Version-6 (July-2014)
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Abstract: Research question: What are the warning signs of common eating disorders among adolescent girls and is it affecting their nutritional status? Methodology : A cross sectional study designed to 1) to assess the warning signs of eating disorders 2) to assess its effect on nutritional status and 3) to have an insight about actual weight as compared to perceived weight among adolescent girls studying in High school, junior college (+2/ intermediate courses) in Visakhapatnam City. A sample of 150 was considered for the study. Information on study variables was collected using a pretested questionnaire. Data was analyzed using MS Excel. Results: More than half had at least one of the warning signs of eating disorders; 64% skipped meals at various frequencies in a week, 43.33% were avoiding high fat diet and 62% were getting averted by former favorite food stuffs. Nearly one tenth of girls lost 5 kgs of weight in short span of time and 40% had fear of weight gain. Mood variation/ irritability was experienced by 56 %. Menstrual irregularities were seen in 25 %. Conclusion: Warning signs of eating disorders were reported high among our adolescents suggesting a need for increase in awareness on key nutritional issues. Early detection of such behaviors and counseling will help bringing in behavioral change.
Key words: adolescent girls, BMI, behavioral signs, eating disorders, warning signs.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sexual Dimorphism in Femur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kalpana.R.Gaikwad, Dr.V.R.Nikam |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13760409 ![]() |
Abstract: The determination of sex from skeletal remains is generally the first step in the establishment of a demographic profile of a deceased. Recognition of sex from skeleton is a challenging task in medico legal investigation. This study aims to detect the best set of variables for sex determination from different parameters of femur. The present study was conducted on 200 adult known femora (100 male and 100 female). Eight measurements were taken. The mean values of all parameters were significantly higher in males than females (P < 0.0001). In univariate analysis based on demarcating point - Maximum head diameter was found to the best discriminant parameter with accuracy of 65% in female femora and 29 % in male femora. However, overall accuracy was only 47 %. The multivariate analysis considerably improved the overall accuracy to 96 %. Moreover, with stepwise discriminant analysis the combination of Distal epiphyseal breadth, Maximum head diameter and Midshaft Transverse diameter provided the excellent results with 99 % males and 93 % females sexed correctly on the basis of sectioning point.
Keywords: Femur, discriminant analysis, sex dimorphism,
[1]. Gray's anatomy. 40th Edition. Pelvic girdle, gluteal region and thigh. Churchill living stone Elsevier publications. Pg- 1359-1362.
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Abstract: Aims and objectives1)To study the incidence of eclampsia at Dr V.M.Govt.Medical collage Solapur.2)To study the clinical profile, mater nal and perinatal outcome in eclamptic patients. Method Analysis of case records of all eclampsia cases from the study period of November 2010 to October 2012, a retrospective study. Results The incidence of eclampsia was found to be 1.09% in our hospital The number of maternal deaths of eclampsia patients was 5 out of 182 eclampsia cases. The maternal mortality in eclampsia cases was 2.74% and the perinatal mortality rate in eclampsia 295.7 per 1000 total births. Majority of the patients were unbooked, 75.27 % of patients were primigravidas and 90.10 % of patients were less than 25 years of age. Antepartum eclampsia was seen in 141 patients (77.47%) intrapartum eclampsia in 17 patients(9.34%) and postpartum eclampsia in 24patients(13.19%).There were 3 cases of intercurrent eclampsia. 54.15% of eclampsia patients delivered vaginally and 45.85% underwent caesarean section for various obstetric indications.1patient died undelivered.
Key words: Eclampsia, mater nal mortality, perinatal mortality rate.
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Abstract: Calcaneum is most commonly fractured tarsal weight bearing bone. No controversy in the management of extraarticular Calcaneum fractures because they do well in terms of functional recovery and fracture healing; but as far as Intraarticular fractures of calcaneum concerned (about 75% of all calcaneum fractures & most of the patients are young) no clear consensus exists on treatment protocol for this class. As a traditional thought whether the joint is reconstructable or not; has great bearing on patients propensity to develop subtalar arthritis and later on fusion. Our study shows good results as far as functional outcome concerned with closed reduction & Percutaneous fixation by pins and screws in compare to traditional approaches of treatment like open reduction & in some cases conservative cast immobilization where high complication rates prevails.
