Version-4 (May-2017)
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Abstract: Arguably, prominent scholars in the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary periods in human existence had argued to the conclusion that no one is self sufficient, implying that everyone at anytime needs the cooperation of everyone for the continuous existence of life. The advancement of this cooperation and its sustenance by people of diverse culture, religions, languages, ethnic and socio-political backgrounds may result to disagreement and other violent dispositions which act, if not checkmated could cause monumental disruptions, economic collapse and inter and intra ethnic clashes..........
Keywords: Morality, Utility and Dispute Resolution.
[1]. Echekwube, Anthony O. "What is Ethics? Definitions, Principles, Theories, and Relationship to other Disciplines", Kpim of Morality: Ethics, general Special and Professional. Pantaloon Iroegbu and Anthony Echekwube (Eds) Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books, 2015, (29-35).
[2]. Ikegbu, Ephraim and Sunday A. Duru. Nigerian legislature and self esteem: A case for Part-Time Legislature. Journal of integrative humanism-Ghana. Vol. 3, No. 1, (2013), 101-119
[3]. Mahajan, V. D. Political Theory. New Deihi: S Chand & Company 2008.
[4]. Miall, Hugh, Ramsbothan, Oliver and Woodhouse, Tom. Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The Prevention, Management and Transformation of Deadly Conflicts. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999.
[5]. Miller, Christopher A. A Glossary of Terms and Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies. Geneva: University for Peace, 2003.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enhancing tax compliance among briefcase companies in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | John Carrey Okore |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205040817 ![]() |
Abstract: KRA continues to struggle with enforcement of voluntary compliance amongst taxpayers. Various approaches have been adopted to try and solve the problems. The problem is however bigger and "Tenderpreneurs" continue to be a historic thorn in the flesh of the Authority and other government agencies. This paper proposes several approaches to mitigating this problem. Firstly, a flat simplified rate of tax of 20% based on the VAT to GDP ratio, tax to GDP ratio and benchmarked with the legal MRI rate of tax is proposed. Analysis of data from 26 counties reveals that had the law established such a system earlier, KRA would have collected at least Kes 8 billion for the financial year 2015/2016.............
Keywords: Briefcase companies, TBIT, Tenderpreneurs, Class A Certification, Tax Bonds
[1] The Public Finance Management Act, 2012, Laws of Kenya
[2] Auditor General, Republic of Kenya. (2015). Report of The Auditor General on the Financial Statements for National Government for the Year 2013/2014. Nairobi: Auditor General, Republic of Kenya.
[3] The Constitution of Kenya, 2010
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Distribution of Adjectives in Meiteilon |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Maibam Somobala Devi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205041822 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper aims to present a detailed account of the distribution of Meiteilon adjectives in noun phrases as well as the differences in occurrence of different types of adjectives in the language. Meiteilon has two alternate word order for NP elements; A N NUM DEM and N A NUM DEM as adjectives can occur prenominally or postnominally. However, the adjective mǝča 'small' obligatorily occurs after the head noun.The paper shall show that the adjective mǝča 'small' is different from the other type of adjectives morphologically and syntactically.
KEY WORDS: Meiteilon, adjectives, adjective distribution, noun phrase
[1] Cinque, Guglielmo. 2005. Deriving Greenberg's Universal 20 and Its Exceptions. Lingusitic Inquiry, Vol.36, No.3, 315-332.
[2] Greenberg, Joseph H.1966. Some Universals of Grammar with Particular Reference to the Order of Meaningful Elements. Universals of Language, ed. By J.H Greenberg. Cambridge, Massachusets, and London, England: MIT Press. 73-113.
[3] Hofherr, Patrica Cabredo. 2010. Adjectives- an Introduction. In Adjectives- Formal analyses in syntax and semantics. Cabredo Hofherr, Patrica & Ora Matusshanky (eds). Amsterdam:John Benjamin.
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Abstract: Kenya has many children policies in place, the study sought to explain social factors working against the implementation of children policies. This study, therefore, sought to find out the underlying tensions within the existing policy. The study is guided by the fact that there are still significant violations of children rights despite the existence of sufficient legal instruments in place. The purpose of this study was to: establish social factors affecting implementation of children rights policies in Nakuru County, Kenya. The theories guiding the study were; human life protection and dignity theory, and human well-being theory...........
Keywords : Social factors, Children rights, implementation, policies, rights implementation.
[2]. Jones, N. and E. Villar (2008). Situating Children in International Development Policy: Challenges Involved in Successful Evidence-Informed Policy Influencing. Bristol: Policy Press, University of Bristol.
