Version-4 (July-2014)
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[1]. Darveau RP, Tanner A, Page RC: The microbial challenge in periodontitis, Periodontol 2000 14:12– 22, 1997
[2]. Fontana CR, Abernethy AD, Som S, Ruggiero K, Doucette S, Marcantonio RC, et al. The antibacterial effect of photodynamic therapy in dental plaque-derived biofilms. J Periodontal Res. 2009; 44:751–759.(Taken from IVSL)
[3]. Adriaens PA, Adriaens LM. Effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on hard and soft tissues. Periodontol 2000. 2004;36:121–145. (Taken from IVSL)
[4]. Umeda M, Takeuchi Y, Noguchi K, Huang Y, Koshy G, Ishikawa I. Effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on the microbiota. Periodontol 2000. 2004;36:98–120. [PubMed]
[5]. Meyer DH, Sreenivasan PK, Fives-Taylor PM. Evidence for invasion of a human oral cell line by Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Infect Immun. 1991;59:2719–2726.
[6]. Amano A. Disruption of epithelial barrier and impairment of cellular function by Porphyromonas gingivalis. Front Biosci. 2007;12:3965–3974.
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Abstract: To compute superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels in saliva and plasma of chronic periodontitis patients as compared to healthy controls, to find the association, if any, with clinical parameters and to verify the role of non surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) in amending SOD activity. Forty two subjects were divided into two groups based on periodontal parameters; Group A: 20 chronic periodontitis patients (CP) and Group B: 22 periodontally healthy controls (PH).Clinical parameters, saliva samples (modified draining method) and plasma samples (by venipuncture) were evaluated at baseline, at 3 months and 6 months after NSPT for changes in clinical parameters and SOD activity. SOD levels were determined by Mc Cord and Fridovich method and absorbance was read by spectrophotometer at 560 nm.
[1]. Devasagayam, TPA; Tilak JC, Boloor KK, Sane Ketaki S, Ghaskadbi Saroj S, Lele RD (2004). "Free Radicals and Antioxidants in Human Health: Current Status and Future [2]. Prospects". Journal of Association of Physicians of India (JAPI) 52: 796.McCord JM. (2000).The evolution of free radicals and oxidative stress. Am J Med ; 652– 659.
[3]. Chapple ILC (1997) Reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in inflammatory diseases. J Clin Periodontol ; 24:287–296.
[4]. Page RC, Engel LD, Narayanan AS, Clagett JA (1978) Chronic inflammatory gingival and periodontal disease. JAMA 11:545–550.
[5]. March, P. D. & Devine, D. (2011) How is the development of dental biofilms influenced by the host? Journal of Clinical Periodontology 38 (S11), 28–35.
[6]. Van Dyke, T. E. (2007) Cellular and molecular susceptibility determinants for periodontitis.Periodontology 2000 45, 10–13.
[7]. Passo SA, Syed SA, Silva J. (1982) Neutrophil chemiluminescence in response to Fusobacterium nucleatum. J Periodontal Res 17:604–613 .
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Abstract: very rare case of fibro-osteochondroma arising in the uterine musculature is being presented here. This is the third reported case of this tumor. A 42 years old woman with a history of irregular vaginal bleeding, on ultrasonography revealed an intramural calcified mass in the uterus. On gross examination a well circumscribed firm to hard nodule measuring 1.0 cm in diameter was seen within the myometrium. Histologically the tumor showed a triphasic composition.
[1]. Fukuoka M, Fujii S, Konishi I, Mori T, Parmley TH, Woodruff JD. Fibro‑osteochondroma of theuterus. Obstet Gynecol 1987;70:517‑21.
[2]. Bates AW, Ram M. Fibro-osteochondroma of the uterus. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2012;55:555-6.
[3]. Lim SC, Kim YS, Kim YS, Moon YR. Extraskeletal osteochondroma of the buttock. J Korean Med Sci 2003;18:127‑30.
[4]. Varras M, Akrivis Ch, Tsoukalos G, Plis Ch, Karadaglis S, Ladopoulos I. Tubal ectopic pregnancy associated with an extraskeletalchondroma of the fallopian tube: Case report. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 2008;35:83‑5.
[5]. Singh R, Sharma AK, Magu NK, Kaur KP, Sen R, Magu S. Extraskeletal osteochondroma in the nape of the neck: a case report. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2006 Aug;14(2):192-5.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | War inside the mouth |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suja Mathews, Geo V Mathew |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13742325 ![]() |
Abstract: Declining oral health in younger generation has led to the great awakening of using bacteriocins for maintaining good oral health and treating oral infections. In this review, we present a promising family of antimicrobial proteins, the bacteriocins. Increased attention is necessary due to their powerful but narrow killing activity, stability, low toxicity to humans, and toxicity to bacteria. They are therefore considered as 'designer drugs' that target specific bacterial pathogens. Although only a few clinical trials have been conducted till date, the results suggest the use of bacteriocins, in the treatment of oral infections including dental caries, periodontal diseases and halitosis.
