Version-6 (May-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Right for Reproductive Liberty and Ethical Subjectivity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sabina S |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205060104 ![]() |
Abstract: For Aristotle, man is an animal having additional capacity for politics. But for Foucault, biological life itself became the object and target of political power. There were two historical events for marking a sort of shift in this. One was focused on disciplining the techniques of power on the individual body and second on managing the life of a new political subject on the population or the biopolitics. These two led to a technology of power on life called Biopower. For Foucault, it operates according to the 'maxim, 'fostering life or disallowing it. It also brought a new form of government and social regulation and also new forms of subjectivtity. Thus power was not something which operates through violence and not imposed upon the subjects from above. But it gradually shifted through normalizing regulation
[1] Foucault, Michel. The ethics of concern for the self as a practice of freedom. In Ethics: Subjectivity and truth, essential works of Michel Foucault, 1954-1984. Paul Rabinow, Penguin: London, 1993.
[2] Foucault, Michel. The use of Pleasure: The History of Sexuality: Vol. 2, Penguin: London, 1987.
[3] Foucault, Michel. About the Beginnings of the Hermenuetics of the self. Political Theory. 1993.
[4] Harris, John. Rights and Reproductive Choices. In The future of human reproduction: Ethics, choice and regulation, eds. John Harris, and Soren Holm, Clarendon Press: Oxford. 1998.
[5] Harris, John. Enhancing Evolution: The ethical case for making better people. Princeton University Press: Oxford. 2007.
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Abstract: Objective: The main objective of the study is to ascertain the reliability of entrepreneurial leadership questionnaire (ELQ) among secondary schools in Zamfara State- Nigeria through teacher's perspectives. Methodology: Structural equation modeling (SEM) AMOS using confirmatory factor analysis was adopted in this study. Total of 395 samples were chosen through multi stage random sampling technique as participants in the research. Data were collected through the administration of adopted instruments from previous researchers..............
Keywords: Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Entrepreneurial Leadership, School, Teachers
[1]Akinola, C. (2001). Teaching entrepreneurship skills through business education: The challenges & strategies
for business education. Business Education Journal. 3 (4), 198, 206.
[2]Akinola, O. B. (2013). Principals' leadership skills and school effectiveness: The case of South Western
Nigeria. World Journal of Education, 3(5), 26.
[3]Bagheri, A., Lope Pihie, Z. A., & Krauss, S. E. (2013). Entrepreneurial leadership competencies among
Malaysian university student entrepreneurial leaders. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 33(4), 493-508.
[4]Berglund, K., & Holmgren, C. (2006). At the Intersection of Entrepreneurship Education Policy and Practice
On conflicts, tensions and closures.
[5]Byrne, B. M. (2013). Structural equation modeling with Mplus: Basic concepts, applications, and
programming: Routledge.
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Abstract: Laws are made for the welfare of the people, to bring a balance in society, a harmony between the conflicting forces in the society and above all one of the prime objects behind the enactment of the law is to maintain law and order situation in society and a peaceful environment for the progress of the people. The law developed from various perspectives of view. Among them, the theoretical and jurisprudential aspects are very vital for the same. This research will try to define the law and its relationship with the different elements of the state. There will be a strong effort to show that the law from ancient to till today standing on its theoretical foundation
Keywords: Law, Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Practice, Bangladesh, and philosophical aspects.
[1] Abu NasirBhuiya vs. State (30 DLR 275).AsmaJilani vs. Government of Punjab and others (PLD 1972 132).
[2] Abraham, H. J, the Judiciary: the Supreme Court in the Governmental process, Allyn and Bacon, 5th Edition, London, p.175.
[3] Ahmed, Z, (2015), The Principles of Political Theory, Shams Publication, fist edition, Bangladesh, pp 457-460
[4] Ahamuduzzaman, (2012), The Legal History and legal system of Bangladesh, Shams Publications, Third Edition, November,
[5] Bangladesh vs. Myanmar, (2012) BLT publication. This judgment was pronounced by the ITLOS on 14th March.
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Abstract: The Paper Is Titled "Re-Engineering Sustainable Rural Economy Through Social Infrastructural Facilities In Nigeria". The Objective Of The Study Was To Establish The Nexus Between Social Infrastructure Like Basic Education, Health Care Facilities, Provision Of Clean Source Of Drinking Water, Housing, Poverty Reduction, Human Capital Development Etc, And Sustainable Rural Economy. Content Analytical Method Was Adopted To Review Relevant Literature In Order To Link The Study With The Existing Views On Related Topics. The Paper Adopted The People Centered Theory Propounded By Korten (1984) As The Theoretical Framework Of Analysis. The Key Elements Of The Approach Are Provision Of Infrastructure Through (A) The Empowerment Of People (B) Participation And (C) Sustainability Among Others. The Choice Of The Approach..............
