Version-3 (July-2014)
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Key words: Neonatal sepsis, Acute kidney injury, preterm babies.
[1]. Deorari Ashok K. Changing pattern of bacteriologic profile in neonatal sepsis among intramural babies. J of neonatalogy.2006;20:08-15
[2]. Hengst JM. The role of C-reactive of protein in the evaluation and management of infants with suspected sepsis. Adv neonatal care.2003;3(1):03-13
[3]. Jayshree G, Saila A, Sarana MS, Dutta AK; Renal dysfunction in septmic newborn. Indian Pediatrics.1991; 28(1):25-29.
[4]. Kribben A,Edelstein CL,Schrier RW:Pathophysiology of acute renal failure: Journal Nephrology.1999.Suppl2:S142-S151.
[5]. Gendes JS, Polin R. Early diagnosis and treatment of neonatal sepsis. Indian J Pediatrics.1998; 65:63-78.
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Abstract: Aim & Objective: To study the morphological aspects of various breast lesions in patients with an apparent breast lump. To correlate the cytological findings with histopathological examination.To determine the accuracy of aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of the breast lesions.To analyse the causes of the diagnostic error and ways of overcoming them. Materials & Methods: The present study included 35 cases presenting with palpable breast lump in the outpatient department of the Sir T Hospital Bhavnagar. FNA was carried out on all of them and the material studied in the Department of pathology, Medical College, Bhavnagar, from January 2012 to February 2014. All cases were also subjected to surgical biopsy or mastectomy. Results:Out of 35 cases 25 cases were diagnosed as benign breast lesions and 10 cases were diagnosed as malignant breast lesions on cytology. On histological examination out of 25 benign lesions only 02 shows carcinoma while all malignant lesions were confirmed. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy was 83.33%, 100%, 100%, 92% and94.2% respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, the simplicity, rapidity, lack of morbidity, a high sensitivity, a high specificity and cost effectiveness of FNAC makes it the most valuable tool in the evaluation of the breast lesion
[1]. Hindle WH, Payne PA, Pan EY. The use of fine needle aspiration in the evaluation of persistent palpable dominant breast masses. Am J Obstetrics Gynaecol. 1993; 168 (6 Part 1): 1814—18
[2]. Purasiri P, Abdalla M, Heys SD, Ah-See AK, McKean ME, Gilbert FJ, et al. A novel diagnostic index for use in the breast clinic. J R CollSurgEdinb. 1996; 41: 30- 34.
[3]. Kaufman Z, Shpitz B, Shapiro M, Rona R, Lew S, Dinbar A. Triple approach in diagnosis of dominant breast masses: combined physical examination, mammography and fine-needle aspiration. J SurgOncol. 1994; 56: 254-57.
[4]. Haddad FS. Re: Risk factors forperineal seeding of prostate cancer afterneedle biopsy. J Urol. 1990; 143: 587-88
[5]. Bell D.A. et al: Role of aspirationcytology in the diagnosis andmanagement of mammary lesions in officepractise. Cancer1983; 51: 1182-1189
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Erupted complex composite odontome: a rare case |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Nitin S. Solanki, Dr. Vipin Thakkar, Dr. Deepak R. Kolte |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13730811 ![]() |
Abstract: Odontomas are the most common types of Odontogenic tumors. Their prevalence exceeds that of all other Odontogenic tumors combined. Odontomas represent a hamartomatous malformation; the term refers to tumors of Odontogenic origin [1], [2]. They are usually asymptomatic and are diagnosed on routine radiological examination as an incidental finding [1], [3]. Odontomas are further subdivided into compound and complex types depending on the extent of morpho differentiation or on the resemblance to normal teeth [4]. The compound odontome is composed of multiple small tooth like structures, the complex odontome consist of a conglomerate mass of enamel and dentine, which bears no anatomical resemblance to the tooth [3]. The eruption and infection of odontoma are uncommon, only few cases of erupted odontome are reported in the literature. We report a rare unusual case of an infected complex odontoma with concomitant eruption of odontoma in the oral cavity involving perforation of the mucosa with an impacted third molar which makes the presentation unusual. We also highlighted the significance of proper diagnosis as most of these rare tumors go unnoticed with incorrect treatment to the patient. The dentist should be familiar with common and unusual appearances of odontomas for proper diagnosis and management.
