Version-3 (September-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | E-Banking Attributes on the Diffusion of Innovation in Indian Banking Services |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shilpa Rai || Dr. R.K.Kushwaha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909030104 ![]() |
Abstract: As of late, the selection of E-Banking started to happen broadly as a channel of dispersion for monetary administrations because of quick advances in Information Technology (IT) and concentrated aggressive saving money markets. Notwithstanding this development of IT around the world, Indian banks keep on conducting the greater part of their saving money exchanges utilizing conventional techniques. Understanding the explanations behind the absence of such mechanical advancement in creating nations, for example, India will build up a productive research. This paper will address what are the empowering agents and the inhibitors of e-banking reception in the Indian banking industry. In this examination, four discernments issues were investigated: Diffusion of Innovation;............
Keywords: E- Banking, Adoption of E-Banking, Empowering Customers and Diffusion of Innovation
[1]. Bingi, P., Sharma, M. and Godla, J. (1999) Critical Issues Affecting an ERP Implementation, Information Systems Management, summer, 7-14.
[2]. Dearden, J. (1972) MIS is a mirage, Harvard Business Review, Jan/Feb, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p90.
[3]. Esteves, J. and Pastor, J. (2001) Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Research: an Annotated Bibliography, Communications of AIS, Vol. 7, No. 8, August.
[4]. Gorry, G. and Scott Morton, M. (1971) A Framework for Management Information Systems, Sloan Management Review, Fall, pp 55-70.
[5]. Gorry, G. (1971) the Development of Managerial Models, Sloan Management Review, winter,pp 1-16..
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Abstract: Stress is a very common condition of physical threat or one can say is the psychological distress, which works as a host of hormonal and chemical changes in the human body. When the stress is prolonged, the normal functioning of the body converts into dysfunctional state. It's been noticed that the stress reaction of the body reduces with the help of meditation and yoga. But here in this manuscript, it's been tried to show the path to reduce stress with the help of Gorakh Sutras. This no cost therapy which is prevailing in India for last many centuries and is still one of the significant ways of stress management. Undoubtedly it proves to be the best way of stress management which can also prove to be beneficial for the universe as a whole.
Keywords: Stress Management, Anxiety and Gorakh Sutras etc
[1]. Maharaj Yatindranath Ji Yogi, Gorakh Vani aur Gorakh Yog (2003),Randhir Publication
[2]. Osho,"Die O Yogi Die"ISBN 8172611919 (2004)
[3]. GeorgeWeston Briggs (1938), Gorakhnath and the Kanphata Yogis, 6th Edition (2009 Reprint), Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 978-8120805644, p. 228
[4]. Briggs (1938), Gorakhnath and the Kanphata Yogis, 6th Edition (2009 Reprint), Motilal Banarsidass. ISBN 978-8120805644, pp. 228-250
[5]. William Pinch (2012), Warrior Ascetics and Indian Empires, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-1107406377, pages 4-9, 28-34, 61-65, 150-151, 189-191, 194-207.
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Abstract: The implementation of CSR has been widely applied in many kinds of companies including banking companies. It is because the implementation of CSR can affect corporate image and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. The purpose of this study was to explain the influence of CSR, corporate image, and customer satisfaction toward customer loyalty, as well as to explain the mediating effect of satisfaction on CSR to loyalty and corporate image to loyalty. Sample used are 100 customers of PT Bank BPD Bali, which were divided by proportional cluster sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed using Partial Least Square analysis. Several findings of this study are CSR had no significant effect on customer loyalty. CSR significantly influence corporate image and customer............
Keywords:CSR, corporate image, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
[1]. Abbasi, M.R., Hamed, M., Ali, A.E., and Vahid, R. 2012. Exploring of Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Loyalty and Satisfaction Customer and the Facilitating Role of Advertising on it. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Science, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 2222-6999.
