Version-8 (July-August 2018)
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Abstract: Background: Foodborne diseases pose a significant public health burdenworldwide.Food handlers play prominent roles in the transmission of foodborne diseases because of their poor knowledge about safe food handling Aim: Was to assess the effect of training program among hospitals food handlers regarding food borne diseases.Design: A quasi-experimental study design. Setting: The study was carried out in two hospital kitchens of Ain Shams University hospital and El-ShiekhZayedAlnahian hospital, Egypt.Sample: Convenient sample of 40 food handlers working in the above mentioned settings.Tools:Two tools were used to collect data include the first: An interview questionnaire sheet involved four parts socio-demographic characteristics, medical history, assessment.........
Keywords: Training program, food handlers, food borne diseases
[1]. Abdul Aziz S A and Dahan H M.(2013): Food handlers attitude toward safe food handling in School Canteens, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 105 ( 2013 ) 220 – 228.
[2]. Andy E, Mangai JM, Kayong EA, Afoi BB, Goshit JD, NamanKasang, Innocent O. (2015): Assessment of Practice of Food Safety and Hygiene among Food Vendors within Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria. Volume: 1, Issue: 2, 83-86 . Available at: ISSN: 2454-9142.
[3]. AngelilloIF, Viggiani NMA, Greco RM, and Rito D. (2011): HACCP and food hygiene in hospital: knowledge, attitudes, and practices of food-services staff in Calabria, Italy. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol;22:000-000, Vol. 22 No. 6.
[4]. Boro P, Soyam V C, An T, and Kishore J. (2015): Physical environment and hygiene status at food service establishments in a tertiary care medical college campus in Delhi: A cross-sectional study, Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | Jul-Aug 2015 | Vol 6 | Issue 4.
[5]. Buccheri C , Casuccio A, Giammanco S, Giammanco M , La Guardia M and Mammina C. (2007):Food safety in hospital: knowledge, attitudes and practices of nursing staff of two hospitals in Sicily, Italy. BMC Health Services Research 2007, 7:45
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | What is the Silver Dressing? |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Soheir Tawfeek Ahamed |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0704081214 ![]() |
Abstract: Silver and its compounds have long been used for the disinfection of medical devices and water purification. In medicine increasing evidence indicates that topical ionized silver is effective for managing increased superficial bacterial burden in wounds to promote and stimulate healing of chronic ulcers. The use of silver dressings in wound care has recently been faced with considerable challenges Which emphasizes the search for clinical effectiveness of the use of bandages silver needs a lot of scientific research to reveal the rest of his secrets and these are some suggestions for a number of health team for future research studies.
[1]. David Leaper ;(2012):Appropriste use ofsilver dressing in wound. Wounds InternationalEnterprise House. London.
[2]. Rhonda C.,(2010): Can Silver be effective in removing biofilm? Podiatry Today. Volume 23 - Issue 8 - August 2010
[3]. Michael woodward; (2005): Silver dressings in wound healing:what is the evidence? Primary Intention 2005; 13(4): 153-160.
[4]. Lipsky, BA, Hoey, C. Topical antimicrobial therapy for treating chronic wounds. Clin Infect Dis 2009; 49(10):1541-9
[5]. Sibbald RG, Contreras-Ruiz J, Coutts P, Fierheller M, Rothman A, Woo, K. Bacteriology, inflammation, and healing: a study of nanocrystalline silver dressings in chronic venous leg ulcers. Advances Skin Wound Care 2007; 20(10):549-557.
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Abstract: Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common psychiatric disorder of childhood that can profoundly affect the academic achievement, well-being, and social interactions of children. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying a psycho educational intervention for children having Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and their parents. A quasi-experimental research design [pretest -posttest] was conducted at the Psychiatric out patient's clinic at El Ahrar Hospital at Zagazig City. The instruments used for data collection were socio-demographic and clinical data sheet, Conner's rating scale for parents, parents' knowledge about ADHD, and parental care givers positive and negative attitudes toward ADHD child, in addition to parents..............
Keywords: ADHD; Psycho-educational Intervention; Knowledge; practice; attitude.
[1]. Fladhammer, A. B., Lyde, A. R., Meyers, A. B., Clark, J. K., and Landau, S. (2016): Health Promotion for Children and Adolescents. Health Concerns Regarding Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Attention-Defi cit/Hyperactivity Disorder. (eBook). Springer Science+Business Media LLC; New York . Ch (8): 145-165. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-7711-3.