[1]. Birgitta Lindquist. Claes-Goran Emilson : Interactions between and within S. mutans and S. sobrinus isolated from humans harboring both species : Scand. J Dent Res 1991 : 99:498-504.
[2]. Ikeda T, Kurita T, Hirasawa M. Suppression of S.sobrinus 6715 (g) in the plaques by S.mutans 32 K(c). Journal of Oral Pathology 1988;17;471-4.
[3]. Shiguki Hamada, Takashi Ooshima : Inhibitory spectrum of a bacteriocin like substance (mutacins) produced by some strains of Streptococcus mutans. J Dent Res 1975:54:140-5.
[4]. Walter J Loesche. Role of Streptococcus mutans in human dental decay Microbiological reviews 1986; 50: 353-80.
[5]. Ikeda T, Koulourides T , kurita T. Antibacterial caries effect in rats and man of a bacteriocin purified from the oral bacterium Streptococcus mutans C 3603. Archs Oral Biol 1985; 30:381-4.
[6]. Ogunbanwo S. T, Sanni A .I and Onila A.A.(2003).Characterisation of bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus plantarum F1 and Lactobacillus brevis OGI . Afr, J Biotechnol 2(8) 219-227.
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Abstract: Trichofolliculoma is a rare benign neoplasm which is originates from hair follicles. Though it is present on face and head and neck region presentation in the vestibule of nose is relatively rare. Here a case of trichofolliculoma of nasal vestibule is presented because of its rarity in vestibule of nose. The clinical picture and histopathological presentation is described in this case report. To the best of our knowledge trichofolliculoma has not been described in northeast India previously.
Keywords: acantholyticdyskeratosis, hamartoma, multilocularcrateriform , umbilication, vestibule.
[1] Miescher. Trichofolliculoma. Dermatologica. 1944; 89:193-4.
[2] Kligman AM, Pinkus H. The histogenesis of nevoid tumours of the skin. Arch Dermatol 1960; 81:922-30.
[3] Ishii N, Kawaguchi H, Takahashi K, Nakajima H.A case of congenital trichofolliculoma. J Dermatol. 1992 Mar;19(3):195-6
[4] Bogle MA, Cohen PR, Tschen JA. Trichofolliculoma with incidental focal acantholyticdyskeratosis. South Med J. Aug 2004;97(8):773-5.
[5] Peterdy GA, Huettner PC, Rajaram V, Lind AC. Trichofolliculoma of the vulva associated with vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia: report of three cases and review of the literature. Int J GynecolPathol. Jul 2002;21(3):224-30.
[6] Hartschuh W, Schulz T. Immunohistochemical investigation of the different developmental stages of trichofolliculoma with special reference to the Merkel cell. Am J Dermatopathol. Feb 1999; 21(1):8-15
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Abstract: Objective-Preeclampsia is one of the leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of β hCG and other biochemical markers in preeclampsia and in normotensive patients . Method – This was a prospective study conducted on 50 preeclamptic (case)and 50 normotensive pregnant women (control) in obstetrics and gynaecology department of M.Y. hospital. Level of β hcg and other biochemical markers between case and control was compared with chi-square test. P-value <0.05 was considered significant. Result- In our study mean β hcg level in preeclamptic women( 27,802.51mIU/L ) was higher than normotensive pregnant women (12, 551.08mIU/L) with p-value<.05. Level of other biochemical markers triglycerides, total cholesterol were also higher in preeclamptic women compared to normotensive pregnant women with p-value <0.05. Conclusion- The result of this study show that level of β hcg is significantly higher in preeclampsia then in normotensive pregnant women. Level of triglyceride and total cholesterol also have significant difference in both group with higher level in preeclampsia.
[1]. Kanika Mandi Chaudhury ,Munmun Das, Sulekha Ghosh, Debasis Bhattacharya, Tapan Kumar Ghosh : Value of serum beta hcg in pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Journal of clinical Gynaecology and obstetrics.volume 1, number 4-5, oct. 2012, pg 71-75
[2]. Duley L. The global impact of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Semin Perinatol. 2009;33(3):130-7.
[3]. Preeclampsia and maternal mortality ; A global burden; may 2013
[4]. Remzi Gondeniz, Erdal Areguloglu, Nursal Bazolglu, Ozcan Balat; Elevated serum β hcg level in severe preeclampsia; Turk J Med Sci 30(200) 43-45
[5]. Uotila J T, Tuimala R J, Aarnio TM: Finding on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant function in hypertensive complication of pregnancy ; Br. J. obstet and gynecol, 1993; 100: 270-276
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Absence of Isthmus of Thyroid Gland - A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shambhu Prasad, Ramanuj Singh, Neeraj kumar, Sujeet Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13743234 ![]() |
Abstract: Thyroid gland develops from a median endodermal thickening in floor of primitive pharynx and descends through the neck anterior to developing hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilages to its final position in neck . Aberration in development may lead to absence of a part or whole of gland , gland in ectopic site or fistulas , sinuses and cysts related with thyroglossal duct . These anomalies can have serious surgical and clinical implications . Through this case report we would like to bring attention of clinicians and anatomists to the incidence of absence or agenesis of the isthmus and its developmental , surgical and clinical importance .
