Version-1 (May-2014)
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[1]. Narula B AS. Chronic Disease: The Looming Threat. MJAFI 2008; 64: 2-3.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Association between Periodontitis and Respiratory Disease-A review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Daveinthiran Thanabalan, Dr. Sheeja |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13510508 ![]() |
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Key Words: Liver disorder, maternal mortality, foetal mortality, pregnancy, HELLP, Jaundice.
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[2]. Rieker RJ, Quentmeier A, Weiss C, Kretzschmar U, Amann K, Mechtersheimer G, Bläker H, Herwart OF. Cystic lymphangioma of the small-bowel mesentery: case report and a review of the literature.Pathol Oncol Res. 2000;6:146–148
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Abstract: Lymphangiomas are benign hamartomatous malformation of lymphatic vessels which contain clear protein rich fluid with few lymphcells. These malformations can occur at any age and involve any part of the body but have marked predilection to occur with head & neck region (50 to 70%). Occurrence of oral lymphangioma is rare and the tongue involvement is even rarer[1]. The Prognosis of lymphangiomas is good in most patient but respiratory obstruction is a feared complication of these lesion at head, neck and oral region as seen in our case, which may be fatal if not managed promptly.
[2]. S. Sunil, Devi Gopa Kumar, and B.S. Shrinivasan, Oral Lymphangioma. The contemporary clinical dentistry 2012 Jan-Mar; 3(1): 116-118.
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[4]. V Naveen Shanker, Ashwini. N Shankar, Praveena V. Shanlar J. Lymphvasculogenesis and Lymphangioma an update. Cancer Sci Ther. 2011; 3(6): 149-153.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of lacrimal sac |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. A. Venkateshwaran, Dr. S. Jaiganesh, Dr. S. Yousuf , Dr. V. Ashwin |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13512830 ![]() |
Keywords: Lacrimal sac, Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, CT
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Rare Case of Episodic Angioedema and Hypereosinophilia –Gleich Syndrome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sharat Kumar B Jaikar , Divya NS |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13513134 ![]() |
Keywords: Episodic angioedema, Gleich syndrome, hypereosinophilia, interleukin-5 (IL-5), recurrent urticaria, weight gain.
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Key Words: Hour Glass compression suture, Postpartum hemorrhage, Hysterectomy.
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Key words: Atenolol. bisoprolol, hypertension ,Myocardial infarction
[2]. Andrew Whelton M.D., F.A.C.P. F.C.P., Jack M.D and David J. Wagner M.S Sustained Antihypertensive activity of Diltiazerm SR: Double blind placebo controlled study with 24 hrs. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, J. of clin Pharm 1992, 32: 808-815
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Abstract: Fractures of the shaft of femur are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients who sustain high energy trauma. Morbidity arises from limb shortening, malalignment, knee contractures and other complications of fracture. Mortality is infrequent but can result from an open wound, fat embolism, adult respiratory distress syndrome or multiple organ failure especially in the poly trauma patients. Both morbidity and mortality can be diminished by prompt reduction and internal fixation of the fracture. (Robert A .Hansen al. 1978.)1 Restoration of alignment, rotation and length, preservation of the blood supply to aid union and rehabilitation of the patient are the goals of treatment. The type and location of the fracture, degree of communition, the age of the patient, patients social, economic demands and other associated fractures may influence the method of treatment Currently intramedullary, interlocking nailing is considered to be the treatment of choice for complex femoral shaft fractures. (Funk .J.Wells. R et al 1968.)2.
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[2]. Tsubota K, Goto E, Fujita H, et al. Treatment of dry eye by autologous serum application in Sjogren's syndrome. Br J Ophthalmol 1999; 83: 390-95.
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Abstract: The study was about the effect of music and different musical tempo on post-exercise recovery time following moderate exercise as there is very little information about effect of music on time taken for post-exercise recovery. Sixty volunteers (30 male, 30 female) subjected to isotonic exercise i.e. Harvard's step test, on three consecutive days, followed by rest in silence on first day, rest by hearing slow music on second day and rest by hearing fast music on third day. Parameters such as Pulse rate and blood pressure, were measured at predetermined intervals. The ANOVA test showed that with slow music, recovery time of systolic blood pressure (SBP) (7.7±2.9), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (5.4±3.3) and pulse rate recovery (PR) (8.1±2.1) were significantly faster when compared to both no music and fast music. The study concluded that music hastens post-exercise recovery and slow music has greater relaxation effect than fast or no music, recovery time was independent of the gender and individual music preference.
Key words: musical tempo, post-exercise, recovery, young adults.
[2]. Terry, P.C. & Karageorghis, C.I. (2011). Music in sport and exercise. In T. Morris & P. C. Terry (Eds.), The new sport and exercise psychology companion (pp. 359-380). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.
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Key words: Forensic Anthropology, Stature, Percutaneous Tibial Length , Height Estimation, Simple Regression Equation.
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Keywords: Hernia repair, Stoppas,
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Key words: Odontogenic cysts, developmental cysts, inflammatory cysts.
[2]. Avelar RL, Antones AA, Carvalho R W F, Bezerra Paulo G C F, Neto P J O and Andrade E S S. odontogenic cysts- A clinicopathological study of 507 cases. Journal of Oral Science 2009; 51(4): 581-586.
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Key words: Ameloblastoma, CD44, Dentigerous cyst, immunohistochemistry, Radicular cyst.
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Key worlds: unusual, partial hanging, playground slide, necktie.
[2]. SaukkoP and Knight B. Knight's Forensic Pathology. Third Ed. London: Arnold Publishers; 2004. p. 352-394.
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[6]. Khokhlov VD. Calculation of tension exerted on Ligature in Incomplete Hanging. Forensic Science International. 2001; 123:172-77.
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Key words: Goitre, FNAC, T3,T4,TSH, Neck swelling, USG
[2]. M Aslam, SM Hasan and SA Hasan.Fine needle aspiration cytology versus histopathology in cervical lymphadenopathy. Ind. J. Otolaryngo/Head Neck Sug.Apr 2000.52(2)
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[5]. U Jindal, K Singh, A Baghla, A Kochar.Spectrum of head and neckswellings in the rural population of India based on Fine needle aspiration findings. The Internet journal of Head and neck surg.2012;vol5;number 2
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Key words: Intertrochanteric fracture, PFNA (proximal fixation nail antirotaion), Gamma nail.
[2]. Schipper IB, Steyerberg ED, Castelin RM, et al. Treatment of unstable fracture. Randomizedcomparison of the gamma nail and proximal femoral. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2004; 86(1):86-99.
[3]. Kukla C, Heinz T, Gaeblet C, et al. The standard gamma nail: A critical analysis of 1,000 cases. J Trauma .2001; 51(1):77-83.
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[5]. Al yassariG, Largtaff RJ, Jones JW, et al.The AO/ASIF-Proximal femoral nail treatment of unstable trochanteric femoral fracture. Injury. 2002; 33(5):395-399.
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Difficult airway, is a usual presentation in such cases, and it's management forms the basis of the anaesthetic management planned.
[2]. Manju Saraswat, M. Radhakrishnan: Burns Contracture Of Neck: Two Case Reports Of Difficult Intubation. The Internet Journal of Aneasthesiology. 2001;(5),3.
[3]. Agarwal P-Safe method for release of severe post burn neck contracture under tumescent local anaesthesia and ketamine. Indian J Plast Surg 2004;37;51-54.
[4]. S. Saini, S. Hooda, Sachdeva N, C. Sehkri: Difficult Airway Management in a Maxillofacial and Cervical Abnormality with Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway. JOral Maxillaofacial Surgery 62:510-513,2004.
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