[2]. Al Bahnasy, R. A., Abdel-Rasoul, G. M., Mohamed, O. A., Mohamed, N. R., and Ibrahem, R. A. (2014): Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and obsessive–compulsive disorders among secondary school students in Menoufia Governorate, Egypt. Menoufia Med J. 26:44-8. Available from:
[3]. American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], (2011): ADHD: Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents.. Available at:
[4]. American Psychiatric Association, [APA]. (2013): Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th, ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
[5]. Mick E., and Faraone S.V. (2008): Genetics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am;17: 261-284.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Public-Private Partnership in Health Sector - Opportunities for better Health Care delivery |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Ranganadhan |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0704082533 ![]() |
Abstract: Health is an index of development and economic growth. A lot of attention is in place to improve health conditions by providing basic amenities through better infrastructure and medical professionals. Public health facilities continue to face staff shortage as over 85 per cent specialist doctors, 75 per cent doctors, 80 per cent laboratory technicians, 53 per cent nursing and 52 per cent ANM (auxiliary nurse midwife) short across States. The density of health professionals is also, more in urban areas compared rural areas. India is ranking 52nd out of 57 countries facing human resources in health crisis. With growing population striking a balance is a herculean task making a.......
Keywords: PPP models, Health services, Health care-delivery, EHR, CSR
[1]. Rangandhan S. Health services in rural India – Role of CSR in better Delivery. IJAR. 2015.Vol. 5(9): 206-208.
[2]. Budget 2018: Insufficient allocation for the Health sector- Business Today. 19th Feb. 2018.
[4]. The future we want. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 27 July 2012. A/RES/66/288. United Nations General Assembly, Sixty-sixth session, agenda item 19
[5]. Mainstreaming the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Reference guide to UN Country Teams. February 2016. New York (NY): United Nations Development Group;2015 (
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Abstract: A pre experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) among staff nurses in selected hospitals of Udaipur City, Rajasthan. The sample consisting of 120 staff nurses was selected by using convenient sampling technique. The tool comprised of structured self-administered questionnaire. The pretest was conducted and the structure teaching programme was administered. The post test was conducted after one week. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean score of post-test knowledge 24.55 (81.83.%) was apparently higher than the mean score of pre-test knowledge 10.71 (35.7%), suggesting that the structure teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge of the staff nurses regarding Nerve Conduction Study (NCS). The mean difference 13.84 between pre-test and post-test knowledge score of the staff nurses was found to be significant..
Key words: effectiveness, structure teaching programme, staff nurses, nerve conduction study, one group pre – test post – test, per experimental study
[1]. Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessel TM, eds. (2000). "Ch. 2: Nerve cells and behavior". Principles of Neural Science. McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 978-0-8385-7701-1. Available from.
[2]. Poinier C. anne MD, colin chalk MD neurology . health wise ; 2015 [2015 march 12. Available from
[3]. Alana bigger (MD, MPH, FACP) : Elizabeth conner. 2017. Nerve conduct velocity ; 2017 January 17 ; Available From
[4]. /health / nerve conduct velocity.
[5]. KF graivy & TP prema. Essentials of neurological & neurosurgical nursing. 2nd ed. New delhi: Jaypee brothers. 2013. page no 54...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Educational Program on Post-Operative Health Outcomes of Lung Cancer Patients |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | HalaAbd El-Salam.Sheta |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0704084051 ![]() |
Abstract: Lung cancer is the deadliest type of cancer for both men and women. Each year, more people die of lung cancer than of breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined. Lung cancer is more common in older adults. It is rare in people under age 45. Clinical nurse specialists play a vital role in delivering a high-quality care to patients from diagnosis, through to and beyond treatment. The aim of this study: To evaluate effect of educational program on post-operative health outcomes of lung cancer patients. Subjects and Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was conducted at department of cardiothoracic surgery, Nasser Institute. The study included (90) patients, who divided into (45 study & 45 control groups). Tools of the current study involved two main tools were used; Socio-demographic characteristics, patients' health relevant data, and Post-operative patients' health outcomes sheet (diagnostic.......
Keywords:Lung cancer patients, Health Educational Program, Post-operative health outcomes
[1]. Alencar G, Jarrett M,Damiani L., etal.Social support is a predictor of lower stress and higher quality of life and resilience in Brazilian patients with lung cancer. Cancer nursing, 2017; 40(5), 350-360.
