricing on toll road projects Cijago. This study used a qualitative approach with a knife phenomenological analysis involving 10 informants drawn from elements of society landowners and government representatives.
The results showedthat theland acquisitionindevelopmentCinereJagorawi toll road, the sosialitation and Apraisal with objectiveto encourage the growthof public understanding aboutthe importanceof developmentin the public interestthat ultimatelypeopledo notfeelforcedtosurrendertheir land. Governmentprice-setting process is done bythe government powerthroughgood communicationwiththe fulfillment ofcommunityexpectations, will encourage the growth ofthe carrying capacity(being supportive) community towardssustainable developmentin the public interest .
Keywords: Phenomenology, land acquisition, compensation, toll road.
[1] James Dadson Optimizing Land Asset Management in Ghana – A Shared Responsibility and Recipe for Good Governance Shaping the Change XXIII FIG Congress Munich, Germany, October 8-13, 2006 1/16
[2] Nuhu, M. B. (2007). Compulsory acquisition and payment of compensation in Nigeria: A case study of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja. Being a paper presented at the FIG Commission workshop on compulsory purchase and compensation 6th - 8th Sept, 2007 at Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo,Finland
[3] Mendie, A., Atser, J. & Ofem, B. (2010). Analysis of Public Lands Acqusition in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology. 31 (3), 197-203
[4] Usilappan, M., (2000), Issues Affecting Land Acquisition in the Context of National Development, Valuation and Property Services Department, Ministry of Finance Malaysia, Unpublished
[5] Omar and Ismail, (2005), Discrepancies in Defining Adequate Compensation in Land Acquisition: A Case Study in Malaysia, 1st REER Conference and General Meeting, UTM City Campus, K.Lumpur, 6-7 September 2005..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Executive Behaviour- the Bhagavad Gita Way |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. S. Balakrishnan. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16530709 ![]() |
Abstract: The trait theory is the most basic and one of the important theories of leadership. But these traits become meaningful only when they are reflected in the actual behaviour of the executive. The Bhagavad Gita, written more than five thousand years ago is not just a spiritual text; it is also a book on management. A proper study of the Gita would reveal that an executive would be much benefited by an in depth study of the Gita. The present paper is about executive behaviour as envisaged by Bhagavad Gita. An executive should always focus on the performance of his duties without being anxious about the results. He should own full responsibility for all his actions and omissions. An executive should neither eat too little or too much; sleep too much or sleep too little and should be moderate in his relaxation or pastimes. An Executive should perform all his duties to the best of his ability and leave the rest to the wisdom of the top management.
KeyWords: Trait Theory, Bhagavad Gita, Role Model, Stress, Job Description, Job Specification.
[1]. Swami Chinmayananda, 'The Art of Man Making', Chinmaya Mission Trust, Mumbai, 1991, P.47
[2]. Swami Chidbhavananda, 'The Bhagavad Gita – Commentary', Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, 2012, P 242.
[3]. Paramahamsa Yogananda 'God Talks with Arjuna- The Bhagavad Gita', Yogoda Satsangha Society of India, 2005, P 995
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Abstract: Students in any non-Hindi speaking state learn three languages and for a vast majority of them, medium of instruction at school level is Hindi. Since the students study English as one of the subjects, their proficiency in English remains low. This is more applicable to rural and semi-urban areas. This affects their performance in higher classes and professional courses where the medium of instruction is English. This study is an attempt to find out the effect of low proficiency in English on academic performance in postgraduate management students of Marathwada region of Maharashtra who come from rural and semi-urban areas. The study concludes that proficiency in English language and academic performance in management programmes are directly related and therefore much focused approach is required to be adopted in order to raise the level of proficiency in English amongst students of rural and semi-urban areas.
Keywords: Academic Performance, Proficiency in English, Cognitive Skills,
[1]. Peal, E and Lambert W. E. 1962. "The Relation of Bilingualism to Intelligence. Physiological Monographs. 76.
[2]. Gardner R. C. and Lambert W. E. Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning. Rowley Massachusetts. Newbury House Publishers. 1972.
[3]. Cummins and Swain. Bilingualism in Education. Longman London.1986.
[4]. NCERT. National Curriculum Framework – 2005. National Focus Group Position Paper on Teaching of English. New Delhi, India.
