Version-8 (September-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Non Performing Assets and Profitability of Scheduled Commercial Banks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Fareed Ahmed || Dr. Akhilesh Tripati |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909080111 ![]() |
Abstract: Since the global financial crisis of 2008-09, the asset quality and profitability of Indian banking deteriorated. The Gross NPA ratio rose sharply to 7.5% in FY16 compared to 2.2% in FY09. Once the account is classified as NPA, income from NPA is not recognized on accrual basis and the unrealized interest that was taken to Profit and Loss account on accrual basis shall also be reversed as the policy of income recognition. Operational effectiveness of the banks is affected by the quality of advances, which in turn has an impact on the profitability, cost effectiveness, liquidity, and solvency position of the banks. Hence, an attempt was made to study the impact of NPAs on the bank's performance. Data was collected on Scheduled Commercial Banks in India from RBI reports, and simple correlation and...........
Keywords: Cost to Income Ratio, NPA, Provisions, ROA, ROE.
[1]. A. Barge, "NPA Management in Banks: An Indian Perspective," IBMRD's Journal of Management and Research, vol. 1, p. 1, 2012.
[2]. D. S. Chhikara, "Causes and Impact of Non Performing Assets in Public Sector Banks: A state level analysis," Amity Management Analyst, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 48-56, 2007.
[3]. K. A. Chisti, "The Impact of Asset Quality on Profitability of Private Banks in India: A case study Private banks," Journal of African Macroeconomic Review, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 126-146, 2012.
[4]. N. F. b. A. Aziz, I. b. Ibrahim and M. b. I. @. Kamaruddin, "The Impact of Performing Loans (NPL) towards Profitability Performance (ROA, ROE, & NPM)," Shah Alam, 2009.
[5]. S. Batra, "Developing the Asian Markets for Non-Performing Assets; Developments in India," in 3rd Forum on Asian Insolvency Reform, Seoul, Korea, 2003..
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Abstract: The paper examined the impact of entrepreneurship and small businesseson economic development in Nigeria, using Uyo Metropolis, the capital of Akwa Ibom State, as study point. Using a survey design, the researchers drew respondents from 86 small scale businesses and entrepreneurships' firms in the Metropolis, through cluster sampling techniques. Five (5) respondents were drawn from each of the 86 selected small business firms, and administered questionnaire, thus making a total of 430 respondents. Firm managers were administered another set of questionnaire to evaluate problems that constrained the operation of their businesses.We found that small businesses and entrepreneurship were indeed active in job creation; employees' satisfaction was low on adequacy of salary and poverty alleviation............
Keywords: Business incubation, Economic development, Entrepreneurship, Small businesses.
[1]. Alkire, S. (2002).Valuing freedoms: Sen's capability approach and poverty reduction.
[2]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Aluko S. A. (1972) .The educated as entrepreneurs, in S. A. Aluko, O. Oguntoye&A. Afonja.
[4]. Small Industries in Nigerian Economic Society (pp.: 21- 45).Lagos: Elijon Press
[5]. Block, J. & Koellinger, P. (2009). I can't get no satisfaction -necessity entrepreneurship and procedural utility, Kyklos, 62 (2), 191–209.
[6]. Bruton, G.D., Ahlstrom, D.&Obloj, K. (2008). Entrepreneurship in emerging Economies:
[7]. Where are we today and where the research should go in the future? Entrepreneurship:
[8]. Theory and Practice. London: Fress Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Services Marketing For Competitive Advantage in a Recession |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Ambakederemo Bomiegha || Kalu, Sylva Ezema |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909082533 ![]() |
Abstract: Service marketing and the effective application of Service marketing mix elements are of paramount importance especially during a recession in view of the quest to achieve competitive advantage. The 7Ps which is an extended marketing mix serves as a veritable framework towards achieving customer satisfaction. Service marketing triangle is the relationship between the various providers of services, and the customers who consume these services. The triangle consists of company, customers and employees thus explains the process of internal marketing, external marketing as well as interactive marketing. The characteristics of service are those unique features that separate a physical product from services and are believed to be intangible...........
Keywords: Perishability, recession, competitive advantage, marketing triangle, rebranding.
[1]. Anderson E. W. Mittal V.S. (2000). "Strengthening the satisfaction-profit chain", Journal of Service research 3, 107-120.