Keywords: thyroid gland , isthmus , absence/agenesis
[1]. Moore KL, Persaud TVN. The Developing Human Clinically Oriented Embryology. 7th ed. Saunders; 2003. Chapter 10, The pharyngeal apparatus; p.215-17.
[2]. Larsen WJ. Human Embryology. 2nd ed. Hong Kong : Churchill Livingstone Inc; 1997. Chapter 12, Development of Head , the Neck and the Eyes and Ears; p.371.
[3]. Standring S. Gray's Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 40th ed. Spain: Elsevier; 2008. Chapter 28, Neck ; p.462
[4]. McMinn RMH. Last's Anatomy Regional and Applied. 9th ed. Singapore: Churchill Livingstone; 1994.Chapter 6, Head and Neck and Spine ; p.430-31.
[5]. Singh I, Pal GP. Human Embryology. 8th ed. India: Macmilan India Limited; 2007. Chapter9, pharyngeal arches; p.112-15.
[6]. Pastor VJF, Gil VJA, De Paz Fernández FJ, Cachorro MB. Agenesis of the thyroid isthmus. Eur J Anat. 2006; 10: 83-84.
[7]. Marshall CF. Variations in the form of the thyroid gland in man. J Anat Physiol. 1895; 29: 234-239.
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Abstract: Intussusception in adult patients is rare in comparison to paediatric patients. We are hereby reporting a series of five cases of adult intussusception. In most of the cases, USG findings were diagnostic and organic lesions were found as causative factors but the diagnosis of intussusceptions from any cause in pregnancy is made more difficult by the common overlapping complaints of nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, which may persist during the second trimester. The very low incidence rate of 1/30,000 of all hospital admissions makes it far more difficult to diagnose. A very much vigilant mind can only reduce the morbidity out of this condition by use of meticulous Ultrasonography
Key wards: intussusception, Ileo-caecal, colo-colic,
[1]. Dharmendra Prasad et all: Adult intussusception: Is associated bowel gangrene common? Tropical Gastroenterology
[2]. Andreas Luhmann et all : Intussusception in a 20 weeks pregnant woman: a case report ; Cases Journal 2009, 2:6546 doi:
[3]. Edwin C. Ouyang et all: Ileocolonic Intussusception; MedGenMed. 2005; 7(3): 15. PMCID: PMC16816274.
[4]. Guyomard A et al: Spontaneous acute intussusception in a pregnant woman; J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris). 2010
May;39(3):251-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jgyn.2010.02.002. Epub 2010 Mar 12
[5]. Shenhav S et all :Preoperative diagnosis of intestinal intussusception in pregnancy. A case report; J Reprod Med. 2000
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Abstract: Cryptococcus neoformans, the causative fungal agent of cryptococcosis remain a common cause of infectious morbidity and mortality, especially among HIV-positive patients living in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia. This study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence and clinical presentation of Cryptococcus infections among HIV positive and negative patients in RIMS, Manipur. Specimens like CSF, sputum, urine, blood, tissue biopsy or aspirates from clinically suspected cryptococcosis cases from RIMS hospital, were subjected to mycological examination. Out of the 48 patients enrolled for the study, Cryptococcus spp were isolated from 16 (33.33%) patients. Among these 16 cryptococcosis patients, majority of them presented with cryptococcal meningitis 13 (81.25%), while 1 (6.25%) patient each presented with cryptococcal lymphadenitis, disseminated cutaneous cryptococcosis and osseous cryptococcosis respectively. Also, of these 16 cryptococcosis patients, 14 (87.5%) were HIV positive. Among these HIV positive, sexual transmission with 64.29 % forms the commonest route of transmission, followed by intravenous drug injection with 35.71%. Out of these 14 HIV positive patients, 11 (78.57%) were on ART. This study shows high prevalence of cryptococcosis in our region with the most common presentation being cryptococcal meningitis. Also, there was high incidence of cryptococcosis among HIV-infected patients.
Key words: Cryptococcosis, Cryptococcus neoformans, HIV
[1]. KV Ramana, MV Kumar, SD Rao, R Akhila, Sandhya, et al. Pulmonary Cryptococcosis secondary to Bronchial Asthma Presenting as Type I Respiratory Failure- A Case Report with Review of Literature. Virol Mycol. 1(107), 2012, doi:10.4172/2161-0517.1000107. [2]. CS Tania, HE David. Ecology of Cryptococcus neoformans.Rev Iberoam Micol, 14, 1997, 42-43.
[3]. C Yat, M Sunny, J B Paxton, C Huiming , O A Adrian , W K James at el. Characterization of Environmental Sources of the Human and Animal Pathogen Cryptococcus gattii in British Columbia, Canada, and the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Appl. Environ.Microbiol ,73 (5), 2007, 1433-1443.
[4]. K Lemmer, D Naumann, B Raddatz, K Tintelnot. Molecular typing of Cryptococcus neoformans by PCR fingerprinting, in comparison with serotyping and Fourier transform infrared-spectroscopy-based phenotyping. Med Mycol. 42 (2):2004; 135-147.
