Series-5 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | People – Centred Development through Local Governance in Rural Jharkhand |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sharad Suman Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407050104 ![]() |
Abstract: Elected local Governments ( Panchayats) have played an important role in the implementation of various poverty alleviation programmes in rural Jharkhand. This paper shows that these people-centric programmes have potential to all round development of rural masses. The government of Jharkhand has successfully presented a bottom to top approach to develop the rural governance of Jharkhand by making the governance to reach the grass root level. The Rural department of government of Jharkhand with the support of Panchayti Raj institutions is engaged in the people centric development and upliftment of the socio economic condition of the rural communities. Strengthening local governments (LGs), is one of the most important governance challenges in today‟s India. This paper has the insight to review the running facts of this local governance in Rural Jharkhand. It also evaluate and analyze how much the government machinery has been able to full fill the aspirations of the people of Rural Jharkhand
Keywords:- Panchayat, Rural Devlopment, Jharkhand, Yojna Banao Abhiyan, Gram Sabha.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Servitudes Studied in Aravind Adiga's 'The White Tiger' |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Most. Rojina Afroj |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407050509 ![]() |
Abstract: In "The White Tiger', Aravind Adiga introduces an epistolary form to recount the oppressive situations of a lower caste servant, Balram, who tried to get rid of his physical and mental captivations that falsify his fortune all through his misdeeds. Balram Halwai inscribes a series of letters to the visiting Chinese Premier, Mr Wen Jiabao, to disclose a playfully expoundation and reinforce the points of Indian social circumstances that uphold the matter of servitudes and the consequences created from it. This study will simply try to demonstrate those points of extreme servitudes found in every social state of affairs and how the malcontent, Balram, has to accomplish his all immoral acts towards the way of successful entrepreneurship. But, all he wants to do up to the last time is to be free from servitudes, becoming a master from a servant.
Keywords: Poverty, Servitude, Dissatisfaction, Illegalities, Tendencies, Success
[1]. Aravind Adiga (2008). The White Tiger. New Delhi: Harper Collins Publishers, Print.
[2]. Muzifar Yousuf (2009). "Master-servant relationship in Adiga‟s The White Tiger". The Literary Herald-an international, refereed/peer-reviewed open-access e-journal of English language and literature. Downloaded on 07/07/2019 from <>
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Abstract: This paper tried to review substance abuse as it affects the educational prospects of secondary school students involved as well as the role of the family in aiding/controlling the scourge of substance abuse among youths in our society. The paper identified those substances students usually abused to include: Indian hemp (marijuana), tramadol, cocaine, morphine, heroin, tobacco, ephedrine, volume five, Chinese capsules, kola nuts, coffee, Viagra and alcohol. The review noted that substance abuse had been linked to the rising cases of promiscuity, rape, maladjustment, school dropout, examination misconducts and health hazards among students today. The educational implications of substance abuse by students were also examined. Finally, the review explores and appraises interventions aimed at using the family to control substance abuse among young people. These include direct prevention early identification and timely treatment which could be facilitated through developing positive family functioning, improved parent-child relationships and expanding/increasing family resilience to substance abuse.
Keywords: Family, substance abuse, aid and control, secondary school students, educational implications
[1]. Abdu-Raheem B.O (2013). Sociological Factors to Drug Abuse and Effect on Secondary School Students' Academic Performance in Ekiti and Ondo State, Nigeria. Contemporary Issues in Education Research; 6(2). Attah, A. P., Baba, E. & Audu, J. S. (2016). The effects of drug abuse and addiction on the academic performance of students in federal polytechnic Idah Kogi state Nigeria. International Journal of Democratic and Development Studies (IJDDS); 2, (2): 13-22.
[2]. Barasa M.M. (2013). Factors Influencing Drug Abuse among Students in Public Secondary Schools in Mombasa District, Mombasa country, Kenya. Unpublished Master Dissertation. The University of Nairobi Kenya.
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[5]. Clark D. (2004). The natural history of adolescent alcohol use disorders. Addiction Review; (2): 5 – 22.
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Abstract: This paper examined the early Christian Church response to the plight of widows in Acts 6:1where the Grecian widows were neglected in the daily distribution of food in favour of the Hebrew widows.There is an apparent neglect and unjust treatment of widows in our Christian churches in Nigeria. In spite of the Christian teachings that emphasize love and caring especially towards the grieving and vulnerable widows, we still see disrespect and humiliation of women when death knocks at the door of their husbands. This disproportionate injustice against widows, cut across cultures as a form of gender-based violence against women. Considering the traditional socialization that entrench dependence and passivity for women. The question is, how can the Church overcome the sentiments of cultural differences.....