[3]. Jones, N. and J. Young (2007). 'Setting the Scene: Situating DFID's Research Funding Policy and Practice in an International Comparative Perspective'. Scoping Study commissioned by DFID Central Research Department.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | How to Manage the Unmanageable Classes? |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Senem Üstün Kaya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2205042931 ![]() |
Abstract: Developing effective classroom management in 21st century classrooms is a challenging task for all teachers including experienced, novice, young and old. Although many researches have been conducted to present effective classroom strategies, no single technique, admittedly, can be accepted as the most appropriate for teachers and situations. Whether the applied strategies work in the classrooms has become another research area for educators (Altınel, 2006; Baker & Westrup, 2000; Demir, 2009; Tahir & Qadir, 2012). Researchers have conducted studies on CM problems and students' perception of teachers' management skills (Aydın & Bahçe, 2001; İnceçay & Dollar, 2012; LaMaster...............
Key words :- Classroom management, strategies, discipline, drawbacks in CM
[1]. Ashton, P. T. (1984). Teaching efficacy. Journal of Teacher Education, 25 (2), 41-54.
[2]. Baker, J. & Westrup, H. (2000). The English language teacher's handbook. London: Continuum.
[3]. Brophy, J. (1999a). Perspectives of classroom management. In J. H. Freiberg (Ed.), Beyond behaviorism: Changing the classroom management paradigm (pp. 43-56). Boston: MA: Alyn & Bacon.
[4]. Doyle, W. (1986). Classroom organization and management. In M.C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching. A project of the American Educational Research Association (pp. 392-431). New York: Macmillan.
[5]. Emmer, E. T. & Stough, L. M. (2001). Classroom management: A critical part of educational psychology, with implications for teacher education. Educational Psychologist, 36(2), 103-112
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Abstract: In recent times, traditional medicine has continued to receive increasing acceptance in Nigeria among many other African nations. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that about 80% of Asia, Latin America and African populations use traditional medicine to meet their primary health care needs. For a lot of people in these countries especially those living in rural areas, traditional medicines are the only available, easily accessible and affordable source of health care. This paper has tried to trace the historical background of traditional medicine in Nigeria, its contributions and progress made so far in health care delivery. It also considered various types of traditional medical services.............
Keywords: African traditional religion; traditional medicine; healthcare delivery
[1]. Adesina. S.K. "Traditional Medical Healthcare in Nigeria". http: / .es... Retrieved February, 15 2013. Web. March, 13 2013
[2]. Anna. A. Incorporating Traditional Medicine Into Nigeria's Healthcare System" peoplessdailyng. com/incurprating-traditi... Retrieved on January 23, 2013. Web March 15, 2013.
[3]. Awofeso, N. "Re-defining Health" in an Article in: Ustim and Jakobi 2005; http ://www.who . int/bul letin/bulletin_board/83/ustin 11 05/en/print.html. Web, 28 June 2010.
[4]. Busia K. Medical Provision in Africa-Past and Present. Phototherapy Research, 2005. Health Monitor, a special issue 14. A serial publication of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa. ISSN 20776136, August, 2010.Print
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Abstract: Cet articule essai d'analyser la situation de misère traversée par les agents et fonctionnaires de l'Etat dans la ville de Bukavu. Cette situation s'explique par le fait que la politique salariale mise en place par l'Etat congolais est une politique non favorable à l'amélioration de leurs conditions de vie. Nombreux d'entre-eux travaillent sans salaire de l'Etat et d'autres qui en reçoivent, ils n'ont qu'un salaire insignifiant qui font d'eux des travailleurs pauvres. Ces agents et fonctions de l'Etat sont dans une misère exacerbée. Ainsi, ce phénomène est à la base de la corruption, la misère, le détournement des deniers publics, les retards et absences au travail,… des agents et fonctionnaires de l'Etat.
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Abstract: This study explores the perceptions of online audiences of Newsday and The Herald on the coverage of war veterans by these two papers in 2016. The study seeks to identify the reasons that influence audiences to have varied perceptions on the coverage of war veterans by these two daily Zimbabwean papers in 2016. The research also shows how online news commentary sections are an alternative platform for audience engagement with themselves and with the media houses that publish newspapers. The research made use of theories like the digital public sphere and the encoding and decoding model..............
[1]. Alejandro,J (2010) Journalism in the age of social media ,Oxford: University of Oxford.
[2]. Allan,S and Thorsen E,( 2009 ) Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives,Peter Lang,NewYork
[3]. Almgren, S.M. and Olsson, T. (2015) " 'Let's Get them Involved'…to Some Extent: AnalyzingOnline News Participation," Social Media and Society, 2015: 1-11.
[4]. Barret, C and Newbold, H (1995) ,Media Communication,New York:Palgrave Macmillian.
[5]. Bhattaracharrya,D.K (2003) Research Methodology, New Delhli,Excel books.
