Series-1 (January-2019)January-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shuvrangshu Chakraborty |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2101010108 ![]() |
Abstract: Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the important catalysts for economic growth in developing countries. The association between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and economic growth is a subject of great interest in the field of international development. In the scenario of volatile flows of global capital, the stability of FDI emerges as an effective channel to faster growth in developing countries, particularly in relation to Least Developed Countries. After getting independence in 1947, the government of India envisioned a socialist approach to developing the countries economy - broadly based on the USSR system. The government decided to adopt an economic agenda that would follow five year plans. Each five year plan was focused on certain sectors of the.........
Key Words: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, Impact on India
[1]. Alam, M. S (1999) Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth of India and Bangladesh: A Comparative Study. The Indian Journal of Economics, Allahabad, Vol. LXXX, No. 316, pp. 1-14.
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Abstract: Improving the quality of food produced by MSMEs in East Java is urgently needed. Improving food quality is closely related to the competitive advantage of MSMEs. If the quality of food produced by MSMEs is good, the competitive advantage of MSMEs will increase. Competitive advantage is one of the factors that influence the sustainability of an organization. MSMEs are one organization that has a very high level of competition because this food sector is a sector that has many interested parties. The research objective in the first year was to find out to develop a competitive advantage model based on HR competency and the application of a........
Keywords: competetive advantage, human resources competence, organizational culture, UMKM, performance
[1]. Abadiyah, Rifdah. 2013." Analisis Pengaruh Perencanaan Stratejik Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi Dalam Upaya Menciptakan Keunggulan Bersaing Industri Kecil Menengah Tas Dan Koper Kecamatan Tanggulangin Kabupaten Sidoarjo". Prosiding Call for Paper. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
[2]. Assegaf dan Wasitowati, 2015. Knowledge Sharing Sebagai Sumber Inovasi dan Keunggulan Bersaing Pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Sektor Batik. CBAM. Unisula Semarang.
[3]. Azhad, M. Naely dan Anwar. 2016. Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Dosen Berbasis OCB, Motivasi Spiritual Di Kabupaten Jember. Jurnal IOSR India.
[4]. Azhad, M. Naely dan Anwar, Nurul Qomariah. 2015. Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia. CV. Cahaya Ilmu Jember.
[5]. Azhad, M. Naely dan Seno Sumowo. 2014. Inovasi dan Keunggulan Bersaing Dampaknya Pada Kinerja Pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Alat Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Jember . Jurnal Ektasi FE Unmuh Jember..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Empirical Study on Tourist Behaviour towards Tourism Products |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. K Ravichandran || Dr. Divya Vijay |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2101011518 ![]() |
Abstract: The product for the tourist covers the complete experience from the time he leaves home to the time he returns. The tourist product today is developed to meet the needs of the consumer and techniques like direct sales, publicity and advertising are employed to bring this product to the consumer. The tourist product is the basic raw material, be it the country's natural beauty, climate, history, culture and the people, or other facilities necessary for comfortable living such as water supply, electricity, roads, transport, communication and other essentials. Consumer behavior is a highly important factor for all activities which have the purpose to promote and sell tourism products. This paper gives an empirical study on tourist behaviour towards tourism products.
Key Words: Tourists behaviour, Tourism Products
[1]. Chun, K. S. (1989) Understanding recreational traveler's motivation, attitude and Herbig, P. and O'Hara, B. (1997), "Ecotourism: A Guide for Marketers", European Business Review, 97 (5), pp. 231-236.
[2]. Mowen, J. C. and Minor, M. S. 1998. Consumer Behaviour. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[3]. Swarbrooke, J. and Horner, S. (1999). Consumer Behaviour in Tourism. Butterworth Heinemann. Oxford..
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Abstract: The world is changing and business education is a key shaper of emergent possibilities. The growth of the business world and with it, the development of society, can be a conscious and purposeful process. This study is an exploratory comparative cross sectional study that assessed MBA graduates and HRM perceptions critically. It compared the MBA graduates acquired competencies with employability requirements in Sudanese organizations. The main argument of this study is that there is a "competency gap‟ between the acquired competencies by MBA graduates and the required competencies by Sudanese organizations. Paired sample technique is used to select a sample size of 214 pairs from MBA graduates and HRM, and T-test is utilized to test the hypotheses under 0.05 significant level. The study revealed the most crucial competencies that valued most by employers are: ability and willingness to learn........
