Series-2 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the indicators for the implementation of halal tourism based on the legislation and regulation in Indonesia, along with the ideal standards for the implementation of halal tourism. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical, namely research conducted by researching library material by analyzing statutory rules, literature and revealing documents. The result of this study shows that the indicators of the implementation of halal tourism based on the legislation and regulation in Indonesia are only obtained in National Sharia Council Fatwa of Indonesian Council of Ulama (DSN-MUI) No. 108/DSN-MUI/X/2016 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Tourism based on Islamic Principles, including the terms of sharia hotel......
Keywords:Standards, Halal Tourism, Indonesia
[1]. Takariadinda Diana Ethika, "PengembanganPariwisataBerbasisBudayaBerdasarkanUndang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 di Kabupaten Sleman," [Development of Culture-Based Tourism Based on Law Number 10 of 2009 in Sleman Regency] Jurnal Kajian Hukum, Volume 1, Number 2, Year 2016.
[2]. Fahadil Amin Al Hasan, "Penyelenggaraan Pariwisata Halal di Indonesia (Analisis Fatwa DSN-MUI tentang Pedoman Penyelenggaraan PariwisataBerdasarkan Prinsip Syariah)," ),"[Organizing Halal Tourism in Indonesia (Analysis of DSN-MUI Fatwa on Guidelines for Organizing Sharia-Based Tourism)], Jurnal Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum, Volume 2, Nomor 1, Januari-Juni 2017.
[3]. detail/18069/5-tahun-kembangkan-pariwisata-halal-indonesia-akhirnya-raih-peringkat-pertama-wisata-halal-dunia-2019/0/artikel_gpr. Accessed on Date 18 April 2019.
[4]. Bungaran Antonius Simajuntak, dkk, Sejarah Pariwisata Menuju Perkembangan Pariwisata Indonesia, [History of Tourism Towards the Development of Indonesian Tourism], Pustaka Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, 2015.
[5]. Muhammad Djakfar, Pariwisata Halal Perspektif Multidimensi, [Halal Tourism Multidimensional Perspective ], UIN-Maliki Press, Malang, 2017.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Assessment of the Impact of Nigeria's Foreign Policy on Home Remittances in the Fourth Republic |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Bailey Saleh, PhD |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407020620 ![]() |
Abstract: Since the enthronement of civil democratic governance in Nigeria‟s political environment on May 29, 1999 to date, successive administrations of the Fourth Republic have on sustainable basis, been pursuing citizen diplomacy. This is a deliberate foreign policy instrument that is deployed at the external environment to carter for the welfare of Nigerians in the Diaspora. This is as the result of the confidence built in NIDO by Nigerian Presidents any time on foreign visits; where they kept on assuring and encouraging that the domestic environment is now safe and clean enough for doing business. These interface dialogues between Nigeria‟s highest political leadership with NIDO........
Key Terms: Foreign Policy, Home Remittances, Diaspora, Foreign Capital, Citizen Diplomacy, Foreign Revenue, Host Country, Home Country.
[1]. Adeleke, K. M; Olowe, S. O. & Fasesin, O. O. (2014). Impact of FDI on Nigeria‟s Economic Growth.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Studies,4(8). Pp. 234-242.
[2]. Adeniji, A. (2007). Introduction to Foreign Policy. Abuja: National Open University of Nigeria
[3]. Awolusi. O. D. (2013). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Nigeria: A Vector Error
Correcting Modeling. Journal of Research in Economics and International Finance. 1(3), Sept.
[4]. Betarlanfy, L. (1969). General Systems Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications. New York: G.
[5]. CBN (2011). Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin for Year 2011.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mobile Applications for the Use of English at Works |
Country | : | Thailand |
Authors | : | Pathitta Akkarathanakul || Angvarrah Lieungnapar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407022125 ![]() |
Abstract: Mobile applications seem to be very important nowadays for learning language in the 21st Century. The main reason is that mobile applications for English language can improve not only the learners' language abilities, but also working people' proficiency in using English at work. However, it is unclear to what extent moblie applications have been frequently used to help improve English proficiency at work and what seems to be primary reasons for using the moblie applications. Therefore, this study aims to investigate mobile applications that are frequently used to help working in English in different business organizations and to study the underlying reasons in using the......
