Version-5 (May-June 2018)
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Abstract: Vaginal douche is a traditional practice widespread among the women all over the world. Advices and education from health professionals are of utmost importance in preventing and halting VD. There are only two studies on the prevention of VD practice in Turkey. Aim: The aim of this study to analyze the prevalence of vaginal douche among married women between aged 15 and 49 years from two districts of the Western and Eastern Turkey, and to identify the socio-demographic factors which effect this procedure. In addition, we aimed to evaluate the role of education in stopping vaginal douche. Methods:The study was carried out in two stages between February 2014 and August..........
Keywords: Education, Prevalence, Turkey, Vaginal Douching, Women's Health
[1]. Akın, B., Ege, E., & Erdem, H. (2006). Vaginal douching (vd) practice and adverse health effects of 15-49 years married women. Journal of Human Sciences, 3(2).
[2]. Arbour, M., Corwin, E. J., & Salsberry, P. (2009). Douching patterns in women related to socioeconomic and racial/ethnic characteristics. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 38(5), 577-585.
[3]. Arslantas, D., Karabagli, H., & Koc, F. (2010). Vaginal douching practice in Eskisehir in Turkey. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 2(9), 245-250.
[4]. Beşer, F. (2007). Hanımlara Özel İlmihal (Ilmihal for Women): Paradoks Yayınevi.
[5]. Brotman, R. M., Ghanem, K. G., Klebanoff, M. A., Taha, T. E., Scharfstein, D. O., & Zenilman, J. M. (2008). The effect of vaginal douching cessation on bacterial vaginosis: a pilot study. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 198(6), 628. e621-628. e627..
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Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of educational sessions about Cardiotocography on nurses knowledge and skills at labor and high risk units. Design: A quasi experimental Pre&Post design. Sample type: A purposive sampling was used. Setting: The study was conducted at labor and high risk unit in Mansoura University Hospital from the beginning of March 2017 up to the end of September 2017.Tools: Tool I: Structured Interviewing Questionnaire which includes Socio-demographic characteristics of nurses and questions about nurses' knowledge about Cardiotocography. Tool (II) An Observational checklist of Cardiotocography. Results: The present study results showed that there was statistical significant improvement were found among pretest, immediate Posttest and after 3months Posttest related to knowledge and skills of nurses regarding Cardiotocograph P= (0.001)...........
Keywords— Cardiotocography, Educational Sessions, Knowledge, Skills, labour unit, High Risk Unit.
[1]. Abd El-Aziz M. A.(2014): Effect of educational program on nurses, knowledge and skills about oral care for traumatized patients. Al-Azhar Assuit Medical Journal. 12 (1): 25-45.
[2]. Abd El-Razek A. (2016): Impact of educational programs about methods of assessment of fetal wellbeing during pregnancy among staff nurses. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 6, 473-481.
[3]. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2009): Intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring: nomenclature, Interpretation, and general management principles. ACOG practice Bulletin No. 16: Obstetric Gynecol. 114(1):192-202
[4]. Bambini D, Washburn J, & Perkins R.(2009): Outcomes of clinical simulation for novice nursing Students: Communication, Confidence, Clinical Judgment Nursing Education Perspectives 30(2): 7982.
[5]. Beydag KD (2011): knowledge and application of midwives and nurse at educational hospital in early diagnosis. Asian specific journal of cancer prevention ,12:481-85..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Safety Disabled Children from Risk of Sexual Harassment by Their Mothers |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Samia A., Elnagar || Mona Younes |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0703051728 ![]() |
Abstract: Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature. Children's with disability are three times more likely to be abused than children without disability.The present studyaimed to evaluate the effect of safety educational program for mothers to protect their disabled children from sexual harassment.Studydesign: A qausi-experimental design was utilized.The study Setting: was carried out in (My son dreamsandtowards a better childhood centers)at Damietta City. Sample: A purposive sample of 70 mothers out of total numbers (700 children with different disability). Tools: Data were collected through..........
[1]. Aboul- Hagag, K.E. and Hamed A. F. Prevalence and pattern of child sexual abuse reported by cross sectional study among the university students, SohagUniversity, Egypt, Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, (2012); 2, 89 – 96.
[2]. Hagras A.M., Moustafa S.M., Barakat H.N., El-Elemi A.H. Medico-Legal evaluation of child sexual abuse over a six-year period from 2004 to 2009 in the Suez Canal area, Egypt, Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, ( 2011); 1, 58–66.
[3]. Mahrous E., Abd Elazem S. and Hassan Z. Prevalence of Child Abuse and its Long-Term Psychological Consequences among Female Students of Medical Faculties. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value : 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015); 6.391.