Key Words: Competency, Business Education, Employability
[1]. AACSB International, 2012. Impact of Research: A Guide for Business Schools. Impact of Research a Guide for Business Schools, (Insights from the AACSB International Impact of Research Exploratory Study AACSB).
[2]. AACSB international, 2016. A Collective Vision for Business Education. available at AACSB.EDU/VISION
[3]. Aamodt, P.O. and Havnes, A., 2008. Factors affecting professional job mastery: Quality of study or work experience? Quality in Higher Education, 14(3), pp.233-248.
[4]. Ahfad University for Women: records
[5]. Almog-Bareket, G., 2011. The missing component in MBA programs. Management Decision, 49(10), pp.1600-1611
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Abstract: The Kenyan sugar companies, as many other companies globally, since 1959 have utilized Knowledge Management Practices (KMPs‟) to dynamically change knowledge so as to improve their growth and sustainability; however, they have realized disappointing outcomes because their progress continuously decline and the companies plummet under debt burden. As majority of the firms downsize on the number of their employees, others appear on privatization lists since they are on the verge of collapse; in the period when local demand for sugar is constantly higher and unmatched with the production level. This has instigated the upsurge of imports of sugar from 4000 metric tonnes in 1984 to 249,336 in 2001. Researches have been done on KMPs‟ with intention to slot in progress in operations.........
Key Words: Knowledge Management Practices, Sustainability
[1]. Azapagic,A., & Perdon,S.(2005). Indicators of Sustainable development for industry: A general framework.Trans Ichem E, vol. 81, no. B, pp 303-316.
[2]. Babbie, E.(2004).The Practice of Social Research (10th Ed.).
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[5]. Bhantt G. (2001). Knowledge Management in Organization: Examining the Interaction between Technology, Techniques and people; Journal of knowledge management vol 5: No.1 pg 68-75.
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Abstract: The contemporary strategic management framework is unable to fully address the questions concerning the role of technological capability in a complex competitive and dynamic environment. Consequently, howmanufacturing SMEs firms can effectively develop technological capability (TC) to rapidly react to the dynamic and turbulence operating environment to achieve and maintain better competitive advantage becomes imperatives. The aims of this paper is to elaborate the above-mentioned subjects and put forward a framework that conceptually focused on the development of technological capability that support developing economies business firm's innovativeness........
Key Words: Technological Capability; Innovativeness; SMEs Performance
[1]. Aluko, M. A. O., Akinola, G. O., & Fatokun, S. (2004). Globalization and the manufacturing sector : A study of selected textile firms in Nigeria. Journal of Social Science, 9(2), 119–130.
[2]. Mefuna, I., & Abe, A. (2015). Technological environment and some selected manufacturing industry in Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Global Economics, 3(2), 1–5.
[3]. ERGP. (2017). Federal Republic of Nigeria (Vol. III). Nigeria.
[4]. NBS. (2014). Summary Report: 2010-2012 of Nigerian Manufacturing Sector.
[5]. Usman, Z. (2015). An assessment of Nigeria's recent engagement with indusrial policy. In "New Industrial Policy in Africa: How to Overcome the Extractives" Trap' Conference (pp. 1–17).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | TQM and Firm Performance: A Meta Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Monika Saini |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2101016267 ![]() |
Abstract: Total quality management is an approach that originated in Japanese industry in 1950's and become part of manger's everyday lexicon. Total quality management is total system approach and an integral part of high-level strategy it works horizontally across functions and department involve all employees, top to bottom and extends backward and forward to involve the supply chain and the custom chain. This research is contribution to the relationship between total quality management and firm performance. Meta analytical technique is use to make generalization about the relationship between total quality management and firm performance. As might be expected TQM lead to improvement in firm performance. Further, companies implementing the TQM across the different regions of the world have significant difference in the value of their effect size..
Key Words: TQM, firm performance and Meta analysis.
[1]. Chung, Y. C. et al (2008). Am empirical study of relationship between total quality management activities and business operational performance among Taiwan‟s High-Tech manufacturers. Journal of applied science, 8(11), 2021-2030.