Key Words: Closed Reduction, Percutaneous Fixation, Calcaneum
[1] Crosby LA,Fitzgibbons TC.Open reduction & Internal fixation of type 2 intraarticular calcaneus fractures. Foot Ankle Int. 1996;17:253-258
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[3] Rammelt S, Grass R, Schikore H,Zwipp H.Injuries of the chopart joint. Unfallchirurg.2002; 105:371-383.
[4] Rammelt S, Gavlik JM, Barthel S,Zwipp H. The value of subtalar arthroscopy in the management of intraarticular calcaneus fractures. Foot Ankle Int. 2002; 23:906-916.
[5] Rammelt S, Barthel S, Biewener A, Gavlik JM, Zuipp H. Calcaneus fractures. Open reduction & internal fixation. Zbl. Chir. 2003; 128:517-528.
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Abstract: Study aimed to evaluate the impact of impact of BFHI on the world, especially at the grassroots, through Level of awareness, Influence and Effect. A total of 450 women were studied between the months of March and November 2010 in Bassa LGA in Plateau State, Nigeria. Relatively high level mere-awareness of BFHI X(23.5); SD (0.036), opinion about effect on lactating mothers X (82.8); SD (0.36) and willingness to practice and campaign X (54.6); SD (0.143) respectively are positive indicators, despite strong negative factors on idea about BFHI duration X (19.9); SD (1.2). However, relatively high level of awareness of BFHI has little influence and thus, commensurate little effect on the women. The fact that the third world countries still see BFHI and EBF practice as an idea of the developed world confirms ineffective communication as a major impediment to appreciable positive effect.
Keyword: BFHI, Awareness, Impact, Evaluation, Promotion, Bassa.
[1] Okolo SN, Ogbonna C: Knowledge, attitude and practice of health workers in Keffi local government hospitals regarding Baby- Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) practices. European J. Clinical Nutrition. 56, 2002, 326-337. DOI:10.1038/sj/ejcn/1601331.
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[6] Okolo SN, Adewunmi YB, Okonji MC: The current breastfeeding Knowledge, attitude and practices of mothers in five rural communities in the savannah region of Nigeria. J. Trop Paediatr, 45:1999, 323-326.
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Abstract: Even though ancient literatures suggest a link in between modus operandi of different crimes in different parts of universe, but there is a wide variation in motive and execution of crime in practical scenario. The object of this case presentation is to create awareness among the forensic experts on how a motive can influence the execution of crime. Sometimes there is a tendency on the part of the accused to mask the identity of the victim and thus escapes conviction as reflected in the following case. When a dead body is recovered from an aquatic situation and especially in a state of advance decomposition, the dead body gets worked upon by the aquatic animals, so that the identity becomes difficult to establish. It is a challenge on the part of Forensic Experts to distinguish whether the damage had been done in an attempt to mask the identity of the victim by the assailant or it is the process of activities of the aquatic animals (a post mortem artifact). In the following case a dead body was recovered in a state of advance decomposition with maggots all around the body where a portion of the face was removed along its whole circumference in an attempt to conceal the identity.
KeyWords: Modus operandi, Motive, Identity, Advance decomposition, Aquatic animals, Post mortem artifact, Maggots, Conviction.
[1]. BartholowB.D.,AndersonC.A,CarnageyN.L.,BenjaminA.J.jr "Interactive effects of Life Experience and Situational cases on aggression:Theweapons priming effects in hunters and non-hunters,Journal of Experimental Social Psychology" 2005;41,48-60
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Abstract: Background: Treatment of cancer is increasingly effective, but associated with short and long term side effects, including oral mucositis or its associated pain in patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Objective; To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Methyl sulfonyl methane and N-acetyl cysteine in cancer chemotherapy and irradiation induced oral mucositis Materials and Methods; 30 Patients with oral mucositis received MSM 1000mg thrice daily and NAC 600mg twice daily for 7-10 days. Patient is evaluated by using validated WHO and RTOG scoring system of physicians and patients. Results; improvement in oral mucositis was not significant with MSM (P< O.O67) while improvement with NAC was highly significant (P<0.0001) Conclusion; NAC a safe drug significantly reduced chemotherapy and irradiation induced oral mucositis compared with MSM.
