Version-3 (May-June 2018)
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Abstract: Ornamental letters can be defined as letter characters that are decorated through the addition of symbolic ornaments that might affect the meaning of the word. The accuracy of the recognition of ornamental letters generally decreased due to various things, such as unrecognized type of letters due to lack of detected keypoints, keypoint's position errors on the remaining letter ornament, different letter character forms from the data and the letter that is distorted by scale and rotation. The problem can be solved using Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) method combined with Hexagonal Pixel. SIFT method can produce features that are not affected by scale, translation, or rotation changes in objects. While the Hexagonal Pixel method is performed by changing the shape of pixels from square to hexagonal. The combination of SIFT and Hexagonal Pixel method proved that the number of keypoints increased by 50%, and the accuracy increased by 10%, comparing to the results using the SIFT basic method.
Keywords– Natural language processing, UML diagram, Use case diagram, Data flow diagram, Software Requirement Specification
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Abstract: The gigantic growth of information on the Internet makes discovery information challenging and time consuming. We are encircledby a plethora of data in the form of blogs, papers, reviews, and comments on different websites. Recommender systems endow a solution to this situation by automatically capturing user interests and recommending respective information the user may also find relevant. The purpose of developing recommender systems is to detract information overload by retrieving the most pertinent knowledge and services from anenormousamount of data, thereby providing personalized services. The most vital feature of a recommender system is its proficiency to.........
Keywords– Recommender Systems, Information Extraction, Stereotyping, Semantic Similarity, Content-Based Filtering, Concept Mining.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Voice Controlled Home Automation Using Amazon Echo Dot |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | SnehaMatriaya || Dr. RavindraPurwar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003031619 ![]() |
Abstract: Home automation is becoming popular day by day due to numerous advantages. Till now the current development shows that the home automation system is managed by Emails, texts or some other applications. However, in recent years, the field of Internet of Things (IoT) has seen significant investments made by the research community and the industry. Specifically, the Smart Home space has been a prime focus with the introduction of devices such as Amazon Echo, Google Home, Samsung Smart Things among others. The growth of an industry results in innovative, economic, and advanced solutions. In this paper, we focus on making non-smart homes smart and how to build a robust, cost..........
Keywords– Home Automation, Internet of Things (IoT), Amazon Echo, Alexa, non-smart, Arduino ESP8266, relay;
[1]. Kumar, M., and Shimi, S. L. "Voice Recognition Based Home Automation System for Paralyzed People System", Vol. 4, No. 10, 2015
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Abstract:Boundary iterative-deepening depth-first search (BIDDFS) developed by [1] is used to allow searching from the starting node and the goal node simultaneously, yielding higher pathfinding efficiencies. It is based on the idea that faster pathfinding will result if the search expansions of a pathfinding algorithm is to be performed from both the starting node and goal node concurrently, due to the resulting expansion area being smaller than that of a unidirectional search. Hence, bidirectional search will also lead to a reduction of memory footprint. Experiments in [1] showed that the proposed algorithm was able to record drastic improvements in pathfinding speeds compared to the standard BIDDFS. Likewise, the fast bidirectional BIDDFS recorded significant speed improvements over the parallel bidirectional BIDDFS. In this paper, the cyclomatic behavior of the algorithm presented in [1] is described. It is shown that the cyclomatic analysis of the algorithm shows that the algorithm is simple and doesn’t contain much risk..
Keywords– pathfinding; visually impaired; uninformed search; bidirectional search, Computational Complexity.
[1]. Lim, K.L., Seng, K.P., Yeong, L.S., Ang, L-M. and Ch‟ng, S.I. (2016) "Pathfinding for the navigation of visually impaired people‟, Int. J. Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.99–114.
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Abstract: In the era, where smarter technologies are constantly on a rise,human-machine interaction always tends to have an integral part to play. With the advancement of various speech technologies, influences on the Humans, Bots and now in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), has scaled to a greater extent, making all of them, much smarter than ever. The Tourism Industry across the nation, has always been the quickest to adapt to newer technologies.However, the need for handling automatic tourism guidance, through predefined voice-outputs, calls for a low-cost, real time adaptable system. The proposed manoeuvre, CALL-DROGO, will serve handy for these requirements. It capitalizes on the Travelling Salesman algorithm and covers the complete arena, thusproviding the various.........