[5]. M Cogliati. Global Molecular Epidemiology of Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii: An Atlas of the Molecular Types. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 2013, Article ID 675213, 23 pages
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Abstract: Molluscum Contagiosum is a common viral disease caused by Pox Virus (DNA Virus). 10 to 30% of patients with symptomatic HIV disease or AIDS have Molluscum Contagiosum. We report a case of Molluscum Contagiosum in a HIV patient with immunological and virological failure on first line Highly Active Anti Retroviral Therapy (HAART) who showed clinical cure of Molluscum Contagiosum lesions to local application of 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) and second line HAART despite having persistent low CD 4 count with effective maintained HIV viral suppression after 11 months of starting second line HAART.
Keywords: CD 4 count, HAART, HIV, KOH, Molluscum Contagiosum
[1]. JJ Esposito, F Fenner. Poxviruses. In: DM Knipe, PM Howley. Fields virology. 4th ed (Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001. P. 2886-2921)
[2]. A Czelusta, A Yen- Moore, MVan der Straten, D Carrasco and Sk Tyting, An overview of sexually transmitted disease: Part III, Sexually transmitted diseases in HIV infected patients, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 43, 2000, 409-32.
[3]. RJ Koopman, FC van Merrienbore, SG Vreden, WM Dolmans, Molluscum Contagiosum a marker for advanced HIV infection, British journal of dermatology, 126, 1992, 528-9.
[4]. R Romiti, AP Ribeiro, BM Grinblat, EA Rivitti, N Romiti, Treatment of molluscum contagiosum with potassium hydroxide a clinical approach in 35 children, Pediatric dermatology, 16 (3), 1999 May- Jun, 228-31.
[5]. JD Lundgren, A Babiker, W El-Sadr, et al, Inferior clinical outcome of the CD4+ cell count-guided antiretroviral treatment interruption strategy in the SMART study: role of CD4+ Cell counts HIV RNA levels during follow-up, Journal of infectious disease, 197, 2008, 1145-55.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Umbilical Discharge and Its Management in Adults-Rare Presentatation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr vikas Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13744548 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives: Current study has been conducted to find out the varied presentation of umbilical discharge in adults and their outcome after appropriate management. Study design : The study included the patients (29) admitted and diagnosed as a case of umbilical discharge in 5 years period from January, 2005 to December 2009. A total of 29 cases were admitted and 27 underwent surgery. Results: Maximum number of cases of umbilical discharge in adults was due to patient urachal fistulas. Other causes include post laproscopic surgery umbilical discharge, pilonidal sinus, infection due to hair follicals and foreign bodies and non-specific acute and chronic inflammation and abscess of umbilicus . Conclusion: Umbilical discharge is rare in adults & it should be thoroughly & swiftly evaluated And Failure to diagnose many result in poor outcome.
[1]. I.B.Singh .Textbook of Human embryology,development of embryonic disc,vitello-instentinal duct & urachus.
[2]. Kosloske AM, Bartow SA. Debridement of periumbilical necrotizing fasciitis: importance of excision of the umbilical vessels and urachal remnant. J Pediatr Surg. Jul 1991;26(7):808-10. [Medline].
[3]. Hall DE, Roberts KB, Charney E. Umbilical hernia: what happens after age 5 years?. J Pediatr. Mar 1981;98(3):415-7. [Medline].
[4]. Stroup SP, Thoman DS. A naval surgeon's approach to the draining umbilicus. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2007;17(5):645–648. doi: 10.1089/lap.2006.0198. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
[5]. Eryilmaz R, Sahin M, Okan I, Alimoglu O, Somay A. Umbilical pilonidal sinus disease: predisposing factors and treatment. World J Surg. 2005;29:1158–1160. doi: 10.1007/s00268-005-7895-9. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Primar Fibrosarcoma of Breast |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Sudershan Kapoor |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13744952 ![]() |
Abstract: Primary Fibrosarcoma of breast is a rare tumour.Here we report a case of Primary Fibrosarcoma of breast that presented with a huge fungating growth in a 45 yr old woman.Physical examination revealed a big foul smelling fungating growth extending over the chest wall on left side with a history of six months duration.Surgical excision was performed and histopathology report was of Primary Fibrosarcoma of breast
[1]. Roberson CV: Fibrosarcoma ofBreast:J.Ark Med Soc:1973;19-257-265
[2]. Barnes l Pietruszka M.: Sarcoma of Breast.A Clinico pathological analysis of ten cases:Cancer 1977,40:1577-1578
[3]. Polland SG,Marks PV,Thompson HH:Breast Sarcomas:A clinicopathological review of 25 cases:Cancer 1990;15:941-944
[4]. Trent JC 2nd,Benjanin RS,Vatero v:Primary soft tissue sarcomaof breast-Curr Treat Option Oncol 2001;2:169-176
[5]. Blanchand DK,Raynolds CA,Orant CS,Donohue JH:Primary neophylloides.Beast sarcomas:Ann J. Sirgery.2003;186-359-361
[6]. Terrier P,Rerrier-Lacumbe MJ,Mouriesse H,Freitman S,Spielmann M:Primary Breast Sarcomas:A review of 33 cases with immunohistochemistry and prognostic factors-Breast Cancer Res Treat 1989;13:39-48
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Occupational hazards and its impact on quality of life of dentists |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Durgha.K, Dr. Sakthi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13745356 ![]() |
Abstract: Dentistry is one of the most demanding professions that requires a high degree of skill and competence. Diminution of the fine motor and sensory reflexes of the operator results in low quality and productivity of work. Many occupational hazards still do persists in the modern dental era inspite of the numerous advances. Ignorance of these potential hazards alarmingly increases the chances of injury and subsequent consequences. This review is about the ergonomic and stress related impact on the dentist as an individual and how it affects his quality of life. The Dental Council of India should take interest in these concepts and take the initiative to include the subject as a part of dental curriculum particularly in bachelor level. This will not only help to build awareness among dental students but will also widen the scope of ergonomic and stress related research in the context of dental practices.
