Version-3 (May-2017)
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Abstract: The paper examines how English students in an English department construct their identities in relation to their discipline and its opportunities for job entries and career development in comparison with the study of other disciplines. Using a combination of questionnaires and interviews, it solicited responses from students in an English department which it analyzed and concludes that students identify themselves closely with English because of its perceived qualities of enabling them to think critically and creatively thereby making them able to communicate effectively; it consequently serves as a foundational course opening up all job and career avenues to them. In short, it develops their consciousness and starts them at advantage in career development in comparison with students of other disciplines.
Keywords: Consciousness, Critical or Powerful users of language, Expectations, Life chances or future opportunities, Study of English, Textual Power.
[1] Scholes, Robert, The Rise and Fall of English (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998) (12)
[2] Birch, David, Language, Literature and Critical Practice, (London: Routledge, 1989) (12)
[3] Wallace, Catherine, Critical Reading in Language Education (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003) (13)
[4] Donaldson, Margaret, Children's Minds. (London: Fontana Books, 1987) (13)
[5] Culler, Jonathan, Framing the Sign (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988) (15)
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Abstract: The aim of the case study is to demonstrate case formulation procedure by the researcher and to teach as a model in capacity building programme for enhancing case study formulation skillsfo motivators in activity centers for the marginalised community childrens development. The need is to promote multiple difficult circumstance children attain holistic development in the individual, family and community levels. The methodology used isused as a projective technique through psychosocial care mediums are administered. The case study was conducted with a purpose that the child who had entangled with multiple difficult circumstances must be liberated using mediums.The case study is followed by intervention ment exclusively for develoment and empowerment multiple difficult circumstance children.............
Keywords: Psychosocial care, support, rehabiitation, mediums, Difficult circumstances, children.
[1] Sekar. k et al.(2008). Psychosocial care for children in difficult circumstances - My work book, Bengaluru:NIMHANS
[2] Sekar. K et al.(2012). Psychosocial care for children in difficult circumstances. Bangalore: NIMHANS
[3] Sam sangeeth. et al., (2010,January). Psychosocial care for children in difficult circumstances by community level workers – TN Experiences. Paper presented in symposium on Children in difficult circumstances in XXX Annual National Conference Of Indian Society Of Professional Social Work.
[4] Sekar. K et al.(2007). Psychosocial care for children, Medium-Drawing, Bengaluru: Everychild India.
[5] Sekar. K et al.(2007). Psychosocial care for children, Medium-Writting, Bengaluru: Everychild India.
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Abstract: The hue and cry over the falling standard of education in Nigeria has assumed alarming dimensions in recent years. This has equally evoked tremendous research interests to investigate the possible causes of this ugly development. Some have blamed It on lack of motivation of teachers while others on lack of necessary facilities and so forth. This work presents the results of a survey conducted in a particular local government area in Nigeria as to how motivation may influence teachers performance. The research instrument used for the study was a two-part 35 items questionnaire which was meant to test the influence motivation may have on teachers performance. It was administered to 100 randomly selected teachers from 10 of the sampled secondary schools used for the study...............
KEY WORDS: Motivation, teacher's performance Local Government Area.
[1] Adeniyi, M.F. (1991) Motivation as a correlate of job performance: A case study of Ogun State University Teaching Staff. Unpublished M.ED. Dissertation, University of Ibadan.
[2] Ajibade, A.O. (1984) "The relationship between Principals' Leadership styles and staff motivation". Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan.
[3] Ajayi, S.A. (1981) "Job Satisfaction and Commitment among Nigerian University Teachers". Unpolished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Ibadan.
[4] Ajayi, A.O. (1983) Basic Concepts in Economic, Planning and Administration of Education, Ibadan.
[5] Ajayi, S. G. (2009). Statistical method for practice and research: (2nded.)Delhi:SAGE
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Abstract: Megalithic monuments are not the simple resultant anthropogenic structure but are the immovable media that embody deeper set of meanings relating to how the material themselves are perceived and understood to the builders within a social system. Hence, their significant manipulation as external symbolic storage is well connected with the peoples' cultural mundane deportment. And the collective and complex cultural identities of the builders may be perceived through cultural channels intentional treatment of these monuments that allow us for a better identification of different layers of social identity.................