Keywords– Automatic Tourism Guidance,Travelling Salesman,GPS based.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Web User Revisitation Relevance Feedback Using Keyword For Web Mining |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ruchi Patil || Prof. NitinRaut |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003032934 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays, the web is playing a significant role in delivering information to users' fingertips. A web page can be localized by a fixed url, and displays the page content as time-varying snapshot. Among the common web behaviors, web revisitation is to re-find the previously viewed web pages, not only the page url, but also the page snapshot at that access timestamp. A 6-week user study with 23 participants showed nearly 58% of web access belonged to web revisitation. Another 1-year user study involving 114 participants revealed around 40% of queries were re-finding requests. According to, on average, every second page loaded was already visited before by the same user, and the ratio of revisited pages among all visits ranges between 20% and 72%.. In this paper
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Abstract: Now a day's social media plays an important role in information propagation among the people. In the crisis, twitter is the commonly used social media that brings millions of users together. We analyzed the credibility of information in tweets corresponding to fourteen high impact news events of 2011 around the globe. From the data we analyzed, on average 30% of total tweets posted about an event contained situational information about the event while 14% was spam. Only 17% of the total tweets posted about the event contained situational awareness information that was credible. We developed the system for credibility on Facebook. First, we have developed FB credibility evaluator...........
Keywords– Credibility, Support vector machine, Hybrid method, Retweet, Crisis, Tweets, Facebook, Reliability, and social media.
[1]. M. Al-Qurishi, R. Aldrees, M. AlRubaian, M. Al-Rakhami, S. M. M. Rahman, and A. Alamri, "A new model for classifying social media users according to their behaviors," in Web Applications and Networking (WSWAN), 2015 2nd World Symposium on, 2015, pp. 1- 5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of Secure and Reliable Routing Methodology for WSN |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | sneha Bhombe || prof. Nitin Raut |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003034146 ![]() |
Abstract: In many Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications, sensors are spatially distributed in a finite area so as to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as pressure, humidity, temperature, etc. and also to transmit the sensed data to a base station cooperatively. In addition, at times, a set of target points has to be monitored in a given area. On the one hand, to provide a deterministic quality of service guarantees, every point of interest should be monitored by at least one sensor at all times. On the other hand, the energy consumption of sensors should be minimized since in most cases sensors are battery powered. Therefore sensors should have their power supplies turned off when they are not in use top reserve energy. Due to this limitation, a critical issue becomes how..........
Keywords– Intrusion Detection System, IP Address Spoofing, DDOS Attacks, packet Sniffer Attack
[1]. P. Garca-Teodoro, J. Daz-Verdejo, G. Maci-Fernndez, and E. Vzquez, "Anomaly-Based Network Intrusion Detection: Techniques, Systems and Challenges," Computers and Security, vol. 28, pp. 18-28, 2009.
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[5]. A. Tajbakhsh, M. Rahmati, and A. Mirzaei, "Intrusion Detection Using Fuzzy Association Rules," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 462-469, 2009..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Artificial Intelligence and a Creative Mind |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kunjlata Lal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003034748 ![]() |
Abstract: The invention of computers or machine, their capability to perform various tasks went on growing exponentially. Humans have developed the power of computer system in terms of their diverse working domains, their increasing speed and reducing size with respect to time. A branch of computer science named Artificial Intelligence pursues creating the computers or machines as intelligent as human beings..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wearable Smart Tech Glasses Integrated With Mobile Device Functionalities |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bala Karthikeyan S || Hariraam S S |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003034952 ![]() |
Abstract: Mobile technology has been facing a huge hype in the current era and it is still grown at constant pace. The ultimate goal of mobile technologies is to bring all features together and make it easy to use and access. This paper deals with the concept of incorporating the cellular mobile technologies to eyeglass which are used in day to day life. The motive is to use the glasses as an alternative for handheld mobile devices. Previously, smart watches were designed to perform all the common functionalities of a mobile. Now with advancement in technology and hardware components, the same can be brought close to our eyes and can be controlled by our eyeballs. The technologies that are used in the smart glass will include Heads up display, laser projection, Iris Scanner, eye controlled...........