Keywords: Development, Sustainable Development, Infrastructure, Social Infrastructure And Rural Economy.
[1] Abah, E.O., Edeh, J.N. Na Dnwakamma, M.C. (2016). Challenges Of Social Welfare Services In Nigeria. European Journal Of Social Sciences, 52(1) Pp. 45-56.
[2] Abah, N. (2010). Development Administration: A Multi-Dispensary Approach. Enugu: John Jacob Classic Publishers.
[3] Abba, R. (2001). "Building A Foundation For Food Security". Tell Magazine August, 17th Pp 34-43.
[4] Abumere, S.I. (1997). "Some Thought On Gis Cartography And Sustainable Development In Isilkuoria (Ed) Castography And Geographic Information Systems For Sustainable Development Pp. 1-12.
[5] Cohen, J.M. And Uphoff, T.N. (1977). Rural Development Participation: Concepts And Measures For Project Design, Implementation And Evaluation. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A critique of global leadership as a Concept |
Country | : | Zimbabwe |
Authors | : | Dr. Chipo Mutongi || Dr Cainos Chingombe |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205063340 ![]() |
Abstract: The future is not beyond, it has already begun and what global leaders should do is to carry out appropriate leadership styles to fit well in the competitive and turbulent environment. Some leaders fail due to the inappropriate leadership styles. A true picture of leadership style should always be practiced in global leadership to promote ethics and integrity hence leading to effective global governance. This then results in prosperity and continuity of the world. A new era of leadership has emerged which is leadership that stretches beyond the nations. This article gives a critique of global leadership, explaining what it entails and giving practical examples.
Keywords: Leadership, global leadership, globalisation, contingency approach to leadership, ancient Greeks, situational leadership theory, trust dimensions.
[1] Covey, S.R (1999) Principal Centered Leadership. London: Simon and Schuister.
[2] Duerden, D and Pieterse, C (1988) African Writers Talking. Oxford : Heinemann International Publishing.
[3] Grove, A et al (1998) Forbes Great Mings of Business. New York:John Wiley and Sons.
[4] Kanter, R.M (1989) When the Giant learn To Dance; Mastering the Challenges of Strategy, Management, and Careers in the 1990s. London: Unwin.
[5] Khera, S (2010) Freedom is not Free: Every Generation needs to earn its own Freedom. Delhi: Macmillan Publishers India Limited.
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Abstract: In the context of the quest for a New International Economic Order (NIEO), the so called South found itself in a disadvantaged position hence, the initiation of the North-South dialogue. At long last the countries of the world are coming seriously to grips with the growing material inequalities between a handful of affluent nations of the North America, Western Europe and Industrialized Asia and the scores of poor countries in Less developed Asia, Africa and Latin America which constitute the bulk of humanity but enjoy very little of the earth's bounty. Amuzegar, J. (2000). The North-South dialogue refers to the process through which the developing and new independent nations of the South, predominantly in Less developed..............
Keywords: North-South, Dialogue, Development, Panacea, Realistic.
[1] Aluko, O. (1977). The foreign Policies of African States (Ed). London: Holder and Stoughton.
[2] Amin, S. (1975). "The Economic Order". Reaction of the Developed World strategy of the use of surplus of certain developing countries. Dalear, UNATEDP.
[3] Anulrzegar, J. (1976). The North-South Dialogue: From Conflict to compromise. U.S.A. Texas.
[4] Daniel, O. A. (1980). Imperialism and Dependency Enugu Nigeria, Fourth Dimension Publisher.
[5] Kochler, H. (2000). Globility versus Democracy. The changing International Relations. London, Madonald and Evans.
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Abstract: Today's approach to democracy in Africa is very far from what is desired and the consequence is that good governance had been sacrificed on the altar of mediocrity. This has led to the collapsed of some democracies in Africa making development in Africa looks like an impossible task. We had rather seen underdevelopment enthroned almost everywhere in the continent thereby strengthening dependency in Africa. This has become worrisome. The paper adopts as its methodology historical/descriptive and prescriptive approaches. The paper therefore attempts to operationalize the concepts: Democracy, Good governance, development and underdevelopment to give the reader a leeway to understand the main trust of the paper. The thrust of this paper therefore is to examine Democracy and Good governance in relation to Development and Underdevelopment: Africa's experience. Finally, the prognoses.