[2]. Ali A, Sheble M, El- Shafiey E, et al.,Impact of an Instructional Scheme for Patients Undergoing Lung Surgery on Their Performance and Health Outcomes, Unpublished Thesis for Doctoral Degree in Nursing Science, Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Egypt; 2016; pp. 40-45.
[3]. American Cancer Society, Cancer facts and figures. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society, 2015; P. 22.
[4]. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Cancer in Australia: an overview, AIHW, Canberra, 2014; PP. 50-75.
[5]. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), Australian Cancer Incidence and Mortality (ACIM) books: Lung cancer, AIHW, Canberra, 2016;PP.8-10...
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Abstract: Geriatric Patients with colostomy experience many physical, psychological and social challenges that affect on their level of self esteem and are usually not prepared for these new challenges. Helping geriatric patient to perform stoma care independently reduce anxiety and depression level and also enhance their self esteem level.Aim:Determine the effect of nursing stoma care training on geriatric patients' self esteem and psychological status.Design: A Quasi-Experimental design was used in this study.Setting:The study was carried out at surgical wards and in colorectal and anal unit in Mansoura university hospital .The follow up of the study subjects was carried in..........
Keywords: Colostomy, Geriatric Patients, Psychological status, Self esteem, Stoma Care
[1]. Abd Elhameed SH (2010): Caregivers training and health status outcomes in cerebral stroke elder patients. Published Doctoral Thesis. Faculty of Nursing. Alexandria University.
[2]. Abou-Zeid A., Jumuah A .,Ebied F.,Abd El Samee S. , El Ghamrini Y. and Somaie A. (2017): Hereditary factors ae unlikely behind unusual pattern of early-onset colorectal cancer in Egyptians:A study of family history and pathology features in Egyptians with large bowel cancer (cross-sectional study).International Journal of Surgery ; 44:71-75.
[3]. Anaraki F., Vafaie M., Behboo R., Maghsoodi N., Esmaeilpour S. and Safaee A. (2012): Quality of life outcomes in patients living with stoma. Indian J Palliat Care;18(3):176-180.
[4]. Bare K., Drain J., Timko-Progar M., Stallings B., Smith K., Ward N. and Wright S. (2017): Implementation of an evidence-based and content validated standardized ostomy algorithm tool in home care: a quality improvement project. Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing;44(3):262-266.
[5]. Bhzeh N., Teleb S., Mahmoud M. and Soliman A. (2013): Colostomy: Developing Nursing Care Standards for Patient with Colostomy. Medical journal of cairo university ; 81 (2) : 57-64..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Violence on Female Sexual Function among Married Women |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Eman Mohammed Eraky |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0704086371 ![]() |
Abstract: violence especially from intimate one have significant mental, physical, sexual, and social consequences. This violence may influence the sexual life in their families, especially women's sexual function.The aim of this descriptive comparative quasi-experimental study was to describe the impact of violence on female sexual function among married women. A total of100 married and sexually active violated and non-violated women who attended gynecological outpatient clinic at El-Manial University Hospital in Cairo, Egyptwere recruited for this study. The required data was collected through A semi-structured Interview Questionnaire (was developed by the researcher.......
Keywords: violence, Intimate partner violence, female sexual function
[1]. Kargar, J. M., Jamali, S., Rahmanian, K. A., &Javadpour,S.h. (2016).Prevalence and risk factors of domestic violence against women by their husbands in Iran.Global Journal of Health Science.8(2):175–83
[2]. Garcia-Moreno, C., Jansen, H.A., Ellsberg, M., Heise, L., &Watts, C.H. (2006). Prevalence of intimate partner violence: findings from the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence. Lancet journal. 7; 368(9543):1260-9.
[3]. World Health Organization (Who), (2013).Global and regional estimates of violence against women: prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence. Available at:
[4]. Vladimir O., Jina S. (2016). Men and gender equality in Armenia: Report on sociological survey findings," UNFPA, Yerevan. Available at: http:// Men-and-gender-equality-in-armenia-report-on-sociologicalsurvey-findings.html
[5]. Flynn, K. E., Lin, L., Bruner, D. W., Cyranowski, J. M., Hahn, E. A., Jeffery, D. D. andWeinfurt, K. P. (2016). Sexual Satisfaction and the Importance of Sexual Health to Quality of Life throughout the Life Course of U.S. Adults. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13(11), 1642-1650..