Keywords: (Benign, impacted tooth, Odontogenic tumor, Odontome, Tooth like structure)
[1]. Agrawal B, Gharote H, Nair P, Shrivastav S. Infected complex odontome an unusual presentation. BMJ CASE REP: AUG 24; 2012.
[2]. Gokkulakrishnan, Sanjay Singh, Manpreet Singh & Kumar Tathagat Singh. A rare case of odontome in 65yrs old lady. Nati J Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Jan- Jun; 1(1): 67- 70.
[3]. Hadas lehman, Joshua lustmann, Eran Regev. Removal of an extensive mandibular Odontoma using an intraoral approach. Quintessence International, Oral Surgery, Vol 44, no. 6, june 2013.
[4]. Audrey M. D'cruz, Shushmini Hegde, & Urvashi A. Shetty. Large complex Odontoma. Sultan Qaboos Univ. Med. Jou, 2013, May; 13(2): E342- E345.
[5]. Vibha Singh, Satish Dhasmana, Shahabad Mohammad & Nimisha Singh. The Odontomes: Report of 5 cases. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2010, Jul- Dec; 1(2): 157-160.
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Abstract: Wilson's disease (WD) is a rare autosomal recessive inborn error of copper metabolism caused by a mutation to the copper-transporting gene ATP7B. The presentation is usually neurologic or hepatic, seen in 40% of patients. Diagnosis depends primarily on clinical features, biochemical parameters and the presence of the Kayser-Fleischer ring. Here a case of Wilson disease with various neurological manifestations without any clinical involvement of the liver and clinical presentation , diagnosis and treatment is discussed. Key Words: ATP7B, Dystonia, Kayser-Fleischer ring, Wilson Disease
[1]. Wilson SAK Progressive lenticular degeneration: a familial nervous disease associated with cirrhosis of the liver. Brain 1912,34: 295–509.
[2]. Huster D: Wilson disease. Best Pract Res Cl Ga 2010, 24(5):531-539.
[3]. Holtzman NA, Gaumnitz BM. Studies on the rate of release and turnover of ceruloplasmin and apoceruloplasmin in rat plasma. J Biol Chem 1970; 245: 2354–2358.
[4]. Kalra V et al. Wilson's disease: early onset and lessons from a pediatric cohort in India. Indian Pediatr 2000;37: 595–601.
[5]. Sokol RJ. Wilson's Disease and Indian childhood cirrhosis. In: Diseases in Children. Eds. Suchy, Fredrick J. St Louis, Mosby Year Books Inc, 1994; pp 747-772.
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Abstract: Aim of study: Metformin is a first-line pharmacological treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus because of its favorable overall profile, including its glucose-lowering ability, weight-neutral effects, and low risk of hypoglycemia; however, gastrointestinal (GI) intolerance may limit use in some patients. Extended-release metformin improves GI tolerability, allows once-daily dosing,improves compliance in patients. Conclusion: Patients with type 2 DM who had been receiving thrice daily MIR achieved comparable glycemic control when therapy was switched to once or twice daily MXR at the same daily dose.
[1]. Marathe P, Turner K. Steady-state pharmacokinetics of the metformin extended-release tablet versus immediate-release metformin in healthy subjects Diabetes 2002; 51 (suppl 2):A474
[2]. Schwartz S, Fonseca V, Berner B, Cramer M, Chiang YK, et al. (2006) Efficacy, tolerability and safety of novel once-daily XR metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 29: 759-763.
[3]. Lawrence Blonde, George E. Dailey, Serge A. Jabbour, Charles A. Reasner, Donna J. Mills Curr Med Res Opin. 2004;20(4)
[4]. Gastrointestinal tolerability of extended-release metformin tablets compared to immediate-release metformin tablets: results of a retrospective cohort study Lawrence Blonde , George E. Dailey , Serge A. Jabbour , Charles A. Reasner , Donna J. Mills (doi: 10.1185/030079904125003278)
[5]. Donnelly LA, Morris AD, Pearson ER: Adherence in patients transferred from immediate release metformin to a sustained release formulation: a population-based study. Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism 2009, 11:338-342
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Abstract: The late multiplying, reservoir of stem cells is vulnerable to malignant transformation. The resulting tumour called a Medulloblastoma, is the commonest posterior fossa neoplasm in this age group. In the present study cerebellum specimens were collected from fifty aborted foetuses which were fixed in formalin. The age of foetuses were between 16wks to 30wks and 1 postnatal. The dissected specimens were preserved in 10%formalin and subjected to routine histological procedure for age related histogenesis and developmental anatomy. In present study we observed that major histogenesis occured during the 16th week as single external granular layer which became 2 layered at 20 weeks and 3 layered at 26 weeks.