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Abstract: Pragmatic legitimacy drives the organization to minimize conflicts by increasing the felt need satisfaction of employees. As a conflict control, Pragmatic Legitimacy Model (PLM) is anchored on the premise that organizational behaviours are desirable within socially constructed system that caters employees' interests. An adaptation of Joshua Epstein's Model of Civil Violence (2002) reflected as Rebellion Model in Netlogo v. 5.2.1, the model-simulation depicts that the strength of the pragmatic legitimacy does not depend only on the number of employee who are satisfied but on the degree on which the organization was able to control that complex need of each employee which leads to their satisfaction. Thus, for pragmatic legitimacy to be beneficial, the organization must direct less in specific benefits for an individual employee and, instead, more responsive to the employees' larger interest.
Keywords: ABMS, satisfaction, conflict-control, employees' felt needs, theory development, social science
[1]. Aldrich HE. (1979). Organizations and environments. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. [2]. Aldrich, H. E., & Marsden, P. (1988). Environments of organizations.
[3]. Benyishay, A., Brooks, J., Castañeda, R., Fort, T., Locay, L., Rajan, R., … Wallis, J. (2012). LEGITIMACY & DEMOCRACY : BASIC CONCEPTS WITH AN APPLICATION TO THE HONDURAN 2009 CRISIS . Roger R . Betancourt * Legitimacy & Democracy : Basic Concepts with an Application to the Honduran 2009 Crisis . Abstract, (July 2011).
[4]. Brinkerhoff, R. O. (2005). The Success Case Method: A Strategic Evaluation Approach to Increasing the Value and Effect of Training. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7(1), 86–101.
[5]. Buysse, K., Verbeke, A., Strategic, S., Journal, M., May, N., Wiley, J., … Verbeke, A. (2010). Proactive Environmental Strategies : a Management Perspective Stakeholder, 24(5), 453–470.
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Abstract: Lagos State is regarded as Nigeria's largest commercial nerve centre with a huge population that is arguably the largest in Nigeria. This is arguable because official statistics continues to confer the title of the largest state in the country on Kano State based on the country's 2006 Census figures while the Lagos State Government, on the other hand, following its own Census conducted the same year, considers the state the largest in the country in terms of human population. The state boasts a population exceeding 21 million residents as at 2014 (Adelaja, 2014; Lagos State Government, 2014). The Lagos' economy is also international in nature because the state shares borders with many West African countries such as Benin Republic
[1]. Adelaja, B. (2014). Lagos unveils plans to register 21 million residents. Vanguard Newspapers. Retrieved from
[2]. Akogun, I. T. & Ojo, O. (2013). The consequences of tenant eviction in Ilorin, Nigeria: Estate surveyors and tenants' perspectives. Journal of Research in Economics and International Finance (JREIF) Vol. 2 (5), 79-87.
[3]. Citizens Mediation Centre. (2016a). Historical background and mandate of the CMC. Retrieved from
[4]. Citizens Mediation Centre. (2016b). The Office of the Citizens Mediation Centre. Retrieved from
[5]. Condliffe, P. (2003). Conflict management: A practical guide. (Second edition). Sydney: Butterworths.
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Abstract: This study examines the influence of psychological empowerment on work engagement among officers of Nigerian immigration services. A survey research design was adopted and data were collected from two hundred and Twenty- five (225) participants (M= 147, F=78) using a battery of psychological test consisting of Psychological Empowerment Scale (PES) and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9). The data were analysed using percentages and multiple regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The results show that all the dimensions of psychological empowerment.............
Keywords: Psychological empowerment. work engagement, immigration services
[1]. Andreassen, C.S., Ursin, H. & Eriksen, H.R. (2007), "The relationship between strong motivation to work, workaholism and health", Psychology and Health, 22,615–29.
[2]. Arogundade, O. T & Arrogundade, A. B. (2015). Psychological empowerment in the work place:
[3]. Implications for Employees Career Satisfaction. North American journal of psychology.
[4]. Baker, S., Fitzpatrick, J., & Griffin, M. (2012). Empowerment and job satisfaction in associate degree nurse educators. Nursing Education Research, 32 ( 4), 234-239.
[5]. Bakker, A. B., Schaufeli, W. B . (2008). Work engagement: An emerging concept in occupational health psychology. Work and Stress, 22, 187–200.
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Abstract: The essence of this study is to determine factors responsible for illicit drug trade in Cross River State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are, to examine the relationship between inadequate manufacturing industry, economic recession, and illicit drug trade in Cross River State. The study adopted survey research design. The design was opted for because it enabled the researcher to get accurate and correct information from the respondents through the administration of questionnaire. Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting one hundred and twenty seven (127) detainee (suspects) from National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Cross River state command.............