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Abstract: Infertility is one of the health problems that may be faced married couple. In Saudi Arabia , infertility traditionally has been viewed as a female problem. Several authors have suggested an important pathogenic role for psychosocial factors in 'functional' infertility, the extent to which depression, anxiety and expressed emotional patterns correlate to infertility is not yet clear. No study has been published in Hafer Albatin to look at psychosocial impact of infertility on the infertile couples. The aims of the present study were to explore Psychosocial impact of infertility on female partner in couples with infertility problem. A descriptive design was used for the conduction of this study........
[1]. Greil AL, Blevins KS, McQuillan J. The experience of infertility: A review of recent literature. Sociol Health Illn.2010;32:140–162.
[2]. Vayena E, Rowe PJ, Griffin PD. World Health Organization; Current Practices and Controversies in Assisted Reproduction.
[3]. Vahidi S, Ardalan A, Mohammad K. Prevalence of primary infertility in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2004-2005. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2009;21:287–293.
[4]. Hammerli K, Hansjorg Z, Barth J. The efficacy of psychological interventions for infertile patients: A meta-analysis examining mental health and pregnancy rate. Hum Reprod Update. 2009;15:279–295. [PubMed]
[5]. Dyer SJ. Psychological and social aspects of infertility in developing countries. Int J Gynaecol Obstet.2009;107 (Suppl.):S25–S26.
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Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is in the 6th rank of death causes globally. Patients with diabetes mellitus increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Half of new cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus occur in the age group of 55 years or more and most die before they are 70 years old.Its prevalence in Indonesia increases from 1.1% in 2007 to be 2.1% in 2013. It is 2.3% in North Sumatera Province and Medan has the second highest rate of Diabetes Mellitus prevalence with 2.7%. This study aims to discover the correlation between history of giving birth to a macrosomic baby with type 2 diabetes mellitus incidence in elderly women in Padang Bulan Health Facility working area, Medan Baru Sub-District, 2017.This is an observational analytical research which used case control design. The study population was.......
Keywords :Type 2 diabetes mellitus, History of giving birth, Macrosomia,Elderly women
[1] American Diabetes Association, Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, 2014, Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2017.
[2] American Diabetes Association, Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes,The Journal of Clinical and Applied Research and Education, 39 (Suppl 1), 2016, Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2017.
[3] Brudenell, M., Doddridge, M. C., Diabetes pada Kehamilan, Wulandari(Ed)(Jakarta: EGC, Cetakan 1, 1994).
[4] Chan, J. C.N., Malik, V., Jia, W., Kadowaki, T., Chittaranjan, S., Yajnik, Yoon, K. H., Hu, F. B, Diabetes in Asia: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Pathophysiology, ADA, 2009. Diakses pada tanggal 08 September 2017.
[5] Depkes RI, Gambaran Kesehatan Lanjut Usia di Indonesia, Buletin Jendela Data & Informasi Kesehatan, Semester I, 2013..
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Abstract: Background Lean thinking and management are continuous improvement management plan that design the work flow to produce improvements in safety, quality and productivity. Aim: to develop an instrument to measure penetration of lean thinking for frontline nursing staff. Methods: A methodological mixedresearch design was utilized in all hospitals that are affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Population at El-Beheira Governorate (n= 21). Subjects: Jury group (n=55), divided into two groups: academic experts (n=10) and clinical/professional experts (n=45).Tools: tool one: Frontline Lean Thinking(FLT) Instrumentand tool two: opinnionaire sheet and a demographic data sheet for study subjects. The tool development was executed based on five steps: (1) Content domain specification; (2) Item pool generation; (3) Face & content validity evaluation; (4) Reliability assessment.......
Keywords :Instrument development, Lean thinking, Frontline nursing staff.
[1]. Hasle P, Nielsen A, Edwards K. Application of Lean Manufacturing in Hospitals-the Need to Consider Maturity, Complexity, and the Value Concept. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing. 2016; 26(4): 430-42.
[2]. Radnor Z, Holweg M, Waring J. Lean in health care: The unfilled promise? Social Science & amp Medicine. 2012; 74: 364–71. Available at: Retrieved on: 30/4/2017.
[3]. Costa L, Godinho-Filho M. Lean health care: review, classification and analysis of literature. Production Planning & Control. 2016; 27(10): 823-36.
[4]. Sloan T, Fitzgerald A, Hayes K, Radnor Z, Sohal S. Lean in health care–history and recent developments. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 2014; 28(2): 102-20.
[5]. D‟Andreamatteo A, Ianni L, Lega F, Sargiacomo M. Lean in health care: a comprehensive review. Health policy. 2015; 119(9): 1197-209..