Keywords : Materiality, Megalithic, Poumai Naga
[1] DeMarrais, E; C. Gosden and C. Renfrew (eds.) Rethinking Materiality: the Engagement of Mind with the Material World. Oxford: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. 2004.
____Tilley C. The Materiality of Stone: Explorations in Landscape Archaeology. Oxford: Berg. 2004.
____Fahlander, F. and T. Oestigaard 'Introduction: Material Culture and Post- Disciplinary Sciences'. In, Fahlander, F. and T. Oestigaard (eds.) Material Culture and other Things- Post-disciplinary studies in the 21st Century. Pp. 1-18. Gotarc Series C, No. 61.Gothenburg. 2004.
____Miller, D. (ed.). Materiality. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 2005.
____Meskell, L. 'Objects in the Mirror appear closer than they are'. In, Miller, D. (ed.) Materiality. 2005, Pp. 51-71. London: Duke University Press.
____Meskell, L. (Ed.) Archaeologies of Materiality, Malden: Blackwell. 2005. ____Tilley, C. Introduction. Handbook of Material Culture Studies. London: Sage Publications. . 2006.
____Ingold, T. Materials against Materiality. Archaeological Dialogues 14(1): 2007, 1-16.
[2] Boivin N. Material Cultures, Material Minds: The Impact of Things on Human Thought, Society and Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2008.
[3] Tilley C. The Materiality of Stone: Explorations in Landscape Archaeology. Oxford: Berg. 2004.
[4][5] Fahlander, F. and T. Oestigaard 'The Materiality of Death Bodies, burials, beliefs'. In, Fahlander, F. and T. Oestigaard (ed) The Materiality of Death Bodies, burials, beliefs. 2008, Pp. 1-16. BAR International Series 1768. Oxford: Archaeo press.
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Abstract: The Boko Haram (BH) emerged in Nigeria in 2002 with the aim of total implementation of the Sharia law in Nigeria, yet there are other reasons such as socio-economic factors in the north-east where the group has been more prevalent. The domestic-based insurgent group became more sophisticated after its establishment of links with some international terrorist organizations (ITOs) such as Al-Qaeda, AQIM and Al-Shabaab. The group made its attacks to threaten the national security of Nigeria in the destruction of lives, properties and displacement of people and genders such as women and children. These displaced people have no option than to live in camps with serious need of social amenities such as health care...............
Key words :- Boko Haram, Insurgency, Health care delivery and National Security
[1] Adesoji, A. (20o9). "The Boko Haram Uprising and Islamic Revivalism in Nigeria", in Africa Spectrum, 45(2): 95-108
[2] BBC, (2011). Abuja attack: Car bomb hits Nigeria UN building.
[3] Blanchard, L., 'Nigeria's Boko Haram: Frequently asked questions', Congressional Research Service, May2014,
[4] Bello, A.B.E (2007), Business research methods, second edition, New York, Oxford university press
[5] Buzan, B. (1983). People, States, and Fear: The National Security in International Relation. Wheatsheaf Books, Michigan.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | What would explain a decent employment's acquisition in Ivory Coast? |
Country | : | Abidjan |
Authors | : | N'GRATIER Antoine |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205034249 ![]() |
Abstract: This article is a contribution to the debate on decent job issues. It conducts an analysis of the determinants of decent work in the Ivory Coast, in order to do recommendations for all stakeholders. To lead this analysis, the author uses two estimation univariate probit consecutive to a likelihood ratio test. The results show that the worker's level of education, socio-professional category of the worker, the company union there are other significant factors explaining decent employment. Following the results, the author recommends that workers are formed and continually inform in a labor market constantly changing, as companies integrate their management responsible management of human resources.
Keywords: Decent job, Marginal effects, Stakeholders
[1] Abdelkhalek T. Et Al (2009), Mesures de la qualité de l'emploi au Maroc: vers la construction d'un indicateur composite. Working papers series n°5.CRDI.
[2] Akyeampong B. Ernest (2002), La syndicalisation et les avantages sociaux. Statistiques Canada N°75-001-XIF.
[3] Becker Gary (1975), Human Capital. Columbia University Press, 2è Edition.
