Series-7 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Post-Postcolonialism': Theorising On the Shifting Postcolonial Paradigms in African Fiction |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Eyoh Etim |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2405070112 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is based on the assumption that there has been a paradigm shift in the postcolonial discourse in African literature to warrant a re-assessment of the postcolonial theoretical constructs. This is so because existing literature, with all the issues therein, appears to suggest a movement towards a new Era which could be termed "post-postcolonialism‟ or "after postcolonialism‟. Basing its analysis on select novels in African literature, such as Ngugi wa Thiong‟O‟s Devil on the Cross and Wizard of the Crow and Chimamanda Adichie‟s Half of a Yellow Sun and Americanah, among other works, this paper reviews developments in the postcolonial theoretical framework, from colonialism through neo-colonialism to postcolonialism. The paper, whose critique is sustained by Cultural Studies.........
Keywords: African literature, paradigm shift, post-postcolonialism, postcolonialism, theory
[1]. Achebe, Chinua. "The Writer and the Biafran Cause.‟ Morning Yet on Creation Day. London: Heinemann, 1975.
[2]. Adichie, Chimamanda. Half of a Yellow Sun. Lagos: Farafina, 2006.
[3]. Adichie, Chimamanda. Americanah. Lagos: Kachifo Limited, 2014.
[4]. Appiah, Kwame. "Is the Post- in Postmodernism the Post- in Postcolonial?‟ Eds: Tejumola Olaniyan and Ato Quayson. African Literature: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory. Malden: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 2007, pp. 645-664.
[5]. Armah, Ayi. Two Thousand Seasons. London: Heinemann Educational Publishers, 1975
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Abstract: The states in India are diverse in nature. The scenario of higher education across the states can be compared based on certain parameters like number of Ph D enrolment, gender ratio, number of post-graduate enrolment, gender ratio, college population index, student teacher ratio, etc.. this communication has used principal component analysis method to have determinants of higher education for comparing the states. The data of AISHE for the period 2012-13 to 2017-18 have been taken.
Key Terms: principal component analysis, college population index, gender ratio, student teacher ratio, AISHE
[1]. Aggarwal Yash (2000). DPEP 2000: An Assessment of Trends in Access and Retention, NIEPA, New Delhi.
[2]. Aggarwal Yash (1983). Regional Aspects of Literacy Among Scheduled Castes and Non Scheduled Population in India: A Districtwise Analysis, NIEPA, New Delhi.
[3]. Ahmad, S. N. and Shamim, M. (1998) "Spatial Dimensions of Social and Economic Inequalities in Bihar", The Geographer, Vol. XLV, No. 2, pp. 70-77.
[4]. Ashraf, S. W. A., Ahmad, A. and Khurshid, G. (2008): "Status of Women Education in Aligarh city‟, The Geographer, Vol. XLV, No. 2, July, pp.102-111.
[5]. Banu, N. (2015), " Trens and Patterns of Literacy Distribution in West Bengal‟, Acme International Journal of Multidiciplinary Research‟, Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 63-74.
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Abstract: The term federalism is originates from the Latin word foedus. The first documented federal system was that of the ancient Israelite tribes that came into being in the thirteenth century before the Common Era or over 3200 years ago. The federal system is often used as a way of uniting divided societies particularly where divisions are ethnic, linguistic, and religious, and develop governance systems in order to move ahead from violence and conflict in various countries including Nepal. The study was conducted in Capital city of Nepal among 423 administrative staffs working in various organizations using quantitative approach. Data were collected through face interview technique using pretested questionnaire applying purposive.......
Keywords: Administrative staff, capital city of Nepal, federal system, involvement, organizations, stability
[1]. Daniel J. Elazar. Building cities in America.1987
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[5]. Beetham, David et al. The State of Democracy. Democracy Assessments in Eight Countries around the World. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. 2002
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Primacy of Use over Naming |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Alok Kumar Sahu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2405072634 ![]() |
Abstract: In Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein proposed the notion of meaning that accounts for the large variety of contexts in which we apply the term ―meaning‖. This paper agreement with the manner in which Wittgenstein enhance his conception of meaning emphasizing his methodology of observation and description of particular cases. By applying a descriptive approach, Wittgenstein demonstrated that meaning of the term do not reside in physical or mental objects as well as in its correlations. As a result of contrasting denotative theory as well as correspondence theory..........
Keywords: Naming, Use, Pictorial form, Isomorphic-relation, Language-game, Forms of life.
