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Abstract: The present study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding emergency management of eclampsia among staff nurses before planned teaching. To evaluate the knowledge regarding emergency management of eclampsia among staff nurses after planned teaching. To find out the association between the pre test level of knowledge of the staff nurses regarding emergency management of eclampsia with their selected demographic variables. The research design selected for the present study was one group pretest post test design. A total of 30 staff nurses, who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the following study by using non probability convenient sampling method. The data collected using Pre test and post test with structured knowledge questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findings reveal that in pre test, 33.33 % of staff nurses were having poor knowledge, 66.67 % average knowledge. In post test,.........
Keywords: Planned teaching, t-Test, p-value, Knowledge, Staff nurses and effectiveness.
[1]. Komathi V. Effectiveness of Guided Imagery on Level of Blood Pressure among PIH Mothers in Selected Hospital at Trichy. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management. 2015;3(3):245.
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Abstract: Medical waste management is of great importance due to its infectious and hazardous nature that can cause undesirable effects on humans and the environment. Aims of the study: The study conducted to assess knowledge, Attitude and practices of housekeepers in most infectious department about safe health care waste management. Subjects and methods:descriptive study. The total number of housekeepers was 159 housekeepers who conducting in the following departments General and special surgical departments, Private departments, Separation waste rooms and Incineration were included in the study. Study tools: It include three different tools .It include knowledge, an observation........
[1]. Asha P Tukaram Z & Satish V, (2016): "Effectiveness of Educational Intervention on Practice among Biomedical Waste Handlers"International Journal of science and ResearchVol. 3 Issue 8,: pp.1885 to1891.
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[3]. El-Sayed SH, Zakaria AM, Gheith NA,(2012):Intervention Program for Nurses about Health Care Waste Management.Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Vol.7:pp:25–37.
[4]. Gamal N,(2011): Assessment of knowledge and practices of housekeepers regarding safe handling of hospital waste at Assiut University Hospital.Master thesis Faculty of Nursing.
[5]. Fayaz SH, Higuchi M, Hirosawa T, Sarker M, Djabbarova Z, Hamajima N,( 2014):Knowledge and practice of universal precautions among health care workers in four national hospitals in Kabul, Afghanistan. J Infect Dev Ctries Vol.15;8.NO(4):PP.535-42..
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Abstract: A Quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention and immediate management of road traffic accidents among school children in selected senior secondary schools of Udaipur, Rajasthan.The sample consisting of 180 school students was selected by using simple random technique. The tool comprised of structured self-administered questionnaire. The pretest was conducted and the planned teaching programme was administered. The post test was conducted after one week. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean score of post-test knowledge 32.03(88.97%) was apparently higher than the mean score of pre-test knowledge 19.6(54.53%), suggesting that the planned teaching progrmme was effective in increasing the knowledge of the school students regarding prevention and immediate management of road traffic accidents. The mean difference is 12.43between pre-test and post-test knowledge score of the school students was found to be significant...
Keywords: effectiveness, planned teaching progrmme, school students, road traffic accidents, one group pre – test post – test, Quasi experimental study
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Abstract: A quasi experimental One group pre-test post-test study to evaluate the effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding intradialytic stretching exercises among hemodialysis patients in selected hospitals Udaipur, Rajasthan by using purposive sampling technique method. The tool comprised of by using structured knowledge questionnaire. The pretest was conducted and the Self Instructional Module was administered. The post-test was conducted after one week .The data obtained were analyzed by using differential and inferential statistics. the mean post-test knowledge score is 26.03 (81.34 Percent) is greater than the mean pre-test knowledge scores 13.03 (40.71 Percent). The enhancement in the knowledge level of respondents is 13 indicates gain in knowledge by respondents..
Keywords: One group pre-test post-test pre experimental study, Intradialytic stretching exercises, hemodialysis patients.
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Abstract: A true experimental study to assess effectiveness of music therapy in labour pain reduction among primigravida mothers in first stage of labour in selected hospitals at Udaipur, Rajasthan.The sample consisting of 60 primigravida mothers30 experimental and 30 control group who are in first stage of labour was selected by using simple random sampling technique. The tool comprised of visual analogues scale. In this study the level pain perception in primigravida mothers during the first stage of labour after receiving music therapy have been assessed. The study was a true experimental research approach with the post-test control group design. The mean score of post-test in experimental group 7.23 (24.01%) was apparently lower than the mean score of post-test in control group 9.7......
Key words:Assess, effectiveness, music therapy, labour, primigravidamother, post- test
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Abstract: Developmental care involves adjusting the neonatal intensive care unit to reduce stress and improve optimal brain and behavioral development of the preterm neonate. The aim of developmental care is to support each neonate to be as stable, well organized and competent as possible by responding to the neonate's cues andmanagement them carefully. Objective:evaluatetheeffect of preterm neonates' developmental supportive care program on nurses' performance.Setting: This study was conducted at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Maternity University Hospital at El-Shatby in Alexandria. Subjects:All nurses who were responsible for providing care for preterm neonates (50 nurses).Tool: one tool was used to collect necessary data namely; Nurses' Performance of the Developmental......