Keywords: Cancer chemotherapy , Oral mucositis , N-AcetylCysteine, Methyl sulfonyl methane
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Abstract: Cirrhosis is very serious condition and associated with a range of cardiac abnormalities. However scanty information is available about the cardiac changes in cirrhotic patients in Indian setup, like increased resting cardiac output, blunted response to stress, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and increased wall thickness of all cardiac chambers. These concomitant cardiac abnormalities in patients with cirrhosis have been termed as 'Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy which may be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with cirrhosis and liver transplant patients. With the advent of increased liver transplantation in India, this entity may have its impact on the transplantation success.
Key words: Cirrhotic echocardiography criteria, 6 minutes walking test Methodology Hundred patients with cirrhosis (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) were enrolled. Data collection was done by clinical history, examination, investigations. All subjects underwent Echocardiography study at rest and stress i.e. 6 minutes walking test. Observation and Results- Prevalence of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy in my study was 91.42%. Systolic dysfunction- At the time of stress, ejection fraction was 59.78± 5.767 in cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and 67±3.786 in non- cirrhotic cardiomyopathy subjects. P value was 0.02. Diastolic dysfunction i.e. Deceleration time at rest in those having CC was 221.06±19.75 and those not having CC was 193.66±20.87ms. E/A at stress in those having CC was 1.46±0.084 and those not having was 1.30±0.399.
[1]. Alexander J, Mishra P, Desai N et al. Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy- Indian Scenario J Gastroenterol Hepatol. March 2007; 22 (3) 395-9.
[2]. Iwakiri Y, Groszmann RJ. The hyperdynamic circulation of chronic liver diseases: from the patient to the molecule.Hepatology. 2006;43:S121–S131.
[3]. Møller S, Henriksen JH. Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy: a pathophysiological review of circulatory dysfunction in liver disease.Heart. 2002;87:9–15.
[4]. Alqahtani SA, Fouad TR, Lee SS. Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. Semin Liver Dis. 2008;28:59–69.
[5]. Zambruni A, Trevisani F, Caraceni P, Bernardi M. Cardiac electrophysiological abnormalities in patients with cirrhosis. J Hepatol. 2006;44:994–1002.
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Abstract: Antibacterial agents were one of the major advances of the field of medicine. The main purpose of this study was to measure the effect of Lawsonia inermis on S. mutans and L. acidophilus as plaque inducer and pathogenic bacterium. Lawsonia inermis extract serially diluted in sterile MRS broth from in range of 50 % to 0.4 % in 5ml sterile test tubes with cotton plug were used. Plant extracts were mixed with MRS Broth as a stock solution and bacterial suspension (1×107 cfu/ml) were diluted into the on ranging final volume from 50% to 0.4% in three trials. Bacterial growth was recorded after incubation of test tubes at 37°C overnight. Results from the experiment were subjected to statistical analyses using ANOVA test by using SPSS 20 software for Windows. The present study identified henna as source of biological antimicrobial properties, since it showed a high activity against L. acidophilus and S. mutans. Results show decreased S. mutans growth with increase in concentration of Lawsonia inermis extract. Result show that even the highest concentration of Lawsonia inermis extract does not completely inhibit S. mutans growth although bacterial growth on medium with 50% extract was very low.
[1] Walsh, C. Molecular mechanism that confer antibacterial drug resistance.2000, Nature, 406 (2), 775-781.
[2] Kiessling, C. R., Bennit, M. H. J., Loftis, M., Kissling, V. W., Data, A. R. & Soos, J. N. 2002. Antimicrobial resistance of food retailed Salmonella isolates. Journal of Food Protection, 65(3), 603-608.
[3] Cole, A. M., Hong, T., Nguyen, T., Zhae, C., Bristol, G., Zack, J. A., Waring, A. J. & Yang, O. O. 2002. Retrocyclin: A primate peptide that protects cells from infection by T- and M-tropic strains of HIV-1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(5), 1813-18.