[5]. Subash. Three Language Education Formula in Multilingual India: Problems and Prospects. International J. Education Research. Vol. 1, Issue 4, 2013. pp. 150-158.
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Abstract: This research work is embarked upon to give practical knowledge of "Training and Development as a tool for enhancing employee's productivity: A Case study of Ashaka Cement company Plc." It aims at examining the instrumentality of training and development in enhancing employee productivity. A simple random sample was adopted in selecting 50 respondents from the company and responses obtained through interview and administration of questionnaires. The data was analysed using tables and percentages and found that training and employee productivity correlates positively, training is a necessity and tribalism, undue favouritism, Sectionalism, and costs of training are problems associated with training and development. Base on this, the researcher recommended that, Ashaka Cem. Plc should understand that training and employee productivity have a positive relationship. They should also see training and development as a necessity and also not to tolerate tribalism, undue favouritism, religious bias, sectionalism when selecting staff for training
[1]. Barau, S. H. (2008), "Management: A simple practical Approach". 2nd ed., Odenic Press: Jos Nigeria.
[2]. Bittel, L. R. (1995), "Encyclopaedia of Professional Management". 2nd ed. Vol.1. McGraw-Hill Inc: USA.
[3]. Byars, L. L. and Rue, L.W. (2000). "Human Resource Management, 6th ed., McGraw Hill: USA.
[4]. Chandan, J. S. (2007). "Management: Concepts and Strategies". Vikas Publishing House Ltd: New Delhi.
[5]. Chhabra, T. N. (2006). "Human Resource Management & Issues". 5th ed., Gagan Kapur Ltd: New Delhi.
[6]. Clatt, A. L. et al (1985). "Human Resource Management" Charles Emerrill Publishing company: Columbus Ohio.
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Abstract: If the employees of the organization get what they expect from the job, try to do their work with their highest ability. Here in the present study "EFFECTIVENESS OF NON-FINANCIAL MOTIVATION PROGRAMS IN DOMESTIC AND MULTINATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES" the researcher has presented a comparative measurement of non-financial elements that motivates employees. This is a study on pharmaceutical employees in Bangladesh. We know that every behavior of human being is motivated. To get the best possible service from the employees, there is no alternative way to motivate them. It would be very useful to know that what kind of motivational programs may stimulate them to work. Beside financial motivators, non-financial motivators are equally important for motivating employees. Here the researcher has attempted to determine the level of motivation of the employees to the various non-financial motivators existing in their organization. Thus he has tried to know, whether the employees of the selected companies are motivated or not. To measure the motivation level, Likert's five-point scale has been used. The total number and percentage of respondents belonging to each level of satisfaction have been shown separately.
Keywords: Company, Domestic, Motivation, Multinational, Pharmaceutical
[1] Stephen E. Catt, and Donald S. Miller, Human Relations: Contemporary Approach (Illinois: Richard D. Irwin Inc., 1989). 86.
[2] Norman C. Hill, Increasing Management Effectiveness: Keys to Management and Motivation (Calif: Addision-Wesley Publishing, 1979). 94.
[3] Stephen E. Catt, and Donald S. Miller, Human Relations: Contemporary Approach (Illinois: Richard D. Irwin Inc., 1989). 87.
[4] Stephen E. Catt, and Donald S. Miller, Human Relations: Contemporary Approach (Illinois: Richard D. Irwin Inc., 1989). 13.
[5] Norman C. Hill, Increasing Management Effectiveness: Keys to Management and Motivation (Calif: Addision-Wesley Publishing, 1979). 89..
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Abstract: Environment is becoming a much more urgent economic, social and political problem all over the world. World is facing the twin problem of promoting economic development and protecting the environment. In this juncture the proper accounting of environmental effects on economic development is pre-requisite to have a sustainable development. It is observed that many efforts have been done to develop a mechanism of incorporating environmental data with national income to compute economic development. Moreover, all such attempts do not address the micro economic aspect of environmental data as such interaction between a specific firm and environment. The accounting of interaction between firm and environment is a pre-requisite to find out sustainability gap in micro level. This study attempts to address the development of corporate level environmental accounting and the problems associated with that. The study is under taken considering the environmental accounting and reporting adopted by sample companies in India .
