Series-4 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Lexical Reduplication in Bodo: A Brief Introduction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.DaithunBaro |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407040110 ![]() |
Abstract: Bodos are the highly reduplicated word speaking language. Reduplication takes vital role in the formation of a language.Lexical Reduplication is one of the sub-types of reduplication. Lexical reduplication refers to the process of repetition of any sequence of phonological units comprising a word or a part of it (Abbi:1992). So, morphologically, the lexical reduplication can be found either full/complete or partial reduplication both. It is found that lexical reduplication is more productive in the language. Lexical reduplication may be of three types; Echo-formation, Compound and Word Reduplication.
Key Word:Reduplication, Lexical Reduplication, Echo-formation, Compound, Word Reduplication.
[1]. Abbi, Anvita. Reduplication in TibetoBurman Languages of South Asia, Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2. September 1990.
[2]. -----------------. Reduplication in South Asian Languages: An Areal, typological and Historical Study. Allied Publidhers Ltd, 1992.
[3]. Arunachalam, M. Echo-words in Tamil. Journal of Tamil studies, International Institute of Tamil studies, p.1-10, 1977.
[4]. Baro, Madhu Ram. Structure of Boro Language. N. L. Publication, Panbazar, Guwahati, 2008.
[5]. Baro, D. Process of Reduplication in Bodo. Unpublished Thesis, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India, 2018...
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Abstract: The study sought to determine the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance drawing evidence from the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Kenya. Based on the study, this paper presents and discusses the research findings on the influence of individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation on employee performance.The research adopted a descriptive research design to gain insight and enable the researcher to measure the independent variableand the dependent variable. The target population of the study comprised 3,739 employees (18 staff from top management; 110 employees from middle level management and..........
Key Word:Transformational Leadership, Individualized Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation, Employee Performance, Moi Teaching, Referral Hospital .
[1]. P.Kirkbride, Developing transformational leaders: The full range leadership model in action,Industrial and Commercial Training, 1, 2006, 23-32.
[2]. Y. Hoffman, andB. Frost, Multiple Intelligence of transformational leaders: an empirical examination,International Journal of Manpower, 27(1),2006, 37-51.
[3]. J. Sarros,and J. Santora, The transformational-transactional leadership model in practice,Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 22(8), 2001, 383-394.
[4]. C. Long, W. Yusof, and T. Kowang, The Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction,World Applied Science Journal, 29(1),2014, 117-124.
[5]. J. Avolio, and B. Bass, Individual consideration viewed at multiple levels of analysis: A multi-level framework for examining the diffusion of transformational leadership,The Leadership Quarterly, 6(2),1995, 199-218.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tourism Products Development Based on Tourism Resources in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Tu Anh Nguyet |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2407042328 ![]() |
Abstract: Tourism is major economic sector and its production has always been considered a core issue on research and investment in tourism development activities. The development strategy of Vietnam's tourism includes: developing highly valued tourism product, ensured sustainability and competitiveness, as well as attracting the greater market and tourism investors. Mekong Delta in VietNam (also called the Region) has abundant potential resources for tourism development and special advantages. Greater Competitiveness in tourism development among localities, between regions and among countries increase tourism production and there by tourists to the locality, region and country. The purpose of this article is to analyze a potential location for tourism resources and tourism development based in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam......
Key Word: Toursim products, tourism resources, Mekong delta of Vietnam.
[1] Bui Thi Hai Yen, Pham Hong Long (2007), Tourism resources, Vietnam Education Publishing House Limited Company.
[2] Decision No.2473/QD-TTg dated on 30th December 2011 issued by Prime Minister on approval of strategy of Vietnam tourism development to 2020 and vision 2030.
[3] Jordi Datzira- Masip (2006), Culture Heritage Tourism- opportunities for Product Development, Spain Tourism Review
[4] Pamela.S.Y & Bob McKercher (2004.) Managing heritage resources as tourism products, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.
[5] Report of Mekong Delta Tourism Association.
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Abstract: Nutritional status of the elderly is an important determinant of their health and quality of life. Under-nutrition among elderly people is becoming significantly high regardless of the progress on the health care system. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of under-nutrition and food security among the elderly aged 60 years and above in Moiben Division in Uasin-Gishu. A cross-sectional survey was done using questionnaire and anthropometric measurements to collect data from 324 elderly persons. The study estimated the prevalence of undernutrition to be 41 percent. The study also showed a strong association between food security and nutrition status of elderly people at 95% level of significance. In conclusion, the optimal nutrition among the elderly has implications for improving their health status and general well-being, as well as for reducing the burden on limited health care resources. The study recommended the establishment of a nutrition awareness campaign in Moiben division.
