Version-1 (September-2017)
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Abstract: In this research paper an attempt has been made to highlight the impact of microfinance on rural development with special reference to Gulbarga division of Karnataka state. The paper mainly concentrates on how microfinance institutions have contributed to the improvement of standard of living of people in Gulbarga division. It also emphasizes on the need of further microfinance initiatives in Gulbarga division. This paper also throws light on how micro financial services are dependent of interest, satisfaction level and financial condition of rural people in Gulbarga division.
Keywords: SHG, NABARD, MFI, Rural Development, Microfinance, Financial Inclusion
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[5]. Status of Microfinance in India 2012-2013 NABARD Report.
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Abstract: Organizations have become increasingly aware of the need to involve people through participation, empowerment, better access, opportunities to career advancement and effective communication. It is a paradox that the valuable human resources are given less importance and attention during the wealth maximization process, yet they are the most important and valuable asset of every organization, hence organizations should prefer to maximize wealth through maximizing their human capital...............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Organic Food-Way ahead for Healthy Life and a Smarter Choice! |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Miss Khushboo Ahuja |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909014651 ![]() |
Abstract: Increasing demand for organic food and rising health consciousness among the people in the present scenario led the researcher to study about the behavior of consumer towards the organic products, its pricing, awareness of consumers towards organic products etc in a more intensive way. According to S.V.Ramesh and M.Divya (2015), the term "Organic" refers to the way agriculture products are grown and processed. Organic crops must be grown in safe soil, have no modification and must remain separate from conventional products. Farmers are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMO's), petroleum based fertilizers and sewage sludge- based fertilizers.............
Keywords: Food, Consumption, Perception, Health Issues, Consumer Behavior, Benefits of Organic Food
[1]. S.V.Ramesh and M.Divya . (2015), "A study on consumers‟ awareness attitude and satisfaction towards select organic food products with reference to Coimbatore", International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), Vol 2, No.4, 81-84.
[2]. Rianto Heru (2015), "Consumers' Attitude and Intention Towards Organic FoodPurchase: An Extension of Theory of Planned Behavior in Gender Perspective", International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Vol. 4(1), pp.17-31.
[3]. Basha Mohamed Bilal, Mason Cordelia, Shamsudin Mohd Farid, Iqbal Hussain1 Hafezali, Abdelnabi Salem1 Milad and Ali Azlan (2015), " Consumer Acceptance Towards Organic Food", Global Journal Of Interdisplinary social Science, G.J.I.S.S.,Vol.4(3):29-32 (May-June, 2015) ISSN: 2319-8834.
[4]. Soni Priya and Jatana Renu (2015), "CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS (OFPS) IN INDIA: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO UDAIPUR CITY", international Journal Of Research In computer Application and Management, Volume NO. 5, Issue No. 01 (January) ISSN 2231-1009.
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Abstract: Mutual Fund Investments in India are contributing a lot to the growth of capital Market. This study explores the Fund Selection criteria adopted by Mutual Fund Investors of Coimbatore city by eliciting informating from 526 Mutual Fund investors. Data collected were analysed and the results are in tandem with the past studies on the criteria considered the most important for Mutual Fund selection as Past performance of the fund. Factor Analysis was performed and six factors such as Intrinsic Fund Quality, Fund Sponsor Facility, Investor Service & Transparency, Reputation, Credibility of Fund and Tangible Benefits were extr.........
Keywords: Individual Investor, Information Source, Investor Behaviour, Mutual Funds, Selection Criteria
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[5] Singh, Y.P. and Vanita (2002), "Mutual fund investors‟ perceptions and preferences- a survey", The Indian Journal of Commerce,
Vol. 55 No. 3, pp. 8-20
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Abstract: Retail Trade in India is dominated by unorganized stores and 91% of the retail trade is made up of Kirana stores, street hawkers, hole-in-the-wall shops and roadside peddlers. Customers prefer the Traditional Retail (Kirana) stores because of proximity to their homes, convenient timings, close acquaintance with the shop keeper, availability of credit etc. However a set of present day consumers want pleasant shopping experience over proximity andconvenience, resulting in the paradigm shift in the preferences of customers from unorganized to organized retailing. In this paper, the researchers attempted to investigate the effect of Organized Food & Grocery Retailing on the store operations of Traditional Retail (Kirana) stores in Vijayawada and Guntur cities............
Keywords: Organized retail, Store operations, Survival Strategies, Traditional Retail
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Abstract: Although innovation is a strategic imperative, failures to implement innovations and to achieve the expected performance gains are common. This study specifies two different roles of proactive behavior of team learning in overcoming these challenges. First, we test the indirect effect of team learning on team performance that is mediated by team innovation implementation. Second, since there is a need to increase the fit between the implemented innovation and the specific team setting, we test the moderating role of team learning in increasing the effect of team innovation implementation on team performance............
Keywords: Team learning, innovation implementation, team performance, moderated mediation, proactivity.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Participation of Retail Investors in Indian Equity Market |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Makarand S. Wazal || Sudesh Kumar Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909017880 ![]() |
Abstract: There are many studies on estimating retail investors in Indian Equity Market. However, each of them remains short on exact number. This paper is also an attempt to arrive at estimated number of retail investors in the Indian equity market and how it compares with rest of the world. We with our justification estimate population of retail investors at 4.45 percent of total Indian population. Retail investor participation in India is amongst the lowest. Retail investors in India disproportionately distributed with western region dominating with nearly half of the investor population.
Keywords: Indian Equity Market, Retail Investors, IPOs, DEMAT, investor population
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Abstract: The study examined the profitability analysis of groundnut production in nalgonda district of telangana State. Multistage random sampling techniques were employed to select 60 respondents. The tools for collection of primary were structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed using both descriptive such as percentage and frequency and inferential statistics. These included percentage, frequency and farm budget model. Farm budget model was used to estimate cost and returns from groundnut production in the study area.The study revealed that the average cost of production per hectare was 13,746.13............
Keywords: Production, Profitability, Budgetary- Techniques, Groundnut
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Abstract: The need for sworn expert testimony in litigation engagement has been on the increase. This expert testimony is the treasured investigation result of the forensic accountant which is central to the success of litigation. This study addresses the role of the Forensic Accountant's sworn expert testimony in the successful. The survey design was used in the study with a sample size of 100 consisting of accountants, auditors, and legal practitioners. The simple random technique was utilized in selecting the sample size, while the ANOVA (F-test) was employed in the data analysis.............
Keywords: Forensic Accountant, Forensic examinations, Litigation Process, sworn expert Testimony, Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
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Abstract: This study sought to determine the contribution of street vending to Zimbabwe's economy. This was motivated by the need to have a clear appreciation of the socio-economic benefits that could accrue to Zimbabwe if street vendors were formalised. The study was done in Harare CBD. Data was collected using quantitative methodology and analysed through SPSS. The target population included all street vendors who operate within Harare's CBD. The results of the study showed that 86.6% of street vendors depended entirely on street vending as their source of income...........
Keywords: Street, Vendor, Contribution, Economy
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