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Abstract: Background: Of the life-threatening conditions for critically ill patients are to have intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS). Teaching of nurses is the first line of defense that benefits patients and prevent access to complications. Aim: This paper was aimed to evaluate the effect of teaching program about ACS on (1) nurses' knowledge and skills and (2) development of ACS among critically ill patients. Design and methods: A quasi experimental research design was used. Convenience sampling of 32 nurses working in General and Trauma ICUs and two groups of patients (pre-teaching patients =20) and (post teaching patients=25) were included in the study. All nurses were evaluated pre and post teach program for their knowledge and skills. Along with, all patients were evaluated for development of acute.............
Keywords: Bdominal Compartment Syndrome; intra-abdominal pressure, nurses' knowledge.
[1]. Arabadzhiev, G., Ivanov, V., & Peeva, K. (2014). Intra-abdominal hypertension and secondary abdominal compartment syndrome in medical patients-complication with a high mortality. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 12(1), 202-207.
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[4]. Bressan A, Ball C. (2017) Intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome in acute pancreatitis, hepato-pancreato-biliary operations and liver transplantation. Anesthesiology Intensive Therapy , vol. 49, no 2, 159–166
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Abstract: Psychiatric nurses are responsible for working with large numbers of patients who suffer from serious mental health conditions in ways that promote recovery and ensure safety from harm by access useful information about the health and safety of each person. The aimwasto assess the nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and skills towards psychiatric patient safety. A cross-sectional exploratory research design was adopted to carry out this study. It was conducted at 6 psychiatric inpatient hospitals located in cities in Egypt, involving 350 psychiatric nurses. Socio-demographic characteristics sheet, psychiatric patient safety skills scale, and patient safety attitudes, skills and knowledge scale.This study results revealed that while79.7% of the studied nurses had sufficient knowledge.53.4% of the s studied nurses stated that they had competent skillstowards the psychiatric patients' safety..........
Keywords: Psychiatric nurses, Attitude, Knowledge, Skill, Patient safety
[1]. Ahmed, M., Arora, S., McKay, J., Long, S., Vincent, C., Kelly, M., Sevdalis, N.,& Bowie, P. (2014). Patient safety skills in primary care: A national survey of GP educators.BMC Family Practice,15, 206.
[2]. Baid, H.,& Hargreaves, J. (2015). Quality and safety: Reflection on the implications for critical care nursing education.British Association of Critical Care Nurses, 20 (4), 174 - 182.
[3]. Borckardt, J., Grubaugh, A., &Pelic C. (2007).Enhancing patient safety in psychiatric settings.Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 13, 355 - 361.
[4]. Bowers, L., van der Merwe, M., Nijman, H., Hamilton, B., Noorthorn, E., Stewart, D.,& Muir-Cochrane, E. (2010). The practice of seclusion and time-out on English acute psychiatric wards: The city - 28 study.Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 24 (4), 275 -286.
[5]. Brasaite, I., Kaunonen, M., Martinkėnas, A., Mockienė, V.,&Suominen, T. (2016).Health care professionals‟ knowledge and attitudes regarding patient safety and skills for safe patient care. Tampere University Press, Finland.
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Abstract: Shortage of nurses worldwide and especially in Saudi Arabia has been a serious issue. There are many factors that cause this shortage which are, culture and values, community image toward nursing, long working hours and marriage issue. It's important to know how the student perceive nursing and the decision to choose the nursing as carrier , it is more affected by relationships with colleagues in health sector ,previous experience , also the media and society play main role that influence the image of students may positive or negative toward nursing carrier. This study aim to assess the perception of nursing students toward nursing profession in Jeddah.The study was conducted in King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, college of sciences and health professions (registered for preparatory couses for nursing college) and the college of nursing Jeddah – Western region............
Keywords: Perception, nursing students , nursing profession.
[1]. Miligi ,E. Selim ,A. (2014) Saudi Nursing Students' Attitudes towards the Nursing Profession.European Journal of Business and Management 6, 1905- 2222.