Key Word: Food Security, Prevalence, Nutrition.
[1]. Ahmed, Tanvir, and Nadim Haboubi, (2010). Assessment and Management of Nutrition in Older People and Its Importance to Health. Clinical Interventions in Aging 5: 207–216.
[2]. Asif, Mohammad (2014). Prevention and Control the Type-2 Diabetes by Changing Lifestyle and Dietary Pattern. Journal of Education and Health Promotion.
[3]. Bantry White, E.H. NiLaoire, C...Wills, T... O'Connor and Cusack, S, (2011). Age, Income, and Food in Ireland; A study of the socioeconomic influences on food expenditure among community-dwelling older
[4]. Brown, Elinor L., Paul C. Gorski, and Gabriella Lazaridis (2014). Poverty, Class, and Schooling: Global Perspectives on Economic Justice and Educational Equity. IAP.
[5]. Brownie, S. (2006). Why are elderly individuals at risk of nutritional deficiency? International Journal of Nursing Practice, 12, 110‐118..
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Abstract: This paper presents an empirical study with the aim of investigating Arabic, as a second language, vocabulary knowledge of 122 primary school students in Morocco. To fulfill our aim, it is necessary to prepare valid and reliable tests that can be useful and practical for both teachers and textbook designers in order to plan, diagnose, research and foster learners‟ vocabulary development. Two tests were designed; the first one is a Yes/No format of a vocabulary test, and a multiple choice questions test (MCQ). The main objectives behind this paper are: to measure L2 Arabic learners‟ vocabulary knowledge (Vocabulary size) and to compare the scores of the Arabic Yes/No test with scores of the multiple choice questions test and to see how they correlate with each other. Hence, we will be able to know how much vocabulary learners learn after six years of studying Arabic and to relate......
Key Word: Vocabulary knowledge, Arabic as a second language, L2 Arabic learners, frequency words.
[1]. Buckwalter, T., & Parkinson, D. (2011). A frequency dictionary of Arabic: Cover vocabulary for learners. London: Routledge
[2]. Schmitt, N. (2010). Researching vocabulary: A vocabulary research manual. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
[3]. Nation, P., & Webb, S. (2011). Researching and analyzing vocabulary. Boston, MA: Heinle, Cengage Learning.
[4]. Schmitt, N. (2014). Size and depth of vocabulary knowledge: What the research shows. Language Learning, 64(4), 913–951. doi:10.1111/lang.12077
[5]. Masrai A, Milton J (20017): How many words do you need to know to speak Arabic? An Arabic vocabulary size test...
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Abstract: Constitution 1945 mandated in article 31 paragraph (1), (2) and (3) that every citizen must follow basic education and the government is obliged to finance it. Act Number 20 of 2003 and Qanun Aceh Number 11 of 2014 also regulates the right to obtain an education. But in Abdya District, all these rules do not run optimally characterized by the existence of dropouts.This research aims to analyze and explain the existence of children who dropped out of school in the Abdya District and local government efforts in tackling dropout children. The use of research provides.........
Key Word: Responsibilities of Local Government, Dropping out of School, Basic Education.
[1]. M. Rahmat, School's social behavior for dropouts, Journal of Equilibrium Sociology Education, 4 (2), 2016, 185.
[2]. Central Statistical Agency (BPS), Aceh Barat Daya in Numbers,Retrieved December 06, 2018 from
[3]. S. Chairunnisyah, Government Responsibilities to Provide Education to Neglected Children, Journal of Administrative Justice of the State, 2 (1), 2017, 161.
[4]. S. Rani, Socio-economic conditions of school students dropped out, Innovation of economic education, 8 (2), 2018, 91.
[5]. M. Nazir, Research methods (Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia, 2003)..
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Abstract: Formal education systems has a critical role to play in creating environmentally literate and practitioners citizens about the prevailing climate change and related environmental issues. This study investigates the major source of environmental information, the influence of independent variables (age, gender, academic stream and grade level) on the knowledge, attitude and practice towards climate change. The total numbers of respondents for this research were 202 which were selected using simple random sampling method. The respondents' attitude and practice towards climate change was evaluated using the Likert scale type questions and also multiple-choice questions were used to assess their environmental knowledge on climate change and its impact. Besides, to strengthen the data obtained through Questionnaire, Focused Group Discussions and Interview were used. Then, the data were analyzed using SPSS version 15.0 for windows. Results of the study revealed......