[2]. Davar, S C (2004), "Meta analysis : an improved version of Hunter, Schmidt and Jackson(1982) framework", Decision, 31(2): 210-238.
[3]. Davar, S C (2006), "Meta analysis of sample correlations: the validity of Hunter, Schmidt and Jackson (1982) framework", Decision, 33(2):111-140.
[4]. Glass, G.V. (1976), "Primary, secondary and meta analysis of research", Educational Researcher, 5:3-8.
[5]. Hedges, L and Olkin, I. (1985). Statistical methods for Meta analysis, Orlando (FL) Academic press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Advent of International funding options in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Monica Sachdeva |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2101016871 ![]() |
Abstract: Money these days come in all kinds of packages and colors. The challenge for Corporate India now is to get the mix right, given the plethora of funding options. In changing financial market tapping foreign market is no doubt a cheaper way for the Indian companies. Moreover, it creates goodwill of Indian companies in both International and Indian Markets. Offshore financing instruments have become popular for accessing foreign capital. Obviously, each offshore instrument has positive as well as negative features. In general, smaller issues should probably take the GDR route and the larger explore the ADR alternative, but only if they are willing to shoulder all the ongoing maintenance responsibilities. Again for instance.........
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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine whether marketing culture has a positive effect on Viewer Satisfaction in TV Networks.In addition, relations between dimensions of marketing culture and Viewer overall Satisfaction was investigated.The paper introduces a model proposing certain associations between Webster's (1990) marketing culture dimensions and attempts to underline how such associations affect Viewer Satisfaction of TV Networks. The study used the analytical descriptive method. In addition to an integrated methodological approach of qualitative as well as quantitative methods was used to gain knowledge on the pertinent issues lying behind the marketing culture of TV Networks. The employees and Viewers of 3 TV Networks participated as respondents in the study. Accordingly, there seems to be a significant relationship between marketing culture and Viewer Satisfaction.
Key Words: marketing culture, Viewer Satisfaction,TV Networks
[1]. Aaker, D.A., Kumar, V. and Day, G.S., (2011), Marketing Research (10th edition), John Wiley and Son Inc., New York.
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[3]. Appiah-Adu, K. and Singh, S. (1999), "Marketing culture and performance in UK service firms ", The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 152 - 170.
[4]. Appiah-Adu, K. and Singh, S. (2000), "Marketing culture and business performance in the airline industry ", Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 47 - 70.
[5]. Biloslavo, R. and Trnavcevic, A. ( 2011 ), " Marketing culture as a tool for development of a sustainable organization ", International Conference on Business Management and Economics (ICBME 2011), Yasar University, Izmir, Cesme, October 6-8
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Qualitative Macroeconomic Approach of Energy Management and Sustainable Development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rais Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2101018188 ![]() |
Abstract: Sustainable development is a much debated and talked issue all across the globe. The nature of development in past few decades in particular and around last one century in general all over the world and across all the nations has been a cruel story of unprecedented destruction of earth's environment. The rampant exploitation of natural resources has been a serious cause of concern all over the world. This development which is marred by such serious repercussions can never be treated as development in its true sense. There has been a peculiar demographic transition of almost all nations on earth and this transition is so pronounced that it can be said in a narrow sense that entire globe has undergone a peculiar demographic transition. This demographic transition is characterised by the drift.......
Key Words: Sustainable development, Social relevance, Social realisation, Demographic Transition
[1]. Kubiac, R. and Gronroos, I. (2013) Energy labeling. REVA Journal, 6–10p.
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[5]. Federal trade commission. (2007) Rule concerning disclosures regarding energy consumption and water use of certain home appliances and other products required under the energy policy and conservation act (Appliance Labeling Rule). Final Rule. Federal Register, 72(167): 49948–49997p.
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Abstract: Etymologically, the word 'bank' can be traced back to the French word 'Banque' meaning 'chest' and the Italian word 'banco' meaning 'bench'. The chest is a place where valuablesarekeptanditrefers to the' safekeeping' function. Abenchrefersto a table, counter or place of transaction of business with reference to a bank. These two words highlight the basic functions of a bank namely to furnish a place for transacting a business and providing safe keeping. Banking is a service industry and delivers its service across the counter to the ultimate customer. The activities of banking industry are all about.......
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