Series-3 (January-2019)January-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: In this paper an effort is made to bring out the causes and consequences of influx of farmers moving into urban areas. A case study has been presented by making through search in around twenty villages to gather information with respect to agriculture, adoption of modern cultivation methods, living standards, economic conditions availability and support of Government policies, exploitation of land-lords on weaker sections etc. The information gathered has been analyzed using simple statistical tools to identify and define the causes of migration to urban areas. The primary information with respect to their living standards, occupation, education, migration to other...........
[1]. Shamshad, Aligarh Muslim University "Rural to Urban Migration: Remedies to Control " (January 2012).
[2]. Smita Dubey, Varsha Mallah, 'Migration: causes and effects", International Conference on Issues in Emerging Economies' (ICIEE), 29-30th January 2015 228 Bhavan‟s H Somani College, Mumbai, India.
[3]. Ibrahim Salihu Koko, Danjuma Abdullahi "Effects of Migration of Farmers on Sustainable Livelihood in Nigeria‟.
[4]. Zhao, Yaohui, 'Causes and Consequences of Return Migration: Recent Evidence from China' Journal of Comparative Economics Volume 30, Issue 2, June 2002, Pages 376-394.
[5]. Oberai, A.S. and H.K. Manmohan Singh (1983), 'Causes and Consequences of Internal In-migration: A Case Study in the Indian Punjab',(New Delhi: Oxford University Press)...
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Abstract: The rules of work are changing increasingly and day by day the responsibilities and overload of individual employees in banking sector also increased simultaneously. The increasing complexities both in business as well as in human behaviour have created the need for not only "people with high intelligent quotient (IQ) but people with high emotional quotient (EQ)" also. For banking employees around the globe, emotional intelligent on the job can be a very big challenge, emotions can be sometimes positive, sometimes negative. Positive emotion leads to productivity and negative emotion leads to loss for the organisation. There is already a certain level of emotional imbalance.......
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, bank employees, financial literacy.
[1]. Ash forth, B.E, Humphrey. R. H, (1995) Emotion in the workplace. A reappraisal, Human Relations, 48(2), 97-125.
[2]. Bar-on. R., Maree. J.G., Maurice, and J.E. (2007) Educating People to Be Emotionally Intelligent (1st. ed.), United Kingdom: Greenwood Publishing Group.
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[4]. Daniel Goleman, 1998, Bringing Emotional Intelligence to the workplace.
[5]. Daniel Goleman, 1995, Emotional Intelligence why it more important than IQ.
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Abstract: Indirect tax is the economic backbone of the central government since from independence there are several developments have been taken place among those introduction of GST is served as historical unimaginable reform in indirect tax arena of India. Goods and services tax now serving as a greater tool which provides the revenue to the government to undertake socio-economical sustainable developmental activities in the country. The present study is in conceptual in nature carried to analyse the future roadmap of goods and services tax in Indian scenario. For the purpose of study data collected through secondary sources and concludes that GST will give more fruitful benefits to the development of the country than the presently experiencing benefits and makes the country into the favourable place for both national and international business people.
Key words: Goods and Services Tax, Trends, Future prospect
[4]. [5]. Kumar M, Anees M (2014) E-Filing: Creating New Revolution in Taxation of India. Global Journal of Finance and Management 6: 379-384.
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Abstract: The effectiveness of sales promotion tools depend on many factors like the level of promotional benefit and brand equity and product nature. The purpose of this paper is to examine how brand awareness moderates consumers' evaluations of different types of promotions including Premiums and price discount .This research uses a cross-sectional experiment to manipulate type of promotion, brand awareness and measures consumers' value perceptions and purchase intentions and search intentions .The results obtained suggest that at highbrand awareness level and low brand awareness levelprice discounts are more effective than premium..
Key words: premiums, price Discounts,, Brand awareness
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Abstract: Going green has become a massive trend within the global banking industry. The concept of green banking has motivated banking institutions to introduce paperless, technology driven services while minimizing environmental impact and to perform their role as a corporate citizen on sustainable development. It is important for banks to understand the demand side of green initiatives since the ultimate success or failures of such investments are influenced by perceived satisfaction of the end-user of them: the customer. An impact will be created by customer satisfaction on...........
Key words: Green banking, Features of green initiatives, Customer satisfaction
[1]. Agrawal, R., Rastogi, S., Mehrotra, A. (2009). Customers‟ perspectives regarding e banking in an emerging economy, Journal of retailing and consumer services, 16, 340-351.
[2]. Ahanger, R. G. (2011). An investigation into the determinants of customers‟ preferences and satisfaction of internet banking: Empirical study of Iranian banking industry, Journal of applied sciences,11(3), 426-437. DOI: 10.3923/jas.2011.426.437
[3]. Aizawa, M., & Yang, C. (2010). Green credit, green stimulus, green revolution? China‟s mobilization of banks for environmental cleanup, Journal of environment and development, 19(2), 119-144
[4]. Attuquayefio, S. & Addo, H. (2014). Review of studies with UTAUT as conceptual framework, European scientific journal,10(8), 249-258
[5]. Awadhi, A. A. (2013). Adoption and acceptance of m-banking system in kingdom of Bahrain, International journal of information and communication technology research, 3(2), 56-63.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Use of Banking Technologies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | C K Sunith |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2101033646 ![]() |
Abstract: Electronic Banking incorporates a multitude of platforms such as internet banking, automated teller services and mobile phone banking to deliver banking products to the customer. The proposed study attempts to throw light into pattern of customer use and non - use of banking technologies and the extent of their utilization
Key words: Electronic Banking, Automatic Teller Machine, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking
[1]. R Paneerselvam (2011), "Research Methodology", Ninth Edition, PHI Learning Private Ltd., New Delhi.