Key Terms: Mobile applications, Mobile language learning, Technology, English at work
[1]. Bunchutrakun C., Aeka A., & Lieungnapar A., The Development of learning management of business English students to achieve the needs of entrepreneur in various careers, Conference Proceedings The 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Science and Arts (SGEM), Vienna, (2017), 307-314
[2]. Levy, M., Computer-assisted language learning: Context and conceptualization. ,(1997), Oxford University Press.
[3]. Chinnery, G. M., Emerging technologies going to the MALL: Mobile assisted language learning. Language learning & technology, (2206), 10(1), 9-16.
[4]. Jarvis, H., & Achilleos, M., From Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) to Mobile Assisted LanguageUse (MALU). Tesl-ej, (2013), 16(4), n4.
[5]. Candlin, C., & Beatty, K., Teaching and researching computer-assisted language learning., (2003).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Language: Revisiting Wittgenstein |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Appu Borah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407022628 ![]() |
Abstract: Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein is one of the greatest and prominent Scientists, Engineers and Philosophers of 20th Century. Being a follower of analytic trend Wittgenstein gives importance on the analysis of language because for him there is no other way to know the world except the analysis of language. He states a co- relation among the world , thought and language since whatever we think or our thought always connected with the existing objects of the world and all the thoughts are expressed through language either by bodily, or orally or in writing . If language is unable to represent our thought what it tries to depict any fact or state of affairs then no one can understand..........
Key words: Wittgenstein, analysis of language, picture theory of meaning, language game
[1]. Wittgenstein, L, (1922) Tractatus Logico Philosophicus, First publication London
[2]. Wittgenstein, L,… Philosophical Investigation , Translated by GEM Anscmbe , Upper Saddle River N J 07458
[3]. Pitcher, G …The Philosophy of Wittgenstein
[4]. Sharma Bhupesh -- Studies on Contemporary Western Philosophy, Granthamala publication ,Pathsala: 781325
[5]. Bhattacharjee Dr. Jyotsna --- Contemporary Western Philosophy, Publication at Swapna Printing Works (P) Ltd,52,Raja Rammohan Sarani, Kolkata-700009.
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Abstract: The effect of teaching presentation skills through a separate course module, on reducing public speaking anxiety among undergraduates was investigated. The research was conducted as a case study based on the 3rd year undergraduates of the Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, since "Presentation Skills‟ is a compulsory course modulefor all the 3rd year undergraduates of the university. The study was conducted at the beginning and at the end of the semester, using the questionnaire of Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) developed by McCrosky (1970; 1992). It was revealed that the public speaking anxiety of undergraduates has been reduced.....
Key Words; Public speaking, Public speaking anxiety, Undergraduates, Communication skills
[1]. American Psychiatric Association (1995). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV™), Primary Care Version, American Psychiatric Association, ISBN 0-89042- p. 407.
[2]. Bodie, G. D. (2010). A racing heart, rattling knees, and ruminative thoughts: Defining, explaining, and treating public speaking anxiety. Communication Education,59, pp. 70-105. doi:10. 080/03634520903443849
[3]. McCroskey, J. C. (1977). Classroom consequences of communication apprehension. Communication Education, 26, pp. 27-33. doi:10.1080/03634527709378196
[4]. North, M.M., North S.M. And Coble, J.R (1998). Virtual Reality Therapy: An effective treatment for the fear of public speaking, International Journal of Virtual Reality 3,2, pp. 2-6.
[5]. Rossi, A & Seiler W. (1989) The comparative effectiveness of systematic desensitization and integrative approach in treating public speaking anxiety; a literature review and a preliminary investigation. Imagination, Cognition and Personality 9;49-66
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Abstract: This study accesses the perception and impact of training and development policy and practice on employees‟ work performances in IDSL. In this regard, it sought answers to the following issues;organization‟s interest in training and development of its employees, opportunities and frequencies they have for training and development; criteria for selecting employees for training and development, relevanceof the training and development to the knowledge, skills and attitude required for their job,their effect on their job performance and overall effectiveness of the training policy and practice of the organization.The scope of the study consists of 208 employees of Integrated Data Services Limited (IDSL), Benin City, Nigeria. Stratified random sampling was used in selecting the......... .