Keywords– Mobile technology, Heads up display, laser projection, Iris Scanner, eye controlled pointer, augmented and virtual reality, Wireless interconnector systems, bone conducting speakers..
[1]. T. North, M. Wagner, S. Bourquin and L. Kilcher, "Compact and High-Brightness Helmet-Mounted Head-Up Display System by Retinal Laser Projection," in Journal of Display Technology, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 982-985, Sept. 2016.
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[3]. FUJITA Masahiko, KAWAHARA Takeshi, MORIMOTO Masayuki, KAWASE Hideyuki, YOSHINO Kazumi, HASHIMOTO Youichi, " Marketing a Bone Conductive Receiver/Microphone," NEC TECHNICAL JOURNAL Vol.1 No.5/2006.
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Abstract: Image processing techniques are mostly useful in medical science for detecting various diseases , infections , tumors , cells abnormalities , and various cancers . To detect a particular disease and curing it on time is very important in todays world for saving life . Mostly when patient is serious, and the waiting time of patients reports is more in case of blood test . The time taken for generation of any blood report is minimum 1 hour and this can be risk. The system which is being used currently by the doctors for identification of the blood samples is costly and even generation of the reports takes time which leads to loss of patients life . Also , the pathological tests expensive , which are sometimes not affortable by the patient. This paper basically tells us the technique to detect the normal and abnormal red blood cells in comparitively less time. The proposed technique also shows different categories of abnormal red blood cells based on the Signature Method..
Keywords– Dilation, Edge, Erosion, Foam factor ,Fourier Descriptors, Gradient, Intensity ,Opening, pixel
[1]. Deepika N. Patil and Uday P. Khot, "IMAGE PROCESSING BASED ABNORMAL BLOOD CELLS DETECTION", International Journal of Technical Research and Applications e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Special Issue 31(September, 2015), PP. 37-43.
[2]. Prof. sagar B Tambe , Prof. Deepak Kulhare , M. D. Nirmal , Prof. Gopal Prajapati, "IMAGE PROCESSING (IP) THROUGH EROSION AND DILATION METHODS", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013).
[3]. Manas Ranjan Das & Sunil Barla , "OBJECT SHAPE RECOGNITION".
[4]. Miss. Madhuri G. Bhamare & Prof D.S. Patil, "AUTOMATIC BLOOD CELL ANALYSIS BY USING DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING A PRELIMINARY STUDY", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology(IJERT) ISSN:2278-0181 vol. 2 Issue 9, September- 2013.
[5]. Mahsa Lotfi, Behzad Nazari, Saeid Sadri, Nazila Karimian Sichani, "THE DETECTION OF DACROCYTE, SCHISTOCYTE AND ELLIPTOCYTE CELLS IN IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA", 2015 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA 2015) March 11-12, 2015, 978-1-4799-8445-9/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE.
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Abstract: Classification is the process of supervised learning process, which is an important task in pattern recognition. Imbalanced class distribution is always a trouble in achieving high accurate classification. The imbalanced data is more complicated for the medical data classification. There are several algorithms and techniques have been used to overcome the class imbalance issues. However, the techniques can be either insufficient nor leads to misclassification for medical datasets. To overcome the issue of class imbalance in the medical data classification, an effective adaptive sampling technique is proposed. The technique is named as Ranked Cluster Based Adaptive Sampling with Gradient Boosting classifier (RCBAS-GBC). The technique is quite adequate for medical datasets. The experiments are carried with several unbalanced datasets and achieved good results...
Keywords– Classification, class imbalance, sampling Techniques, Medical data mining
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Multimodal Approach To Enhance The Performance of Biometric System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vijender Singh || Dr. Chander Kant |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003036873 ![]() |
Abstract: Biometric security system is used to identify the person either by using their physiological traits (hand geometry, face, fingerprint etc.) or behavioral traits (voice, gait, signature etc.). the unimodal biometric system uses only single trait and do not provide higher security, whereas multimaodal system which is a subset of multibiometric system is resolve all the limitation of unimaodal and provide high degree of security. The biometric system is based on physical and behavioral traits. There are also some other traits such as skin color, age, height, hair color, eye color, gender called "soft biometric traits". Soft biometric traits do not provide reliable authentication because the nature of these traits are not permanent............