[1]. World Health Organization. Global strategy on occupational health for all. WHO. Geneva; 1995.
[2]. K. M. S. Ayers, W. M. Thomson, J. T. Newton, K. C. Morgaine, and A. M. Rich, "Self-reported occupational health of general dental practitioners," Occupational Medicine 2009, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 142–148
[3]. P. A. Leggat, U. Kedjarune, and D. R. Smith, "Occupational health problems in modern dentistry: a review," Industrial Health 2007, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 611–621
[4]. Harutunian K, Gargallo-Albiol J, Figueiredo R, Gay-EscodaC.Ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain among postgraduate students and faculty members of the School of Dentistry of the University of Barcelona (Spain). A cross-sectional study. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2011;16:e425-9.
[5]. Leggat PA, Smith DR; Musculoskeletal disorders self-reported by dentists in Queensland, Australia 2006. Aust Dent J 51, 324-7 [6]. Finsen L, Christensen H, Bakke H, Musculoskeletal disorder among dentists and variations in dental work. ApplErgon1998 (29), 119-25.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Condylar Morphology- A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Durgha.K |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13745759 ![]() |
Abstract: The temporomandibular joint is a complex joint, the components of which are enclosed within a capsule and stabilized by ligaments. The various movements that occur at the TMJ are possible due to the coordinated action between the various muscles, ligaments and the associated movements that occur in the condyle. Condylar morphology is assessed using radiographic methods and the various factors that influence morphology of the condyle were traced out.. The purpose of this review is to provide an insight about the various factors that influence condylar morphology.
[1]. Neelima anil malik. Textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2nd edition.India: Jaypee brothers, medical publishers(p) ltd.2008. Print.
[2]. SM Balaji. Textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
[3]. Zarb GA, Carlsson GE. Osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis. In: Zarb GE, Carlsson GE, Sessle BJ, Mohl ND(eds). Tempromandibular joint and Masticatory Muscle Disorders. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1994: 298-314
[4]. Elias G. Katsavrias and Demetrios J. Halazonetis. Condyle and fossa shape in Class II and Class III skeletal patterns: A morphometric tomographic study. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics 2005;128:337-46
[5]. K. C. Prabhat, Sanjeev Kumar Verma,Sandhya Maheshwari, Ibne Ahmad and Mohd. Tariq. Computed Tomography Evaluation of Craniomandibular Articulation in Class II Division 1 Malocclusion and Class I Normal Occlusion Subjects in North Indian Population. ISRN Dentistry. Volume 2012. Article ID 312031,5 pages. doi:10.5402/2012/312031
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Abstract: Biochemical assessment of zinc status of under-five children in orphanages of Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria was conducted. The objective of the study was to assess the zinc status of the under-five children in the orphanages of Federal Capital Territory using biochemical method and determine the relationship between the dietary intakes zinc with the biochemical status of the under-five children. A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out on 200 under-five orphans, between 0-5 years living in ten orphanages in Abuja, Nigeria. Blood samples were analysed to determine the zinc status of the under-five children also questionnaires were used to collect information on feeding practices of the children. The values obtained from nutrient intakes were compared with FAO/WHO recommended nutrients intake. Biochemical results from this study, revealed high prevalence of zinc deficiency (60.0%) among the under-five children, while less than half (40%) of the children had normal zinc status. It was found that zinc deficiency affected some age groups more than others. Children aged between 25-60 months had the highest prevalence (25.0%) of zinc deficiency while children between the ages of 0-6 months had the least deficiency (15.0%). Result from the chi-square analysis however, showed that there were no significant (P<0.05) difference between zinc deficiency and the ages of the children (χ2 = 0.876, df=2, p=0.675). The study also revealed that more females were zinc deficient than males. This study revealed a strong association between zinc and stunting. Correlation between the anthropometric results and the micronutrient deficiency of the children in the orphanages showed that there was a significant (P<0.05) relationship between the children that were moderately stunted and zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency is of public health importance in Nigeria therefore more concerted effort by all the stakeholders should be put in place to minimize its menace.