[4] Bonnechère Michèle (2007), L'optique du travail décent. Working papers Doctrine. Le Droit Ouvrier, Février 2007.
[5] Bosch Gerhard (2004), La qualité de l'emploi en Allemagne. Bilan Printemps 2004. Observatoire européen de l'emploi.
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Abstract: Teachers Also Known As A Teacher Of Students Is The Biggest Support To Assist Students To Develop Responsibility As Educators Of The Nation And The State. Under These Conditions Deserve To Be Called As A Community Service, It Caused Some Teachers To Be Involved As A Builder Who Is Required To Be Able To Develop A Spirit Of Educators. But By Developing Wings Wider As The Development Of Skills Of Self Must Be Created Conducive Business Opportunities. The Current Conditions Should Not Be Allowed, Thus The Need For A Serious Effort To Empower Teachers................
Keywords: Learning, Character-Based Entrepreneurship, Media E-Learning.
[1] Kusdiyanti…… 2009 Competence Income As Opportunities Studied Entrepreneurship Traditional._____________ 2009. The Role Of Competence Studied Entrepreneurship Traditional On Business Continuity.
[2] ______________2010. Empowerment And Business Consultancy Garbage Collector.
[3] ______________ 2011. Empowerment PKM-K Program In Universistas Malang.
[4] _______________2013. Exploration Potential And Competence Studied Entrepreneurship Of Schools Kartika Chandra Kirana.
[5] Kusnadi Et Al. 2004. Evaluation 2003 In East Java Province To District: Lumajang, Malang, Jember, Tulungagung, Situbondo, And Sumenep. Surabaya: Sea Partnership Consortium Regional Centre East Java.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Volunteerism as a Strategy for Community Development in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Frank M. Attah PhD || Bassey E. Anam PhD |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205036065 ![]() |
Abstract: Community development remains a key concern in Nigeria. Despite frantic efforts of the government and non government organizations to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of rural communities in Nigeria, there are indicators of under development in the areas. This study examines volunteerism as an effective strategy for developing rural communities in Nigeria. It adopts qualitative research method. The study relied on the secondary sources of information, such as journals, textbooks, the internet, and newspaper. Concerned with the challenges of prevalence poverty in the country and success stories of volunteerism as a viable strategy, the study advocates for the involvement of more Nigerian in delivering selfless services for the benefit of others and their immediate communities.
Keywods. Volunteerism, poverty, community, socio-economic development
[1] Brown, D., & Swanson, L. (2003). Challenges for rural America in the twenty-first century. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
[2] Carline, V. (2001). Community well-being and local activeness. In P. Schaeffer and S. Loveridge (Eds.), Small town and rural economic development: A case studies approach (pp. 39-45). Westport, CT: Praeger.
[3] Clary, E., Snyder, M., & Ridge, R. (1992). Volunteers' motivations: A functional strategy for the recruitment, placement, and retention of volunteers. Nonprofits Management and Leadership, 2(4), 333-350
[4] Clary, E., Snyder, M., Copeland, J., & French, S. (1994). Promoting volunteerism: An empirical examination of the appeal of persuasive messages. Nonprofits and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 23(3), 265-280.
[5] Cook, A. (1993). A case for research: Understanding the characteristics of potential volunteers. The Journal of Volunteer Administration, 12(1), 27-30.
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Abstract: This paper is premised on a critical paper of Kinyanjui Kombani's The Last Villains of Molo (2012) as fictionalized account of Kenya's human conflict that has its genesis in the fight for political supremacy. Human conflict is often an ingredient of any literary text. The Last Villains of Molo is, in this paper, examined as repository of the political conflicts that end in the battle field. The primary text is augmented by relevant secondary materials. Data was extracted through qualitative research methodology that was library based. Close reading was done and extracted data was exposed to analytical research design. The paper focused on the intersection of history and fiction in the revelation of politically instigated wars...............