Keywords: Cerebellum, folia, cortex, external granular layer, molecular layer, Purkinje layer.
[1]. Altman A,Bayer SA 1977,Time of origin and distribution of new cell type in the cerebellar cortex of rats. Exp Brain Res 29;265-274.
[2]. Ari''ens kappers, Huber CG and Crosby E 1936. The comparative anatomy of the nervous system of vertebrates, including man Vol: Mac millanCo, Newyork Pp:696-700; 775-790
[3]. Saddler TW 2000 Langman's Medical Embryology 8th edpp: 430.
[4]. Williams PL etal 1995 Grays Anatomy In: Nervous system Churchill Livingstone, London 38th ed pp: 240-243: 1028-1065.
[5]. Development and Death of EGL cells. Journal of Neuro science,ACcer mars19/2012.
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Abstract: Introduction: About 1/5 of the world population is affected by allergic rhinitis,affecting to quality of life,require a systemic approach of history, examination,investigation and sometimes special allergic testing.Objective of this study is to evaluate the nasal cytohistological findings in the patients of allergic rhinitis. Material and Method: This study consists of 58 patients of Allergic Rhinitis in whom cytohistological examination was done.All the patients had nasal symptoms; rhinorrhoea(100%) ,nasal obstruction(87.96%), sneezing(81.03%),itching of the palate(41.38%),fullness of the ears(37.93%), headache(29.31%).In all patients nasal cytohistogical examinations were done under local anesthesia except in children. Result: Nasal smear findings were as follows:Nasal Smear eosinophilia was found to be present in 67.24% of the cases.In32.76% of the patients,nasal eosinophilia was not demonstrable.Cytohistological findings were as Epithelium was found normal in 67.24% of cases, hypertrophied epithelium was observed in 12.07%, squamous metaplasia was noticed in 20.69%, inflammation was reported in 90.09%,Tissue eosinophilia was found to be associated in 68.97% of cases. In all patients nasal cytohistological examinations were done under local anesthesia except in children. Conclusion: Nasal smear & histological work up is an effective diagnostic tool for allergic rhinitis but nasal smear eosinophilia and tissue eosinophilia were not found in all cases of allergic rhinitis.
Key words: Nose, Allergic Rhinitis, Cytology, Smear, Histology.
[1]. Gutman, Michael., Augusto Torres, Kevin J. Keen et al. Prevalence of allergy in patients with chronic rhino sinusitis. Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. 2004;130(5): 545-552.
[2]. Hansel FK. Clinical allergy. St. Louis, The C.V. Mosby co.1953; 654-659, 779-790.
[3]. James A. Stankiewicz and James M. Chow . Nasal endoscopy and the definition and diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. 2002; 126 (6): 623-627.
[4]. Gupta SC. Sachin Jain, et al Antroscopic and cytological Study of the maxillary sinus mucosa in allergic rhinitis.2004; 2(4):
[5]. Jareoncharsi P. Thitadilok V. et al . Nasal endoscopic findings in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy & Immunology. 1999; 17(4): 261-7.
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Abstract: Objective: Irrational prescribing is a common problem in drug use. Rational prescribing can prevent & avoid this. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the rationality of prescriptions according to WHO core drug use indicators. Materials & Methods: 1070 prescriptions from in-patient departments were randomly analysed for rational prescribing retrospectively for 5 months (from July to November 2013) based on WHO drug use indicators . Results: Prescribing of brand name (54.11%) was more common than generic name (45.89%). An average of 5.3 drugs were prescribed per person. 6.63% of prescriptions were partially legible or no treatment was recorded in treatment chart.90.18% of total drugs prescribed were from EDL & 7.85% of prescriptions had fixed dose combinations. Cephalosporins were the most commonly prescribed antibiotics. 3.36% of prescriptions have nil/incomplete diagnosis. Injectables were prescribed in 74.50% admissions. Conclusions: Prescribing by generic name is to be promoted to avoid confusion in understanding prescriptions; this also adheres to WHO standards of rational prescribing. Also emphasis should be given to promote use of drugs from EDL & to avoid incomplete/illegible prescriptions & to properly diagnose all the cases treated at the hospital.
