Version-2 (May-June 2018)
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Abstract: This research paper presents a natural language processing based automated system for generating UML diagrams after analyzing the given Use case diagram in the current scenario. This model represent to analyzing natural language processing and extract the relative information from the given UML diagram which are given by the user . User defines the all requirement in simple input language of machine language which are context free language and grammar language. After combining all the information we prepare a relative model in the grammar language. Natural language...........
Keywords– Natural language processing, UML diagram, Use case diagram, Data flow diagram, Software Requirement Specification
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rainfall Prediction Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty || Manas Ranjan Mohapatra |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003020613 ![]() |
Abstract: Rainfall is considered to be an important ingredient in agricultural cultivation. Conventional rain fall predictors use ANN to predict the future rainfall. We introduce a simple machine learning based predictive model using SVM regression. Here the Average Mean Square Error (AMSE) for each kernel is evaluated and the kernel having minimum MSE is selected for prediction. The proposed technique is applied to predict the month wise prediction of rainfall in Khurda District of Orissa. After successful training and validation, the result derive from SVM model is Polynomial kernel is low MSE among all. But after changing the parameter value for each kernel with specified run it is found the Linear kernel produce minimum average MSE 15.04% on test data set while other kernels like Polynomial, RBF, Sigmoid produce 18.81%, 16.15% & 18.32% respectively..
Keywords– Support Vector Machine, Kernel function, RBF kernel, Polynomial Kernel, Accuracy.
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Abstract: Prediction of various diseases can be done by the close examination of Human nail. The proposed system – Nail Image Processing System using KNN (NIPS-K) helps us to create a model which can perform the analysis of human nail and thereby help us in predicting various diseases. The input to the proposed system is the Human Palm Image. The nail portion is segmented and nail color, shape and texture features are extracted and combined to form 13 features and then analysis of nail is done which will then be used for the diagnosis of various diseases. This proposed system will surely help the medical practitioners in the early diagnosis of diseases.
Keywords– Nail Analysis, Feature analysis, disease prediction, Supervised Learning, KNN classifier
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Abstract: Dimensionality Reduction is the transformation of high-dimensional data into a meaningful representation of reduced dimensionality. Dimensionality reduction techniques offer solutions that both significantly improve the computation time, and yield reasonably accurate clustering results in high dimensional data. The Reduction techniques are struggled to project the features for variant of discriminant information. The LDA is the best supervised reduction method for linear discriminate information based on the mean values. LDA required more features to project the classification errors. The proposed semi supervised reduction techniques the classification stage...........
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Abstract: This research paper attempts to identify the climate changes based on rainfall data and to cross validate the changes of climate using various machine learning method. In recent and past years, climate changes due to various parameters like, pollution, real estate business, and shortages of lake and pond waters. The climate of Tamilnadu is generally tropical and features of fairly hot temperature over the year except monsoon seasons. Tamilnadu seasons and climate are classified into three categories viz, summer, winter and monsoon seasons. This research paper aims at analyzing rainfall model evaluation and cross validation to evaluate the district wise data of Tamilnadu and make possible the result in various seasons to understand the climate changes. The secondary...........
Keywords: Rainfall, Machine Learning Methods, Logistic Regression, Random Forest Method, Support Vector Machine, Euclidean distance and Silhouette plot
[1]. Olaiya, Folorunsho, and Adesesan Barnabas Adeyemo. "Application of data mining techniques in weather prediction and climate change studies."International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB) 4.1 (2012): 51.
[2]. Sharma RH, Shakya NM. 2006. Hydrological changes and its impact on water resources of Bagmati watershed, Nepal. Journal of Hydrology 327 (3-4): 315-322.
[3]. Nikhil Sethi, Dr.Kanwal Garg "Exploiting Data Mining Technique for Rainfall prediction" , International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 3982-3984.
[4]. Pasanen, A-L., et al. "Laboratory studies on the relationship between fungal growth and atmospheric temperature and humidity." Environment International17.4 (1991): 225-228. Swinbank, W. CQJR. "Long‐wave radiation from clear skies." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 89.381 (1963): 339-348.
[5]. Manimannan G. and Lakshmi Priya R (2001), Rainfall Fluctuation and Classification over Tamilnadu Region: Using Data Mining Techniques, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 10, Issue 5 Ver. IV (Sep-Oct. 2014), PP 05-12.
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Abstract: The general public's demand of Bangladesh for safe health is rising promptly with the improvement of the living standard. However, the allocation of limited and unbalanced medical resources is deteriorating the assurance of safe health of the people. Therefore, the new hospital construction with rational allocation of resources is imminent and significant. The site selection for establishing a hospital is one of the crucial policy-related decisions taken by planners and policy makers. The process of hospital site selection is inherently complicated because of this involves many factors to be measured and evaluated. These factors are expressed both in objective and subjective ways where as a hierarchical relationship exists among the factors. In addition, it is difficult to measure qualitative factors in.........