[1]. Wittgenstein, L. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, translated by D. F. Pears and B. F. McGuinness with an introduction by Bertrand Russell, this edition Published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library (Routledge), 2002, p-29. [2]. Wittgenstein, L. Philosophical Investigation. Ed. by P.M.S. Hacker and Joachim Schulte. Trans. by G.E.M. Anscombe, P.M.S. Hacker and Joachim Schulte (4th ed.). (P. xxvii [not printed]). West Sussex: Blackwell. (First published in 1950.), 2009.
[3]. Addis, M. Wittgenstein: A guide for the perplexed, Continuum Publisher, London, New York, 2006, p-28.
[4]. Augustine, Saint. TheConfessions, Image Publisher, 23rdAugust, 1960
[5]. James F. Harris. Language, Language Games and Ostensive Definition, Source: Synthase, Vol. 69, No. 1 (Oct., 1986), pp. 41-49 Published by: Springer Stable URL: Accessed: 10-11-2018 11:46 UTC.
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Abstract: Human Capital is the lifeline of an organization. In fact, until the development of artificial intelligence, it mayuse Human Capital to complete any desired action and to create any other form of capital. Human capital contributes knowledge, experience and the competencies to achieve the firm‟s goals. Thus, in an organizational decision making process is important to make the perfect choice on employee recruitment, employee development and employee retention. From the firm‟s point of view, taking the correct decision in hiring, training and retaining human capital is vital as the process involves time, effort and money. Employee turnover is usually not an immediate decision but a process that accumulates over time. Scholarly have stated that it usually starts with a shocking.......
Key Terms: Tourism, Employment, Employee Turnover,Hotel &Travel Industry, Employee Retention
[1]. Allen, D. Bryant, P and Vardaman, M (2010) "Retaining Talent: Replacing Misconceptions with Evidence-Based Strategies‟ Academy of Management Perspectives pp: 48-64
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[5]. Ash, R. A., Dreher, G. F., & Bretz, R. D., Jr. (1987). Dimensionality and stability of the Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire. Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
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Abstract: This research aims to study a site in Isfahan that includes many monumental buildings,such as tombs, mausoleums, mosques,Tikyet, caravansary, water reservoir, Mousala, and stone graves; namely Takht-I-Foolad. All these kinds of buildingsdate back to different periods, but most of them are related to theSafavid and Qajar periods.Despite the importance of this site, it did not gain the notice it deserves by researchers. It is a site that combines a variety of buildings that sharea main feature; seeming like the city of death,in Cairo, Egypt. It contains a complex for the living and the dead, serving both together, andhashouses and palaces belonging to the Qajar period. For that and some other reasons it was situated far away from Isfahan.......
Key Terms: Ekwulobia Igbo,Standard Igbo, Negation
[1]. *All the photos are taken by the author, except No. (22) From
[3]. Honrfar, lutf Allah, (1952), the treasure of archaeological building in Isfahan, Isfahan
[4]. Abtohey, Saied, (1992), Shiite and Havosaelmiea in Isfahan, 3 vol., Isfahan
[5]. Mahdawey, Saied, (1992), Tongue of the earth, or Takht Foulad in Isfahan, Kuttabkhane, Isfahan.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Democracy and Good Governance in Nigeria Democratic System (1999-2015). |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Ogunbodede Olarewaju Bamigboye |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2405077791 ![]() |
Abstract: The return to democratic governance in 1999 has been fraught with several issues that withheld Nigeria from fully enjoying the dividends of democracy. One very significant aspect of Nigeria's democracy is her experimentation with different forms of governance aiming to ensure true federalism and representativeness because of her multi-diversity in social, cultural, political and religious make up. As the world's fifth largest federation, it is not surprising that Nigeria has struggled with refining representative and federal powers in the form of governance or democratic system.........
[1]. Abati, R. (2007). Yar'Adua's Government of National Unity. Retrieved from
[2]. Adagba, O., Ugwu, S.C. &Eme, O.I. (2012). Activities of Boko Haram and Insecurity Question in Nigeria. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 1(9), 77-99.
[3]. Adejumobi, S. (2002). The Relevance of the President System of Government to Nigeria's Quest for Democracy. The Constitution: A Journal of Constitutional Development, 3(2), 36–53.
[4]. Adeoye, O.A. (2009). Godfatherism and the Future of Nigerian Democracy. African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 3(6), 268-272.
[5]. Africa on the Rise (2015). CNN Money Ranks Nigeria 3rd Fastest Growing Economy in 2015. Africa-on-the Rise Online, January 23. Retrieved from