Keywords: Democracy, Good Governance, Development and Underdevelopment.
[1] African Ministerial Council of Science and Technology Report (AMCOSTR). 2003.
[2] Akanbi, T. N. (2004). The theory of economic growth. Homewood: Richard D. Lrwin, Inc.
[3] Azeez, E. A. (2002). Development and underdevelopment. London, Longman.
[4] Chaturvedi, A. K. (2006). Dictionary of Political Science. Nigerian/India: Academic Publishers.
[5] Cooper, F. (1994). "Africa and the world Economy" Africa studies Review 2/3 (June/September) 1-86.
[6] Lall, S. (1989). Long-term Perspective in sub-saharan Africa Draft Background Paper of Industry. World Bank: Special office for Africa Affairs. May.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Are the social factor one of the reason of violence against women in Palestine? |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Allahazimhamide |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205065052 ![]() |
Abstract: Palestine men constantly face social pressures as well as violence,Males in Palestine have to take major family responsibilities at a very young age as they are taught to take care of their sisters, mothers and female members of their community. As they were raised to be tough and resilient, this social upbringing makes them less tolerant to even petty issues at homes. There have been cases reported on violence against women in Palestine.However, to what extend it has an impact on the Palestinians women and its community is remained to be explored. The issue of violence against women is not given sufficient amount of attention.............
Keywords: Violence, women, social factor, Palestine
[1] Collis, J., & Hussey, R. (2013). Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave macmillan. [2] Haj-Yahia, M. M. (2000). Implications of wife abuse and battering for self-esteem, depression, and anxiety as revealed by the second Palestinian national survey on violence against women. Journal of Family Issues, 21(4), 435-463.
[3] Henning, K. R., &Frueh, B. C. (1996). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Incarcerated Offenders An Evaluation of the Vermont Department of Corrections' Cognitive Self-Change Program. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 23(4), 523-541
[4] Hagemann-White, C., Humphreys, C., Tutty, L. M., &Diemer, K. (2014). Overview of current policies on arrest, prosecution, and protection by the police and the justice system as responses to domestic violence. Critical issues on violence against women: International perspectives and promising strategies, 3, 47
. [5] Holsinger, A. M. (1999). Assessing criminal thinking: Attitudes and orientations influence behavior. Corrections Today, 61, 22-25
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Abstract: This Paper Aims To Assess The Role And Functions Of The Services Of Marak Hospital's Departments/ Clinics To The Patients Provided By Its Health Professionals Such As Physicians, Nurses, And Other Officers. Data Was Collected Using Qualitative Methods (Case Study) Through Free Interviews And Parti-Cipant Observations Of The Officers As Informants. Interpretation And Analysis Of The Data Are Backed/ Directed By The Theory Of Functionalism To Assess The Functioning Of Medical Divices, Which Include The Elements Of This Hospital As A Health Cultural Institution. In The Dynamics Of The Life Of Marak Hospital, It Was Found The Function And Role.............
Keywords: Functions, Roles,Services, Treatment, Health Problems
[1] Danandjaja, James. 1985. Psychological Anthropology, Its History, Theory And Method. Jakarta. Cv
[2] Egc 1992, Etika Kedokteran Dan Hukum Kesehatan
[3] Foster, George, And Barbara Galatin Anderrson, 1988. Medical Anthropology. Random House Usa Inc
[4] Goldsmidt, Walker, 1996. Comparative Functionalism, An Essay In Anthropological Theory. Berkeley: Uni-Versity California Press
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Revathi's 'Estrangement' |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Ramya || Dr. B.Cauveri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205065961 ![]() |
Abstract: Would a [sic] time come when we would be freed from being humiliated thus? (Revathi, 109)The environment which plays a crucial role in our physical, mental and social well-being is out of reach for the Transgenders. The transgenders' life is always at stake because of the hostile surroundings in which they live. Invariably they are buffeted by the traumatic conditions; forever they live on the precipice of fear and anxiety in their struggle even to admit to themselves who they are let alone to realize who they are. This 'moment to moment' stress and depression curtail them from insisting on the two 'I's (their eyes).............