[4] Nkengfack, A. E., Mkounga, P., Meyer, M., Fomum, Z. T., Bodo, B. 2002. Globulixanthones C, D and E: Three prenylated xanthones with antibacterial properties from the root bark of Symphonia globulifera. Phytochemistry, 6(1), 181-187.
[5] Ouahouo, B. M., Azebaze, A. G., Meyer, M., Bodo, B., Fomum, Z. T. & Nkengfack, A. E. 2004. Cytotoxic and antimicrobial coumarins from Mammea Africana. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 98(2), 733-739.
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Abstract: This study is done to determining the Incidence and Prognostic factors with Histopathological findings and ER & PR status in Young Female (≤ 40 years of age) having breast malignancy. we studied total cases and cases in young female ≤ 40 years of Pathologically diagnosed breast malignancies with family history with observation of Prognostic factors (Age, Tumor size, type, histological grade, invasion, lymph node status and ER & PR status) during one year (from august 2011 to august 2012). We observed total 88 cases of breast malignancies are in 1 year, out of them 22 cases are found in young female ≤ 40 years of age. So incidence of breast malignancies in young female is 25%. In 10 cases (45.45%) size of tumor is ≥ 5 cm, 14 cases (63.63%) shows invasion and lymph node metastasis. 47.36 % cases are ER/PR negative. We conclude that incidence of Breast malignancies in young female (≤ 40 years of age) are increasing, while tumor of young age female found biologically aggressive as per Histopathological findings and ER & PR status.
Key words: young female, breast malignancy, histopathology , immune histochemistry (ER & PR)
[1]. Bottom, O'Leary, Sheaffer, Phillips, Shu, et al. (2006) Cancer Epidemiology in Older Adolescents and Young Adults 15 to 29 Years of Age, Including SEER Incidence and Survival: 1975–2000. National Cancer Institute, NIH Pub.No. 06–5767. Bethesda, MD 2006. National Cancer Institute.
[2]. Marrett LD, Frood J, Nishri D, Ugnat AM (2002) Cancer incidence in young adults in Canada: preliminary results of a cancer surveillance project. Chronic Dis Can 23: 58–64.
[3]. I Guerra et al., Immunohistochemical prognostic index for breast cancer in young women. J Clin Pathol: Mol Pathol 2003;56:323-327.
[4]. Katherina Zabicki et al. Breast cancer Diagnosis in Women ≤ 40 versus 50 to 60 years: Increasing Size and Stage Disparity Compared With Older Women Over Time. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2005.
[5]. Hanna Fredholm et al. Breast Cancer in Young Women: Poor Survival Despite Intensive Treatment. Plos ONE 2009; volume 4: issue 11.
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Abstract: Objective: We present our experience with transperineal bulboprostatic anastomotic procedure and compare the results with age of patients, length of urethral stricture, effect of previous treatment and need for urethral mobilisation. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the outcome of 76 patients who underwent perineal urethroplasty procedure for traumatic stricture in our institute. Perineal urethroplasty with full distal urethral mobilisation was done in 30 patients. In 46 patients, minimal distal bulbar urethral mobilization was done coupled with more extensive proximal mobilization and use of other techniques like corporal separation & inferior pubectomy. Age, length of stricture and urethral mobilisation required during reconstruction were documented. The clinical outcome was measured by patient's symptomatic improvement and objective measurements like uroflowmetry and retrograde urethrogram. Result: Out of the total 76 cases that underwent transperineal urethroplasty procedure, 69 (90.78%) were successful. Perineal urethroplasty with full distal mobilisation procedure showed a success rate of 83.33%, perineal anastomosis with more extensive proximal urethral mobilisation had a success rate of 95.65%. Conclusion: The success rate of perineal urethroplasty with proximal urethral mobilisation procedure for post-traumatic stricture urethra is excellent and majority of the failures occur in prepubescent boys ,long urethral stricture, in those undergoing secondary repair and in those cases in which more distal urethral mobilisation done.