[2]. Afandi. 2015. Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility terhadapLoyalitasPelangganmelaluiKepuasanPelangganpada PDAM TirtaKhatulistiwa Pontianak. JurnalManajemendanBisnis, Vol.1, No.3
[3]. Alireza, F., Ali, K., and Aram, F. 2011. How Quality, Value, Image And Satisfaction Create Loyalty At An Iran Telecom, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.6, No.8, pp. 271-279.
[4]. Alves, H. andRaposo, M. 2010.The Influence of University Image on Student Behavior.International Journal of Educational Management, Vol.24, No.1, pp. 73-85.
[5]. Boohene, R., and Agyapong, G.K.Q. 2011. Analysis of the Antecedents of Customer Loyalty of Telecommunication Industry in Ghana: The Case of Vodafone (Ghana), International Business Research, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 229-240.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sex difference in transformational leadership and effect on follower's intrinsic motivation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Radha Ravikumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909031825 ![]() |
Abstract: Theoretical analysis of the transformational leadership's role in the enhancement of intrinsic motivation process is discussed in this paper. Difference between transformational leadership and transactional leadership is introduced to understand the effectiveness of leadership on enhancement of follower's motivation. Transformational leaders display charismatic behaviors, raise inspirational motivation, deliver intellectual stimulation, and indulge followers with individualized consideration. Leaders play a positive role in self-management, which enables people to self-manage. Transformational leaders individualized consideration quality changes the leader-group dyad to leader-individual dyad. This individualized........
Keywords:Leadership, transformational leadership, sex, motivation, intrinsic motivation
[1]. Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. London: Collier Macmillan Publishers.
[2]. Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Open Road Integrated Media.
[3]. Bem, S. L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 42(2), 155-162.
[4]. Chelladurai, P. (2007). Handbook of sports psychology (3rd ed.). Tenenbaum, G., & Eklund, R. C. (Ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
[5]. Charbonneau, D, Barling, J.,& Kelloway, E.K. (2001). Transformational leadership and sports performance : the mediating role of intrinsic motivation. Journal of Applied Social Pshychology, 31(7), 1521-1534
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Abstract: Changing mindsets and technological advancements have encouraged women to foray into employment and traditionally women have been burdened with familial responsibilities. In Information Technology (IT) industry, men and women share equal load and contribute equally to the growth of the organizations. The present work proposes to measure and compare Work-Life Balance (WLB) of men and women employees of IT industry. WLB is measured by considering cultural aspects of organizations which earlier works did not consider. In the present study, women are found to be achieving less WLB than men and face more interference of work into personal lives. It also identifies factors affecting the WLB of men and women. A scale consisting of 35 statements............
Keywords: Culture, Factor Analysis, IT organizations, Regression Analysis, Work-Life Balance
[1] Clark, S. C., Work/family border theory: A new theory of work/family balance, Human Relations, 53, 2000, 747–770.
[2] Kofodimos, J. R., Balancing act(San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993).
[3] Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Karen M. Collins, & Jason D. Shaw, The relation between work–family balance and quality of life, Journal of Vocational behaviour, 63,2003, 510–531.
[4] P.Gropel & J. Kuhl, Work-Life Balance and Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Need Fulfilment, British Journal of Psychology, 100(2), 2009, 365-375.
[5] B.Edvardsson & B. Gustavsson, Quality in the work environment: A prerequisite for success in new service development, Managing Service Quality, 13(2), 2003, 148-163
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Overview of Foreign Institutional Investors in Indian Securities Market |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Makarand S. Wazal |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909033540 ![]() |
Abstract: The foreign institutional investors (FII) have become a significant driving force of the Indian capital market and their growing presence marks the development of the capital market of India. To facilitate foreign capital flows developing countries seek to strengthen their capital markets. As a result of which Indian capital markets have achieved new heights and have become more volatile opening the dimensions of new research in the arena of Foreign Institutional Investments and Indian capital market. This paper makes an attempt to study the effects of trading behavior of foreign institutional investors on the Indian capital market. The researcher found out that there are significant changes in the Indian capital market returns and volatility is significantly reduced after opening up of the market to foreign investors.