Key word: Environment, Accounting and reporting, environmental cost, liability and Assets
[1]. Ahmad, N. N. N., & Sulaiman, M. (2004). Environmental disclosures in Malaysian annual reports: A legitimacy theory perspective. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 14(1), 41–57
[2]. Banerjee Dr. Bhabatosh(2006) : Corporate Environmental Accounting and Reporting : The Chartered Accountant :April
[3]. Bhate,S (2002): one world, one environment, one vision: Are we close to achieve this? An Explanatory Study of Consumer Environmental Behaviour across three countries. Journal of consumer Behaviour,2(2), 169-184.
[4]. Chauhan Dr. Mukesh (2005) : Concept of Environmental Accounting and Practice in India The Chartered Accountant(November 2005)
[5]. Chatterjee, B., & Mir, M. Z. (2008): The current status of environmental reporting by Indian companies. Managerial Auditing Journal, 23(6), 609–629.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Affecting Consumer's Brand Preference of Small Cars |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Anandh, Dr. K. Shyama Sundar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16534347 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting consumer's brand preference of small cars in Chennai. The majority of consumers prefer Maruthi Suzki brand of small car. The value, comfortability, efficiency, accessibility, ambition and need are the factors affecting consumer's brand preference of small cars. The regression analysis shows that value, comfortability, efficiency and need are positively influencing the consumer's overall satisfaction about small cars at one per cent level of significance, while accessibility is also positively influencing the consumer's overall satisfaction about small cars at five cent level of significance. Therefore, the small car manufacturers should also focus on value-creating activities as such so that consumers will have a better perception of quality of the brand. By incorporating these factors, it also delivers a functional benefit such as creating a differentiation from industry competitors. There is cut throat competitions in the market on price front and so they have to find out better quality and low cost product. Indians are conscious about the price and fuel efficiency.
Key Words: Brand Preference, Explanatory Factor Analysis, Regression, Small Cars
[1]. Andreas Herrmann, Lan Xia, Kent B. Monroe and Frank Huber (2007), "The Influence of Price Fairness on Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Test in the Context of Automobile Purchases", Journal of Product & Brand Management, 16(1): pp. 49–58.
[2]. Archer, N. P., and Wesolowsky, G. O., (1996), "Consumer Response to Service and Product Quality: A Study of Motor Vehicle Owners", Journal of Operations Management, 14(2): pp. 103-118.
[3]. Cayla, J., and Eckhardt, G.M., (2007), "Asian Brands without Borders: Regional Opportunities and Challenges", International Marketing Review, 24(4): pp. 444-456.
[4]. Chidambaram and Alfread(2007), " A Study on Brand Preference of Passenger Car with Reference to Coimbatore City", Indian Journal of Marketing, 34(9): pp.24-30.
[5]. Kwak, L.E., and Sojka, J.Z., (2010), "If They Could See Me Now: Immigrants' Use of Prestige Brands to Convey Status", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(4): pp. 371-380..
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Abstract: The impact of subjective norms on entrepreneurial Intention has not been uniform across the globe. GEM (global entrepreneurship monitor)conducted survey among the population aged 18 to 64 with 3000 as a sample size in India and found 22.7% of them got entrepreneurial Intention. This research investigates the relationship between the subjective norms and its impact on entrepreneurial Intention among 100 business students in Bangalore. The 100 respondents were selected based on the stratified random sampling. The result says that there is a significant relationship between the subjective norms and entrepreneurial intention among the business students in Bangalore.
Key words: Entrepreneurship, subjective norms, Entrepreneurial Intention
[1]. Ajzen. I (1998), Attitudes, Personality and Behaviour, Milton Kenynes, U.K Open University Press.
[2]. Ajzen. I (1991), The theory of planned behaviour, organisational behaviour and human decision process,Pg 179 -211.
[3]. Bohmer. P and Sitton.S (1993),The influence of birth order and family size on notable American women's selection of career, psychological record, Pg 375 – 38.
[4]. Deivasenapathy.P (1986), Entrepreneurial success: Influence of certain personal variable, Indian journal of social work, Pg 547 – 555.
[5]. Nelson G.W (1989), Factors of friendship: relevance of significant other to family business owners, Entrepreneurship theory and practice, pg 7 – 8.
