Series-5 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | MOOCs in Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lopamudra Dey (Dutta) |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2405050103 ![]() |
Abstract: Online Courses via digital, distance learning method is now a popular demand among learners. Basically, highly educated peoples get benefits of this type of learning mode. But, the main aim of this method of study is basically initiated for the benefits of a large section of people those who are deprived from education. Nowadays, Central government of India also has started initiatives to popularize it and to reach out large section of people. Teachers are giving support to encourage their students to go through various MOOCs. Here, in this topic, we try to focus the situation of Massive Open Online courses worldwide and also in our own country. Here, we try to analyze different survey reports based on success of MOOCs worldwide, try to know about its impact on our country and to know about the impact of MOOCs among us.
Keywords: MOOC, India, World, Survey.
[1]. "MOOCs Professor's Agency in the face of Disruption"/Saltarelli,Andrew and Glass,Chris; Educause Review;,2015.
[2]. "Characteristics of Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs):A research Review",2009-12/Jolie Kennedy; Journal of Interactive Online Learning;Vol.13,No.1,Spring 2014,
[3]. "MOOCs and LIS education : a massive opportunity or challenge"/ Pujar,Shamprasad M and Bansode,Sadanand Y; Annals of Library and Information studies,vol.61,March 2014,pp74-78.
[4]. "MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses: an initiative under National Mission on Education through Information Communication Technology(NME-ICT) Programme"-guidelines for development and implementation of MOOCs/Ministry of Human Development. Department of Higher Education.
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Abstract: The aim of the researchwas to investigate the perceptions of the community on the various forms of interpersonal communication used to reduce maternal and child mortality in West Pokot County of Kenya. The research useda descriptive cross-sectional survey research design,employinga mixedresearch methodapproach. A sample of four hundred respondents was selected from the County usingcluster, simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Qualitative data were collected using four key informant interviews and four focus group discussions and then analysed thematically and then presented narratively.............
Key Terms: Community Perceptions, Effectiveness, Interpersonal Communication Forms, Maternal, Child Mortality Reduction Campaigns, West Pokot County, Kenya
[1]. Clarke, M. (2009). Over the border and under the radar: can illegal immigrants beactive citizens? Development in Practice, 19(8), 1064-1078.
[2]. Government of Kenya (GoK) (2013). Ministry of Planning and National Development, West Pokot District Development Plan. Nairobi: Government Printers.
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[5]. Kenya Demographic Health Survey(KDHS) (2009). Kenya Demographic Health Survey Report. Nairobi: KDHS.
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Abstract: Soil degradation is a world-wide problem facing humanity today. In Nyakach Sub-county the problem has persisted over the years. This study set out to assess the influence of socio-demographic characteristics of farmers on soil erosion levels. Data from 384 respondents,collected using questionnaire and interview, were analyzed by descriptive statistics and multinomial logistic regression.Resultsrevealed that household headship was male-dominated (64.6%), 45.8% of the respondents had primary level of education, 65.6% were married, 52.3% treated farming as their main occupation and 26% lived below poverty line. Some 52.1% of the respondents were aged 36 to 64 years,..............
Key Terms: Socio-demographic,soil degradation, physiographic units.
[1]. Abu, G.A., Taangahar, T.E. & Ekpebu, I.D. (2011). Proximate determinants of farmers WTP (willingness to pay) for soil management information service in Benue State, Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(17) pp. 4057-4064. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR11.326
[2]. Aheeyar, M.M.M. (2000). Social linkages of watershed management; Paper presented at 26th WEDC conference at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[3]. Al-Jazzar, M.F. (2012). A Comparative Study Between Linear Discriminant Analysis and Multinomial Logistic Regression in Classification and Predictive Modeling. MSc Thesis, Al Azhar University Gaza
[4]. Amanda, E.L. (2007). A Kenyan Revolution: Mau Mau, Land, Women, and Nation. MA Thesis
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Abstract: This paper investigates the various constraints experienced by agriculture teachers and the students in the teaching and learning process which have an implication on food security.The study employed descriptive survey design. Data was collected using an Agriculture Teachers‟ Interview Schedule and a Students‟ Focus Group Discussion Guide. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The research findings show that there are major constraints in the teaching and learning of secondary school agriculture that negatively impact on food security. The paper concludes by highlighting the implications of these constraints to education policy and recommendations for further action.