Keywords: Essential drug list (EDL), Fixed dose combinations (FDC), Irrational prescribing. WHO drug use indicator
[1]. S .D. Seth, Vimlesh Seth. Textbook of pharmacology. 3rded Elsevier , New Delhi 2009. p. XVI . 48.
[2]. Annie Collins Abrams, Sandra Smith Penninton, Carol Barnett Lammon. Clinical Drug therapy Rationales for nursing practice. 8th ed . Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007. p.31.
[3]. Sharma HL, Sharma KK. Principles of pharmacology 2nd ed Paras medical publishers 2011.p.106.
[4]. John L.Reid, Peter .C.Rubin & Matthew P Walters. Lecture notes Pharmacology & therapeutics, 7th ed Blackwell publishing ltd 2006.p.288.
[5]. Derek G Wallas, Andrew G.Renwick, Keith Hilier. Medical Pharmacology & therapeutics.3rd ed Saunders Elsevier 2010. p.699.
[6]. Tiwari H, Kumar A & Kulkarni S K. Prescription monitoring of antihypertensive drug utilisation at Panjab university health care centre in India. Singapore Med J 2004, 45 (3); 117-120.
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Abstract: Background: Steroid resistant Nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) is a therapeutic challenge for pediatricians and pediatric nephrologists worldwide. Currently, numerous immunosuppressive agents are used with variable efficacy. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted from February 2008 to October 2013 in the department of Pediatrics at SVPPGIP and SCB Medical College, Cuttack, India in 44 children with SRNS aged 6 months-14 years. The demographic, clinical, laboratory data at the time of presentation, response to various therapies and follow up data of 12 months was noted. Data was compiled and analyzed with Microsoft Excel software. Results: Out of 44 SRNS children, Male: female ratio was 1.2:1. Nineteen (43.18%) children had Minimal Change Disease (MCD), 13 (29.54%) had Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), 7 (15.9%) cases had IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) and 3 cases had IgM Nephropathy (IgMN). Most (n=29; 65.9%) of the children responded to Cyclosporin A (CyA). Thirty seven (84.1%) cases were late steroid responders. During follow up, 39 (88.64%) children were in complete remission. There were no major adverse effects except Cushingoid features and Hirsutism. Conclusions: In our study, MCD was most common histological subtype of SRNS and majority of the children responded to Cyclosporin A.
Keywords: Steroid resistance, Children, Cyclosporin A, Immunosuppressants, Minimal change disease, Nephrotic syndrome
[1]. McKinney PA, Feltbower RG, Brocklebank JT, Fitzpatrick MM. Time trends and ethnic patterns of childhood Nephrotic syndrome in Yorkshire. UK Pediatr Nephrol; 2001: 16:1040-1044.PMID: 11793096.
[2]. Wong W. Idiopathic Nephrotic syndrome in New Zealand children, demographic, clinical features, initial management and outcome after twelve-month follow up results of a three year national surveillance study. J Pediatr Child Health. 2007; 43:337-341. PMID: 17489822.
[3]. Tarshish P, Tobin JN, Bernstein J, Edelmann CM Jr. Prognostic significance of the early course of minimal change Nephrotic syndrome: report of the International Study of Kidney Disease in Children. J Am Soc Nephrol. 1997; 8:769-776. PMID: 9176846.
[4]. Bagga A, Mantan M. Nephrotic syndrome in children. Indian J Med Res. 2005; 122:13-28. PMID: 16106086.
[5]. Yu L, Wen ZY, Hua SD, et al. Analysis of clinical characteristics in infantile nephritic syndrome. Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics. 2002; 17:553–555. PMID: 3178149
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Abstract: The study was carried out in Living Word Mission Hospital, Abayi, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria.The study was carried out among the ART and non-ART HIV patients attending the hospital.The CD4 count values were compared among the ART and the non-ART HIV patients to ascertain if there is any significant change among those on treatment and those not receiving treatment. The total number of subjects for the study was 97 (female=68, male=29). 77 subjects were ART HIV patients (female=55 and male=22) while 20 subjects were non-ART HIV patients (female=14 and male=6).The study showed significant increase (P<0.05) in the CD4 count of ART HIV patients more than non-ART HIV patients. The study equally showed significant increase (P<0.05) among the female ART HIV patients compared to the male ART HIV patients.The study showed that CD4 count should be done early to know when to start the treatment and the antiretroviral drugs have significant improvement in the immune system of the patients particularly the females.