[1]. Alaina, M.C. (2010), "Employee Performance Training", retrieved November 16, 2010 from
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[5]. Billson, I. (1998), "How Just in-time training can support Business-led Competency Development", Competency, spring.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Technological Intervention in Science Pedagogy: Quick Response Codes (QRCS) |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Jyotsna A Amin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407024651 ![]() |
Abstract: The world is rapidly moving towards the advanced technological era. The field of education has been slow to recognize both the impact of new learning tools and the environmental changes in what it means to learn. However, the rapid changing world has impacted the lives of people and the way they communicate in last few years. With the pace it is changing, it requires rethinking learning, learning tool and learning management systems with future perspectives. With the growing awareness about TPACK, MOOCs MOODLEs, and various online learning platforms it is imperative for the teachers to think in this direction. In order to connect the learners, the.....
[1]. Al-Khalifa, H.S., 2008. Mobile SRS: A classroom communication and assessment service, Innovations in Information
[2]. Cheung, W. S., and Hew, K. F.,(2009). A review of research methodologies used in studies on mobile handheld devices in K-12 and higher education settings. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(2), pp. 153-183.
[3]. Crompton, H.(2013). A Historical Overview of M-Learning: Toward Learner-Centered Education. In Z. Berge & L. in Muilenburg (Eds.), Handbook of mobile learning (pp. 3-14). Routledge, NewYork, USA.
[4]. Gurhan D. , Emre E. & Murat (2016). QR Codes in education and communication in turkishOnlineJournalofDistanceEducation-TOJDEISSN1302-6488Volume:17Number:2Article4
[5]. Hwang, G., and Tsai, C., (2011). Research trends in mobile and ubiquitous learning: A review of publications in selected journals from 2001 to 2010. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(4), pp. E65-E70..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stage lighting through the ages -Theatre to Classical Dance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rashmi Thaper || Dr.Shobha Shashikumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407025257 ![]() |
Abstract: The widespread use of electrical energy coupled with the rapid progress in innovation and manufacturing of specialized lighting and sound equipments brought about a revolutionary change in the use of sound and lighting equipments in all forms of performing arts in the 20th century.During the same period performances and presentation styles of music, dance and drama too underwent a metamorphosis in line with the modern times and artistic sensibilities of the audience. The history of stage lightings for theatrical productions in India is less than a century old, more so in case of classical dance productions. While technology is playing a crucial role in 21st century, Stage lighting has come a long way from the journey of necessity to an allied art in the present day.
Keywords: Allied art, Classical dance, Lighting equipments, Technology, Theatre.
[1]. Khalilulla, M. 2007. Gender and Violence in the plays of Mahesh Dattani. Shankaghatta: Shodaganga. 2 Sept 2018
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[4]. Ranganath, D. H. (2000). Karnataka Rangabhoomi. Bangalore: Kannada PustakaPradhikara.
[5]. Ananthamurthy, S. (n.d.). Theatre Movement in Karnataka :Gubbi Company..
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Abstract: Instruction during male circumcision is thought to cause delinquent and anti-social behaviour among boys. The studyexamined influence of affective domain on their self-study habit. It was anchored on psycho-education, behaviour modification and rational choice theories. It applied mixed method concurrent-triangulation design. The sample comprised 144 boys derived from a target population of1,262. Purposive, proportional and random samplingtechniques were used. Questionnaires, interview schedules and focus-group discussion guides comprised research instruments. Reliabilitywas rs = .622 and item content index and piloting, assured for tools' validity. Discussions and data-source triangulation enhanced instruments' credibility and dependability. Computer application.......
Keywords: Psycho-education, Affective domain, community male circumcision programmes, self-study habit
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Abstract: It is generally perceived that preventing misappropriation during public budgeting; its implementation or execution can be a tedious task. As a result, this study was conducted to establish possible ways misappropriation of public budgets can be prevented. The study adopts an exploratory approach which basically focuses on the review of existing theoretical literature. The study finds that political influence during public budgeting and implementation is as important as objective spending on generally agreed upon societal/developmental goals. The study concludes that any public officer willing to misappropriate public budgets only needs to have an opportunity........
Keywords: Public, Budget, Public Budgeting, Misappropriation, Preventing Misappropriation
[1]. Adeiza, M. O., Izedonmi, P. F. O., Akande, O. and Nyikyaa, M. N. (2017). Benefits of Internal Audit Function (IAF) in the Nigerian Public Sector: A case study of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Advances in Management. Department of Business Administration, University of Ilorin: Ilorin, 16(1), 116-128.