[2]. Bitner M.O. (1995) "Building service relationships: it's all about promises", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23,246-251
[3]. Borden, Neil. H. (1984) The concept of marketing mix, Journal of Advertising Research, 1 (9), 2-7.
[4]. Chhabra T.N. Grover S.K (2009). "Marketing management", Dhanpat rai and co. private ltd.
[5]. Chopra Anamica (2010), "Marketing Management", Galgotia Publishing Company.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Research Study on School Teachers Morale and Involvment Job on Tamilnadu |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.Ramachandran || Shibu.N.S |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909083438 ![]() |
Abstract: The topic chosen for the study on 'Improve Teachers morale through motivation, school teacher Motivation act as a . Important tool for Improve the teachers morale and increase the good student of the school. The survival of the school is fully depends upon it's quality of management, so the school give much concentration for maintaining the teachers morale in a work place, than only the company can achieve it's entire goal with economically. The laziness is a nature of the human being. So the schools should take necessary steps to avoid the laziness during the working time. Motivation in the from of monitory and non-monetary some respondents are satisfied through monetary motivation and remaining teachers are satisfied only through non-monetary motivation the motivation helps to school for maintaining the cordial relationship between the teacher and student and also it helps to maintaining the peaceful atmosphere in the school. Teachers morale, in human resources, is defined as the job satisfaction, outlook, and feelings of well-being an teachers has within a workplace setting. Proven to have a direct effect on good student, it is one of the corner stones of schools.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Microfinance in Financial Inclusion in Bihar- A Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Amit Kumar Mishra || Dr. Chandrama Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909083948 ![]() |
Abstract: Microfinance refers to small savings, credit and insurance services extended to socially and economically disadvantaged segments of society. Microfinance provides financial products and services to masses especially underprivileged and disadvantaged people at an affordable terms and conditions. Over the years it has emerged as a powerful tool for financial inclusion in India. Financial inclusion is a new paradigm of economic growth that plays major role in driving away poverty from state like Bihar. Financial inclusion is the top priority of any developing or backward state like Bihar in terms of economic growth and advancement of society. It enables to reduce the gap between rich and poor people. Presence of sound financial system is a symbol of the robust pillar of growth, economic prosperity and overall development of any economy. The present study aims to examine the impact of microfinance. ...........
Keywords: Microfinance, Financial Inclusion, Gross State Domestic Product
[1] Chakraborty, K.C. (2013, September), Keynote address on financial Inclusion, Mumbai
[2] Chithra, N., & Selvam, M. (2013). Determinants of financial inclusion: an empirical study on the interstate variations in India. Retrieved from
[3] Economic Survey, Year 2016-2017 (Finance Department), Govt. of Bihar.
[4] Edward Luce (August, 2006), In spite of the Gods: The rise of Modern India Book.
[5] Gireesh, Kumar G.S (2005). Micro Finance in India: A Viable Option for Vulnerable Sections. Indian
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol 1(2), pp 255-262
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Abstract: Nonperforming loans of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have increased. This condition needs an attention of the government in formulating and establishing policies to prevent the implications of this problem on the future national economy. It is necessary to identify some factors that affect the alleged responsibility of the perpetrators of SMEs in loan repayment. This study aimed to provide empirical evidence about these factors. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the level of religiosity of SMEs business operators to the business performance and their responsibility to repay loans. Purposive sampling method used for sampling research, 173 of 5 (five) SME centers in the district of Bogor, West Java. The results showed religiosity affect the performance of SMEs and the loan repayment responsibilities
Keywords: Religiosity, performance, responsibility, SMEs loan
[1] M Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Application of fuzzy theory to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International
Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 18(2), 1998, 112-116.
[2] Note that the journal title, volume number and issue number are set in italics. Books:
[3] R.E. Moore, Interval analysis (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966).
[4] Note that the title of the book is in lower case letters and italicized. There is no comma following the title. Place of publication and
publisher are given. Chapters in Books:
[5] P.O. Bishop, Neurophysiology of binocular vision, in J.Houseman (Ed.), Handbook of physiology, 4 (New York: Springer-Verlag,
1970) 342-366..