Keywords: Foreign institutional investors, Liberalization, Net investments, Returns, Volatility, Foreign Capital
[1]. Chakraborty Tanupa (2007), "Foreign Institutional Investment Flows and Indian Stock Market Returns . A Cause and Effect Relationship Study", Indian Accounting Review, Vol: 11, No: 1, June 2001, pp: 35 – 48.
[2]. Samal, C. Kishore (1997), Emerging Equity Market in India: Role of Foreign Institutional Investors, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 32, No. 42. Kumar Saji (2006), FIIs Vs. SENSEX: An Emerging Paradigm, Treasury Management, ICFAI University Press, February.
[3]. Ravi Akula, (2011), "An overview of foreign institutional investment in India", Indian journal of Commerce & Management studies, Vol: 2, Issue: 1, January 2011, pp: 100-104.
[4]. Kumar, S. (2001). 'Does the Indian Stock Market Play to the tune of FII Investments? An Empirical Investigation'. ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance 7 (3): 36-44.
[5]. Mazumdar, T. (2004). 'FII Inflows to India; Their effect on stock market liquidity'. ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance 10 (7): 5-20
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relative Stock Movement of Nifty's selected ten companies during year 2014-15 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Raghu G Anand |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909034152 ![]() |
Abstract: Nifty 50 index is the NSE (National Stock Exchange of India)'s benchmark index for the Indian equity market or stock market. It covers 13 sectors of the Indian economy and allows investment managers to get exposed to the Indian stock market in one portfolio. This research is intended at analyzing the share price movements of Nifty selected 10 companies' w.r.t Nifty index, thus helping in better analysis of portfolios. Further, it aims at suggesting an investor about the best combination of stocks that fetches him the desired results. It is observed in the current scenario that an average investor is inclined towards the capital markets in India, possessing the risk taking appetite, and thus deserves to understand the intricacies..................
Keywords: NSE, Nifty, Equity, Investor, Portfolio
[1]. Security Analysis and Portfolio management 6th Edition – Pearson India publication by Ronald J. Jordan and Donald E. Fischer.
[2]. Security Analysis and Portfolio management- Himalaya Publishing House by Preeti Singh.
[3]. Investment Analysis and Portfolio management- McGraw-Hill Professional Publication by Prasanna Chandra
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Structure, Conduct and Performance of fresh farmed catfish marketing system in Delta State, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ohen, S.B |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909035360 ![]() |
Abstract: The study analysed the structure, conductand performanceof fresh farmed catfishmarketing systemin Delta State using a multistage sampling method to select 83 respondents comprising 30 fish farmers, 25 wholesalers and 28 retailers. Data were collected through in depth interviews and focus group discussions and analysed using descriptive statistics, marketing cost, margin, price spread and gini coefficient analysis. Findings show that the market for fresh farmed catfish both at the wholesale and retail levels were competitive with gini coefficients of 034 and 0.38 for wholesalers and retailers respectively. The implication is that none of the traders could influence supply by decreasing...........
Keywords: market structure, fresh farmed catfish, conduct, performance
[1]. Bain, J. S. (1968): Industrial Organisation, John Willey and Son, New York, 71-87.
[2]. Bressler, R.S and King, R. A(1970),Market prices and interregional trade. New York, USA, John Wiley and Sons, 52 pp
[3]. Bain 1987 in Wolday, A., 1994. Food Grain Marketing Development in Ethiopia after Reform 1990. A Case Study of Alaba Siraro. The PhD Dissertation Presented to Verlag Koster University. Berlin 293p
[4]. CBN 2012 in Odetola, T and Etumnu, C, (2013): Contribution of Agriculture to economic growth in Nigeria. A paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the African Econometric Society (AES) Accra, Ghana at the session organized by the Association for the Advancement of African Women Economists (AAAWE), 22nd and 23rd July, 2013.