Keywords: CD4 Count, ART HIV Patients, Non-ART HIV Patients, HIV, Antiretroviral Therapy(ART).
[1]. Weiss, R.A. ( 1993). "How does HIV cause AIDS?". Science 260 (5112): 1273–9.
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[4]. Garg, H; Mohl, J; Joshi, A (, 2012). "HIV-1 induced bystander apoptosis.". Viruses 4 (11): 3020–43.
[5]. Kumar, V. (2012). Robbins Basic Pathology (9th ed.). p. 147.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ectopic Cornual Pregnancy-Case report and Literature Review |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Yakasai, IA, Natalia A , Ahmed ZD |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13734748 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Cornual ectopic or interstitial ectopic is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy accounting for 2-4% of all tubal pregnancies. It is associated with serious or fatal bleeding and mortality rate up to 2-2.5%. Result: A 31 year old woman, G3P1+1 1Alive presented to the gynaecological emergency ward with 7weeks amenorrhea, lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding on 13/06/13. A clinical diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was made and confirmed using USS. At surgery a left cornual unruptured ectopic pregnancy was found. She had left cornual resection and salphingectomy. There were no postoperative complications..
[1]. Lukas DK. Ectopic Pregnancy. In: Shaw RW editor. Gynaecology. 3rd ed. Londom (UK): Elsevier Science Limited; 2003. p. 371-86
[2]. Ectopic Pregnancy. In: Speroff L, Marc AF editors. Clinical gynaecologic Endocrinology and Infertility. 7th ed. New York (NY): Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2005; 1: p.1276-96.
[3]. M Shendy, R Atalla. Modern management of cornual ectopic pregnancy. Available from:
[4]. D Larrain, F Marengo, N Bourdel, P Jaaffeux, B Cuvelier, J Pouly et al. Proximal ectopic pregnancy: a descriptive general population- based study and results of different management options in 86 cases. Fertil Steril. 2011; 95(3): 867-71.
[5]. J Hwang, J Lee, N Lee, L lee. Open cornual resection versus laparoscopic cornual resection in patients with interstitial ectopic pregnancies. European J Obstet Gynaecol Reproduct Biol. 2011; 156:78-82.
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Abstract: Background and objective: To evaluate the role of fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of lymphadenopathy in HIV infected patients and to find out the correlation between cytological findings and CD4 count.
[1]. Global report: UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic 2012, available from on 10 July 2012.
[2]. NACO Annual Report 2012-13, available from on 10 July 2012.
[3]. Pairkh U.R, Goswami H.M, Nanavati M.G, Bisen V.V, Patel S., Menpara C.B, et al.,
[4]. Diagnostic Utility of FNAC in HIV Positive Lymphadenopathy, Journal of Clinical Research Letters, 3(2), 2012,37-40.
[5]. Février M, Dorgham K, Rebollo A, CD4 T Cell Depletion in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection: Role of Apoptosis, Viruses, 3(5), 2011, 586–612.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dental Fluorosis and its Indices, what's new? |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Abiodun-SolankeIyabo M. Funmilayo, Ajayi Deborah Mojirade |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13735560 ![]() |
Abstract: Since the description of dental fluorosis as a disease entity by Fredrick McKay and GV Black in 1916, several indices have been used to categorize the different forms of dental fluorosis. Such indices include Dean's, Thylstrup and Fejerskov's(T-F), Total Surface Index of Fluorosis(TSIF) etc. However, none of these indices that was introduced in the 20th century is without shortcomings or limitations, which eventually led to the discovery of newer indices with continuous scale such as the Visual Analogue scale, Quantitative Light Fluorescence and Polarized white lightimages .
Keywords: Dental, Fluorosis, Indices, Update
[1]. O Ferjerskov , F ManjiandVBaelum,. The nature and mechanism of dental fluorosis in man, Journal of Dental Research ,69( Special issue), 1990, 670-692.