[2]. ALDOSSARY, A. WHILE ,A. & BARRIBALL ,L. (2008). Health care and nursing in Saudi Arabia. International Nursing Review,55, 125–128
[4]. Al-Mahmoud ,S.(2013).The commitment of Saudi nursing students to nursing as a profession and as a career.Life Science Journal ,10(2)591-603
[5]. Al Jarrah, I.(2013). Associate Nursing students' Perceptions Toward Nursing Profession In Jordan.European Scientific Journal, 9(6) 1857 – 7881.
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Abstract: Broad Objective: To establish how motivational factors influence Health worker motivation in public Hospitals in Baringo County, Kenya. This study examined how Individual, Financial and Non-Financial factors influence health worker motivation in 4 sub-County Hospitals and Baringo County Referral Hospital. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design with mixed qualitative and quantitative approaches of data collection was employed. The study enrolled 466 health workers drawn from five public hospitals in Baringo County. The sample comprised of Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Laboratory scientists, Nutritionists, Health records officers, Public health officers, Technical staff, Health managers, Financial officers and Supportive staff who have worked for at least one year............
Keywords: Determinants, motivation, factors, strategic plans, health.
[1]. Inke, M. & Ingo, I. (2006). Health worker motivation in Africa: the role of financial and non financial incentives. Germen technical Corporation (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany).
[2]. Julie, D. (2015). Organizational Culture and employee performance. Small business.chron.comorganiza-culture-employee-performance-25216.html.
[3]. Bridget, W. (2007). Incentives for health professionals. Edinburgh: United Kingdom.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Opinions Of Midwives And Obstetricians About The Episiotomy |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Nafiye Celebi MSc || Handan Guler PhD |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0703014147 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives:The study has been conducted as a descriptive document to determine the opinions of midwife and obstetricians about episiotomy Methods:Research population consisted of 48 midwife and 45 obstetricians who have been working in birth clinics at Kocaeli between November and December 2007. Research data had been collected in a form containing 27 different negative and positive statements constructed about episiotomy by making use of literature and observations.Data collected has been analysed by use of SPSS software. Results: It was seen that 95.8 % of midwife and 77. 8 % of obstetricians are agree with the idea that episiotomy application is a part of normal birth (p<0.05). It was concluded that 85. 4 % of midwife and 64, 4 % of obstetricians are agree with the idea that perineum should be shaved for the woman to whom episiotomy will be applied. It was established that all of midwife (100 %) an 88.9 % of the obstetricians are agree with the idea that anesthetic substances should be given before suturing the perineum............
Keywords: Episiotomy, Midwife, Obstetrician, Opinions,Misconception.
[1]. L. Taşkın, Doğum ve kadın sağlığı hemşireliği (Genişletilmiş XIII. Baskı, Akademisyen Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara, 2016).
[2]. R. JohnsonandW. Taylor, Skills for midwifery practice ( Third Edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Printed in China, 2011).
[3]. J.E. Marshall andM.D. Raynor, Advancing skills in midwifery practice, ( Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Printed in China, 2010).
[4]. A. Mullally and D.J. Murphy,Episiotomy ( Global Library Women's Medicine, 2011).
[5]. D. Gould, Perineal tears and episiotomy,Nursing Standard, 21(52), 2007, 41-46.
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Abstract: Pre experimental One group pre-test post-test study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme (stp) on cardiac rehabilitation in terms of knowledge and skill among staff nurses of selected hospitals, at Udaipur, Rajasthan The sample consisting of 40 staff nurses in selected hospitals at Udaipur by using simple random sampling technique method. The tool comprised of by using structured knowledge questionnaire. The pretest was conducted and the STP was administered. The post test was conducted after one week .The data obtained were analyzed by using differential and inferential statistics. the mean post-test knowledge score of the subjects was 27.98. Post-test knowledge was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score of 17.18. In order to test the difference between the 2 means, t-test was computed and the obtained 't value of 7.35 was found to be statistically highly significant at 0.001 level.............
Keywords: STP, Cardiac rehabilitation, knowledge, skill, staff nurses, and hospitals
[1]. Potter and Perry. Fundamentals of Nursing. 6th ed. Missouri: Mosby; 2005.