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Abstract: Abstract: Today Businesses are an integral part of the society. Michael Sabia, President and Chief Executive Officer of BCE Inc., has said, "Corporations are also social institutions. The role of business, according to this model, is to create value for its shareholders and also creates value for society, manifesting itself as a win-win proposition. Corporate success during these days is highly based on continued good relations with a wide range of individuals, groups and institutions. Corporate Social Responsibility plays vital role in winning the customer's confidence that will help growing the business. Many organizations actively conduct campaigns to create awareness among corporate, civic bodies, and government bodies about the importance of corporate social responsibility. The term corporate responsibility has been captioned under many names including corporate citizenship, social responsibility. CSR as described by Lord Holme and Richard Watts in 'Making Good Business Sense'. Society began to expect business to voluntarily participate in solving societal problems whether they had caused those problems or not. Report on Business Magazine recently noted that "many business leaders now believe that doing good for others means doing good for shareholders as well." Corporate social responsibility is a process in which all companies come together as one and take part in the welfare of the society. It is often referred to as business responsibility and an organization's action on environmental, ethical, social and economic issues. New legal mandates were imposed to ensure equal employment opportunities, product safety, worker safety, and environmental protection. Companies with high CSR standards are able to demonstrate their responsibilities to the stock holders, employees, customers, and the general public.
Important terms: Corporate social responsibility, issues, challenges, remedial measures
[1]. Chahoud, Dr. Tatjana; Johannes Emmerling, Dorothea Kolb, Iris Kubina, Gordon Repinski, Catarina Schläger (2007). Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in India - Assessing the UN Global Compact's Role.
[2]. ―Desirable Corporate Governance: A Code‖, established in April 1998.
[3]. CSR in India: Some Theory and Practice in Wall Street Journal dated Thursday, April 23, 2009.
[4]. Khanna, Parul; Gitika Gupta, Status of Corporate Social Responsibility: In Indian Context,January 2011.
[5]. Sathish, Ramya. "Corporate Social Responsibility in India - Putting Social-Economic Development on a Fast Track"
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influence of Culture on Workers Productivity in Nigeria Contexts |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Nwankwo Clement, Rev. Mbata Azumah .I. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16535766 ![]() |
Abstract: The greatest challenge facing human resource managers in recent years is how to ensure that the organization's demand for labour meets its projected needs and the supply of labour to the enterprise is maintained by deliberate and systematic action to mobilize it in reasonable balance with these demands. This paper examine the influence of culture on workers' productivity in an organizational setting, because of the influence of culture the attitudes of workers, it is considered here as an important environmental factor that should not be ignored in the study of workplace industrial relations. In spite of the abstract nature of culture, it still exists in a structural form. A particular important attributes of culture in the contexts of industrial relations that behavior is the means through which culture constitutes a dominant causal factor in the formation of attitudes which form the basis of behavior in organization. Therefore it becomes imperative for human resource managers to develop organizational culture that will embrace, regulate and motivate workers towards achieving optimum productivity in the organization. The study also review how industrial relation practitioners could identity and use cultural attitudes to understand the structural variables and structured relationships, institutions and rules of employment, and conflict resolution in the maintenance of industrial harmony in the organization.
[1]. Ahiauzu A.I. (1982), Cultural influence on industrial relations, Longman Nig. Ltd.
[2]. Aniagoh V.A, Ejiofor P.N.O (1982) Managing the Nigeria Workers, Longman Nigeria Ltd.
[3]. Armstrong, A. (2006): A Handbook of Human Resources Management Practice, Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA.
[4]. Authur, E. (1995) Managing Human Resources in Small and Midsized Companies American New York. (2 edition).
[5]. Banjoko, S.A. (1996), Human Resources Management, An Expository Approach, Saban Publishers Lagos, Second Edition.
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Abstract: The personnel are the base of the success of the company in achieving to the competitive advantages and creation of the value added; so they should be behaved as an important and critical strategic resource. Therefore, the business strategy in today organizations is focused on the human resources. Enabling the personnel or involving the personnel in the organizational decisions, is a necessary management tool in order to control and conduct the human resources for increasing the efficiency. Also this should be noticed that although considering the enabling of the personnel can result in increasing the self-confidence of the personnel and improving their performance, but considering other issues such as occupational satisfaction and organizational commitment can have an important role in improvement of the performance and increasing the motive of the personnel. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the relation between enabling, organizational commitment and the occupational satisfaction from a strategic point of view for the personnel who work in Samsung Corporation during 1391-1392. The present study in term of the objective is an operational and functional research and in term of the methodology it is a field finding research. The method used in the present study is the correlation method. The field (questionnaire) and library methods are used in order to collect data. For 35 professional and special questions in the questionnaire the five-item scale is used and for the questions related to sex, age and education level, the nominal scale is used. In the present study four variables namely the enabling, occupational satisfaction, occupational view and organizational commitment are considered, and the correlations between these four variables were investigated separately.
