Series-10 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Abstract: The slow process of resolving conflicts and violence in Poso is inseparable from the model of handling conflicts carried out by the government, in this case by putting forward a security approach. Over time it turns out that violence continues. Therefore, the researchers felt they were interested in criticizing the model of Poso conflict and violence handling carried out by the government and offered a soft power model approach, namely through "hybridization of the Poso conflict resolution discourse". This study aims to determine discourse hybridization processes in Poso conflict resolution. The research paradigm used is constructivism with a qualitative approach. Key informants are Religious Leaders, Customary Figures, Community Leaders, NGOs, Mass Media, and Government........
Keywords: Hybridization; Discourse; Resolution; Poso Conflict
[1]. McRae, D. (2016). Poso is the comprehensive history of the longest inter-religious violence in Indonesia after the reformation. Serpong: CV. Left Margin.
[2]. Gogali, L. (2011). Poso Conflict, Voice of Women and Children Towards Memory Reconciliation. Yogyakarta: Galang Press.
[3]. K. Denzin, N., & S. Lincoln, Y. (2009). Handbook Of Qualitative Research. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
[4]. Miles, M. B., & Huberman, M. (1992). Qualitative Data Analysis: Resource Book Challenging New Methods. Jakarta: UI Press.
[5]. Damanik, R. (2003). Poso Human Tragedy, Reaching The Sunrise Throught The Dark Of The Night. Jakarta & Palu: PBHI, CD Bethesda, LPSHAM/
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Abstract: This study examines the Trends and driving factors of land use land cover change in Kewot District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia from 1972 to 2014. To achieve this objective, both primary and secondary sources of data were used. The primary data were collected from 124 sample respondents through questionnaires, key informants, Development agents and field observation. Secondary data for the study includes Landsat satellite images of three periods (1972, 1994 and 2014) which were taken in the dry season have been collected from the USGS Website. The results of this study showed that the highest conversion was occurred to farm land followed by shrub land throughout the study period from.........
Key Terms: Land Use and Land Cover, population pressure, land tenure, deforestation, and NDVI
[1]. Allen, JC. And Barnes ,DF. (1985).The causes of deforestation in developing countries. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 75:163-184.
[2]. AmareDegefaw, (2007).Application of remote sensing for delineation of drought vulnerable areas in Amhara region.
[3]. Asaye N. (2008). Analysis of land and vegetation cover dynamics using remote sensing and GIS, acase study of Nechisar National Park. MSc thesis, Addia Ababa University, Ethiopia.
[4]. Assen, M. and Nigussie, T. (2009).Landuse/Cover Changes between 1966 and 1996 in Chirokella Micro-watershed, Southern Ethiopia. East African Journal of Sciences, 3(1), 1-8.
[5]. Derek Kellenberg. (2012) Trading wastes. Journal of Environmental Economics and management 6468-87.
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Abstract: It is not in doubt that the four civilian administrations of the Fourth Republic from 1999 to 2018 have made frantic efforts through the Nigeria‟s foreign policy and economic relations to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the country. However, all the four administrations of Obasanjo, Yar‟adua, Jonathan and Buhari have underperformed where they failed to effectively utilize the country‟s foreign policy and economic relations towards re-directing all the attracted FDI and other foreign capital inflows (revenue sources) towards boosting Nigeria‟s industrial and manufacturing sectors/subsector of the domestic economy. This vital sector is the nascent moving global currency......
Key Words: Foreign Policy, FDI, Economic Relations, Comparative, Industrialization, Manufacturing
[1]. Adaji, I.I. (2009). The Nigerian business environment: Overview of infrastructural development. In Eze, C.O., & Egom, P. (Eds.) Foreign policy and Nigeria‟s economic development. Lagos: NIIA & Printserve.
[2]. Adeleke, K. M; Olowe, S. O. & Fasesin, O. O. (2014). Impact of FDI on Nigeria‟s Economic Growth. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Studies,4(8): 234-242.
[3]. Adebajo, A., & Mustapha, A. R. (Eds.) (2008). Gullivers troubles: Nigeria‟s foreign policy after the cold war. Scottsville: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
[4]. Adelegan, J.O. (2000). Foreign direct invent investment and economic growth in Nigeria: A seemingly unrelated model. African Review of Money, Finance and Supplementary Issue of Savings and Development, Milan, Italy; 5-25.
[5]. Ajaebili, C. N. (2011). The option of economic diplomacy in Nigeria‟s foreign policy. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(17): 19-18. 2833
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Abstract: This paper is on strategies for managing theft and mutilation of information resources in Nasarawa state university library, Keffi, Nigeria. Case study research was adopted to find out the types of security devices used in checking theft and mutilation of information resources, the extent to which the security devices can help in curbing the incidences of theft and mutilation of information resources, the commonly stolen and mutilated information resources and the preventive measures taken as security strategies in order to curb the incidences of theft and mutilation of information resources in the library under study. The population of the study comprised of ten Librarians. Structured......
