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Abstract: Pregnancy is a time of life-changing events. How the woman adapts to pregnancy varies greatly. These variations may be seen in the measurements of anxiety, depression and uncertainty. These emotional responses may be influenced by factors in pregnant psychosocial environment. husband support tends to make the greater contribution to maternal well-being during pregnancy and it has been associated with early admission to the labor unit, administration of sedatives and tranquilizers in early labor to quell anxiety and subsequent prolonged duration of.........
Keywords: husband's role,psychological support,pregnant wife.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Knowledge And Attitude Of Saudi Students Regarding Menstruation |
Country | : | Saudi Ariba |
Authors | : | Mansour F || Mubarak M |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0704030915 ![]() |
Abstract: Understanding about facts regarding menstruation is definitely one of the most essential ones for girls.The aimof the study was undertaken to assess the kowledege and attittude of saudi femal students regarding menstruation in Hafer Al- Batin University. Subjects and Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was adopted. The study was conducted on three colleges (Applied Medical Science College, Sciences, and Literature) in Hafer Al-Baten university. Sample was consisted of 360 female students. Tools of data collection: Questionnaire consisted of three parts, first part involved demographic data, second part included knowledge and third part was consisted of many questions to assess the attitudes of female undergraduates' students towards menstrual cycle.
Keywords: Menstruation, Saudi students, attitude, knowledge.
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Abstract: A pre experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding child abuse among primary school teachers in selected primary schools at Udaipur, Rajasthan. The sample consisting of 120 primary school teachers was selected by using purposive sampling technique. The tool comprised of structured self-administered questionnaire. The pretest was conducted and the information booklet was administered. The post test was conducted after one week. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean score of post-test knowledge 27.02 (90.06%) was apparently higher than the mean score of pre-test knowledge 14.35 (47.35%), suggesting that the information booklet was effective in increasing the knowledge of the primary school teachers regarding child abuse. The mean difference 12.67 between pre-test and post-test knowledge score of the primary school teachers was found to be significant...
Keywords: child abuse, evaluation, effectiveness, information booklet, primary school teachers, pre experimental study, purposive sampling technique, self-administered questionnaire.
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Abstract: Understanding patients' expectations is crucial towards improving patients' use of social health care services. This study assessed patients' satisfaction with nurse-midwife led care in selected government owned Primary-Health-and-Maternity-Care-Centres (PHMCCs) in south-east Nigeria. A cross-sectional descriptive design was used. 232 female patients who obtained services from selected PHMCCs between August 2017 and June 2018 were studied. Multistage sampling method was used in recruiting participants for the study. Data was collected using a 5 point scale adapted Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ-18). Collated data was subjected to descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation). Fisher exact test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for test of hypothesis. Results revealed that the participants were satisfied with nurse-midwife led services.......
Keywords: Satisfaction, Primary, Health, Nurse, Midwife..
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Abstract: Background: Nipple pain is a common problem among breastfeeding women. This study aimed to evaluate theeffect of breast milk on nipple pain amongearlypuerperal lactatingwomen. Anon-randomized control trial design was conducted at Abu El-Saud Center for obstetrics and Gynecology in Aga City at Dakahlia Governorate over a period of six months started from the beginning of July (2017) to the end of December (2017). A purposive sampling technique was used to select the study subjects{N=92}.The study subjectsweredivided into two equal groups each group involved 46 lactating women.The control group followed the routine care while the intervention......
Keywords: Nipple, Pain, Breast milk, Breastfeeding, Puerperal period
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Abstract: Background: Feedback on students' performance in clinical settings is a fundamental component in students' development, which if carried out effectively helps to improve their knowledge, skills and behavior. Objective: the aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of program about students' performance assessment feedback on knowledge and practices of nursing demonstrators. Setting: study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing, in all departments and clinical training areas of these departments except medical- surgical nursing department.Subject: all (55) nursing demonstrators working with students of third and fourth academic year at Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University. Also, 409 nursing students from third and fourth academic years.Tool: Three tools were used. Tool (1) students' need assessment regarding students' performance assessment feedback.Tool (2) knowledge test......
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Abstract: Following the diagnosis of breast cancer and after a mastectomy, many women experience serious psychological reactions. These reactions can adversely affect their treatment outcomes and cancer prognosis. This study is aimed at exploring psychological reactions of women with mastectomies at both stages of cancer diagnosis and mastectomy surgery. This qualitative study was applied to a sample of seventeen women with breast cancer diagnosis and after bilateral mastectomy surgery who received chemotherapy or/and radiotherapy at the Radiation Oncology & Nuclear Medicine Center which is affiliated with the Ain Shams University Hospitals. Results of this study revealed that there are seven psychological reactions among subjects: 1. denial reactions after identification of having breast cancer and mastectomy surgery, 2. fear of unknown, cancer recurrence.......
Keywords: breast cancer, mastectomy, psychological reactions.
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Abstract: The experience of anxiety feelings about health condition has an omnipresent influence on life domains of younger and older adults, and takes place if various stressors (chronic disease dilemma, functional limitations, and physical disabilities) can exaggerate the disorder. Severe health anxiety result from acute cardiac episodes has significant negative impacts on well-being, social & occupational functioning and health care resources utilization. Investigating health anxiety in clinical medical practice populations with varied age categories and within gender differences provides an opportunity to understand how these sorts of difficulties may arise and be maintained as a result of health-related experiences. The aims of the study were to (1) identify age and gender - related differences in health anxiety and anxiety-control levels among patients with acute cardiac syndrome; (2) determine the........
Keywords: younger and older adults, health anxiety, anxiety control, acute cardiac syndromes
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Abstract: Background: Household poisoning refers to the exposure to poisonous substances that can be products in the house. Poisoning is one of the leading causes of injury to children. Most poisonings happen in a child's home, especially with a child under six years old. Young children are particularly susceptible to the ingestion of poisons, especially liquids, because they are very inquisitive, put most items in their mouths and are unaware of consequences. Children are often poisoned by common household chemicals, cleaners and medicines. The aim: this study aimed to explore the effect of a guiding program on mothers' health awareness regarding household poisoning of their children less than six years old. Design: A quasi-experimental study was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted in Maternal and Child Health Center in Moshtohour village, Qualyupia governorate and the Outpatient Clinic of Children' Hospital affiliated to........
Keywords : Mothers, Health, Awareness, Children, Household, Poisoning, Prevention, First aid, Nursing
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