Keywords: Enabling, Occupational Satisfaction, Occupational View, Organizational Commitment, Strategic Point of view
[1]. Anderson,J.C.anddGerbing,D.W.,"Structural equation modeling in practice–a review And recommended two-step approach ",Psychological Bulletin,(1988),Vol.103, pp.411-23.
[2]. Armstrong,J.S.andOverton,T.S. "Estimating non response bias in mail surveys", Journal of Marketing Research, (1977),Vol.14,pp.396-402.
[3]. Aryee,S.andChen,Z.X."Leader-member exchange in a Chinese context: antecedents,The mediating role of psychological empowerment and outcomes ",Journal of Business Research,(2006),Vol.59,pp.793-801.
[4]. Aycan,Z.,Kanungo,R.N.,Mendonca,M.,Yu,K.C.,Deller,J.,Stahl,G.andKurshid,A. "Impact of culture on human resource management practices: a 10-country comparison", Applied Psychology: An International Review ( Psychologie Appliquee–Revue International),(2000),Vol.49,pp.192-221.
[5]. Barak,M.E.M.,Nissly,J.A.andLevin,A."Antecedents to retention and turnover among Child welfare, social work, and other human service employees: what can we learn from Past research ? Are view and metanalysis ",Social Service Review,.(2001),Vol.75,pp.625-61.
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Abstract: Consumers are the backbone of all business organizations & coherently all business activities concern with consumer and consumer satisfaction.Brand acts as a signal allowing customer to quickly recognize a product as they are familiar with or one they like.The powerful brand is which resides in the mind of the consumer.This paper examines how the rural and urban population conceive the notion of "BRAND". The research aims at comparing the buying behavior of rural & urban consumer & find out their priorities while making a purchase decision regarding mobile phones .This study has been conducted through literature study as well as a questionnaire administered survey of 200 respondents of different age groups, income & occupation and has been analyzed through AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) to comply with the objectives & also to draw conclusions.The study reveals that the urban consumer is more brand and style 'conscious' compared to its rural counterpart which prioritizes functionality and price more. It also shows that urban population relies majorly on internet as source of information whereas rural population relies on T.V. ads& Mobile phone retailers.This paper serves as a valuable guideline for management to review their advertising campaigns & modify their mobiles according to the need of the customer.
Keywords: AHP, Advertising, Brand management, Consumer Behavior, Mobile Phones
[1] HeikkiKarjaluoto, Factors Affecting Consumer Choice of Mobile Phones: Two Studies from Finland, Journal of Euro marketing, Vol. 14(3) 2005
[2] Dr. PratyushTripathi& Prof. Satish Kr. Singh, An Empirical Study of Consumer Behavior towards The Preference and Usage of Mobile Phone Services in Bhopal, Current Trends in Technology and Sciences Volume : 1, Issue : 2 ,Sept. 2012
[3] Jegan, A. And Dr. S. Sudalaiyandi, Consumer Behavior Towards Mobile Phone Services In Kovilpatti, Thoothukud District (India) - A Case Study by, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 04, pp.261-265, April, 2012
[4] Karjaluoto, H., J. Karvonen, et al. (2005). Factors affecting consumer choice of mobile phones: two studies from Finland. Journal ofEuro marketing 14(3): 59-82.
[5] Bettman, J.R. and Zins, M.A. (1977),"Constructive Processes in Consume Choice", Journal of Consumer Research, 4, September, pp. 75-85.
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Abstract: The paper was done in the context of the Kenyan equity market which was represented at Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) for safaricom, a telecommunication firm. In this study excess returns over risk free rate was taken as dependent variable while market excess over risk free rate as independent variable .This study covers five and a half year period covering July 2008 through December 2013, the period over which Safaricom has existed as a listed company at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). Ordinary Least squares method was adopted in a linear asset pricing model to establish the statistical significance of the return premium over the NSE return. The findings indicate that Safaricom has a small return premium over and above the risk free rate of return. Secondly, the Safaricom return premiums are insignificant and that the main determinant of the equity market return premiums at the NSE is instead market characteristics. Imperatively, impressive financial performance of the technology companies as shown by their high profitability over the study period does not translate to a return premium that is significantly different from the returns of other companies quoted at the NSE.
