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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors influencing the ice nurses workload |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Al- Malki M || Hawsawi, F || Mleh R. || Tabsh, L. || Mohidin, S |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0703070104 ![]() |
Abstract: Background:Shortage in the critical care field was a trigger for lots of studies & researches to find out an appropriate tool that can measure the nursesworkload in an ICU working environment, in order to find ways to overcome this worsening situation. Workload is defined as one of the most important factors influencing the health care service especially intensive care department that required more care and attention to the rapid emergency interventions. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the factors influencing workload of nurses working in adult ICUs on one of the teaching hospital in KSA..........
[1]. Bahadori, M., Ravangard, R., Raadabadi, M., Mosavi, S. M., Fesharaki, M. G., &Mehrabian, F. (2014). Factors affecting intensive care units nursing workload. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 16(8).
[2]. Duffield, C., Diers, D., O'Brien-Pallas, L., Aisbett, C., Roche, M., King, M., &Aisbett, K. (2011). Nursing staffing, nursing workload, the work environment and patient outcomes. Applied Nursing Research, 24(4), 244-255.
[3]. Kiekkas, P., Sakellaropoulos, G. C., Brokalaki, H., Manolis, E., Samios, A., Skartsani, C., &Baltopoulos, G. I. (2008). Association between nursing workload and mortality of intensive care unit patients. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 40(4), 385-390.
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[5]. Hoonakker, P., Carayon, P., Gurses, A. P., Brown, R., Khunlertkit, A., McGuire, K., & Walker, J. M. (2011). Measuring workload of ICU nurses with a questionnaire survey: the NASA Task Load Index (TLX). IIE transactions on healthcare systems engineering, 1(2), 131-143..
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Abstract: Esophageal Variceal bleeding (EVB) is a life-threatening condition that requires a team approach with defined stepwise management post endoscopic ligation. Role of the nurse is essential in raising awareness and providing education as a secondary prevention for promoting the patients' health and preventing complications. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of secondary prevention educational guidelines on patients' clinical outcomes post endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices. Study design: A quasi experimental design was utilized. Subject: A purposive sample of 100 patients with esophageal varices after endoscopic ligation. The study subjects were divided equally into two groups (50 patients in the study and control group). Setting: The study was conducted in the surgical and gastroenterology..........
Keywords— Clinical outcomes, Endoscopic ligation, Esophageal varices, Secondary prevention guidelines
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Abstract: A healthy home is essential because the unhealthy one can disrupt the health of the residents and increase the risk of various diseases. The primary determinant of ARI vulnerability is the high percentage of unhealthy home. Thus home hygiene is a risk factor for ARI in toddlers. This study aims to observe the relationship between the unhealthy homes and the incidence of ARI in infants and toddlers. Given the positive correlation (0.621) and significant relationship (p-value 0.002) between the unhealthy home and ARI incidence, it can be interpreted that the incidence of ARI will increase by increasing number of unhealthy home..
Keywords: unhealthy home, acute respiratory infections(ARI)
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Abstract: Life style diseases are the major causes of mortality and morbidity in the present world. During the earlier days we thought that these killer diseases principally cramped in urban communities but statistics shows that it also be the foremost problem in the rural communities .In Kozhikode district among the people residing in the rural areas there is a sweeping increase in cerebrovascular and cardiovascular mortality and morbidity now a days and moreover 40-50% of the peoples were hypertensive .So the present study was done to assess the knowledge and practice on hypertension among the rural community in Kozhikode district with a view to implement need based interventional package.248 citizens with the diagnosis of hypertension were selected from Olavanna panchyath of Kozhikode...........
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Abstract: A quasi experimental One group pre-test post-test study to assess the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on knowledge regarding the use of Communication Board in Communicating with Mechanical Ventilated Patients among ICU Staff Nurses in selected hospitals at Udaipur City, Rajasthan by using simple random sampling technique method. The tool comprised of by using structured knowledge questionnaire. The pretest was conducted and the Self Instructional Module was administered. The post test was conducted after one week .The data obtained were analyzed by using differential and inferential statistics. the mean post-test knowledge score is 26.71 (89.03 Percent) is greater than the mean pre-test knowledge scores 17.91 (59.70 Percent). The enhancement in the knowledge level of respondents is 8.8 indicates gain in knowledge by respondents.
