Version-4 (May-June 2018)
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Abstract: This paper presents the comprehensive review of swarm intelligence optimization algorithms in the detection of heart disease. These algorithms are namely, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm. By addressing the two swarm optimization algorithms for finding the complex medical diagnosis in the detection of heart disease where human knowledge is apprehended in a general manner. The database used for heart disease detection is Cleveland database obtained from UCI (User Client Identification) Machine Learning Repository. This database contains 76 attributes, but a subset of 14 of them in which 13 are taken as input values and 1 prediction values as an output. Enhancing the results of heart disease detection is based on the best optimistic algorithm of PSO and ABC algorithms.
Keywords– Swarm Intelligence, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), UCI Machine Learning Repository, Cleveland database.
[1]. A New Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for neural network optimization – S.H.Ling, Hung T.Naguyen,K.Y.Chan.
[2]. Application of a particle swarm optimization algorithm for determining optimum well location and type - Jérôme E. Onwunalu · Louis J. Durlofsky
[3]. Application of PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) and GA (Genetic Algorithm) techniques on demand estimation of oil in Iran – E. Assareh, M.A. Behrang, M.R. Assari, Ghanbarzadesh.
[4]. UCI Machine Learning Repository –
[5]. PSO Tutorials –
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Abstract: The increasing importance of international investment has been accompanied by the rapid development of a largely new field of international law, defining the obligations of host states toward foreign investors and creating procedures for resolving disputes in connection with those obligations. When an investor feels that its rights have been violated, it can bring a complaint about redress before an international arbitration tribunal. Investors have choices regarding the placement of their resources, but one key to any investment decision is the issue of security. Without security measures for investors and their investments the relations between foreign investors and host state can be difficult in case of breach of contract or infringement of their rights, foreign investors have no chance to claims these torts because all........
Keywords– Ivory Coast, key sectors of Investment, Investor, and Investment disputes, Host State, Legal Guarantees.
[1]. Christoph H. Schreuer with Loretta Malintoppi, August Reinisch,and Anthony Sinclair, The ICSID Convention, A commentary, second edition.
[2]. R.Doak Bishop, James Crawford and W. Michael Reisman, Foreign Investment Disputes, Cases, Materials and Commentary.
[3]. Christoph H. Schreuer, The ICSID Convention, A commentary.
[4]. Antonio R. Parra, The History of ICSID
[5]. Sergey Ripinsky with Kevin Williams, Damages in International Investment Law..
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Abstract: Embedding sign language as a PiP (picture in picture) is one of the most common accessibility techniques used in television to make the content accessible for all. Specific technical equipment on premise is required to its production and broadcast distribution. Hybrid technology, like HbbTV, can be used for a more convenient sign language production exploiting the television capabilities to reproduce the sign language embedded in a web streaming. Traditional equipment can be changed for more suitable and cheap equipment using web technologies in cloud. This article elaborates the cloud solution for sign language accessibility service built for España Directo, a television program broadcasted in the first channel of RTVE, the Spanish National Broadcaster.
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Abstract:Cloud computing is an attractive computing model since it allows for resources to be provisioned according on a demand basis, i.e., cloud users can rent resources as they become necessary. This model motivated several academic and non-academic institutions to develop open-source cloud solutions. This paper presents and discusses the state-of-the of open-source solutions for cloud computing. We hope that the remark and classification of such solutions can control the cloud computing research area providing a good starting point to cope with some of the problems present in cloud computing environments.
Keywords: Open Stack, Cloud computing, Eucalyptus, IBM Bulemix, Hybrid Cloud.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation and Measures Of Testing In Cloud Environment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Parul Nehra || Atul Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003043539 ![]() |
Abstract:One of the most challenging activities for many software engineering projects is Software Testing .Lot of budget and resources are required to complete software testing successfully. One of the major challenges faced byorganizations is to provide enough resources for software testing in distributed environment, with varying loadinglevel. When web applications use cloud computing and infrastructure to simulate real world user traffic by usingcloud technologies and solution it is known as CLOUD testing. Cloud testing provides ability to test cloud byusing hardware and bandwidth of cloud infrastructure. While Cloud testing have its positives, the risk associated with it cannot be ruled out.. Some of the potentialrisks associated with this technology are –security, lack of standards, usage...........
[1]. Banzai, Takayuki, Koizumi Hitoshi,KanbayashiRyo, Imada, Takayuki Hanawa , Toshihiro Sato and Mitsuhisa, "D-Cloud: Design of
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[3]. Tauhida Parveen, and Scott Tilley, "When To Migrate Testing to the Cloud" , in proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on
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[5]. Brain Hayes, "Cloud Computing", in Magazine Communications of ACM-Web Science 2018 Volume 51 issue pp 9-11..