Keywords: Marriage, Widowhood, Empathetic Ministry, Church, culture
[1]. Eweluka, U.U. (2002). "Post-colonialism, gender, customary injustice: Widows in African societies. Human Rights Quarterly, (24) 242.
[2]. Bacchiocchi, Samuele. (2000). Women in the Church. Berrien Springs, MI: The Biblical Perspectives.
[3]. Beyer, Bryan (2007). Encountering the Book of Isaiah: A Historical and Theological Survey. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
[4]. Block, Daniel I. (2003). "Marriage and Family in Ancient Israel", in Ken M. Cambel, (Eds.), Marriage and Family in the Biblical World. Downers Grove, Intervarsity Press, 57-59
[5]. Bock, Darrell L (2008). Commentary of the New Testament. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academic publishers.
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Abstract: This type of research is qualitative by using a constructivism approach, namely verstehen the process of meaning, and the effects of space capitalization and the marginalization of society. In collecting data, researchers collected interview data where the researchers acted as research instruments. The results of the study show that; (1) Society develops from the condition of gemeinschaft to gesselschaff. Includes meeting social interactions, family ties and close friendships, while social ties are voluntary, contractual and based on self-interest, (2) The social structure in the airport area has changed due to the control of the space produced by airport managers to make the land is a source of capital, and (3) the shifting of the functions of the central activity of Makassar City to the periphery, due to the influence of modernization and globalization directly conditions the intensive marginalization of society..
Keywords: Social Formation, Space Reproduction Mastery, Space Capitalization and Community Marginalization.
[1]. Aminah, Siti. 2015. Konflik dan Kontestasi Penataan Ruang Kota Surabaya. Masyarakat: Jurnal Sosiologi, 20 (1): 59-79. Dipublikasikan oleh Lab. Sosio. Pusat Kajian Sosiologi FISIP-UI.
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[4]. Johan, Woltjer. 2014. A Global Review on Peri-Urban Development and Planning. Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota vol. 25, no. 1, hlm. 1-16, April 2014. ISSN 0853-9847 © 2014 SAPPK ITB.
[5]. Laclau and Mouffe. 1985. Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. Verso
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Abstract: Against the backdrop of low utilization of antenatal healthcare services and high incidence of maternal mortality in rural Nigeria, this study assessed the accessibility of antenatal healthcare facilities to rural women in AkwaIbom State, Nigeria. 550 pregnant women were selected from across 55 health centres in the study area. 550 set of well structured questionnaires were used to track the mobility and accessibility profile of the women as well as the accessibility status of the health centres.Percentages and Tables were employed for data presentation while the Z-score statistics was utilized to compute the index/levels of accessibility of the health centres. Findings indicated poor accessibility to more than 40 percent of the healthcare facilities as long travel time/distance, longer waiting time at health centresand high travel cost constituted major barriers to antenatal healthcare facilities accessibility.......
Keywords: Accessibility; AkwaIbom State, Ante natal, Healthcare Facilities, Rural Areas, Pregnant Women, Nigeria.
[1]. AkwaIbom State Ministry of Health (AKMOH) (2014), List of Health Facilities as at December, 2014.
[2]. Anarfi, J. K. and Ahideke C. (2006).Improving the Health of Children among the Urban Poor in the City of Accra, Ghana, African Population and Health Research Center, ISSER.
[3]. Asiimwe, K. J. (2010). Utilization of antenatal services among adolescents in Western Ugand: International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 90,(4):110-132.
[4]. Atuyamber, L., Mirembe, F., Johansson, A., Kirumira, E. K. and Faxelid, E. (2005). Experiences of Pregnant adolescent –voices from Wakiso District, Uganda: African Health Sciences, 5(4):304-309.
[5]. Awusi, V. O. (2009). Determinants of Antenatal Care Services Utilization in Emevor Village, in Nigeria.Benin Journal of Postgraduate Medicine II..