[2]. Adetiloye, K. A., Olokoyo, F. O., and Taiwo, J. N. (2016). Fraud Prevention and Internal Control in the Nigerian Banking System International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 6(3), 1172-1179. Retrieved 4th June 2018 from
[3]. Albrecht, C., Kranacher, M. & Albrechtit, S., (ud.). Asset Misappropriation Research White Paper for the Institute for Fraud Prevention. Retrieved 1st June 2018 from
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[5]. Anderson, S. and Harbridge, L. (2010). Incrementalism in appropriations: Small aggregation, big changes. Public Administration Review. 70, 464-474. Retrieved 3rd June 2018 from
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Abstract: The Arab region is considered one of the world's most inflamed regions in terms of internal and regional conflicts and crises. Particularly, Yemen which has been suffering over the period between 1945 and 2012 from the scourge of instability, military and political conflict, and that was a motive for the international community represented on International Organizations and Regional Organizations to support Yemen, in order to solve conflicts and prevent human rights in Yemen. However, the point of departure for this study is examining the roles and functions of International.....
Keywords: Roles and functions, Yemen, International Organizations and Regional Organizations
[1]. Abdul Latif, S., 2014, "International and Regional Organizations and Transformations of the Arab Spring‟, Building of the Future Studies, vol. 2. pp.11-18.
[2]. Abdullah, Al 2015, "Yemen's Relations with the GCC Countries and the Developments of the Post-Arab Uprisings‟, Gulf Centre for Development.Vol2, pp.106-124.
[3]. Abdullah, Al 2016, Yemen: Aid organizations fail in 2015, alaraby ,viewed 4 January 2016,<>
[4]. Adwar, S 2013, The International Organizations Working in Yemen and their Role in Development, Mareb Press, viewed Friday 22 February <>.
[5]. Alexander M.S 2014, Nasser's Political and Security Dilemma: Nasser's Political and Security Dilemma: American-Egyptian Relations during the Yemeni Civil War, 1962-1967.Florida State University Libraries, Florida. AL Shiabi, A 2012, The Case for Yemen Joining the GCC'',, viewed 31May2012, <>.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Mathematics in Cultural Activities: Teachers and learners' perspectives |
Country | : | Zimbabwe |
Authors | : | Dr Sylvia Madusise |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407028290 ![]() |
Abstract: This article analyses teachers‟ and learners‟ perspectives on the role of school mathematics in understanding cultural activities. The qualitative study from which this article emerges worked with three mathematics teachers and their Grade 9 learners from one rural school (situated very close to a cultural village). An attempt to connect mathematics concepts to cultural activities was made. Mathematics and culture are often interconnected, making school mathematics intimately linked to the society in which it is taught. Where connections are applied......
Keywords: critical mathematics education, critical pedagogy, cultural activities, ethnomathematics, culturally responsive teaching, teacher practices
[1]. Adam, S. (2002). Ethnomathematics in the Maldivian curriculum. In M. Monteiro (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ethnomathematics (ICEM 2). OuroPreto, MG, Brazil: LyriumComunicacao Ltda.
[2]. Antony, G., & Walshaw, M. ( 2009). Characteristics of effective teaching of mathematics; A review from the West. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 2(2), 147-164.
[3]. Arismendi-Pardi, E. J. (2001). Comparison of the final grades in Intermediate Algebra taught with and without an ethnomathematical pedagogy. The global perspective: Teaching, learning and student equity. A presentation to the Center for the Study of Diversity in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Miami, Florida.
[4]. Bartolomè, L. I. (1996). Beyond the methods fetish: Toward a humanising pedagogy. In A. Leistyna, A. Woodrum& S. A. Sherblom (Eds.), Breaking free: The transformative power of critical pedagogy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
[5]. Blum, W., Galbraith, P. L., Henn, H. W., & Nasir, M. (2007). Modelling and applications in mathematics education, [Online] Available: http// (June 2, 2011).
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Abstract: Everyone who organizes, provides facilities, or finances Jarimah Maisir (gambling) in Aceh is punished under Article 20 of Qanun Jinayat. One of cases of organizing jarimah which attracted the attention of Acehnese in 2018 was the conviction decision for an operational manager and 4 (four) employees of Fundland Banda Aceh because they was proven for sure and convincingly carry out the jarimah. But in the case, only five of them were convicted, while the Fundland business owner who was domiciled in Medan was not asked for criminal liability. This study aims to explain the criminal liability of the business owner who provide gambling facilty impersonated as amusement park in Banda Aceh Fundland case and explain the factors that difficulted law enforcement against.....
Keywords: Criminal Liabilty, Business Owner, Gambling
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