Keywords: Multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA), uncertainty, evidential reasoning (ER) and Knowledge-based Decision Support System (KDSS)
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Abstract: In a business organization, management has to make decisions on how to allocate their resources to achieve its organization's goal. Each organization wants to achieve some objective with constrained resources. To be able to find the best uses of an organization's resources using spreadsheet model, a mathematical technique called Linear Programming can be used. Linear Programming (LP) is a mathematical optimization technique. By optimization technique, it refers to a method which attempts to maximize or minimize some objective, for example, maximize profits or minimize costs. The adjective linear is used to describe a relationship between two or more variables.......
Keywords: Linear Programming (LP), Spreadsheet Methodology and Optimization.
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Abstract: This research paper attempts to identify the climate changes based on rainfall data and to cross validate the changes of climate using various machine learning method. In recent and past years, climate changes due to various parameters like, pollution, real estate business, and shortages of lake and pond waters. The climate of Tamilnadu is generally tropical and features of fairly hot temperature over the year except monsoon seasons. Tamilnadu seasons and climate are classified into three categories viz, summer, winter and monsoon seasons. This research paper aims at analyzing rainfall model evaluation and cross validation to evaluate the district wise data of Tamilnadu and make possible the result in various seasons to understand the climate changes. The secondary database was collected from Indian Meteorological department during the year 2008 to 2012 and it is monthly rainfall........
Keywords: Rainfall, Machine Learning Methods, Logistic Regression, Random Forest Method, Support Vector Machine, Euclidean distance and Silhouette plot
[1]. Olaiya, Folorunsho, and Adesesan Barnabas Adeyemo. "Application of data mining techniques in weather prediction and climate change studies."International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business (IJIEEB) 4.1 (2012): 51.
[2]. Sharma RH, Shakya NM. 2006. Hydrological changes and its impact on water resources of Bagmati watershed, Nepal. Journal of Hydrology 327 (3-4): 315-322.
[3]. Nikhil Sethi, Dr.Kanwal Garg "Exploiting Data Mining Technique for Rainfall prediction" , International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 3982-3984.
[4]. Pasanen, A-L., et al. "Laboratory studies on the relationship between fungal growth and atmospheric temperature and humidity." Environment International17.4 (1991): 225-228. Swinbank, W. CQJR. "Long‐wave radiation from clear skies." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 89.381 (1963): 339-348.
[5]. Manimannan G. and Lakshmi Priya R (2001), Rainfall Fluctuation and Classification over Tamilnadu Region: Using Data Mining Techniques, IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 10, Issue 5 Ver. IV (Sep-Oct. 2014), PP 05-12..
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Abstract: Conductive composites in which they associate the electrical properties of metallic particles with the mechanical properties and processability of conventional polymers has been intensively investigated for many years precisely because of the versatility and potential of technological applications that they can present. In this work composites were easily obtained by physically mixing the PVDF thermoplastic and the nickel particles and homogeneous films were obtained by hot pressing at a temperature of 180 ° C and 30 MPa. The electrical conductivity of PVDF / Ni of the composites studied as a function of the content of Nickel particles presented percolation threshold between 15 and 20% with a jump of 7 and 5 orders of magnitude, respectively..
Keywords: PVDF, Nickel, Physical Mixture Electrical Properties
[1]. Mazumdar, S. K. Composites manufacturing: materials, product, and process. New York: CRC Press LLC, 2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | La Preuve De La Conjecture De Birch Et Swinnerton-Dyer |
Country | : | France |
Authors | : | M. Sghiar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003026372 ![]() |
Abstract:The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture : If L is the function associated to an elliptic curve, then the order of the zero of L at s = 1 is exactly the order of the curve. In particular, the curve admits an infinity of rational points if and only if L(1)= 0 . Résumé : Le but de cet article est de démontrer la Conjecture de Birch et Swinnerton-Dyer : Si L est la fonction associée à une courbe elliptique, alors l'ordre d'annulation de la fonction L en s=1 est exactement l'ordre de la courbe. En particulier, la courbe admet une infinité de points rationnels si et seulement si L(1)= 0.
Keywords: Birch, Swinnerton-Dyer, L-function, courbe elliptique, zêta de Riemann,
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Pioneer Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and its Applications , Volume 10, Numbers 1-2, 2015, Pages 1-31..
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Abstract: CRT method is an example of embedding method for fragile watermarking which closely related to document image protection. This study compares the use of watermarking schemes using the DWT-CRT and TLDCT-CRT methods. The DWT method is capable of providing good compression results to support the quality of watermark extraction, while the CRT method can produce a low level of distortion. This scheme is capable of producing watermark results with PSNR range of 45 dB and in the extraction process yields an average of 25 dB PSNR. While the TLDCT-CRT scheme has PSNR in the range of 45 dB and an average PSNR of 24 dB in the extraction process.
Keywords: Digital Watermarking, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Chinese Remainder Theorem
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