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[6]. J Clarkson, Review of terminology, classifications, and indices of developmental defects of enamel. Advances in Dental Research,3(2), 1989,104-109.
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Abstract: Background: Seroconversion rates reported after Hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination globally ranges from 85–90%. Health care workers (HCW) in health institutions are at risk of acquiring hepatitis B infection. Therefore, this study determined through qualitative evaluation of immune responses to recombinant purified hepatitis B surface antigen vaccine among health care workers in Jos, North central Nigeria.
[1]. JH Kao, DS Chen: Overview of Hepatitis B and C virus. In infectious cause of cancer: target for intervention. Edited by Guerdon TJJ. Totowa N.J: Humana press; 2000:313-30.
[2]. E Rosea, B Rudensky, E Pez: Ten years follow up study of hepatitis B virus infection and vaccination status in hospital employee. J Hosp Infec 1999, 41:245-50
[3]. M Tallat, l AKandee, W El-Shoubory, C Bodenschatz, I K hairy, S Oun,.: Occupational exposures to needle stick injuries and hepatitis B vaccination coverage among health care workers in Egypt. Am J Infect Control 2003, 31 (8):469-74.
[4]. A Kane, J Lioyd, M Zaffran, L Simonsen, M Kane: Transmission of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency viruses through unsafe injections in the developing world: model-based regional estimates. Bull World Health organ1999, 77:801-7.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Skeletal Discrepancy Correction In Class II Div 1 Malocclusion Using Fixed Twin Blocks. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Taruna Puri, Dolly Patel |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13736567 ![]() |
Abstract: This case report describes the management of a male with a severe Class II skeletal discrepancy, Class II molar and canine relationship bilaterally, a large overjet and an impinging overbite . As the patient was in CVMI stage 4,it was planned to make use of remaining growth for correction of skeletal discrepancy and so the treatment was initiated with a fixed twin block. This promoted the growth of the mandible, restrained maxilla in anteroposterior direction which in combination with the fixed appliances for alignment and levelling of the dentition improved the convex soft tissue profile. Thus severe skeletal Class II discrepancy was successfully managed with the combination of functional correction along with comprehensive fixed mechanotherapy without any extraction resulting in acceptable soft tissue changes.
[1]. Jena AK, Duggal R, Parkash H. Skeletal and dentoalveolar effects of Twin-block and bionator appliances in the treatment of Class II malocclusion: a comparative study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:594-602.
[2]. Yan Lv,Bin Yan,Lin Wang.Two-phase treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion with the combination of the Twin-block appliance and high-pull headgear. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:594-602,2012,142,246-255.
[3]. Clark WJ. The twin block traction technique. Eur J Orthod 1982;4: 129-38.
[4]. Schaefer AT, McNamara JA, Franchi L, Baccetti T. A cephalometric comparison of treatment with the Twin-block and stainless steel crown Herbst appliances followed by fixed appliance therapy. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004;126:7-15.
[5]. King GJ, Wheeler TT, McGorray SP, Aiosa LS, Bloom RM, Taylor MG. Orthodontists' perceptions of the impact of phase 1 treatment for Class II malocclusion on phase 2 needs. J Dent Res1999;78:1745-53.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Misuse of antibiotics: A potential threat |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neha Saini, Varun Saini , Priya Wadhwa Mehta |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13736872 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Antibiotics are invaluable adjuncts in the management of orofacial infections. Role of dentists & injudicious use of antibiotics resulting in antimicrobial resistance is unknown. Therefore a survey was conducted. Aims & Objectives: To assess the types and frequency of antibiotic prescriptions , by dental practitioners in the state of Rajasthan , India.
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Abstract: A hybrid denture is one that is fabricated over a metal framework and retained by screws threaded into the implants. The anterior part of a mandibular hybrid denture is fixed on implants while the posterior part of the denture is extended and cantilevered from implants. This article presents the fabrication of a mandibular implant retained hybrid prosthesis. A total of four implants were placed in the mandibular arch. Framework was waxed, plastic castable abutments were used, casting was done, denture teeth were waxed to the hybrid framework and a final wax try-in was performed to verify and correct maxillomandibular relations before processing. The prosthesis was inserted after verification of occlusion, retention and to cast recovered and the fit was refined until the framework seated passively on the master cast.