Keywords: Assessment, Zinc Status, Under-Five Children, Orphanages
[1]. UNICEF (2009). The state of the world's children. UNICEF, New York [2]. Gibson, R. S. and Ferguson, S. (1994). Zinc nutrition in developing countries. Nutrition Research Review, 7, 15-173.
[3]. Sandstorm, B. (1997). Bioavailability of zinc. European journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51, S17-S19
[4]. Prasad, A. S. (2003). Zinc deficiency has been for 40 years but ignored by global health Organisation. British Medical Journal, 10, 326-409
[5]. Sandstorm, B. (2001). Micronutrients interaction: effects on absorption and bioavailability. British journal of Nutrition, 85, S181-185.
[6]. WHO (2001). Guiding principles for complementary feeding of the breastfed child. Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organization
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Restorations on Periodontal health |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kritika Rajan, Dr.Jaiganesh Ramamurthy |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13747173 ![]() |
Abstract: Periodontal disease is one of the most prevalent diseases of the oral cavity which may lead to premature shedding of teeth or a compromise in the aesthetics of an individual. Though the duty of maintaining oral hygiene practice relies on the patient, there are instances where the technique sensitive nature of restorative procedures or the faulty restorative margins may inadvertently lead to conditions which could bring about periodontal disease/destruction.
Keywords: Dentistry, Overhangs, Periodontics, Periodontal health, Restorations
[1]. Nunn ME. Understanding the etiology of periodontitis: an overview of periodontal risk factors. Periodontol 2000 2003; 32:11-23.
[2]. Kells BE, Linden GJ. Overhanging amalgam restorations in young adults attending a periodontal department. J Dent 1992; 20(2):85-9.
[3]. Adel F. Ibraheem BDS, MSc. Khulod A. Al-Safi BDS, MSc. Prevalence of overhang margins in posterior amalgam restorations and alveolar bone resorption ,(J Coll Dentistry 2005; 17(1): 11-13)
[4]. Allan Padbury, Jr, Robert Eber and Hom-Lay Wang, Interactions between the gingival and the margin of restorations,J Clin Periodontol 2003; 30: 379–385.
[5]. Roxana Vacaru, Angela Codruta Podariu, Daniela Jumanca,Atena Galuscan, Ramona Muntean,Periodontal-restorative interrelationships,OHDMBSC - 2003 - 3 (5)
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Abstract: Surgeries are seen as stressors that trigger preoperative anxiety. Preparing patients for surgery through preoperative information becomes crucial to allay anxiety. Methods: The study was done in 60 adult patients ASA grade I/II undergoing various elective surgery. Patient was asked a single question "Are you anxious?" If yes, the degree of anxiety was measured using VAS scale. Patients were given One to one instruction & information regarding details of surgical procedures, anesthesia procedure and operation theater environment. Patients were again asked to mark the line on VAS scale Difference in their anxiety level before and after consultation noted. Specific anxieties were also noted .Results: The mean score of VAS for surgery was 30.83±16.9 and for anesthesia was 24.67 ±14.9. Patients feared surgery significantly more than anesthesia (p<0.05).Total VAS (S+A) Pre PAC was 55.50± 23.46 and Post PAC 21.50 ± 12.87 which was statistically very significant (p value 0.0001).Conclusion: Our study shows that the VAS is a useful tool to predict pre-operative anxiety. Pre-anesthetic assessment in Outpatient pre anesthetic Consultation Clinic significantly reduces pre-operative anxiety in patients undergoing elective surgery.
Keywords: Anxiety, Elective surgery, pre- anesthetic assessment, Pre-operative information, VAS.
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Abstract: Purpose;Oval-shaped canals are a challenge when using rotary files because buccal and/or lingual recesses are commonly left uninstrumented. The aim of this study was to evaluate root canal preparation in flat-oval canals treated with ProTaper, Reciproc or self-adjusting file (SAF) instruments. Methodology; 60 mandibular premolars were divided into three groups. After biomechanical preparation, teeth were embedded in acrylic blocks. Roots were then sectioned 4, 8, and 12 mm from the apex using a precise saw, and the cut surfaces in the apical, middle, and coronal thirds were observed under a stereomicroscope at ×40 magnification. Results;The areas of prepared canal walls were significantly higher with the SAF than the ProTaper or Reciproc instruments (p<0.05). The SAF removed the dentin layer from all around the canal, whereas the others left substantial untouched areas. The area in the apical third of the teeth prepared with the Reciproc was significantly higher than with the other techniques, likely due to the high taper of the Reciproc file (p<0.01).Conclusions;In the coronal third, mean increases in the area of the canal were significantly higher with the SAF than with ProTaper or Reciproc. Using the SAF instrument, flat-oval canals were prepared homogenously and circumferentially.
Key words: Oval canals, ProTaper, Reciproc, Self-adjusting file, Stereomicroscope.