Key Words: Theft, mutilation, information resources, University Library, Keffi.
[1]. A.A. Maidabino, Theft and Mutilation of Print Collection in University Libraries. A Critical Review of Literature and Proposed Framework for Action. Annals of Library and Information Studies 39, 2012, 240 – 246.
[2]. M.A. Bello, Library Security, Material Theft and Mutilation in Technological University Libraries in Nigeria. Library Management 19 (6), 1998, 379 – 383.
[3]. S.S. Atkins & C.L. Weible, Needless in a Haystack: Using Interlibrary Loan Data to Identify Materials Missing From a Library‟s Collection. Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services 27, 2003, 187 – 202.
[4]. N.N. Alokun, The Use of Library: A Textbook for Students in Tertiary Institutions. Lagos: Nudex International Co. Ltd, 2005, 36.
[5]. W.C. Jackson, The University Libraries, Library Crimes, Greensboro, University of North Carolina, 2005.
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Abstract: There is a great consensus among researchers and educators that teachers must be well-prepared, especially for the sake of boosting the quality of education. This paper aimed at investigating the factors that affect EFL teacher's participation in teacher professional programs in Moroccan public high schools. To this end, the survey was administered to high public school teachers to identify the obstacles that hinder their participation in TPD programs and factors that foster their willingness to take part in Professional opportunities. The sample of the study comprised (30) EFL teachers in Moroccan public high schools. The findings demonstrated that financial support and effectiveness of the TPD programs strongly correlate with teachers' willingness to participate in TPD opportunities. Based on the findings of the study, several recommendations were suggested, from which are the need to ensure quality in devised programs and to support teachers financially to facilitate their access to fruitful professional opportunities.(151).
Key Words: Professional growth, Teacher development, Motivational factors.
[1]. Meissel, K., Parr, J., Timperley, H. (2016). Can professional development of teachers reduce disparity in student achievement? Teaching and Teacher Education, 58, 163-173.
[2]. Sedat Gumus (2013) .The Effects Of Teacher- And School-Level Factors On Teachers' Participation In Professional Development Activities: The Role Of Principal Leadership. Journal of International Education -Volume 9, Number 4. 371-380
[3]. Rosita Endang Kusmaryani, Juke R.Siregar, Hanna Widjaja, Ratna Jatnika (2016). Key Factors in Teacher Professional Development. ASEAN conference 2nd Psychology & Humanity © Psychology Forum UMM, February 19 – 20. 704-708
[4]. Maureen Kanchebele Sinyangwe, Berry Billingsley and Yota Dimitriadi(2016). Key Factors in Teacher Professional Development. ASEAN conference 2nd Psychology & Humanity © Psychology Forum UMM, February 19 – 20. 704-708
[5]. Heideman, C. (1990). Introduction to staff development. In P. Burke et al. (eds.), Programming for staff development. London: Falmer Press, pp. 3-9.
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Abstract: Formative assessment is of great importance for both teachers and students. It is significant for students to foster their initiative and enthusiasm in learning and for teachers to have a better idea of their students' performance. It is especially helpful for students to develop their ability of self-regulation, which is considered to be a major factor that leads to students' improved language competence in English language learning. With the debut of the National Standards for Teaching Quality of Undergraduate Majors in Colleges and Universities (National Standards, NS) in China, applying formative assessment in English leaning class appropriately should be the trend at present and in the future in China
Key Words: formative assessment, self-regulation, English learning
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Abstract: The recent history of the Arab world has been characterized by revolutions that have swept through and still sweeping through most of the countries. Despite this, each country is different from the other on the causes of the revolution and its eventual result. Even in its duration and consequences each nation is dynamic from the others. Libya was one of those countries that entered the revolution saga beginning on 17 February 2011,and ending with the entry of the revolutionaries to the capital of Libya (Tripoli) on 27August, 2011, finallykilling the president Muammar AlGaddafiin the city of Sirteon20 October 2011. However, there have been many events and developments that have made the Arab spring revolution in Libya different from those of other Arab countries. One........
Key Words: causes, participation,Amazigh, revolution, Libya, Arab Spring
[1]. Akademie, DW(2011) ―Libya's Berbers Feel Rejected by Transitional Government.‖ DW Akademie, August 11, 2011.,,15515687,00.html.
[2]. Altir, Mustafa Omar, (2014) «Spring of Libya»: Nothing changed only the faces and names, the seventh Arab report for cultural development, the first edition, the Arab Thought Foundation Beirut.
[3]. Berberism and Berber Political Movements, TEMEHU TOURISM SERVS., accessed February 5, 2019.
[4]. Bhardwaj, M. (2012). Development of Conflict in Arab Spring Libya and Syria: From Revolution to Civil War. Washington University International Review, 1(1), 76-97.
[5]. Dalacoura, K. (2012). The 2011 uprisings in the Arab Middle East: political change and geopolitical implications. International Affairs, 88(1), 63-79.