Key Terms: Community-school linkage, Constraints, Food security, Secondary school agriculture, Skills development.
[1]. FAO (2010). State of food insecurity in the world. addressing food insecurity in Protacted Crises.Rome: FAO.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strengths and weaknesses of online surveys |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Siva Durga Prasad Nayak || K.A. Narayan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2405053138 ![]() |
Abstract: Data is of paramount importance for research. Though the methodology for research studies may vary, every research is based on data which should be of good quality and which is then analysed and interpreted to yield information. The commonest among several methods of primary data collection are surveys and they can be grossly categorized into two groups. viz., manual and electronic. Three major methods of collecting survey data electronically are computer administered surveys, electronic mail surveys, and web surveys. The technology for online survey research is young and evolving. Yet many researchers in different disciplines may be unaware of the advantages and disadvantages associated with conducting survey research online such as in public health discipline.........
Key Terms: Computer administered surveys, Email based surveys , Online surveys, Survey tools, Web surveys
[1]. Vehovar V, Katja Lozar M. Overview: Online Surveys. In: The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods [Internet]. 2008. p. 177–94. Available from:
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Abstract: Mediation through the religious court is still achieving a low success rate in Indonesia, from 2003 to 2015.Based on the results of the study, data shows that the maximum achievement is only 18.1 %. This study aims to determine the repositioning of the mediation process in resolving Islamic financial dispute through the Religious Courts after the enacment of Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2016. This research is a normative and empirical legal research that uses qualitative methods. Athe interviews were conducted through field research in 5 (five) Religious Courts in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The results showed that the mediation process at the Religious Courts as one of the conditions for filing a lawsuit was no longer included in the trial, but carried out outside the trial which become a mandatory requirement in the registration of the lawsuit. As for the factors that support law enforcement there are five factors including law and legislation, law enforcement officers, facilities and infrastructure, society and culture.
Key Terms: Mediation Process, Dispute Resolution, Sharia Economics, Religious court.
[1]. A. Rasyid, Relevance of Islamic Dispute Resolution Processes on Islamic Banking and Finance, Journal Arab Law Quarterly, Volume 27, Issue 4, (2017), 343-369.
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[3]. B. Riyanto et al, Transplantation Mediation in Civil Justice System in Indonesia, Semarang, Diponegoro University, 2016.
[4]. B. Riyanto, et al, Transplanting Mediation Into Indonesian Civil Judicial System, Journal Sampurasun, Vol. 03, No. 01, June 2017, 1.
[5]. B.A. Sidharta. Indonesian Legal Studies, Legal Studies Systematic Development Efforts Responsive Community Change. Yogyakarta: Genta Publishing, 2013
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Criminal Justice System in India with Special Reference to Punishment Theory |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Karan Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2405054855 ![]() |
Abstract: The criminal justice system is at the heart of any society, which aims to protect rights, to defend the imposition of duties and to establish a framework for the conduct of almost all social, political and economic activities. Penalizing criminals, securing and providing compensation to victims, witness protection are some of the tasks of a criminal justice system. Furthermore, it strives to achieve justice, promote freedom, uphold the rule of law and protect security.1 It is also pertinent to mention that a country's criminal law mutates according to the ideology of its political power holders. This means that the change of governments either in the ideology or in the politics of the government will be reflected.........
Key Terms: Community-school linkage, Constraints, Food security, Secondary school agriculture, Skills development.
[1]. Ashworth, Andrew, Sentencing and Criminal Justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (2010).
[2]. Bagaric, Mirko, Punishment and Sentencing: A Rational Approach, Cavendish Publishing Ltd., London, (2001).
[3]. Campbell, George,Modern India: A Sketch of the Systemof Civil government, to which is Prefixed, Some Account of the Natives and Native Institutions, Nabu Press, South Carolina, Charleston, (2010).
[4]. Chan, Wing-Cheong, Barry Wright and Stanley Yeo, Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code, Asgate Publishing Ltd., London, (2011
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Abstract: social media particularly Facebook is increasingly used in political context and believed to be an ideal platform for political communication. It is not only used to spread information but also political opinions, public ideology, culture and attitude publicly. The emerged political change in Ethiopia in 2017/18 is believed to be a result of social media communication (interaction) and it is the most communicated public discourse among the users. Framing which mean media is successful in telling its audience "what to think about" not "what to think" principle is used as a theoretical framework of analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative content analyses were employed to interpret the women‟s ministerial appointment news framing. Six face book pages with 55 posts and 1000 (one thousand) responses.........