Keywords: DevelopmentSupportive CarePreterm NeonatesNurses' Performance.
[1]. Pereira FL, Nogueira de GóesFdos S, Fonseca LM, Scochi CG, Castral TC, Leite AM. Handling of preterm infants in a neonatal intensive care unit. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2013; 47(6):1272-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Home Care Program for Mothers Having Children with Burn Injury |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Mervat Amin || Huwida Hamdy Abd Elmnem |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0704054657 ![]() |
Abstract: Burn injuries constitute a major public health problem, especially in low- and middle-income countries especially among children due to home accidents. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of home care program for mothers having children with burn injury. Design: A quasi experimental design was used in this study. Setting: This study was conducted in the outpatient clinic in El Fayoum teaching hospital affiliated to El Fayoum University. Sample: A simple random sample was used to conduct this study. The total number of study sample of mothers was 60 mothers who having primary school children with burn injuries. Tool: Two tools were used in this study........
Keywords: Burn Injury, Home Care Program
[1]. Battle C.E., Vanessa E, Karen J, Katherine G, Whitley j., and Adrian P.E., (2016): Epidemiology of burns and scalds in children presenting to the emergency department of a regional burns unit: a 7-year retrospective study. Burns & Trauma20164:19
[2]. Borse NN, Gilchrist J, Dellinger AM, Rudd RA, Ballesteros MF, Sleet DA.(2018): CDC Childhood Injury Report: Patterns of Unintentional Injuries among 0 -19 Year Olds in the United States, 2010-2016. Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control; 2018.
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Abstract: Cairo University was on the top to attract international students from all the Middle East and Africa. Aim of the study was to explore challenges and culture shock symptoms among international nursing students at Cairo University. Descriptive exploratory design was utilized. Tools for data collection were divided into 3 main Parts: Demographic characteristics; challenges faced by international nursing students and demonstrated into 5 sections; and culture shock symptoms assessment Sheet. Results showed that homesickness followed by missing own culture were the most common symptoms faced by the subjects. Facing challenges with academic achievement was the higher percentage faced by the student followed by difficulties to communicate with patients in the clinical practice, to learn new.......
[1]. Thao, L. And Quỳnh, L. (2011). Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Identity: A Global Perspective. New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
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[4]. International student Bureau ISB (2016). About the international students Bureau. Available at: [
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Abstract: Setting priority of nursing care is important because outcomes from hospitals have significant implications for health care costs and outcomes in the health system as a whole. Accordingly, the internship period is an opportunity for student nurse interns to apply theoretical knowledge to the clinical setting, enhancing interpersonal skill, and observing clinical area to be a competent one. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of educational workshop on nurse interns perception and skills toward setting priority of nursing care and identify the time waster affecting application of setting priority at Zagazig University Hospital. Design: Quasi-experimental design........
Keywords : Education workshop, setting priority, nurse interns, time wasters, nursing care
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Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chief reason of morbidity, mortality, and resource utilize worldwide. Clinical Pathways (CPs) encourage the implementation of evidence based practice, improve clinical processes by reducing risk and variation in health service delivery and reduce duplication by using a standardized approach to clinical management. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of clinical pathway implementation on outcomes of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients and Methods: A quasi experimental research design was utilized. 60 adult patients with COPD of both sexes were included; they were sequentially recruited equally into 2 groups (control and study groups 30 for each). A study was performed in the Chest Department at Assiut University Hospitals. Two tools were utilized for data collection: COPD assessment.......
Key words: Clinical Pathway (CP), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) & Hospital Stay
[1]. Mayo Clinic Staff, (2016): COPD, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER), http://www.mayo (Accessed 15-2-2017).
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[3]. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), (2017): Pocket Guide to COPD Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, 2017 ed., Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Inc.,, p: 1 - 3 (Accessed 17-2-2017).
[4]. Monahan F., Neighbors M. and Green C., (2011): Swearingen's Manual of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Care Planning Resources, 7th ed., Mosby Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc., ch: (2), p: 86 - 87.
[5]. O'Donnell D., Hernandez P., Kaplan A., Aaron S., Bourbeau J., Marciniuk D., Blater M., Ford G., Gervais A., Lacasse Y., Maltais F., Road J., Rocker G., Sin D., Sinuff T., and Voduc N., (2008): Canadian Thoracic Society Recommendations for Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Highlights for Primary Care, Pulsus Group Inc., can Respir J, Vol. (15), p: 2A, COPD_gls.pdf (Accessed 22-10-2014)...
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Abstract: The study was conducted to assess the level of addiction and attitude towards mobile phone use among students of a selected college – Chennai. The overall aim of the study is to find out the various aspects of mobile phone addiction, and the level of mobile phone addiction and attitude towards mobile phone use among the students in a selected college. The objectives of the study were to assess the level of mobile phone addiction among college students, to assess the attitude of college students towards mobile phones, to assess the correlation between the level of addiction and attitude towards mobile phone use among the college students, to associate the level of addiction of college students to mobile phone use with the demographic variables and to associate the attitude of college students towards mobile phone use with demographic variables. The conceptual framework was developed based........
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