Keywords– Unimodal, Multimodal, Soft Traits, Iris recognition, FKP recognition
[1]. R Raghavendra, Rao Ashok, and G Hemantha Kumar. Multimodal biometric score fusion using gaussian mixture model and monte carlo method. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 25(4):771–782, 2010.
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[4]. Karthik Nandakumar, Xiaoguang Lu, And Unsang Park Anil K. Jain, "Integrating Faces, Fingerprints, And Soft Biometric Traits For User Recognition," In Proceedings Of Biometric Authentication Workshop, Lncs 3087, Pp. 259-269, May 2004. [5]. Pedro Tome, Julian Fierrez, Ruben Vera-Rodriguez, and Mark S. Nixon, Soft Biometrics and Their Application, ieee transactions on information forensics and security, vol. 9, no. 3, march 2014
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | IoT Based Smoke Monitoring |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A.Sankaran |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2003037477 ![]() |
Abstract: The main source of atmospheric taint happens due to automobiles. Using empirical scrutiny, ritual mechanized air monitoring system has high rigor, but uneconomical and single datum class make it unfeasible for large-scale furnishing. In order to eject the issues in ritual systems we have introduced Internet of Things (IoT) into the field of environmental barrier. This paper is to introduce vehicle emission monitoring system using IoT which is a green thumb for tracking down vehicle causing taint on the city roads and measures multifarious genres of toxic wastes, and its level in air. This paper puts forward a kind of real-time air pollution monitoring system at any time anywhere using Gas Sensor. The measured data is shared to vehicle proprietor via text message, and agencies of national environment............
Keywords– Internet of Things, Wireless Technology, Sensors -Temperature, Humidity, Gas, Adafruit
[1]. A Method for Real-Time Monitoring of Inherent System Loss Designed for FLRDS-Based Gas Sensors Volume 8,
Number 5, October 2016 Cunguang Zhu, Guangwei Wang, Zhili Zheng, Wang, Xuechen Tao, peng Wang.
[2]. Nonthermal Plasma System for Marine Diesel Engine Emission Control Wamadeva Balachandran, Fellow, IEEE,
Nadarajah Manivannan, Senior Member, IEEE, Radu Beleca, Member, IEEE, Maysam F. Abbod, David Brennen,
Nehemiah Sabinus Alozie, and Lionel Christopher Ganippa.
[3]. HazeWatch: A Participatory Sensor System for Monitoring Air Pollution in Sydney Vijay Sivaraman , James
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[4]. Comparison of Long-Wave Infrared Imaging and Visible/Near-Infrared Imaging of Vegetation for Detecting Co2
Leaking Gas Jennifer E. Johnson, Joseph A. Shaw, Senior Member, IEEE, Rick L. Lawrence, Paul W. Nugent, Justin
A. Hogan, Laura M. Dobeck, and Lee H. Spangler.
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Abstract:It is attractive to be able to alter the coding rate, and hence the error correcting power, of a forward error correcting coder/decoder (codec) to provide a codec whose error correction capability can be matched to the requirements of the data communication system in which it is used. Punctured coding applied to convolutional encoding/Viterbi decoding offers a method of achieving this. And adoptive multi beam-forming alongside with MIMO diversity gain is used for considerable QOS enhancement in their Open Network Intermediate Data Rate system. This paper discusses the modification of a QoS constraint length 7, 1/2-rate codec to operate with punctured coding at rates up to 7/8. Following a brief discussion of the requirements for variable rate coding in communication systems the practical implementation of a prototype codec and considerations relating to performance characterization are discussed. Experimental results at various coding rates and MIMO are given, together with simulation of performance to demonstrate the sensitivity of performance to path history length at higher coding rates. It is concluded that the method is very suitable to provide variable coding rates and not suffers from increasingly severe practical limitations over high speed networks.
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