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Abstract:Now-a-days Blockchain and Bitcoin are some of the trendiest keywords as part of the today's technology and even those who are not familiar with Cryptocurrency are quite impressed in the same. The Blockchain is been used highly for Transaction Management and it is replacing the current existing Transaction Management System. If a technology is replacing the existing system there must be a certain problem. To overcome such problems Blockchain Concept is used. In this paper, the Blockchain-Bitcoin Transaction Management System is proposed to overcome the issues with current Banking Systems like, Transactional charges, Financial Crises and Financial Depression and Net Banking Frauds. Bitcoin Blockchain solve these issues with the Centralized, Private ledgers/Distributed ledgers with Peer-to-Peer Networks , Prone to Hacks by using Digital Signatures and Double Spending.
Keywords: Blockchain; Bitcoin; Transaction Management; Cryptocurrency;Transaction Management System;
Banking System; Peer-to-Peer Networks
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Block Compressed Sensing of Videos: A CaseStudy |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Divya R. Bora || Mrs. Smita Jangale |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003044953 ![]() |
Abstract: Compressive sensing is a technique for the datasampling and compressing simultaneously. In this paper,westudy block compressive sensing for videos. Gaussian MixtureModel subtract the background from the videoframeto getthe detected object. The detected object acquisition is conductedusing block-by-block mechanism. The blockcompressed sensingframework sufficiently capture the video frames. Several videosamples demonstrate thatthe block CS technique reconstruct thevideo accurately and efficiently with the less complexity. Highersubratevalues and larger dimension of sensing matrix improvesthe quality of the reconstructed frames..
Keywords: Block compressed sensing, GaussianMixture Model, Video frames
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Abstract: Biometric system uses physiological and behavioral characteristics for the purpose of verification and authentication of the user. The unimodal biometric approach includes only one characteristic of the user for the validation purpose. The unimodal approach provides limited accuracy for the recognition of a person due to some limitations like error rate is high, noise contained in sensed data etc. Multimodal systems are designed to overcome the limitations of unimodal biometric systems. The multimodal approach uses more than one trait of the user for authentication. This paper deals with liveness detection technique together with the multimodal approach used for authentication of a user. The liveness detection technique determines whether the enrolled user is live or not. This technique will be more helpful in more sensitive and secure areas like defense and banks. The current study provides...........
Keywords: Unimodal biometric System, Multi-biometric System, Fingerprint Recognition, Iris Recognition, Liveness detection, Fusion level.
[1]. K. Sondhi and Y. Bansal ―Concept of Unimodal and Multimodal Biometric System,‖ International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 4(6), 2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Web Application Development and Tackling the Problems |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Sushant Kumar Bhandi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003046368 ![]() |
Abstract: This research paper discussing the useful tips and techniques that are used while developing the professional website and tackling the problems in website development. We will also discuss the appropriate software architecture patterns which should be used in a website. Then we will go through the website development process, in that we will discuss the way how we can make the process more efficient and effective by making changes in some of the phases to get more better results. We will also go through the problem faced by the user and we will understand the technical terms such as code reusability, deployment, production, requirement gathering and many more..
Keywords: Website Development Process, MVC Model, Architectural pattern, Tackling Website Problems
[1]. Vishal V. Parkar, Prashant P. Shinde, Sanket C. Gadade, Prasad M. Shinde, (Department ofComputer Engineering, Rajendra Mane College of Engineering and Technology, India)
[2]. A Research Paper OnWebsite Development Optimization Using Xampp/PHP, PunamKumari and RainuNandal,M.Tech Research Scholar,MDU, Rohtak, Haryana, Asst. Prof, M.Tech, MDU, Rohtak, Haryana, India
[3]. M.Taylor, McWilliam, S. Wade and W. Anacoura(2015), "A User Centre Website Development Approach", International Conference on, Troyes. Books:
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Abstract: Image enhancement in digital image processing is one of the main issues. The main purpose of image enhancement is to obtain a high quality image after improving the characteristics of the input image so that output image is better than the original one. Often images obtained from medical imaging systems are of low quality. This may be due to the under-utilization of available range of possible gray levels. Thus obtained images may suffer from the problems of underexposure and overexposure. In this paper, a new algorithm has been proposed to enhance the medical images. This paper includes the introduction of image enhancement, an overview of different techniques of image enhancement and the new proposed algorithm for image enhancement of medical images. A comparison of existing image enhancement techniques with the proposed technique based on different performance measures is presented. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique outperforms various existing techniques..