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Abstract: This paper is an attempt to study the inter-state border disputes in north-east India with special reference to Assam-Nagaland border conflict in the border areas of Golaghat district. The north-east region of India comprising of eight states has been gradually transforming into a conflicting area that breaks the harmony between the states and also undermines the concept of north-east India as a prosperous and culturally rich region of India. Due to some social, political and economic issues, this north east India divided into various states which were under the same umbrella at a time. Several inter-state disputes take place in this region with the upcoming of political and social unrest. The Naga insurgency that started in the late 1950's is known as one of the unresolved armed conflicts.........
[1]. Assam-Nagaland border, Naga attacks leave 10000 homeless. The Assam Tribune, 18th August, 2014.
[2]. Gogoi's border visit turns nightmare. The Sentinel,19th August,2014.
[3]. Border Disputes in North-east India/article
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Abstract: Transforming The World: Agenda 2030 for sustainable development clearly defined the goals to sustainably manage the natural resources and to keep our surroundings or our campus ecologically rich[1].This includes the inevitable measures taken or formulation of plans to achieve the goals of environmental preservation.The plans are based on both long term and short term goals for ecological preservation and making the campus more bio diversified [2].This also involves the adoption of renewable energy resources and technologies for a makeshift and attitudinal change from the usage of non-renewable energy resources [3].
[1]. Daily GC, ―Nature's Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems,‖ Island Press, Washington DC. [ISBN 1-55963-475-8],1997
[2]. R. Haines-Young, and MBPotschin, ―The links between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being,‖ Raffaeli D, Frid C (Eds) Ecosystem Ecology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. cbo9780511750458.007,2010
[3]. Klaus Lackner, and Jeffrey Sachs, ―A robust strategy for sustainable energy,‖ Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 2005, No. 2 pp. 215-269, 2005
[4]. Jacobs and Schloeder, ―Impacts of Conflict on Biodiversity and Protected Areas in Ethiopia,‖ 2001
[5]. ShibruTedia and Kifle Lemma, ―Environmental Management in Ethiopia: Have the National Conservation Plans Worked?‖ Environmental Forum Publications Series no. 1 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, 1998)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mixing and Switching of Codes: Facilitating Means for Communication among Bangladeshi Speakers |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Debdas Biswas |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2405107077 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims at delving deep into the reality whether code-switching and code-mixing are of negative impact on the Bangla language or they can be a useful tool for the sake of dynamic communication. This research diagnoses socio-psychological contexts of code-switching and code-mixing drift among the young speakers of Bangladesh with an eye to getting to the reality. The paper cares about these people for they are the representative-speakers of Bangladesh who, at present, are continuously coming into contact with powerful languages of the world and their influences thereby in wider range for globalization. This paper addresses a practical gap that no researcher has yet decided how code-switching and code-mixing can be effective tools for the Bangladeshi speakers without undermining their mother tongue and their linguistic aspirations. This research paper paves the way for getting at a definitive.....
Key Words: Code-witching, Code-mixing, socio-psychological contexts of code- switching and mixing, Conscious and controlled mixing and switching of codes, Linguistic aspirations
[1]. Alam, S. (2006). Code switching in Bangladesh: a case study of non government white collar service holders and professional‟, Asian Affairs, vol. 28, no. 4, pp.52-70, viewed 21 January2015,
[2]. Durham, M. (2003). Language choice on a Swiss mailing list. Journal of computer mediated Communication, 9(1).
[3]. Goldbarg, R. N. (2009) Spanish English code switching in Email communication. Language @ internet. Vol 6. Retrieved January 12, 2019 from
[4]. Hudson, R. A. (1996). Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Herring, S. C. (ed.) (1996). Computer-mediated communication: Linguistic, social and cross-cultural perspectives.Amsterdam: John Benjamins
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Commercialization of Television in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Khandakar Rubyat Mursalin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2405107884 ![]() |
Abstract: This study explores the phenomena of commercialization of Television in Bangladesh, discusses the reason behind commercialization, finds the consequences and makes the recommendation for developing an effective public serving media system. This research employs a qualitative approach where in-depth interviews are taken and discourse analysis of policy documents which are relevant to the process of commercialization of television are used to collect data. Television, in our country, was commercialized in the time of its establishment in 1964. During the Pakistan period......
Key Words: Commercialization, Television, Bangladesh, Bangladeshi TV Industry, BTV
[1]. Ali, I. S. (2018).Governance and the Media. Dhaka, Center for Governance Studies.
[2]. Bangladesh Television. (2011). Price list of advertisements. Retrieved from
[3]. Bhuiyan, A.J.M. S. A. (2002). The political economy of mass communication in Bangladesh, The Journal of International Communication, 8:2, 118-136.
[4]. Khan, M. A. R. (2013).Private television ownership in Bangladesh: a critical qualitative inquiry. (Thesis).University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR. Retrieved from
[5]. Khatun, A., Abir, J. I., Rahman, M., & Rahman, M. G. (2017). Press freedom dynamics in Bangladesh. Negotiating Journalism, 7, 98-99.