[4]. An Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry .Facts for families, Child Sexual Abuse, available at, (2012):
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[5]. Miller, D and Brown, J. "We have the right to be safe‟ protecting disabled children from abuse. National society for the prevention of cruelty to children (NSPCC), (2014);United Kingdom..
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Abstract: Introduction: Platelet activation and aggregation play a role in the pathophysiology of coronary heart disease. Platelet plays an important role in contributing to thrombus formation after coronary plaque rupture. In addition, platelets also play a role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) is an index of platelet size that can be correlated with the functional status of platelets. In patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), increased MPV is associated with a degree of coronary artery disease lesion.Aim:To know the association of MPV with degree of coronary artery lesion so that MPV can be used as a marker to estimate the severity of coronary artery lesions in ACS patients.Methods: A cross sectional study of 50 patients with SKA. MPV examination of routine blood and vessel score assessment of angiography was performed. The study was conducted in RSUP. H...........
Keywords: Acute Coronary Syndrome, Mean Platelet Volume, Vessel score.
[1]. Achyardkk. 2008. Buku Panduan Kursus Bantuan Hidup Jantung Langsung (Advanced Cardiac Life Support/ ACLS). Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kardiovaskular Indonesia (PERKI).
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[3]. Aryanto Dodo. 2015. Uji Diagnostik Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) terhadap Troponin T pada Kasus Sindroma Koroner Akut. Tesis. Departemen Ilmu Penyakit DalamFakultas KedokteranUniversitas SumateraUtara Medan.
[4]. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan RI. 2013. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2013. Jakarta.
[5]. Badimon L, J J Badimon, Valentin Fuster. 2002. Pathophysiology of arterial thrombosis. In: Platelets in Thrombotic and non Thrombotic Disorders: Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics. New York: Cambridge University Press. 727-737...
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Abstract: Background: Poor communication is responsible for up to two-thirds of sentinel events, and of those events, over half were related specifically to poor transition of patient care between providers(1). Objective: To evaluate the effect of SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) educational program on nurse –midwives practices in maternal health report documentation accuracy. Methods: A quasi- experimental design was carried with the application of pre- post test for nurses-midwives' knowledge regarding SBAR communication tool. The study was held in Al-Elwia maternity teaching hospital, Al –Karckh maternity hospital and Al-Yarmouk teaching Hospital. Non-probability sample consisted of (84) nurse- midwives. The questionnaire...........
Keywords: SBAR, communication, tool, nurse-midwives, practices, maternal health, documentation, evaluation
[1]. Pillow, M. (Ed.). (2007). Improving hand-off communication. Oakbrook, Ill.: Joint Commission Resources.
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[5]. Beydag, K. D., 2011. Knowledge and applications of the midwives and nurses at an educational hospital on the early diagnosis of
cervix cancer. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,12 (2) , : 481-5..
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Abstract: The present study has been undertaken to assess the attitude of public towards nursing in a selected community area, Punjab. The tool for the study was structured questionnaire which consists of two parts-PART-I consisted questions related to Socio-demographic data; PART-II consisted of structured questionnaire to assess the attitude of public toward nursing. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The most significant finding was that 45% were scored high score, 53% were average and 2% were low score on attitude scale. According to criteria measurement peoples who scored average to high score that is from 72-120 are having positive attitude towards nursing and peoples who scored below average that is from 24-72 are having negative attitude. It was suggested that the most adolescents are aware of the calling & helping nature of nursing but have little knowledge about the diverse nursing career opportunities in teaching, management & administration..
Keywords: Assess, Attitude, Community, Nursing, Public
[1]. Ashalata, Devi. (2013). A study to assess the knowledge and attitude of nursing student towards nursing profession among students of Manipal college of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Kaski District Nepal, International Journal of Nursing Care 1(1), 10-15.
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[4]. Loba, Roshal Savina. (2011). A study to access the knowledge and attitude of pre-degree student towards nursing as a profession in selected pre-university colleges at Mangalore.
[5]. Luchesi et al. (2009). An instrument to analyze secondary level student's image about nurses: Rev Esc Enferm USP 43(2), 272-278.
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Abstract: The present study has been undertaken to assess the level of knowledge regarding alcoholism and its hazards among adolescents in selected school with a view to develop an information pamphlet. The research design adopted for the study was descriptive in nature. The tool for the study was structured questionnaire which consists of two parts-PART- I consisted questions related to Socio-demographic data, PART-II consisted of structured questionnaire to assess the level of knowledge reading alcoholism and its hazards among adolescents. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The most significant finding was that 63.0% of students were having average knowledge regarding alcoholism and its hazards whereas 27.0% and 10.0% had poor and good knowledge respectively. It was suggested that the nurses must educate adolescents regarding alcoholism and its health..........
Keywords: Adolescents, Alcoholism, Assess, Knowledge, Hazards, Information Pamphlet, School.