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Abstract: Background: Oral carcinogenesis is a multi-step process. Broadly, oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) can be well-, moderately- or poorly-differentiated, and either keratinizing or non-keratinizing. Most cases are moderately to poorly-differentiated. Precursor lesions (dysplasia) can be categorized into mild, moderate, or severe (carcinoma in situ).In the present study, the pattern of keratin expression in oral squamous cells during carcinogenesis is vividly analysed. Materials and Methods: Samples in the form of scraped and exfoliated cytosmear were collected from the affected sites of the clinically diagnosed 136 oral cancer patients and were immediately fixed in acetoalcohol (1:3). The wet fixed smears were stained by routine Papanicolaou's staining protocol and Giemsa's solution. Stained tissues were studied under the microscope. Results: Cytological pleomorphism is a unique feature observed during carcinogenesis. There appears to be a spectrum of degrees of keratinization rather than distinct types, and the degree of keratinization is reflected in the degree of packing and orientation of keratin filaments. It is presumed that alteration in the architectural regularity of the cell membrane is an important aspect of keratinization which leads to cytological pleomorphism during oral carcinogenesis. Conclusion: Pattern of keratinization alongwith cytological pleomorphism in exfoliated epithelial squamous cells has a practical utility in the diagnosis and early detection of oral cancer during carcinogenesis.
Keywords: Carcinogenesis, Keratinization, Keratins, Oral squamous cell carcinom
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Abstract: The increased risk of testicular germ cell tumor in males with a history of cryptorchidism has been known for many years. The overall relative risk of malignant transformation is 4 to 6 times. Most common tumor in a long standing cryptorchid testis is seminoma. In our case, mixed germ cell tumor was found in a large mass {32 x 18 c.m.}, arising from right side of cryptorchid testis. The clinical details and difficulties in diagnosis of this testicular tumor are discussed.
Key Words: Cryptorchid testis, mixed germ cell tumor
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Abstract: Parasitic infestation caused by intestinal parasites continues to take their roll on mankind. The symptoms commonly associated with parasitic infestation can be severe, acute or chronic. The prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation was carried out over a period of three months ( January to March 2008) among 505 primary school children between 6-12 years of age in AUD Primary School A and B Sabo, St. Michael School A and B Ago-wande and L.A. Adenle Primary School Ayetoro in Olorunda Local Government with headquarter in Osogbo.Direct smear was used for analyzing faecalsamples for the parasites. Diagnosis was based on identification of the characteristic protozoan cysts and helminthes ova with a compound microscope. The prevalence for Ascarislumbricoides, Entamoebahistolytica,Hookworm, Trichuristrichuria were 68.9%, 8.3% and 5.5% respectively.Parasiticinfections between the male and female showed a significant different in both sexes ( P< 0.01). The percentage prevalence ofAscarislumbricoides was high in between 6-7years and ≥ 12 years. No specific age relationship was established for other intestinal parasites among the pupils. From the findings of this study, it is hereby recommended that deworming and health education should necessarily be a component of the primary health care programme with a focus on school children.This study showed low standard of sanitation among the pupils.
Keywords: Ascaris,Entamoeba,Trichuris, Osogbo.
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[6]. Evans and Stephson, 1995. Control of geo-helminths by delivery of targeted chemotheraphy through Schools. Trans Roy. Soc. Trop Med. Hgy. 84:115
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Abstract: Aim- to study CADRs for clinical patterns, risk factors, causality, severity &preventability. Material &methods- A prospective study was undertaken in a 750 bedded tertiary care teaching hospital of central India. Patients with CADRs presenting primarily or referred from other departments were enrolled after being diagnosed by consultant dermatologist. Causality, preventability and severity were analyzed &Other parameters like male to female ratio, most common class of drug ,individual drug causing CADR, common types of CADRs, were studied. Results-34 cases were enrolled for the study in the duration of march2014 to june2014.Female predominance (55.88%) with 35.2% patients falling in 21-30years age group. Most frequently occurring CADR was maculopapular rash (29.4%) followed by fixed drug eruption (23.5%), photosensitivity (20.5%), SJS (17.6%) & 8.8% acneiform eruptions, erythema multiforme(2.9%) & toxic epidermal necrolysis or TEN(2.9%).Antimicrobial drugs (56%) followed by analgesic/anti- inflammatory/antipyretic (17.6%) and then antiepileptic drugs about (15%) were the drug classes involved. Other drugs like tryptomer& isotretinoin accounted for about 11.7% of CADRs. Fluoroquinolones accounted for highest percentage (20.5%) of CADRs. Conclusions - Female predominance was seen. Flouroquinolones being the most common offending drug & diclofenac & aceclofenac among the anti-inflammatory, analgesics class. Causality assessment also resulted in high score of definite category. These variations may be explained by the differences in drug usage patterns and short duration of the study.
Keywords: CADRs-cutaneous adverse drug reactions, causality, Naranjo's algorithm.