[1]. Suma K, Seyed A, Kalarani M, and Mangala D. An organized start to implant‑supported prosthesis Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, Jan-Mar 2013, Vol 4, Issue 1. [2]. Ashish R, Deepak N, Padma A and Jacob M. Full mouth rehabilitation of a patient with mandibular implant screw retained fp-3 prosthesis opposing maxillary acrylic removable over-denture. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, Apr-Jun 2013, Vol 4, Issue 2, Page no. 231-25.
[3]. George W, Douglas P and Gary W. An alternate treatment method for a fixed-detachable hybrid prosthesis: A clinical report (J Prosthet Dent 2003; 89:239-43).
[4]. Salenbauch NM, Langner J. New ways of designing superstructures for fixed implant-supported prostheses. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1998;18:604–612.
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Abstract: Probiotics are non-pathogenic living micro-organisms which have been added to various foods because of their beneficial effects for human health. There has been a paradigm shift of treatment from specific bacterial elimination to altering bacterial ecology by probiotics. With the increase in the incidence of résistance to antibiotics, probiotics may be a promising area in research in periodontal therapy. They play a beneficial role in preventing common oral health problems such as dental carries, periodontal disease, fungal Infections (Candida) and halitosis. A complete understanding of the broad ecologic changes in the mouth is essential to assess their long term consequences of oral health and disease.
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Abstract: Pityriasis versicolor is a superficial skin disease involving upto the stratum corneum layer of the skin and the sebaceous glands. The main complain of the patients being cosmetic and itchiness on profuse sweating.Most common causative agent is Malassezia species.Materials and Methods- Skin scrapings were collected from 88 consecutive patients from Dermatology OPD, RGKMCH of various age groups.Speciation done in Microbiology laboratory..).
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Abstract: 74 type II diabetes mellitus patients (37 males and 37 females), were compared with 74 controls, non- diabetics. Significant dermatoglyphic changes were noted between diabetics and non- diabetics. Whorls were the predominant digital pattern noted in both hands of male as well as female diabetics. This was seconded by presence of ulnar loops. There was no significant difference in the atd angle between the two study groups. Further studies in larger populations, comparing different ethnicities may be done to find out the value of dermatoglyphic findings as markers in the prediction of diabetes and many other diseases. Keywords: Dermatoglyphics, Diabetes mellitus type II, whorls
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Abstract: The metric analysis of the hyoid bone is helpful technique in the sex determination of a skeleton. There is dearth in research work on the human hyoid bone regarding its weight and various other parameters for identifying the sex. In this study 56 male and 27 female bones in the age group of 15 – 75 years were collected from the human cadavers of known age and sex during autopsies. In most of the parameters there was a clear cut demarcation between the value of male and female bone. The range, mean, standard deviation and level of significance of all the fifteen parameters of the hyoid bone were calculated using the standard statistical method.
Keywords: hyoid bone, sex determination, morphometry, greater cornu, lesser cornu.
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Abstract: Background: Fungi are oral commensal in about half of general population and its largest proportion is made up of Candida species. Candida causes wide variety of infections in human beings. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of Candida species in root canals and oral cavities of children and adults. Material and methods: Swabs from oral cavities of 100 patients were collected and subjected to culture on Sabourad's dextrose agar and chromogenic Candida differential agar.
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Abstract: Full mouth rehabilitation cases are one of the most difficult cases to manage in dental practice. This is because such cases involve not only replacement of the lost tooth structure but also restoring the lost vertical dimensions.1 Full mouth reconstruction is basically a set of procedures that are aimed at correcting an improper bite position as well as restoring chipped or worn out teeth. Full mouth rehabilitation is done where severe tooth wearing present..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Glove Tamponade for Atonic Postpartum Haemorrhage using Glove band. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Shankar Ram HS, Dr Sandhya Ram |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1373111116 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Balloon tamponade is effective and recently included in armamentarium of management of PPH. Condom tamponade is also popular and widely used in low resource setting. We introduced in this study, tamponade with glove and glove band using the same principles.
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Abstract: Introduction: Iatrogenic injury to chorda tympani nerve is a well known complication of middle ear surgeries because this nerve is known to have number of anatomical variations. A very rarely described site of chorda tympani is presence of this nerve in between external auditory canal skin and bone. Here we are presenting a case having chorda tympani at this rarely described anatomical site.
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