Key words: New Historicism, political conflicts, ethnicisation, balkanization
[1] Richard Walsh. The Rhetoric of fictionality: narrative theory and the idea of fiction. (Columbus, Ohio State University Press, 2007) 13
[2] Aristotle. "Poetics." The Internet classics archive. 1994: Web. (accessed November 20th, 2014). 2
[3] Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Writers in politics. (London, Heinemann, 1981) 5-6
[4] Linda Hutcheon, "Literature meets history: counter - discoursive comix". 1999. (accessed August 18th, 2014, Web) 105
[5] Peter Selden, Widdowson and Ralman. A Readers guide to contemporary literary theory (Edinburgh: Pearson Longman, 2005) 94
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Abstract: The implementation of Solid Waste Management (SWM) facility to the every corner of the city is a challenge to the Municipal Corporation because without proper routine wise collection, disposal and awareness about Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), it is difficult to build up and maintain SWM of Agartala City. The two main Rivers Haora and Kata Khal are passing through the heart of Agartala City. The slum areas and markets (Battala and Lake Chowmuhani) developed adjacent to the rivers. The present paper is aims to assess the condition of municipal solid waste disposal system of Agartala City. The questionnaire survey has been carried out for understanding the people perception regarding the SWM.............
Keywords: Municipal solid waste, Questionnaire, Solid waste management, Solid waste disposal.
[1] Aljaradin, M., & Persson, K. M., Environmental impact of municipal solid waste landfills in semi-arid climates-case study–Jordan, The Open Waste Management Journal 5, no. 1, 2012, 28-39.
[2] Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Management of Municipal Solid Waste, Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi, India, 2004.
[3] City Sanitation Plan, Tripura, Draft Report Agartala, Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India, 2010.
[4] Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), City development plan-Agartala, LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi in association with CEPT, Ahmadabad, 2006.
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Abstract: The study describes the socioeconomic and demographic profile of Maiduguri residents on resilience towards insecurity, using convenient sampling technique, with a sample size of 383. The descriptive statistics was to describe the socioeconomic and demographic profile of the respondents. The results revealed that, the majority of residents are within the age bracket of 18-35, married, Muslims, and those who has tertiary education account for 603% of the majority. The result also indicates that most residents of the area are civil servant and business owners with few engaging in farming.Most of the residents lived in rented houses as compare to an owner occupier.............
Keywords: Socioeconomic, Demographic profile, Resilience, Insurgency, Maiduguri, Borno State.
[1] Mallak, L. (1998). Putting Organizational Resilience to Work. Industrial Management (Norcross, Georgia), 40(6 NOV. /DEC.), 8-13.
[2] Timmerman, P. (1981). Vulnerability, Resilience and the Collapse of Society: A Review of Models and Possible Climatic Applications, Environmental Monograph 1. Institute for Environmental Studies, University Of Toronto, Toronto.
[3] Béland, D. (2005). The Political Construction of Collective Insecurity: From Moral Panic to Blame Avoidance and Organized Irresponsibility. Minda De Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
[4] Goroshit, S. K. M., & Eshel, Y. (2013). Demographic Variables as Antecedents of Israeli Community and National Resilience. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(5), 631-643.
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Abstract: Food consumption pattern in India is rapidly changing from unprocessed, unbranded low quality food products to the processed, packaged products. About 200 working and 200 non-working women were selected by convenience sampling method from Nagpur City, Maharashtra, India. The data on purchasing of processed food and reading food labels was collected using interview cum questionnaire method. The results of the study showed that the average age of working women was 39.39 + 6.15 years and non-working women was 38.36 + 5.7 years. The average monthly income of working and non-working women was Rs.38,12 + 19,55 and Rs. 40,62 + 20,82 respectively. There are multiple factors that affect the consumers' behaviour towards the purchasing of processed foods..............
Keywords: Non-working Women, Labelling, Processed food, Purchasing, Working Women
[1] winning-consumer-trust, 2015, 1-28, accessed on 24.12.15.
[2] I.Kaur, S.Sing, Consumer Behaviour of Purchase of Processed Cereal Food Products in Punjab, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16(2), 2014, 47-57.
[3] V. Bhaskar, N. Sundaram, Indian Consumer Purchasing Behaviour towards Branded Processed Food, Asian Social Science; 10(11),2014, 113-122.
[4] Shivkumar, Buying behaviour of consumers towards the products produced by SSI units, Indian Journal of Marketing, 34 (3),2004, 19-25.
[5] G.V. Bhawani Prasad, K. Seethakumari, Impact of advertising on consumer durable market. Indian. J. Market, 18, 1987, 21-28.