Keywords: Identity, inclusion, Transgenders, hijra environment, gender dysphoria
[1] Revathi, A. The Truth About Me: A Hijra Life Story. Haryana: Penguin Books, 2010. Print.
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Abstract: Communication is about accessing information which can lead to behavioural change. The kind of communication can be between the healthcare worker and the tuberculosis patient or it can also be between the healthcare worker and the tuberculosis kin. This communication can lead to information sharing which can influence the health-seeking behavior of the TB patient. The kind of messages received by the patient apart from influencing behavior change they can also encourage public discourse on TB leading to self disclosure..This paper discusses the role of communication in the management of tuberculosis disease.
Keywords: Behaviour change, Communication, health-seeking behaviour, Public discourse, Self-disclosure
[1] Agarwal, G., & Chauhan, L. (2005). Tuberculosis control in India. New Delhi: Elsevier.
[2] Storey, D.,Ahanda, S. Andaluz., K, Tsoi, A., & Matsuki, B. (2014). What is health communication and how does it affect the HIV/AIDS continuum of care? A brief primer and case study from New York. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. 66-p s 241-s249 doi: 10.1097QA1.0000000000000243 supplement article.
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Abstract: -This paper aimed to decipher the political agreements of October 18 and December 31, 2016 so as to finally screen their impact on democracy consolidation and on peace construction in Congo-Kinshasa. It demonstrates that those agreements have reversed the foundation of democracy and therefore consacrated its failure in favour of the satisfaction of the political actors and families' greed for power. Furthermore any attempt to construct peace through those political agreements has been illusive as long as citizens have been kept away from the political game where a new political regime devoid of strong popular support is setting in a tense political and social climate. Yet, we have to note from official speeches that we are living in a "democrativorous state"..
Keywords: Accordpolitique,démocratie,dialogue,égocratie,« Etatdémocrativore » paix, sacrifice,
[1] Ahadi Senge Milemba Ph., « Les déterminants du vote au Congo-Kinshasa 2006-2011. Une contribution à la sociologie électorale », in African Journal of Democracy and Governance, Vol. 2, N° 2&3, 2015, pp.97-111.
[2] Atangana Amougou J.-L., « Les accords de paix dans l'ordre juridique interne en Afrique », in Droit prospectif : Revue de la recherche juridique, Vol. 33, N°123, 2008, pp.1723-1746.
[3] Boutros-Ghali B., Un agenda pour la paix, New York, Nations Unies, 2ème éd., 1995.
[4] Cabinet du Président de la République, « Constitution de la République Démocratique du Congo », in Journal Officiel, 47ème année, Numéro spécial, Kinshasa – 18 février 2006.
[5] Calame P., Sauvons la démocratie ! Lettre ouverte aux femmes et hommes politiques de notre temps, Paris, Editions Charles Léopold Mayer, 2012.
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Abstract: L'ambition de ce papiera consisté à remonter à la surface le fermant de la revitalisation de la violence dans le jeu politique congolais. Il démontre combien l'Etat congolais, laminé par des malaises sociaux, des contestations de légitimité et verrouillage des voies de lutte démocratique,a été un tremplin à l'explosion de la violence sous la bannière des mouvements politico-militaires AFDL, RCD, MLC, Maï-maïpour désavouer les institutions politiques, et les substituer par un autre régimesouhaité démocratique,dont la mission est d'établir un système social juste et équilibré, où la distribution des ressources collectives est fonction du mérite, de besoin et du statut des membres. Cependant, les attentes populaires quant à ce, sont restées déçues par le remplacement d'une dictature par une autre, dans un continuum d'oppressions aussi rédhibitoires que la crise démocratique des régimes répressifs précédents.
Keywords: Violence politique, participation politique, démocratie, malaise social, violence revitalisée
[1] Acker (van) F. et Vlassenroot K., « Les «maï-maï» et les fonctions de la violence milicienne dans l'est du Congo », Politique africaine, n° 84, décembre 2001, pp.103-116.
[2] Aron R., Penser la guerre, Clausewitz (2 tomes), Paris, Gallimard, 1976.
[3] Badie B., « Communauté, individualisme et culture », in Birnbaum P. et Leca J. (Dir), Sur l'individualisme, théories et méthodes, Paris, Presses de la Fondation Nationale Science Politique, 1986, pp.109-131.
[4] Boudon R., Besnard P. et al.,Dictionnaire de sociologie, Paris, Larousse, 1999
[5] Braud P., Sociologie politique, Paris, L.G.D.J, 2011.