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Abstract: At microeconomic level, performance is the direct result of managing various economic resources and of their efficient use within operational, investment and financing activities. To optimize economic results, a special attention should be given to the proper grounding of managerial decisions. These should be based on complex information regarding the evolution of all types of activities within the company. Several SACCOs today are facing a myriad of challenges that have threatened their future survivals. Recently, SACCOs have been engaged in many scandals since the beginning of the new millennium. This study therefore, purposed to investigate the effects of strategic positioning on...........
Keywords: Pricing Strategy, Profitability, Strategic Positioning, SACCO
[1]. Churk, J.P. (2015). Contributions of Savings and Credit Cooperative Society on Improving Rural Livelihood in Makungu ward
Iringa, Tanzania. Proceedings of the Second European Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance.
and Banking (EAR15Swiss Conference) ISBN: 978-1-63415-477-2
[2]. Assenga, E.A. (2008). Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies and Poverty Reduction among the Women in Morogoro Rural
District, Tanzania, Unpublished M.A Dissertation, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.
[3]. MUCCOBS. (2005). Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies, Professional Financial Cooperative
Management Program , Structure & Organization of saving and credit Cooperative societies, Tanzania, MUCCOBS.
[4]. Schellhase, R., Hardock, P., & Ohlwein, M. (2000). Customer satisfaction in business-to- business marketing: the case of retail
organizations and their suppliers. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 15(2/3), 106-121.
[5]. Cravens D.W., & Piercy, N.F. (1997). Strategic Marketing (8th ed.). New York: McGraw hill.
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Abstract: Procurement represents one of the most critical functions in public institutions that ensure efficiency in utilization of public resources as well as efficiency in service delivery. The procurement process involves going into contract with the supplier and subsequently fulfillment of the contract. The administration of procurement contracts is the sole responsibility of the procurement department. However in the recent past, Public institutions in Kenya have lost billions of tax payer's money through annulled contracts, uncompleted projects, unsupplied goods and services not provided, collusion in the tender evaluation and award, inadequate training of the procurement staff especially on the technical fields, corruptions and extended contract periods. The mismanagement of procurement contracts continues to be reported despite the enactment of the Public Procurement laws and oversight bodies...........
Keywords: Contract Administration, Information Communication Technology, Procurement Contract
[1]. Arrowsmith, S. (2003). Government Procurement in the WTO. The Hague: Kluwer Law.
[2]. Atkinson, W. (2003). New buying tools present different ethical challenges. Journal of Purchasing, 132(4), 27-30.
[3]. Bailey, P. (2008). Procurement Principles and Management, Prentice Hall: Harlow.
[4]. Basheka, B. &Mugabira, I. (2008). Measuring Professionalism Variables and their Implication to Procurement Outcomes in
Uganda. The 3rd International Public Procurement Conference Proceedings.
[5]. CIPS (2012b).Strategic supply chain management. (1st Ed.) Lincolnshire: Profex Publishing Limited.
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Abstract: Store brand products are a win-win solution for food and grocery retailers and customers in the current retail market structure driven by significant change in consumers' purchase behaviour and consumption pattern affected by unyielding food price inflation during the past ten years. Since consumers reign in their spending due to sustained increase in food prices, they have become more discriminating, expecting more value for their money, better service, and greater convenience. The considerable erosion of purchasing power of consumers has not only shifted their purchasing habits from national brands to store brands (also known as private labels) but also revised their definition of value to be much more focused on price in purchasing decisions for food and household products............
Keywords: Store brands, Value for money, perceived risk, Store reputation, Food and Grocery, Indian Retailing.
[1]. ASSOCHAM analysis (2010), "Steep Rise on Food Prices," available at:
[2]. KPMG (2009), 'Indian Retail: Time to Change Lanes',
[3]. Fabian Bergès-Sennou, Philippe Bontems and Vincent Réquillart. (2004), "Economics of Private Labels: A Survey of Literature,"
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, Vol. 2(3), pp.1-23.
[4]. Ward, et al. (2002) Effects of the Private-Label Invasion in Food Industries, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 84,
nr. 4, s. 961-973.
[5]. Francis J Mulhern; Jerome D Williams; Robert P Leone (1998), "Variability of brand price elasticities across retail stores: Ethnic,
income and Brand Determinants," Journal of Retailing, Vol. 74(3), pp.427-446.