[2]. Barbara Kozier. Fundamentals of Nursing. 7th ed. India; 2000.
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[5]. Payne Ja. Group learning for adults with disabilities or chronic disease. Rehabilitation Nursing 20(5), 1995; 268-272.
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Abstract: Background: Nephrology and urology patients are immmuno- suppressed so they are liable to exposure to various pathogens. Compliance to infection control standard precautions protects healthcare workers and patients from exposure to pathogenic organisms. Theses can achieve through proper using hand hygiene, proper waste disposal, used of personal protective equipment, barriers and isolation.Aim: To assess the level of nurses' compliance with infection control standard precautions at outpatient clinics of urology and nephrology center. Method: Case study was conducted on (60) nurses who were working at outpatient clinics of urology and nephrology center- Mansoura University, Egypt, from October to December 2016. Tools: Four-structured questionnaire were used throughout the study for exploring nurses'demographic and occupational characteristics, their knowledge, practice andobstacles that affect nurses' compliancewith infection control standard precautions............
Keywords: Standard precautions - infection control - nursing - outpatient clinics-nurses´ compliance.
[1]. CDC, (2010). Recommendations for prevention of transmission of Immuno Deficiency Virus and Hepatitis B Virus to health care and public safety workers. MMWR 38.
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[4]. Janjua, NZ., Razaq ,M., Chandir ,S., Rozi ,S.,&Mahmood, B.(2007). Poor knowledge – predictorof non-adherence to universal precautions for blood borne pathogens at first levelcare facilities in Pakistan. BMC Infect Dis2007. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-7-81.
[5]. Liz, E.( 2012).Essential practices for infection preventionand control guidelines for nursing staff . Published by Royal College of Nursing,20.
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Abstract: The prevalence of anemia was estimated to be high (59.3%) among upper Egyptian school children especially adolescent girls with negative impact on both physical and mental health. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of Educational Program on improvement of anemia due to menstrual disorder among adolescent girls. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out in a secondary school at Assiut city on 393 adolescent girls who were subjected to haemoglobin (Hb) concentration measurement and interviewed for assessment of their socio-economic status (SES), menstrual history, dietary habits, and anemia related manifestations. Educational program was then given to each girl. Post-test evaluation (3 months post counseling) was done to evaluate the impact............
Keywords: Adolescent Girls, Menstruation disorder, Anemia, Educational program.
[1] Aggarwal OP, Bhasin SK, Sharma AK, Chhabra P, Agarwal K, Rajoura OP.(2005) :A new instrument (scale) for measuring the socioeconomic status of a family: Preliminary study. Indian J Community ;30:111-4.
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Abstract: Hypertension is common in our society today and its knowledge was inadequate, which affects the health of individuals and the community, this study therefore was an attempt to assess the knowledge and attitude of academic staff of College of Education, Azare toward hypertension. Descriptive survey design was used and the sample was 205 which were selected from the population of 404 by using disproportional stratified and quota sampling techniques. A questionnaire was used in the collection of data for this study and simple percentage and frequency counts were used in the analysis. The study revealed that most of the respondent had considerable high level of awareness toward hypertension..........
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Hypertension, Academic Staff
[1] Abdullahi, A.A. & Jegede, A. (2011). "Knowledge of hypertension among the staff of university of Ibadan. Nigeria". Journal of public health and epidemiology, 3(5), 204-209.
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Abstract: Hemodialysis is the main renal replacement therapy used in the elderly requiring dialysis. Pruritus is one of the most frustrating skin problems affecting 20%–90% of elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis and can negatively affect their quality of life. Pruritus in hemodialysis patients may reduce patients' quality of life as it leads to many physiological and psychological problems. Aim: Determine the relationship between pruritus and quality of life of elderly patients undergoing hemodialysis. Method: A descriptive research design was utilized. Setting: This study was conducted at the hemodialysis units at New Mansoura General Hospital in Mansoura city and its related units in Shohaa and Salamon village affiliated to the Ministry of Health. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection............
Keywords: Elderly, Hemodialysis, Pruritus, Quality of life.
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