[1]. Al-ghzawi et al. (2014). Alcohol use among adolescents. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 4(10), 167-173.
[2]. Balakrishnan, P. (2011). Alcohol and adolescent. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research 1, 31-36.
[3]. Barnes, Grace M. (2009). Impact and health care-seeking behaviour of students. British Journal of Medical Practioners 2(4), 40-43.
[4]. Burns, N & grove, S. (2002). Understanding nursing research. 3ed. London; W.B. Saunders.
[5]. Ellen D, Witt. (2010). Alcohol: Research on alcohol and adolescent brain development: opportunities and future directions 44(1), 119-124...
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Abstract: Vitamin D deficiency has been well documented in Saudi Arabia. Recent studies revealed that vitamin D3 stores are low among healthy Saudi females. This situation is confusing as Saudi Arabia is known to be one of the sunniest countries in the world. However, it is known that most Saudi females are well covered and for various reasons avoid sun exposure. Aim of the studywas to assess the knowledge and life style among female students in Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal university regarding Vitamin D. Design: A cross-sectional survey using a self-administered, structured questionnaire were used in this study. Three toolswere used to collect data for this study namely; Socio..........
Keywords: Knowledge, Life Style, Vitamin D, Saudi Arabia, Female students
[1]. Al Bathi BA, Al Zayed KE, Qenai AI Makboul, G El-Shazly MK. (2011). Knowledge, attitude and practice of patients attending primary care centers toward vitamin D in Kuwait. Alexandria J. med.
[2]. Al-Agha AE, Alorabi SH, NoorSaeed SM, Shalabi NM (2016) Awareness of Vitamin D and its Deficiency in Jeddah Population, SaudiArabia. J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2: 120. doi:10.4172/2471-9846.1000120
[3]. Al-Mogbel ES (2012). Vitamin D status among Adult Saudi Females visiting Primary Health Care Clinics (June 2012/ Rajab1433H)
[4]. Andıran N, Çelik N, Akça H, Doğan G (2012) Vitamin D deficiency in children and adolescents. J Clin Res PediatrEndocrinol 4: 25-29.
[5]. Arnson Y, Amital H, Shoenfeld Y. (2007) Vitamin D and autoimmunity: new etiological and therapeutical considerations. Ann Rheum Dis, 66:1137– 1142..
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Abstract: With the increasing ageing population, and associated chronic illness as well decrease physical functionality and increase in dependency, the need for nurses with right attitude, adequate knowledge and skill will be needed. This study will assess nurses' knowledge and attitude toward caring of elderly people in health care settings.Design:A cross-sectional descriptive design will be used in this study.Setting: The study was conducted in college of nursing Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, King Fahd Hospital of University & geriatric health care setting. Sample: The sampling frame for the study will include 300 nurses working in health care services: 213 undergraduate.........
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitudes, Nurses, Care of Elderly,
[1]. Abdulraheem J. P and Abdulrahman A.C. (2008). Morbidity pattern among the elderly population in a Nigerian tertiary health care institution: analysis of a retrospective study. Nigerian Medical Practitioner; 54(2): 32-38.
[2]. Adebusoye, L. A., Ladipo, M. M., Owoaje, E. T., &Ogunbode, A. M. (2011). Morbidity pattern amongst elderly patients presenting at a primary care clinic in Nigeria. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 3(1), 6.
[3]. Alsenany, S. (2009). Student nurses' attitudes and knowledge towards the care of older people in Saudi Arabia. Generation Review Newsland British Geriatrics Society.
[4]. Baumbusch J, Dahlke S, Phinney A (2012) Nursing students' knowledge and beliefs about care of older adults in a shifting context of nursing education. J AdvNurs 68: 2550-2558.
[5]. Bleijenberg, N., Jansen, M., &Schuurmans, M. (2012). Dutch nursing students' knowledge and attitudes towards older people - A longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, May 2012, Vol. 2, No. 2..
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Abstract: Strokes pathology creating negative effects on brain structure producing both physical and cognitive impairments, the recovery of both are time sensitive. Early detection of cognitive impairment (CI) is crucial to augment recovery rate. Formal cognitive assessment often needs 2-4 hours, which may not be clinically available. There is a need of an efficient cognitive screening test as an aide for subsequent proper referral to neuropsychologists for a thorough neuropsychological assessment. The Mini mental state Examination (MMSE), The Montreal Cognitive assessment (MoCA) and the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination-Revised (ACE-R) are commonly used as screening tools for CI. Thisstudy aimed to compare the proportions of MCI determined by different cognitive.........
Keywords: Strokes,Cognitive impairment, MMSE,MoCA,ACE-R..
[1]. Hermann, D. M., Siccoli, M., &Bassetti, C. L. Sleepwake disorders and stroke. Schweiz Arch NeurolPsychiatr.2003;154: 369-373.
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