Key Terms: framing, social media, women, political communication
[1]. Castells, M. (2008). The new public sphere: Global civil society, communication networks, and global governance. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 616(1), 78–93. doi: 10.1177/0002716207311877
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Abstract: Semiotics is the scientific study of the properties of signaling systems, whether natural or artificial. It also refers to the study within the philosophy of sign and symbol system in general. In the semiotic approach, linguistic, psychological, philosophical and sociological characteristics of communicative systems are studied together. Philosophers like Rudolf Carnap look at semiotics as a field which is divisible into three areas namely, Semantics, Syntactics and Pragmatics. Semantics is the study of the relation between linguistic expression and the objects in the world which they refer to. The semiotic analysis was developed as a part of an attempt to analyse all aspects of communication as systems of signals such as music, film, dance etc. The study of visual communication is known as kinesics........
Key Terms: Translation, Digital Text, Verbal, Visual, Text, Film, Digital Media.
[1]. Bal, Mieke (1998) "See Signs: The Use of Semiotics for the Understanding of Visual Art‟ in Mark A. Cheetham et al, eds. The Subjects of Art History: Historical Objects in Contemporary Perspective, Cambridge etc.: Cambridge UniversityPress.
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[5]. Metz, Christian "Some Points in the Semiotics of the Cinema." In Film Theory and Criticism. 5th ed. Leo Brady and Marshall Cohen (eds).NY & Oxford: Oxford University Press,1999.
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Abstract: This paper discusses Libya's interests in Chad which seems to be motivated by political, religious and strategic considerations. France interests in Chad, being the mother country that colonised Chad and granted Chad's independence in 1960, certainly has a number of interests to protect in that country which ranges from economic, socio-cultural, political, military and strategic considerations. United States interests in Chad are predicated on two factors, the question of former East-West rivalry and political and economic interests.Soviet Union (USSR) was a very strong supporter of Libya, and Libya seemed to be the chief surrogate of Soviet penetration in Africa. This was how USSR got involed in the conflict. In fact, there is no way the crisis in Chad can be finally settled without the settlement of the Aouzou strip occupation
Key Terms: Surrogate-Imperialism-Colonialism-Conflict-Interests
[1]. Akinyemi, B. (1995). "Strategies for the enhancement of the security on Nigerian borders"The Eagle Journal of the Nigerian Command and Staff College JaJi,Vol.5pp39-40.
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[3]. Eric, M. (2000). Chad in intra-state relations anf African politics. InNigerianJournal of International Affairs (NJIA) Vol. 7 No. 182 pp149.
[4]. Goodluck, A. (1999). "Nigeria and Chad".Seminar paper on Nigeria's immediate neighbours.National Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) Vol. 12, (3), pp3-9.
[5]. John, I. (2008). "Nigeria-Chad border conflict".Nigerian Journal of International Affairs (Vol. 10) No.1:pp 10-16.
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Abstract: This study investigated university type difference on academics' organisational commitment and creativity. A descriptive research design was used in this study. Quantitative data were collected with questionnaires, administered to 525academic staff, selected through proportionate stratified sampling technique, while Qualitative data was collected using semi-structured interviews. Twelve participants were accidentally sampled for the interviews. Data collected were analysed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.The result showed that university type significantly influenced both organisational commitment (F=36.374.......
Key Terms: university type, organisational commitment, organisational creativity, academic staff, work environment
[1]. Adeniji, A. A. (2011). Organisational Climate as a Predictor of Employee Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Covenant University, Business Intelligence Journal, 4(1), 151-165.
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[4]. Akinyele, S. T. (2007). A critical assessment of environmental impact on workers' productivity in Nigeria. Research Journal on Business Management, 1(1), 50-61.
[5]. Akpan, C. (2012). Resource Management and Job Involvement among University Lecturers in South-South Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1(8),12- 22
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Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to assess occupational burnout experiences and job satisfaction among secondary school teachers. The study sample was 210 randomly selected secondary school teachers. Maslach Burnout Inventory was used to measure dimensions of teachers' burnout. The scale consisted of three subscales: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishments. Additionally, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaires were used to measure job satisfaction of teachers. Independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The result of.........
Key Terms: Burnout, Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Personal Accomplishment, Job Satisfaction
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