[5]. CIA. (2012). The World Fact Book. Retrieved April 7, 2017, from world-factbook/geos/ni.html..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Occupation Role Stress: Comparison among Gender, Age & Length of the Service |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Caral Dcunha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909036166 ![]() |
Abstract: Work-related stress is a problem of growing concern in developing countries attributable to necessary developments within the modern world; 2 of the foremost important is - being globalisation and also the ever-changing nature of work.Occupational stress could be a growing problem worldwide, which ends up in substantial loss to each employees and organizations (Cotton and Hart 2003).Occupational stress is present and progressively expensive Katherine et al (2008). Occupational stress is outlined as the perception of a discrepancy between environmental demands (stressors) and individual capacities to satisfy these demands (Topper 2007). Occupational stress happens once an employee subjectively experiences an incompatibility between himself or herself and his or her work surroundings,.............
[1]. Arnold, M B, (1960). Emotion and Personality (2 Vols.). New York: Columbia University Press.
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[5]. Bruner, J S and Postman, L, (1947). Emotional selectivity in perception and reaction. Journal of Personality, 16, pp. 69–77.
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Abstract: Fresh engineering graduates to have employment must have employability skills but employers are not finding these skills in graduates. The teachers being agent for generating employability skills in students need to have learning attitude and research orientation. This study focuses on finding the status of teachers teaching in engineering colleges on their learning approach and research activities. The study is conducted in three parts. First, the literature review through which various learning and research activities/ practices carried on by teachers are identified. This study being carried in Chhattisgarh, learning and research activities/ practices in engineering colleges of CG are identified by..........
Keywords: Engineering Graduates, Employability Skills, Learning and Research Activities/ Practices, Engineering Teachers
[1]. Bianca K. and Peter F. 2004. Student Employability Profiles Engineering. Enhancing Student Employability Coordination Team (ESECT). The Higher Education Academy.
[2]. Hillage, J. and Pollard, E. (1998) Employability: Developing a Framework for Policy Analysis. Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) Research report, RR85, London.
[3]. Yorke, M. (2003), Employability in Higher Education: What It Is – What It Is Not, Learning and Employability, ESECT:Higher Education Academy, Series One, pp. 8
[4]. Robinson, J.P. (2000), What are Employability Skills, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Vol.1 No. 3. Accessed from employability-skills.PDF.
[5]. Susan, M. (2016), What Is Employment?: What Does It Mean to Be Employed? About Money, Accessed on 6th May, 2016.
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Abstract: the purpose was to investigate the factorsaffecting investment decisions in portfolio management for the listed companies and market participants in Nairobi securities exchange. Sixty four companies were listed at the NSE and 19 market participant in NSE. It was motivated by the observed key investment decisions in Kenya in recent years as well as the need to understand the behaviour of investment advisers in Nairobi Security Exchange market and the factors that influence their investment decision. The study was carried to investigate the rationale used by investment advisers in designing a given portfolio mix. The theoretical anchor was modern portfolio theory. The theoryhelped to understand investment..........
Keywords: Investment Decision, listed Companies, Risk involved, Return on the Investment
[1]. Bencivenga, Valerie R & Smith, Bruce D. (1991), "Financial Intermediation and Endogenous Growth," Reviewof Economic Studies, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 58(2), pages 195-209
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[5]. NSE/NCFM (2010) Report: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. National stock exchange of India Limited..
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Abstract: Cotton crop in India is so important that it is often termed as white Gold. India is the largest producer of cotton in the world accounting for about 26% of the world cotton production. As step towards better management practices the cotton is traded in future at two major stock exchanges NCDEX and MCX to help better price discovery. The spot prices of cotton since 2013 had witnessed high fluctuations. The increase in prices will impact small textile players the most, since cotton is the key raw material and it will also lower their inventory holding capacity. So it is very important to understand nature of relationship between the spot and future contracts of cotton. It is also to be found out which segment plays lead role in price discovery. Market efficiency implies cointegration because the same..........
Keywords: Price Discovery, Market Efficiency, Commodity Derivative, Cointegration,
[1]. Beck, Stacie. "Cointegration and market efficiency in commodities futures markets." Applied Economics 26(1994) :249-257
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[5]. Golaka.C.Nath, & Tulsi Lingareddy. Impact of futures trading on commodity prices.Economic and Political Weekly, 43(3) . (2012):18-23..