Key words: Equity market, Market premium, Shareholders, Telecommunication,Firm Performance
[1] Ariel, R. A. (1990), "High Stock Returns Before Holidays: Existence and Evidence on Possible Causes," Journal of Finance, 45(5), December, 1611-1626.
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[5] DeBondt, Werner F. M. and Richard Thaler (1995), "Does the Stock Market Overreact?" Journal of Finance, 40, 793-805.
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Abstract: Coal will be a cheaper alternative than natural gas, and oil to generate electricity in many regions, but in the long term essential for determining the future will accepted strategies to improve efficiency, reduce air pollution at the local level and mitigating the effects of climate change. Currently, the Ministry of Economy is preparing an update "Polish Energy Policy until 2050". The new document will consider the most important elements in the energy sector such as min. use of gas from unconventional sources, climate challenges, the construction of a common energy market in the European Union or the use of European funds in the new financial perspective 2014-2020. Sales forecasting coal is the subject of this paper, is a problem whose solution should look for today. This paper presents a prediction method that can be used to solve specific problems of forecasting sales volumes of coal, which is the result of logical conclusions following areas: mining, predictive theory, energy security and social security.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influence of Age and Gender on the Performance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhargava R. Kotur , S. Anbazhagan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-165397103 ![]() |
Abstract: The study investigated the different performance levels of the workers in the Chittoor Sugar factory located at the Chittoor town of South India. It was also studied how the factors age and gender influence the performance levels of the workers in the firm. Upon study it has been found that the two variables under investigation have their direct effect on the performance of the workers to varying degrees. Workers in the medium range on age, perform better compared to those on the extremes. The gender too is found to have its influence on the performance and the female workers are relatively more productive.
Keywords: Age, Gender, Influence, Performance, Workers
[1]. Ahl, H.J. (2002), "The making of the female entrepreneur, A discourse analysis of research texts on women‟s entrepreneurship", JIBS Dissertation Series 015, Jönköping University.
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[5]. Brush, C.G. (1992), "Research on women business owners: past trends, a new perspective and future directions", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, vol.16 (4).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Education and Work-Experience - Influence on the Performance |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Bhargava R. Kotur , S. Anbazhagan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1653104110 ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigated the different performance levels of the workers in the Chittoor Sugar factory located at the Chittoor town of South India. It was also studied how the factors education and work experience influence the performance levels of the workers in the firm. Upon study it has been understood that the two variables under investigation have direct effect on the performance of the workers to varying degrees. Workers in the medium range on educational qualification perform better compared those in the extremes and the same holds good in the case of work experience as well.
Keywords: Education, Work-Experience, Influence, Performance, Workers
[1]. Andrew J. Dubrin, (2009), Leadership: Research Findings, Practice and Skills, 5 Ed, Houghton Mufiilin co., Boston, USA.
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[3]. Ahmadi, A.A., Jalilian, H.J., Salamzadeh, Y., Saeidpour, B. and Daraei, M. (2012). Intellectual Capital and New Product Development Performance in Production Firms: A Case Study of Kermanshah Production Firms. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal 4(1), 15-27.
[4]. Ahmadi, A.A., Ahmadi F., & Shakeri S., (2011). The survey of relationship between Intellectual capital(IC) and Organizational performance (OP) within the National Iranian South Oil Company. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 3(10), 135-143.
[5]. Ahangar, R.G. (2011). The relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance: An empirical investigation in an Iranian company. African Journal of Business Management 5(1), 88-95
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influence of Leadership Styles on Self Performance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhargava R. Kotur , S. Anbazhagan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1653111119 ![]() |
Abstract: The study investigated the leadership styles of the workers and their performances as well, in the Chittoor Sugar factory located at the Chittoor town of South India. The influence of the worker's own leadership style on the self performance was also investigated. The study mainly concentrated on the three interesting leadership styles that are at the top, bottom and the middle of the leadership authority hierarchy, namely the autocratic, the laissez-faire and democratic leadership styles. Upon study it has been found that workers with autocratic leadership style give more performance against others.
Keywords: workers, leadership styles, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, performance
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