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Abstract: Academic achievement of primary school children influenced by various socio-economic factors. The author surveyed to find out what matters the education outcome of four primary school children in Dhaka city. From the result of Ordinary Least Square Method, it was revealed that self or guided study, school presence and home learning environment have significantly improved academic outcome where father or mother income has insignificantly affect the academic outcome. This study also found out the insignificant correlation between mothers & fathers education and students' academic outcome, which was not found out in many previous studies in different countries especially in the early year of schooling.
Keywords: Academic outcome, Socio-Economic factors (SES), Home learning environment (HLE), education policy.
[1]. Tomul, E. and Savasci, H. (2012). Socioeconomic determinants of academic achievement. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24(3), pp.175-187.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dying To Survive:Predicament and Redemption |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Cui Han |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407055457 ![]() |
Abstract: The analysis on Dilemma and Redemption in Dying to Survive: Dying to Survive, which is a success among those domestic films of the type of realistic criticism, has gained double harvest of high box office and really good word of mouth in recent years. It tells a story about Cheng Yong, a middle-aged drug-dealer, changed from profit-seeking to selfless in the process of helping people with chronic myeloid leukemia. The film focuses on the experience of Cheng Yong as a starting point. It depicts the plight of different groups and Cheng Yong's salvation to them in the predicament.
Keywords: Dying to Survive; predicament; redemption.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teaching Competency of Secondary School Teachers In Relation To Their Self Efficacy |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Mrs. Kuldeep Bhullar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407055862 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study was an attempt to investigate teaching competency of secondary school teachers in relation to their self efficacy. A data was collected randomly from the sample of 200 secondary school teachers of Amritsar district using tools General Teaching Competency Scale ( Passi & Lalitha, 2011) and Teacher Efficacy Scale (TES) ( Kumar, 2012). The results revealed that there exists significant difference in teaching competency and self efficacy of government and private secondary school teachers. Private secondary school teachers found to be better on teaching competency and self efficacy as compared to government secondary school teachers. It is further found that teaching competency and self efficacy of secondary school students are significantly and positively correlated to each other............
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[4]. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy. The Exercise of Control. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
[5]. Brouwers, A. & Tomic, W. (2003). A test of the factorial validity of the teacher efficacy scale. Research in Education, 69(3), 67-79...
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Abstract: Brand in Aceh who becomes the object of piracy is usually associated with the brand reputation, businessmen who are deceitful can confuse the public in selecting the original goods with good quality. Government through Act No. 2016 20 years about the brand and the rule that contains the geographical indication, polemics which occurred in this era of globalization, but in fact the practice carried out by the perpetrators are still many businesses do not comply with the law current especially Aceh. This study uses empirical methods of juridical research, using secondary data collection techniques and primary data through a library of techniques and interview. Research results indicate that the reason for the businessmen in Aceh to register its brand to obtain legal certainty when dealing with the law, while the reasons not to register its brand by businessmen due to the need of time relatively long and obstacles faced for the businessmen in Aceh who did not register the brand due to the registration fee is too expensive and too convoluted Procedural.
Keywords: Application, constituent system, trademark registration
[1]. Sentosa Sembiring, Prosedur dan Tata Cara Memperoleh Hak Kekayaan Intelektual di Bidang Hak Cipta Paten dan Merek, (Bandung: Yrama Widya, 2002).
[2]. Hughes J., The Philosophy of Intellectual Property. Geogetown Law Jounal. Vol. 77. No. 28, 1988.
[3]. Tomy Pasca Rifai, Kesiapan Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Merek dan Indikasi Geografis dalam Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean, Fiat Justisia. Vol. 10. No 4, 2016.
[4]. Hery Firmansyah, Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Merek, (Yogyakarta: Medpress, 2013).
[5]. Elvani Harifaningshi, Kasus Merek Dominasi Perkara HaKI, (Bisnis Indonesia. 2009)..
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Abstract: Rehabilitation and Resettlement colony in Kakinada Special Economic Zone area is formed during the year 2008- 2011. Total 12 hamlet villages were identified and displaced from their original villages. The process of displacement continued for 3 years approximately and at present 919 houses were occupied by the Project Displaced families. In the present study, livelihoods of women of the colony are compared with the livelihoods of their native villages. It has been observed that, earlier in their native villages, majority of the women were daily agriculture laborers. They were assured of agriculture work throughout the year. Most of them also had additional income sources through cattle rearing, poultry rearing and vegetable farming. Few of the women belong to small and marginal farmers, where........
Keywords: Development induced Displacement, R and R colony, Special Economic Zones,Livelihoods
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