Keywords: image enhancement, histogram equalization (HE), adaptive histogram equalization (AHE), rayleigh distribution, contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), curvelets.
[1] Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Prentice Hall of India, 2013.
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[3] R. Maini and H. Aggarwal, "A Comprehensive Review of image Enhancement Techniques", Journal of Computing, vol. 2, issue 3, pp. 8-13, 2010.
[4] R. Mishra and U. Sharma, "Review of Image Enhancement Techniques", IJERT, vol. 2, issue 8, pp. 846-851, 2013.
[5] J. A. Stark, "Adaptive Image Contrast Enhancement Using Generalizations of Histogram Equalization," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 9(5), pp.889-896, 2000...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Two Stage Evaluation Solar Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Asutosh Sahu || Mukesh Panigrahi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003048187 ![]() |
Abstract:Solar based adsorption refrigeration gadgets are of incredible centrality to address the issues
forcooling necessities of the cutting edge world. They are natural cordial, non-destructive, silent, and don't
require any power when contrasted with the VCRS. Different sunlight based fueled cooling frameworks have
been tried broadly; nonetheless, these frameworks are not yet prepared to rival the financially utilized fume
pressure framework. Therefore, examine exercises in this segment are as yet expanding to illuminate the
specialized, financial and ecological issues. The target of this undertaking is to manufacture and examine a two
phase fume adsorption refrigeration.......
Keywords: Vapour Adsorption Refrigeration System, Adsorption, ,Activated carbon-methanol pair, solar COP.
[1]. B. B. Saha, A. Akisawa, T. Kashiwagi; Solar/waste heat driven two-stage adsorption chiller: the prototype. Renewable energy 23
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Abstract:In this work, another technique was produced for auxiliary uprightness of welded Aluminum 6082 air
grade material by the methods for elastic burden as wellspring of commencement and engendering of imperfection
through ultrasonic assessment. Three sort of elastic examples great/no-deformity, imperfection (Lack of penetrant)
and un-welded with measurement shoulder 50*20*8 mm and 57 mm as check length have been decided for reasons
of their dimensional adequacy and accessibility. The tractable examples of both great and flawed class were Gas
tungsten bend welded (GTAW) which have experienced have experienced X-beam radiography for their reference
portrayal. Three sorts of tractable examples were exposed to most extreme pliable burden which set back as
referenced for additional assessment..
Keywords: Aerospace,.
[1]. Military standardization hand book Aluminum and aluminum alloys, MIL-HDBK-694A (MR), 15 December 1966.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Virtual Reality for Metal Arc Welding: A Technology Analysis Design |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Asmeeta Jagdev || Prajna Acharya |
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: | 10.9790/0661-20030497101 ![]() |
Abstract:Virtual Reality (VR) makes PC produced condition that encourages multidisciplinary collaborative
building. PC designs turns out to be a lot of easy to understand for a normal client. It permits individuals to see the
encompassing scene in new measurement and to encounter protests that are not plausible, all things considered,
condition. Augmented reality helps into the existence where one can collaborate with PC based reproduction rather
than simply watching an image on the screen.
Virtual reality condition depends on visual encounters and PC screen or stereoscopic presentations. Virtual
condition makes clients to cooperate with the gadgets, for example, a console, a mouse, or a wired glove, goggles
and so forth. Computer generated Reality innovation.......
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Virtual Welding, Modeling Language Virtual Welding Platform
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Zero Speed and Safety Transport Device for Hydraulic Overhead Crane |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Paulpandian || Prasanta Kumar Sahu |
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: | 10.9790/0661-200304102106 ![]() |
Abstract:In this paper, zero speed is practiced in drive motor of an Electrical Overhead Traveling (EOT) crane
by strategies for a powerful easing back system. There are two modes in the crane action. The first is running
mode and another is hindering mode. In the zero speed easing back down, an acknowledgment motor is changed
over as a hindering segment. The dynamic hindering circuit is incited during the hindering mode. In EOT crane, a
motor easing back system is generally used and it is an electro-mechanical device. The motor brake is presented
between the drive motor and gear box for controlling the stack anyway the electric power is failed. The motor
brake is used to block the rotating........
Keywords: Time clip, Shaft, Gearbox and Rope drum.
[1]. Khandakjia, K. A. Analysis of Hoisting Electric Drive Systems in Braking Modes. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial
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