Keywords: Drug suspects perception, illicit drug, trafficking, economic recession, and inadequate manufacturing industry
[1]. Adawo, M. A.; Essien, E. B. & Ekpo, N. U. (2012). Is Nigeria's unemployment problem unsolvable? Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 4(6), 389-395.
[2]. Adeniyi, K. E. (2000). The role of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency in combating drug problem in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions. Paper presented at the millennium drug awareness seminar on drug and its problems in Nigeria Tertiary Institution, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra State.
[3]. Adeniyi, K. E. (2016). Unemployment and drug trafficking among drug suspects in NDLEA custody, Cross River State Command, Nigeria. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis submitted to the Department of Sociology, University of Calabar, Calabar.
[4]. Adeniyi, K. E. (2004). Drug laws in Nigeria. NDLEA perspective. Paper presented at NYSC orientation camp. Iyana-Ipaja, Lagos.
[5]. Bello, T. (2003). Attacking unemployment hurdles in the fragile economies of the sub-Saharan Africa: The experience of Nigeria. Paper presented at the - Economics for the future - Conference; On the occasion of the celebration of 100 years of Cambridge Economics; Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Abstract: Microfinance's worldwide recognition has been credited to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus who is the founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and recipient of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. Most microfinance studies in Bangladesh are limited to either one or two major MFIs or to the overall impact on clients' poverty reduction, improvement in health and social status, enhancement of women entrepreneurship and empowerment, etc. This study aims at understanding the management part of micro finance and its prospect of application in Bangladesh. The article also looks into the contribution of micro finance in Bangladesh economy together with sources of fund for such micro finance institutes.
Keywords: MFI's , NGO's, SME's, Women Empowerment
[1]. Ahmed, F., C. Siwar, N. A. H. Idris, and R. A. Begum. 2011. "Microcredit's Contribution to the Socio-economic Development amongst Rural Women: A Case Study of Panchagarh District in Bangladesh." African Journal of Business Management 5 (22): 9760–9769.
[2]. Ansari S, Munir K and Gregg T (2012) Impact at the "bottom of the pyramid": The role of social capital in capability development and community empowerment. Journal of Management Studies 49: 813-842
[3]. Bateman M and Chang HJ (2012) Microfinance and the illusion of development: From hubris to nemesis in thirty years. World Economic Review 1: 13-36. BBC (2013) The Bangladesh poor selling organs to pay debts. (accessed 15 February 2016).
[4]. Jairam R (2012) Microfinance in danger zone. Outlook India. ttp:// ramesh/782055 (accessed 15 February 2016).
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Abstract: The reasons for the differences in the understanding of discourse in the text of the Qor'an which raises the movement of Islamic ideology is: a. Internal factors causing the text bring ambiguous meaning; b. Theoretical approach used by Islamic scholars; c. the different abilities toward Arabic language; d. grade of different readers acceptance; e. The external factors relating to the purpose of providing a holistic meaning, such as: the interests of political, economic, social and cultural. This research is a qualitative research method that is ideographic language Sociology approach, because the study involves aspects of language and social, so that there is a difference of discourse. Implications..............
Keywords: Hard-Line, Islamic Idiology, Difference Understanding, Qur'an, Impact
[1]. Mohammad Arkoun, Membongkar Wacana Hegemonik dalam Islam dan Post Modernisme, (Surabaya, al-Fikr, 1992), 209-270 al-Qur'an, 9: 20.
[2]. Al-Qur'an al-Karim, bi Riwayah Hafs bin Sulaiman Ibn al-Mughirah al-Asadi al-Kufi Liqira'ah 'Asim bin Abi al-Nujud al-Kufi al-Tabi'i, Surat al-Ahzab, 40, (Madinah al-Munawarah: Mujamma' Khadim al-Haramayn al-Sharifayn al-Malik Fahd, 1413 H), 423.
[3]. Al-Qur'an al-Karim bi Riwayah Warash 'Al-Nafi', Surat al-Ahzab, 40, (Beirut: Dar Ibn Kathir, 1424 H / 2004 M), 423.
[4]. Abi Abd. Allah Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Ansari al-Qurtubi, Al-Jami li Ahkam al-Qur'an, juz 14, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1964), 196-197; Khalif Abd al-Rahman al-'Akk, Safwah al-Bayan li Ma'ani al-Qur'an al-Karim, (Beirut: Dar Ibn 'Usasah, 1994), 423; Ahmad Mustafa al-Maraghi, Tafsir al-Maraghi, juz 22, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1315 H), 16-17; al-Qur'an dan terjemahannya, 674.
[5]. Perkembangan Penanganan Ahmadiyah, dalam Ikhlas Beramal, Nomor 51, Tahun XI, (Mei, 2008), 20-28. Al-Qur'an: 33: 40.