Key Word: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Climate Change.
[1]. Aklilu, A. and Alebachew, A., (2009). Assessment of Climate change Induced hazards, impacts and responses in the Southern Lowlands of Ethiopia. Forum For Social Studies (FSS) Research Report No. 4. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
[2]. Belaynesh, K., (2010). Students' Awareness and Attitude towards Land Degradation and Deforestation (In The Case of Addis Ababa University): M.A. Thesis, Addis Ababa University.
[3]. Engdasew Feleke (2010). Students' Awareness, Attitude and Intension towards Urban Environmental Problems in Selected Preparatory Schools of Addis Ababa. Unpublished M.A thesis: Addis Ababa University.
[4]. Geoff, P. and Judy, P. (2004): Key concepts in Social Research. SAGE Publications Ltd. 55 City Road. 1 Oliver's Yard London EC1Y 1SP
[5]. Huq, S. et al., (2003). Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in Least Developed Countries (LDC's), Russel Pres, Nottingham, UK.
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Abstract: Malaysia has witnessed outstanding economic growth since the 1980's which has led to rapid urbanization within the nation. As a result, energy consumption and emission in Malaysia has been growing at a significant rate which is a serious concern for the country's socio-economic development, domestic air pollution and global climate change. This paper examines the scenario of the transportation sector particularly the road transport sector in Malaysia which has now become the highest energy consuming sector in the country in addition to a leading contributor of CO2.......
[1]. Energy Commission Malaysia. National Energy Balance 2016.
[2]. Hosseini SE, Wahid MA, Aghili N. The scenario of greenhouse gases reduction in Malaysia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2013; 28: 400-409.
[3]. International Energy Agency. CO2 Emissions From Fuel Combustion Highlights. Paris: International Energy Agency. 2013.
[4]. International Energy Agency. CO2 Emissions From Fuel Combustion Highlights. Paris: International Energy Agency. 2017.
[5]. International Energy Agency. Key World Energy Statistics. Paris: International Energy Agency. 2016.
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Abstract: Currently in Indonesia, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not only done by the company, but also by a public legal entity. A little more unique because it is essentially only a company that was originally required by the State to carry out this activity. This method of research is juridical-empirical. Based on ISO 26000, BPJS Employment is one of the public legal entities in Indonesia and has been ratified the provisions on CSR obligations for all business entities and include them in the legislation and various irregular Including the Government regulation number 99 year 2013 on the management of employment social security assets, in particular article 64 letter b. Ideally.........
Key Word: CSR, Public Legal Entity,ISO 26000 .
[1]. Suhandari M. Putri, Schema CSR, Kompas, 4 Agustus 2007 dari buku Hendrik Budi Untung, Corporate Social Responsibility , Sinar Grafika, Jakarta, 2008
[2]. ISO 26000: 2010 (Guidance on Social Responsibility)
[3]. Putusan Makamah Konstitusi No 53/PUU-VI/2008, Perkara Permohonan Pengujian UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, terhadap UUD 1945 Tanggal 15 April 2009
[4]. Tim Teknis Pengembangan Sanitasi, Buku Panduan Tanggung Jawab Ssoisal Perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility- CSR, 2010 [5]. Riana Susmayanti, "Konsep Tanggung Jawab Sosial dalam Peraturan Perundang-Undangan di Indonesia" Jurnal ARENA HUKUM Volume 7, Nomor 3, Desember 2014.
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Abstract: Article 10 paragraph (1) of Act Number 11 Year 2006 concerning Aceh Government states "The Aceh Government and district/city government can establish institutions, agencies and/or commissions according to this law with the approval of the Provincial and/or District/City House of Representative except those which are under the authority of the government". The establishment of institution as mandated by the Law on Aceh Government has given birth to special institutions which are regulated through qanun, including the Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2015 concerning.........
Key Word: regulation, authority, government institution.
[1]. Waluyo, Bambang.PenelitianHukumdalamPraktek.Jakarta: SinarGrafika. 2010
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[4]. Jalil, Husni.EksistensiOtonomiKhususProvinsiNanggroe Aceh Darussalam Dalam Negara Kesatuan RI Berdasarkan UUD 1945.Bandung: C.V. Utomo. 2005
[5]. Ibrahim, Johnny.Teori&MetodePenelitianHukumNormatif. Malang: Bayumedia. 2012.