Keywords: One group pre –test post –test quasi experimental study, staff nurses, Communication Board and Mechanical Ventilator
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Abstract: The overall research problem addressed in this study is that domestic violence is on high increase in Kenya. Thus, the main purpose of the paper was to determine psychological factors associated with domestic violence in Kenya. The study used cross-sectional design based on convenience samples and targeted 100 couples who have reported or vised various institutions in Uasin Gishu County. The study used a questionnaire based five point likert scale. A multiple regression model was used to predict effect of psychological factors on domestic violence at p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant (95% CI). The findings showed that being emotionally disturbed has a positive and significant effect on domestic violence. Furthermore, marital stress has a positive and significant effect on domestic violence. Thus, increase in emotional disturbance and marital would result in increased domestic violence especially in marriages
Keywords: Marital Stress, Domestic Violence, Emotional, Psychological Factors
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Abstract: Burnout is a severe psychological and physical syndrome that occurs in response to prolonged stress at work. It brings enormous costs to both organizations and individuals.Most studies of burnout have focused on lack of resources, prevalence of burnout, and negative outcomes. In contrast, this study examined the relationships between employment burnout and organizational citizenship behaviors. Aim:The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between employment burnout and organizational citizenship behaviors among nursing staff in selected hospitals in Cairo. Design: Descriptive correlation research design was utilized in this study................
Keywords: Employment Burnout, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Nursing Staff
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Abstract: Background :Osteoporosis is a progressive skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and loss of bone tissue, manifested clinically by skeletal fractures. There are multiple risk factors for osteoporosis which increasing age, Genetics factor, menopause, some medication, personal habits including diet, exercise, and smoking. The best long-term approach to osteoporosis is prevention. Osteoporosis prevention requires adequate diet with calcium and vitamin D, regular physical activity, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol drinking. There is a need to educate people as well as healthcare providers about the need to reduce the incidence of the osteoporosis...............
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Abstract: Background: knee pain the most common complaint and a cause of disability. Sitting for a long time comes with several health risks, especially if the sitting is done for more than four hours without interruption . Strengthening exercises, (Rest , Ice, Compression , Elevation) and walking can have an effect in patients with knee pain . A descriptive study design was aimed to, assess the pain of knee joint as a result of long periods of sitting and give proper treatment and instructions to correct position for these individuals Objectives: This study was conducted o evaluate the Effects of physiotherapy on knee pain resulting from long period of sitting for females in University Of Hail. Descriptive design is selected for conduction of this study. Methods: the study was carried out in collage of Applied Medical Sciences in Hail university.............
Key words: knee pain , sitting position , physiotherapy management.
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Abstract: Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive behavior that is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention program on prevention of domestic violence among adolescent girls. Subject and Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental design and it is carried out in the four governmental technical schools for girls in Tanta city. The total studied sample was 150 girls. Tools of the study: two tools were used for data collection according to PRECEDE PROCEED model; tool I: A questionnaire sheet to assess socio demographic data of the girls and their preventive behaviors against domestic violence; tool II: A questionnaire sheet to assess educational and ecological factors. Results...........
Keywords: Domestic violence- PRECEDE PROCEED model- Adolescents girls.
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Abstract: Background:Gout is actually a form of arthritis. It is the body's reaction to irritating crystal deposits in the joints. Gouty arthritis is characterized by acute, intermittent, inflammatory arthritis that evolves over many years to chronic inflammatory polyarthritis. In severe cases, tophaceousurate deposits and inflammatory arthritis may lead to deformity, disability, and radiographic destruction.Aim: wasto find the relation betweenknowledge, medication adherence, and quality of life among gouty arthritis patients. Research design: A correlational research design was used. Subjects: A convenience sample consisting of 300 patients diagnosed with gouty arthritis. Setting: outpatient clinics of rheumatology, Mansoura and BeniSeuif University Hospitals, within 6 months. Three tools were used in data collection; 1. A structured interview questionnaire sheet consisting of three parts: socio-demographic data, medical history, and patients..........
Keywords: Knowledge, Medication Adherence, Quality of Life for pain, gouty arthritis.
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Abstract: The increasing number of deaths from Diabetes mellitus is associated with poor management of diabetes itself. One of it is the usage of diabetes' drugs. So that it requires adherence in medication of diabetes. The adherence's issue of therapy is a hard and serious medical problem which faced by the health professionals in both island and non-islands. This research aims to obtain information about the relationship and the difference of determinant of medication adherence toward people with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (DMT2) in the island and non-island of Makassar City in 2017. Type of this research is cross sectional study. Population of this research was all DMT2 in the island and non-island of Makassar City in 2017. The sampling method conducted by proportionate stratified random sampling which later obtains 158 of samples, including 31 samples in the island area of Public Health Center of Barrang Lompo and 127 samples in non-island area of Public Health Center of Antang. The data analysis...........
Keywords: Medication adherence, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Island Area, Non-Island Area.
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