Keywords: Proximal urethral mobilisation, pelvic fracture, perineal urethroplasty, urethral stricture
[1]. Glass RE, Flynn JT, King JB, Blandy JP. Urethral Injury and fracture pelvis. Br J Urol. 1978;50:578–82. [PubMed: 753510]
[2]. Turner-Warwick R. Complex traumatic posterior urethral Stricture J Urol. 1977;118:564–74.
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[4]. Flynn BJ, Delvecchio FC, Webster GD. Perineal repair of pelvic fracture urethral distraction defects experience in 120 patients during the last 10 years. J Urol.2003;170:1877–80. [PubMed: 14532797]
[5]. Kizer WS, Armenakas NA, Brandes SB, Cavalcanti AG, Santucci RA, Morey AF. Simplified reconstruction of posterior urethral disruption defects.Limited role of supracrural rerouting. J Urol. 2007;177:1378–82. [PubMed: 17382736]
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Abstract: The age related metric changes in the hyoid bones were investigated directly. 4 measurements were performed on 83 hyoid bones from autopsy cases of known age and sex. The specimens were selected out of 350 medico legal cases in the age group of 15 - 75 years. Some of the hyoid bones obtained were damaged particularly those of hanging and strangulation cases. So, they were excluded from the study. Altogether 56 are male and 27 are female hyoids. Estimation of the age is possible in male hyoids only. The Mean, Standard deviation and level of significance of all the four parameters of the hyoid bone were calculated using the standard statistical method. The readings of mean ± S.D of different parameters are statistically significant (p<0.001).
Keywords: hyoid bone, age estimation, morphometry, greater cornu
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[5]. Otto Saphire (1958): 4th edition. The text book of Autopsy Diagnosis and Technique.
[6]. Pollanen MS, Chaisson DA; 1996: Fracture of the hyoid bone in strangulation: Comparison of fractured and unfractured hyoid from victims of strangulation. Journal of Forensic Science. 41(1):110-113.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Valgus Osteotomy in Intracapsular Fracture of Femur Neck |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. K. V. Ramana Kumar, Dr. Sunil Kumar P |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13765759 ![]() |
Abstract: The hip joint is a multi axial, ball and socket type of joint composed of head of the femur articulating with cup shaped fossa of acetabulum. An attempt has made in this study to evaluate the role of valgus osteotomy in the treatment of femur neck fractures. This was two year prospective study, consisting of 30 consecutive cases of femoral neck fractures treated by valgus osteotomy. Out of 240 intracapsular femoral neck fractures 30 cases were treated by valgus osteotomy in the orthopedic department. 19 (73%) cases showed excellent results, 03 (12%) cases showed good results and remaining 04 cases showed poor results. In summary, the concept of the Pauwels valgus osteotomy sees to be a valuable method of treating Pauwels type II and type III fractures and non unions of femoral neck in which the head is viable and the neck is fairly well preserved, in patients under 60 years of age.
Key Words: Femur neck fractures, Hip joint, Valgus osteotomy.
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Abstract: The most important and necessary step in any surgical procedure is Closure of skin. Sutures and staples are the traditional methods of wound closure, while tissue adhesives have entered clinical practice more recently. Closure of wounds with sutures enables meticulous closure, but they may show tissue reactivity and can require removal. Closure of wounds with staples offers the advantage of faster closure, less tissue reactivity but post-operative site pain and cost are major factors of its low acceptance. Tissue adhesives offer the advantages of no risk of needle stick injury and no requirement to remove sutures later. Tissue adhesives have better cosmetic outcome, some brands offer adhesives even with anti-bacterial (especially against Gram +ve bacilli) and anti-fungal properties so post-operative infection rate is the least with adhesives.
[1]. Key SJ, Thomas DW, Shepherd JP. The management of soft tissue facial wounds. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1995;33:76–85.
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Abstract: A 14 year old girl presented as abdominal distension, on Ultrasonography it appear like Ovarian mass, Computed Tomography of abdomen and magnetic resonance imaging suggest Anterior sacral meningocele, which is very rare case, only less than 150 cases reported in literature.
Keywords: anterior sacral meningocele.
[1]. Bryant T, Case of deficiency of the anterior part of the sacrum with a thecal sac in the pelvis, similar to the tumour of spina bifida. Lancet1837; 1:258-360.
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