[1]. World Health Organization. Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1984, WHO publication DEM/NC/8
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Abstract: Intraocular lens implantation is a fundamental development in cataract surgery. A conventional monofocal lens does not provide the full visual acuity over the whole range from distance to near. A more reliable means of achieving accommodation is with a multifocal IOL, which provides functional vision over a range of distances from far to near. Currently available multifocal lenses are based on two different principles: the diffractive and refractive. A diffractive lens combines refractive and diffractive optical principles to achieve simultaneous vision. It has an anterior spheric surface and multiple diffractions on its posterior surface. This diffractive portion uses discrete zone steps to control the wave property of light and produces two primary powers used for distance and near focus. The newly developed Acri.Twin bifocal intraocular lenses are characterized by an asymmetrical light distribution. The dominant eye is implanted with a bifocal lens with a light distribution of 70% for the far focus and 30% for the near focus. The accompanying eye will receive an intraocular lens with a light distribution of 70% for the near focus and 30% for the far focus. As a result a considerable improvement of the contrast can be achieved.
[1]. Hoffer K J. Preoperative evaluation of cataractous patients. Surv Ophthalmol 1984
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[3]. Steinert RF, Post CT jr, Brint SF. A prospective, randomized double masked comparison of a zonal progressive multifocal IOl and monofocal IOL. Ophthalmology 1992; 99:853-860.
[4]. Holladay J T, Van Dijk H, Lang A. Optical performance of multifocal IOL. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1990; 16:413-422.
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[6]. Vaquero-Ruano M, Encinas J L, Millan I, Hyos M, Cajigal C. AMOARRAY multifocal v/s monofocal intraocular lenses-Long term follow up. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998; 24:118-123.
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Abstract: Despite increasing interest in the possible relationships between bacteria and the different stages of cancer development, the association of bacteria with cancer of the oral cavity has yet to be adequately examined. With that in mind, the primary objective of our study was to determine microbiologically the presence of viable aerobic bacteria in the lesional tissue of diagnosed cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma & in apparently normal tissue atleast 5cm. away from the cancerous lesion and to determine presence of viable aerobic bacteria in normal tissue surgically removed from patients undergoing surgery for non-neoplastic & non-inflammed lesions and then to compare among them. Cancerous lesions were removed surgically, and resected OSCC specimens were harvested under aseptic conditions. The specimen was placed on a sterile surface & with a new blade for each cut a 1cm3 specimen was removed without compromising the pathological margins. The specimen was further divided into upper level, middle level and lower level of the lesion. Whenever possible, a control specimen consisting of non-tumourous tissues harvested at least 5cm away from the primary lesion was also obtained. All subsequent handling of the specimens was carried out using aseptic technique on surfaces cleaned with phenolic disinfectant. Tissue specimens were placed in betadine for 3 mins to disinfect the surfaces of each. Subsequently, tissues are placed in multiple labeled bottles of PBS (phosphate-buffered saline) to encourage the removal of any bacteria on the tissue surface and stored in deep freezer. Successful surface decontamination of the specimens indicates that the bacteria detected were from within the tissue. Bacteria have been cultured from within oral squamous cell carcinoma tissue. The significance of these bacteria within the tumor warrants further study.
Keywords: Bacteria, Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), serial dilution
[1] DL Mager. Bacteria and cancer: cause, coincidence or cure: a review. Journal of translational medicine 2006; 4:14.
[2] J Parsonnet. Environ Health Perspect. Bacterial infection as a cause of cancer.1995 Nov; 103(Suppl 8): 263–268.
[3] Nagy KN, Sonkodi I, Szöke I, Nagy E, Newman HN. The microflora associated with human oral carcinomas. Oral Oncol. 1998 Jul; 34(4):304-8.
[4] Rajendran and Sivapathasundharam. Shafer´s Text book of oral pathology. Elsevier 2006, 5th ed. Appendix 1, pg 1233.
[5] Samuel J. Hooper, St John Crean, Michael A. O. Lewis, David A. Spratt, William G. Wade, and Melanie J. Wilson. Viable Bacteria Present within Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tissue. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2006 May; 44(5):1719–1725.
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Abstract: Pulmonary function tests were studied in two wheeler drivers daily travelling on national highway 4(NH4). 50 drivers were included in study after applying exclusion criteria. Control group (50) of age matched healthy paramedical workers from KIMS, University was included. Approval from Institutional Ethical Committee was obtained. Informed written consent was taken from each participant. Spirometric lung function test were carried out in department of Physiology at KIMSU, Karad. Pulmonary function parameters included were FVC (Forced Vital Capacity), FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in First second of FVC), FEV1% (FEV1 as % of FVC), PEFR (Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in liters/sec), FEF25-75% (Forced Expiratory Flow Rate during 25 to 75 % of expiration), FEF 0.2-1.2 (Forced Expiratory Flow between 0.2 -1.2 liters of expiration) and MVV (Maximum Voluntary Ventilation). After computing mean and SD of each parameter group comparison was done. Impairment of lung function (Mixed type i. e restrictive & obstructive) was found in the study group compared to control group. The impairment was more after long term exposure. Protective measures like use of face mask and periodical health check up was advised.
Key Words: Highway Pollution, Spirometric, Lung Function, Two Wheeler Drivers
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