[2]. Paul Hague and Peter Jackson, "Do your own Market Research", Second Edition, Kogan Page Ltd., London.
[3]. Ankita Sharma and Akansha Kansal (2014), "Technological Infovations in Banking Sector : Impact Behaviour and Services", International Journal of Information and Computation Technology, Volume 4, Number 9, pp : 885 – 890.
[4]. Karthikeyan P and Soniya K (2016), "Technology Adoption and Customer Satisfaction in Banking Technological Services", Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 21, No.3.
[5]. D N V Krishna Reddy and Dr. M Sudhir Reddy (2015), "A study on Customers‟ Perception and Satisfaction towards Electronic Banking in Khammam District", IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 17, Issue 12, Ver II, pp : 20 - 27..
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Abstract: This study examined the effect of ownership structure on earnings management of listed industrial goods companies in Nigeria from 2008 to 2017. The study adopted Ex-post facto research design and panel regression model was used to analyze the data. The results revealed thatdomestic institutional ownership has positive significant effects on earnings management, foreign institutional ownership has positive insignificant effects on earnings management,managerial ownership has insignificant effects on earnings management and number of block holders has negative significant effects on earnings management.The study draws an overall conclusion that ownership structures have positive insignificant effects on earnings management of listed Industrial goods companies in.........
Key words: Block holders, Domestic ownership, Earnings management, Foreign ownership, Ownership Structure Word count: 161
[1]. Agrawal, A., &Mandelker, G. N. (1992). Shark repellents and the role of institutional investors in corporate governance, Managerial and Decision Economics, 13, (1) 15–22.
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[5]. Brailsford, T. J., Oliver, B. R., &Pua, S. L. H. (2002). On the relation between ownership structure and capital structure, Accounting and Finance, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 1–26..
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Abstract: The objective of this article is to identify the factors contributing to make the port of Casablanca a crucial link in the logistics chains. It concerns accessibility, sharing of information, connectivity, the reliability of the port institutional framework, the management of interactions between port stakeholders and finally, the inter-port and intra-port proximity. Conducting semi-structured interviews with all the actors of the port logistics chain (port area, economic actors, port authorities) helps to achieve our goal.
Key words: Port, Port actors, supply chain, crucial link, containerization, port community.
[1]. Bichou K. and Gray R., 2004, "A logistics and supply chain management approach to port performance measurement", Maritime Police & Management, vol. 31, n. 1 pp. 47-67.
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[4]. Carbone Valentina& Marcella De Martino (2003) The changing role of ports in supply-chain management: an empirical analysis , Maritime Policy & Management: The flagship journal of international shipping and port research, 30:4, 305-320, DOI: 10.1080/0308883032000145618
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Abstract: The results of this studyshowed that the social networks has a significant positive influence on the brand preference, and the level of consumer's consumption has a statistically significant positive mediating effect on the relationship between consumer behaviour and brand choice. The correct presentation of information to social networks about the brand has an impact on consumer behavior and its immediate choice in favor of a brand. This study shows how much the consumer owns information about the product, and how social networks and Internet marketing contribute to the development of the brand and the formation of preferential qualities when choosing a product by the consumer.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hurdles Faced By Tourism Industry in Kerala |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Labeeba.K || Dr. C. Subramanian |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2101037374 ![]() |
Abstract: Tourism being one of the most important smokeless service industries brings a handsome revenue to the state of Kerala. The tourists to Kerala include both domestic and foreign travelers. The government of Kerala and Kerala Tourism Development Corporation (KTDC) considers this industry as one of the most important sectors contributing to the development of the state. Moderate climate, geographical peculiarities, culture, educated native people, medical facilities etc makes the state a marketable tourist destination. In such a context, it is very important to know the gap between the expectations and experiences of the various components of the tourism industry. The investigator through an opinion survey attempts to analyze the perceived hurdles faced by tourism industry in Kerala to emerge as a tourism hub.
[1]. Burns, Peter and Andrew, H (1995) Tourism: A new perspective. London Prentice Hall
[2]. Mader, V. (1988) Tourism and Environment. Annals of Tourism Research 15(2). Pp270-80
[3]. Chopra, S. (1991). Tourism and development of India. New Delhi, Ashish Publishing House.
[4]. Menon, Gireesh. (1993). Economic Impact of Tourism Development. Kerala Calling pp13-18
[5]. Echtner, C.M. (1999). Three African success stories. Tourism development in critical environments. S. Singth and T.V. Singth, New York, Cognizant Communication Corporation.